Sarafina Weasley: Book 3

By BiancaEvans2

35.2K 1.3K 82

You've seen Sarafina face Voldemort, a mountain troll, and basilisk. But how what will she do this year with... More

Money and Egypt
Leaky Cauldron
The Dementor
Time Turner & Arithmancy
Buckbeak and Dotty
Talk with Lupin and Run
Slashed Portrait
First Defeat
Black Dog
Harry 1st Visit to Hogsmeade
Christmas Firebolt
Patronus Charm
Gryffindor Vs Ravenclaw
Midnight Break in and Prank
Final Match
Exam Time
Sirius Black
The Truth
Time Turner
Snape's Severe Disappointment
Ron's New Pet

Snape's Arrival

1.3K 53 1
By BiancaEvans2

Sarafina's POV

"This is interesting and all, but it still doesn't explain why your here" Harry states.

"You're right, as I was saying I was examining the map you may have been under your father's old cloak Harry" Lupin starts.

"How'd you know about the cloak?" Harry asks.

"Harry he was one of your father's best friends, keep up" I state annoyed.

"Sarafina is right I saw him disappear under it many times. Now you may have been wearing it, but your name still appears on the map" Lupin states. "I then see four of you leave Hagrid's" he states.

"Three of us" Ron states and Harry agrees.

"You were accompanied by Scabbers" I remind them.

"But he's a rat his name wouldn't appeared on the map" Harry reminds me.

"Unless he was an animagus" I state thinking. "Ron give me that rat he isn't safe" I order.

"She's right you are on a roll tonight Sarafina. now where was I? Oh yes I was examining the map when I saw Sirius's name appear. Then drag two of you into a tunnel and Sarafina following in after" he states.

"One of us" Ron states angrily.

"Ronald shut it" I snap.

"No Ron two of you" Lupin tells him gently. "May I have a look at that rat?" he asks. I nodded my head wanting that rat away from my brother who asked what Scabbers had to do with anything. I sighed in annoyance, am I the only who sees the truth here? "Everything, can I see him please?" Lupin asks. Ron went to protest, but I shot him a glare. So he raises Scabbers up for Lupin to see him as Scabbers tries to get free of Ron's hold.

"What's my rat got to do with anything?" Ron asks.

"That's no rat Ronald" I state and Sirius says the same thing.

"What do you mean? Of course he's a rat" Ron states.

"No he is not, he is a wizard" Lupin tells us.

"An animagus by the name Peter Pettigrew" Sirius states.

"You two are mental and Sarafina you've known Scabbers for years" Ron states.

"Peter Pettigrew is dead, he killed him twelve years ago" Harry states pointing at Sirius.

"I meant to, but little Peter got the best of me not this time" Sirius states lunging for Ron. But Lupin and I grab his arms dragging him back.

"Sirius no, we've got to explain" Lupin states.

"We can explain afterwards" Sirius snaps trying to get out of our hold.

"They have the right to know everything" Lupin tells him.

"Listen to him Padfoot, my brother has kept the rat as a pet for years" I add.

"She's right and you owe Harry the truth Sirius" Lupin states.

"Alright then and make it quick Remus I want to commit the murder I was imprisoned for" Sirius states relenting.

"Good now you are all going to hear me out, Ron keep a hold of Peter" Lupin states.

"His name isn't Peter!" Ron states loudly, but keeps a tight hold on the rat.

"Peter Pettigrew is dead a whole street saw it" Harry states.

"They didn't see want they thought they saw" Sirius states.

"He's right and I too believed Sirius killed Peter until tonight. Because the map never lies, Peter is alive and Ron is holding him" Lupin tells us.

"But Professor Scabbers can't be Peter" Hermione tells him.

"Why's that Hermione?" he asks her calmly.

"We studied Animagi in school, I looked up the ministry records as they keep records of every animagus or who is trying to become one" she tells him.

"I'm not registered Hermione" I remind her.

"Right again Hermione, but the ministry didn't know there were three unregistered animagi running around Hogwarts" Lupin states. Sirius was getting impatient and told Lupin to hurry up with the story. "I will, but I'll need your help Sirius I only know how it began" Lupin tells him.

Suddenly there was a creak behind Lupin and we all turn to look. But no one was there. Lupin then got back to the story of how he's been a werewolf since he was a kid. How the tunnel was made from the school to the shack and the whooping willow was planted at the entrance. Then how his best friends (James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew) found out want he was. That they didn't ditched him and became animagi.

"But how did that help you?" Hermione asks.

"Honestly and they call you the brightest witch of our age. They couldn't keep him as human so kept him company as animals. As werewolves are no danger to animals" I state.

"Correct Sarafina and under their influence I became less dangerous. Especially as both James and Sirius turned into such big animals they could keep a werewolf under control" Lupin states. He then explained how they made the Marauders map and signed it with their nicknames.

"Let me guess Peter was Wormtail?" I ask and Lupin nods his head. Lupin then explained how he has been fighting with himself all year whether or not to tell Dumbledore about Sirius being an animagus. But decided not to thinking he was using magic he'd learnt from Voldemort and how Snape was right.

"What's Snape got to do with anything?" Sirius asks finally taking his eyes off the rat. Lupin then told Sirius how Snape was also a teacher at Hogwarts. Then told us how they went to school together and how he was against Lupin teaching D. A. D. A. He then said Sirius played a terrible trick on him back in their school days.

"Serves him right trying to find out where we go every full moon trying to get us expelled" Sirius states. Lupin then explained how Snape was interested on where he went every month. That Sirius told Snape to press the knot with a long stick so that he could follow me. But that James risked his own life and pulled Snape to safety. And how if he hadn't Snape would have come face to face with a full grown werewolf.

"But he still caught a glimpse of me at the end of the tunnel" he adds. "Dumbledore forbid him to tell anyone of my condition" he explains.

"So that's why he doesn't like you?" I ask.

"He thought you were in on the joke" Harry adds.

"That's right" a voice sneered as Snape took off an invisibility cloak. Not just any cloak, but Harry's cloak. Snape was pointing his wand directly at Professor Lupin.


Picture of Snape above

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