A Perfect Utopia?

By XxTheDarkAngelxX

6.8K 206 164

Which part of you childhood had been real, and which part implanted? What if all that had just happened was a... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Epilogue:The Boss

Chapter 7

209 9 4
By XxTheDarkAngelxX

I'm sorry to those who are reading my other story, because I know that this one is coming up a lot faster than that one. It just might be because it's easier for me to write in 3rd person as opposed to first person. Oh, and I changed the little blurb on the side. Please read it and tell me what you think. Again, I'm pretty sure that Mr. and Mrs.Jetson don't come up in this chapter, but I know that they come up in the next.

Thanks for reading this!

Chapter 7:

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE’S ‘GONE’?” The Boss screamed at Lab Assistants, who were doing their best to appear as though they were not frightened. It was not working. A vein was popping out of The Boss’ forehead, which was, coincidentally, bright red. No one was particularly surprised that he was having this kind of reaction. Of course, The Boss was more worried that they would not be able to re-capture Domini Jetson. He knew, and Lab Assistant 217 knew, but nobody else did. He had not even had time to share his theory with the elders who he was in contact with. They would not be very happy to hear his theory, but chances were that they’d already thought of it.

He did not want to think about what would happen if nobody had thought about this before him.

All he truly knew, though, was that Domini Jetson was somehow very, very important to the S.U. I. D. E. R. S. And right now, that reason was unknown. He would find it out though; no secret would stay a secret for long.

Sighing, he ran a hand through his thick, brown hair before attempting to speak again. This time, his voice was a little calmer, though you could tell that he was still very mad. All the lab assistant found it easier to breath when his facial expression softened up slightly. Not very much, but enough for those around him to realize that he was not as mad as he had been before. “Alright. I’m going to take this one step at a time. Who was the last person with Domini Jetson? All I need to do is to ask you a few questions to see if there’s any way she knew what was coming. The last few minutes you had with her are vital; they will help us see how she is thinking.”

Nobody stepped forth, and the Boss let out a breath between clenched teeth. To the employees, it seemed as though he looked like a bull- one that was getting angrier and angrier by the second. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, somebody stepped forth and cut him off. “The new lab assistant was the last one sent down to speak to her, and I do not seem him here with us. I don’t know how he could have been excused from this briefing…” At the end of her sentence, the Lab Assistant’s tone had turned speculative. It was true; nobody was ever excused from briefing, unless some higher authority had wanted to speak to them. That had never happened before and probably never would.

“Thank you, Lab Assistant. I believe I know of whom you are talking about. This would be the young man, probably in his late teens, with dark hair that was taking notes on Domini Jetson as she slept, correct?” Everyone in the audience nodded. “Well, then. You are all dismissed. If any of you see this man, please let me or one of your superiors know immediately. Understood? Good!” He said, without giving them a chance to respond and walked off of the stage.

He finally had some time to look at the files that Lab Assistant 217, Vasperilia as she preferred to be called, had shoved through his door some time ago. He was such a busy man. Sometimes he wished that he had more time to be with his family and friend. Of course, they would have to be free as well. The chances of that happening were fairly close to impossible.

Lab Assistant 217 was pacing back and forth in her section of the lab. She was the section leader, so a few liberties were allowed. Currently, she had only two things on her mind. One was: how did they break into our lab so cleanly, without leaving a single trace of evidence? And, where was Domini Jetson and why did she seem to be in the center of this mess? Neither of those questions was going to be answered easily, but one could be easier than the other. She focused on that one first.

After thinking about it for a moment, she realized that they would have had to have been part of the delivery system, as the day of the break-in was the day of the shipments. But it was more complex than that. The shipment day changed weekly; it was never the same for two weeks in a row. That meant that somebody from the S. U. I. D. E. R. S. would have to be a part of the labs. The only question left was who?

Who would betray everything that they have grown up with, even though it might not necessarily be the right way? And why would they do it? That person would have to hold a pretty big grudge against the modern world to do this. Right?

Lab Assistant 217 drew in a sharp breath and expelled it slowly, blowing her honey colored bangs away from her face for a second. She knew that if she focused on this for too much longer she would forget about the assignments that she was required to do. Grabbing a ballpoint pen from a drawer in her desk she quickly scrawled notes on what she had thought of down; this was not something that she could afford to forget.

On another notepad that lay in the corner of her desk she saw the notes that she had written down during the conversation with the Boss. It was an interesting jumble of things that took her a moment to decipher. Once that moment was up, she knew that she had to call Mr. and Mrs. Jetson and that they were wanted for questioning. As of now, they did not know anything about the situation with Domini, and it was supposed to stay that way.

Domini shot upright, thoroughly shaken from her dream, or, more accurately, nightmare. Domini had thought that she would be used to them by now and she had been extremely wrong. Apparently nightmares were not something that you got used to.

There was a girl on the wall in the corner. Her blonde hair was matted and dirty, and the girl looked skinny. Too skinny, she looked as though she had starved. Her deep brown eyes were wide and frightened, and pitch black half circle looped around the bottom of them. The clothes she was wearing used to be expensive and nice, but they had been worn down by continuous wear.

It took Domini a few minutes to figure out that the girl on the wall was her being reflected off of a mirror. Domini had not seen herself for so long; it was actually kind of unnerving to see herself the way she was now. For a long time, Domini had adored mirrors. Now, all she wanted to do was run and hide. Because at moment, Domini looked hideous.

A door to the left of her that she had not noticed earlier but was actually quite easy to see opened up, and Domini shot up as fast as she possibly could.  The lady who was stepping through the door froze for a moment, watching Domini’s reactions; as if she were trying to make sure that Domini did not fear her. Domini offered her a tentative smile; she remembered what happened.  These people had taken her out of the labs, but whether it was for better or for worse Domini did not know, only that it had happened and she would have to deal with it as best she could.

“Are you alright?” The woman’s voice was soft and melodic. It was just music to Domini’s ears; music that she had not heard in such a very long time.

Something did not seem right about the woman. It was almost as if she were too kind, too caring, like she was trying to earn Domini’s trust. Maybe it was just the fact that people did not generally show affection to one another where Domini came from, but this woman seemed to be too nice- especially to someone that she did not know.

Because, of course, Domini had never seen this woman in her entire life, right?

If she had met someone like this, Domini would have to remember her, right?

Of course, it’s not like she actually could count on her memory for anything. She had lived in a government controlled area for so long, who knew what was real and what was not? One thing was for sure; Domini could not trust anyone, not even herself and her memories. The government could hide things and implant things in your head. She might never have left the labs at all....

Which part of Domini’s childhood had been real, and which part implanted?

What if all that had just happened was a test, and Domini was failing miserably at it?

What if her whole life had just been an experiment?

What if Domini herself was nothing but an experiment?


I think my favorite part of this story so far has been the questions at the end of this chapter.... They're also the questions that I used in the little blurb thing.

Remember to comment, vote and fan if you like it! I enjoy hearing back from you guys *wink* *wink* *nudge* nudge*

Anways.... I guess I'll shut up now :D

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