Green Lantern's Child

By Shadowedmoon13

191K 6.3K 911

Hal Jordan was a fun loving, easy going guy, fighting the bad guys to protect earth and fitting in with his n... More

Family Matters
Parenting Problems
Learning Languages
Waiting Room Woes
Kee's Uncles
Night Visitor
The Necklace
Sick Child
The Intruders
Uncle Superman
The Super Family
Vandal Savage
Villainous Vandal
Forget it all
Meeting the League
New Friends
Father's Day
The Message
Power Outage
Stand Alone
Nightmare Havoc
Young Justice
Movie Night Drama
The Elementals
Tonight's Terror
The Kitchen Master
How Much I Care
The Butler
Remember Me

Forget Me-Not

2.5K 96 21
By Shadowedmoon13

Kee was having to consciously stop herself from total meltdown. The team had gone to the beach since the temperatures were soaring. And oh how she had to contain her fangirl complex.

There he was, rising back out of the water, droplets standing out on his coffee colored skin. His liquid silver eyes sparkled with joy at being in his natural element. She couldn't focus on anything but him, gorgeous, skilled, amazing him. 

And oh gosh, he was coming towards her!

" Would you care to join us, Kee?" Kaldur inquired kindly, breaking her trance.

She blinked uncomprehendingly at him for a moment, still fixated on the fact that this guy was talking to HER! But hang on, she needed to actually offer up an answer.

' I don't know if I can ' Kee signed awkwardly.

" You could swim without your prosthetic, I will help you," Kaldur offered, a reassuring smile on his face.

Kee's eyes widened momentarily, how did he know? She hadn't told him!

" You were sleeping on my lap, I found out," Kaldur filled her in, guessing her train of thought.

With a slight blush at the thought of falling asleep in his lap, she gave him a nod.

Standing up from the sand she allowed herself to abandon her striped towel, and stood there in her green bikini and black shorts. Her towel had hid her prosthetic, but she managed to remove the limb easily enough. 

She almost lost balance as she did, were it not for Aqualad and his good timing. He caught her and helped her to right herself. Acting as a human crutch he helped her limp to the water. With a squeak of surprise Kee was swung up in to the air. 

She was swung around with an eery cackle as her only clue as to who were captor was. And with a gasp of surprise she was airborne, able to see the laughing faces of the team for a moment before she splashed in to the cool ocean. It felt amazing, the water chasing away the heat, and she awkwardly swum up until she was treading water, trying not to list to the side with her award swimming stroke.

The team was still laughing, caught up in the fun of her surprise dunking, and she sent a halfhearted glare their way. The amusement in her gaze made it hard for it to carry any meaning though. 

" S-Sorry Kee, it was just too good and opportunity to pass up," Robin cackled. 

Raising an eyebrow, she sent a small wave of water his way, nailing him straight in the face and leaving him coughing up water.

That sent the team in to a whole new round of laughter. Kee hadn't expected the water to listen to her, but apparently she was getting better. That, or the ocean had a knack for well timed waves.

" You are doing well," Kaldur commented, treading water beside her.

She revealed in the fact that she could currently speak.

" It was too good an opportunity to pass up," She chuckled, turning Robin's words on him.

The look on Kaldur's face as she spoke made it all the more worthwhile. He took a moment to compose himself.

" It only happens when I use my powers," She explained, grinning at his expression.

He grinned back at her. " Well then you must use them some more," He stated, before sending a wave of water her way.

The best splash war in history was made there that day.

Kee was absolutely glowing when the team returned to the mountain hours later. Kaldur had never left her side, giving her tips on how to help herself swim with her unbalanced weight distribution. He even told a great white shark to get lost for her. No boy had ever told off a shark for her, and she was totally proud of it.

Now changed, and once again in her Superhero themed wardrobe choice, she and the team were having a Mario Cart tournament. She was about to overtake Meghan's Princess Peach, when the Zeta beam activated.

' Recognised, Batman A01

Everyone immediately froze, eyeing each other with curiosity, before dashing to the briefing room. Upon arrival, they found a very haggard looking batman, with an almost...nervous?..look on his face.

" Team, a patrol of league members was attacked by a new villain going by the name Amnesiac. I regret to inform you that Aquaman, Green Arrow, and Green Lantern were among those attacked," Batman stated in his deep voice.

Kee froze, eyes going impossibly wide as she gazed at Batman.

Is he dead? Is he wounded? Dying? Is dad okay?! Ugh, obviously he's not or Batman wouldn't have told you! Damn it! Why did life have to hate her so much?!

" Are they okay?" Artemis asked worriedly.

" They are unwounded, however, Amnesiac has caused them to forget everything, and everyone. Martian Manhunter  is trying to cure them as we speak, but he is out of his depth," Batman informed, a grimace on his features.

Kee couldn't believe it, her dad didn't know her? Or Carol? Or anyone?

" Can we see them?" Artemis demanded to know, anxiousness brimming in her eyes.

Batman nodded, gesturing to the Zeta beam behind him. Kee didn't hesitate, she didn't stop, she just ran. Instantly she beamed herself up to the watchtower, fear written in all her features. She had to see her father! The man was her only family!

When the light faded she found herself staring at Superman as he manned the Monitor womb.

' Uncle Clark! where is dad!?' Kee signed rapidly.

" He's in the med bay, but Kee, you do realize he may not recognize you?" Clark murmured sympathetically.

Kee nodded, ' He is my dad, he needs me, whether he knows it or not' she signed.

Kee had to pause before opening the door to med bay. She wasn't entirely sure she wanted to go in, but her worry shed her to open the door. Stepping in, she gazed around the painfully white room to see her father lying on one of the beds, the rest of the patrol next to him on other beds. 

She slowly made her way over to him, and stood within his line of sight.

He noticed her, his brown eyes lifting to meet hers tiredly, and his eyes widened, a grimace forming.

" What the heck happened to your neck kid?" He asked, an eyebrow raised.

Kee felt like a dagger was stabbing repeatedly in her heart. She knew he woumdt remember her, but it didn't make her feel any better. It almost made her weep. Instead, she walked over and took his hand in her own, ignoring his awkward glances. She was here for him, whether he knew it or not.

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