Forget Me Not (Dt Sans X Read...

By MegaphoneDouche

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It wasn't your fault you were in this situation. It just happened at random chance, now you were stuck in a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Random Scenario One
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
An Ending

Chapter 16

490 14 3
By MegaphoneDouche

Error P.o.v:

He was probably the only one who felt it.
He was surprised that Ink or your Sans didn't feel it..
Haha..He actually thought he wouldn't fucking notice??
He wasn't dumb, not in the slightest
He felt that dark prescience within your Soul.
The last thing he needed right now was him to ask him questions.
He wasn't always this quiet. He wasn't quite talkative either.
Just..Observant. He'd quip on how dumb or naive a person was being.
But now wasn't the time..
He wasn't going to tell Ink either. Unless he wanted the little idiot going practically insane trying his hardest to gather other Au's to protect you. And he didn't need that. You didn't need that.
No attention needed to be called to you.
Especially to them..
Anyone of them would like to get their hands on you and harvest the hate and determination for their own advantage..
They'd break you..
He just hoped that he wouldn't try anything. Not with your Sans around.
And while Error thought he was doing these things purely for petty reasoning and self gain. He wouldn't let anything happen to you..
You'd get him to reset one day.
And then the two of you could be happy..
He just needed to calm that hate down within you..
You were attracting unwanted attention to yourself.
And him..

Ha..Like you didn't attract enough attention from Ink who was probably watching your every move now..
At least that unwanted slim ball hasn't figured out your location yet. He was probably only feeling the negative vibes from you. But if his brother could find you first..
Things would go much smoother..
He just had to make sure he stayed hidden. Even if it meant leaving that anomaly Cross alone.
A damn shame too.
He liked fucking around with him...
He was fun to piss off.
Hopefully he wouldn't find him and question him..
It was the last thing he needed...

As long as Ink didn't catch wind of any of this..
It'd be okay
Everything would be okay.

Your p.o.v:

You bounced your leg up and down impatiently as you sat there. Chewing on your bottom lip in mild frustration.
Chara wasn't talking to you anymore..
Hopefully they were back with Frisk..
And maybe..
Just maybe..
Frisk wouldn't entertain coming down here since you were already here.
After a tearful goodbye (From Ink mostly XD) and a few suggestions on getting your world back to normal, the two of you were sitting on the lumpy green couch back in Snowdin. Both of you refused to bring up the subject of RESETS or anything relating to the past at all...
Since he did seem to get violent whenever you mentioned something like this...
You needed to take your mind off these things..
You needed advice.
Ink and Error had done enough. You didn't want to burden them with more problems. Especially relating to THIS timeline..
Maybe Gaster? No..Sans would need to kill you again. And you weren't up for dying.
So how do you contact void man in this messed up timeline.
You had no clue...
You sighed heavily as you leaned back on the couch.
"Look...I know you're itching to talk about this. I'll bite.."
Your eye twitched slightly.
Did he just make a fucking joke???
Slowly, but surely your head turned to stare at him in disbelief.
He wasn't serious was he?
But the gentler side of you was responding with a laugh. He looked pleased with himself..
"Thanks...But we don't have to talk about this if you don't want to. I can wait..."
He hummed out in response before giving a half shrug.
"Yeah..It's best we wait for Frisk.."
A look of suspicion crossed your face. You remembered what he said about the poor kid. Saying he had a "bone to pick" with them. And you weren't letting him lay a single finger on the kid.
"You harm a hair on their head, and I'll tell Error to end you."
He snorted before covering his mouth.
"Like he could." A wicked smile peeked from behind his hand, it held promise too.
He didn't like Error from the start. From the glitching and pitching of his voice to his attitude towards everyone. Besides, there was no way he was going to let that glitchy fuck win.

N o t  b y  a  l o n g  s h o t . . .

You only rolled your eyes and waved a hand.
"Promise to not hurt em?"
"No promises."
"You're so difficult."
"Mhm. Whatever you say."
You only groaned before getting up from the couch with a glare.
Yoi weren't starting this arguing crap up. You didn't have the heart or patience to deal with it at the moment.
He only gave a smug grin as you internally fumed.

"I'm going to bed. Don't bother me."
You mummbled going for the staircase.
But behind you, a eerie presence crawled along your back making you shiver.
"Ugh, Night Sans."
You turned your head slightly to see him not paying attention to you at all. He was watching one of Mettaton's shitty movies. Probably keeping an eye socket out for Frisk. You just hoped he wouldn't hurt them. You were responsible for this mess after all. The dark eerie presence made itself more persistent as you thought of that. Something was watching you. And you didn't like that. It was a blanket of paranoia and fear wrapping around you. Freighting you.
You were a bit apprehensive of even going to sleep.
In a dark room..
You'd leave the door open just incase this feeling either grew or decided to follow you..
As you made your way upstairs, you could feel your heart pounding loudly. Too loudly..
It was ringing in your ears, like it was trying to explode of some sorts.
Taking deep breaths you walked into the empty room with false confidence.
The only company you had was the trash tornado in the corner of the room.
You rolled your eyes lightly. Something's never change..
Mumbling incoherent sentences, you started unbuttoning the cozy jacket you had been wearing and threw it on the dresser, only to effectively make it land on the lamp. You waited there for a few seconds...
Good no crashing noises!
You gave a lazy sigh as so dragged yourself over to the bed, flopping down on it and wrapping yourself up in the wrinkled blanket.
Closing your eyes you could hear a slight static in the background..
Or was it in your head?
You couldn't tell...
It wasn't annoying, almost soothing..
But the other you had other thoughts.
"There's something trying to contact me..?" You muttered out, opening one eye with a small sigh.
You just hoped that whatever this thing was..It wasnt hostile..
Wait, maybe it was Gaster..
He hummed out thoughtly before snuggling into the pillow with a sigh.
You'd find out later...
For now...
Sleep was the number one priority..
Fusing two souls together in a body took work ya know???

Sans P.ov:
He wondered how long it'd be till Frisk fell. Seems like Chara wasn't with you anymore. Your soul didn't have that sickening shade of determination that didn't even belong to you.
That soft rose color that mingled with the blackness in the very core of all the other colors in your soul, that was the color he was used to seeing. He felt at ease now. Your soul was back normal and you seemed...More like yourself.
Well not that you weren't before.
You seemed more content with who you were..

"Maybe I should reset...they do miss" He sighed heavily as he leaned against his hand...
Something wasn't right.
Well, like him dusting everyone in The Underground was normal. Of course something wasn't right!
It wasn't just that..
Why was a certain darkness lurking around your soul? He noticed it of course. When you woke up you had rubbed your wrists and shivered visibly.
He didn't question it initially because he thought it'd go away. That was till the two of you were sitting on the couch..Something was lurking deep inside, something disturbing..
He didn't like this presence around your soul. It made him feel uncomfortable. He kept on feeding your soul his magic to stabilize your mood. You seemed..Jumpy, and distant even.
It wasn't Chara.
Chara wasn't that sadistic...
They weren't exactly a saint either.
Telling you what to do and such.
He scoffed slightly at that thought.
No need to get possessive right now.
He's studied the childs actions whenever they decided to possess Frisk. They wouldn't do something that didn't benifit them. And they seemed fond of you. And everyone down here. That was one person out.

But what about Gaster..? He grimaced visibly as his sockets narrowed.
Gaster was the one who helped you cause a reload that one time.
But Gaster didn't seem like a threat. He wouldn't hang around. Well. Not like he could anyways. He was stuck in a infinite void that he can't escape from.

Time passed. He kept getting lost in the what "ifs" and hypothetical scenarios that could happen..
Maybe his magic was too potent for you and your soul was reacting terribly.  And slowly decomposing over time, creating a icky darkness tp cover for it..
He blinked in surprise...
Where the hell did that come from..?
Were you really that down in the dumps..?

Were you having another nightmare?
His teeth grit together. He didn't have time to be waiting up on Frisk. He had to make sure you were okay..
He couldn't juat let you suffer. He'd feel it in return. And who knows what could happen if he just let it go on..
Snapping his fingers he noticed something wss wrong the moment he stepped foot in the room.
Not only were you shivering and shaking in your sleep. Something was looming about over you...
It didn't even remotely look like someone he knew...
Well, not Gaster or Chara...
Just some tentacles and a blanket of darkness looming over them.
One snap and bones surrounded the figure. All sharp and pointing this this ghastly intruder...
"Wake up.."
He heard them mutter, he faltered for a second, only staring at the figure as it's form seemed to lose shape momentarily and sink into the floor beneath him. A dark line zipped past him and past the door making him growl and glare towards the open door..
What the hell was that all about?
He heard a small gasp leave you as he turned his head towards your now quaking form..

"S-sans..?" You muttered softly, eyebrows knitting in confusion as you stayed still to the best of your abilities. He could only stare..
Gosh your fear was something..
Not like what he's seen on Frisk's face or dare he say...The rest of the other monsters when he dusted everyone in the Underground..
It always caused something sinful to burn within his bones.
You looked beautiful to him no matter what the situation...
"Heya.." he muttered out, not really paying attention.

Third person p.o.v.

"Hey.." you replied curling into yourself, a small whimper leaving your lips.
Just what in the hell was be doing? Was he even in his right mind at the moment?
You studied that distant look he had and you came to the conclusion that yup. He wasn't in the right mind at all. And you needed to get him to snap out of it and quick before you were a pile of blood and what used to be human flesh.
So you mustered up all the courage you had and screamed as loud as you could. He was sure to hear you then right?
He only chuckled, the grin on his skull growing. Almost grotesquely stretching to his eye sockets.
You quieted down quickly. It was no use screaming when he basically lived for them.
"Sans..?" You called out weakly, your voice cracking from the screaming you had previously done
He only hummed out as he snapped his fingers, the bones disappearing, 
"Are you..?" You softly asked reaching out for him. He took your wrist within his own hand and tilted his head, the lavender flames licking at his socket were casting an ominous shadow. His features looked more sharp, murderous even.
"What? I'm fine. Why?" He asked as if nothing happened before.
"I thought you were going to kill me. Again." You laughed nervously, only to shrink away slightly when he wasn't laughing with you. He only had that stoney express he would constantly give you. As if he couldnt feel a thing whatsoever.
You wanted to slap yourself.
Of course he could barely emote.
He had Love of 19 for fucks sake. It had distanced himself. He was more prone to snapping and mood swings.
He did as he pleased even if it was questionable.

You gave a sigh as you slowly pulled your wrist away. You had totally forgot about all of that. How could you though? He wasn't right in the slightest.
"I could..But eh." He gave a shrug as he plopped down on the bed next to you.
Silence soon followed..
The two of you sat like for a few minutes till he spoke up again, a grimace forming on his skull.
"Did you have a nightmare again?"
You gave him a questioning look before nodding and looking at the ground.
"Something wasn't right..It wasn't like my usual nightmares.."
"New ones?" You nodded again as he huffed out. He seemed agitated.
Did something happen while you were out for that short span of time?
"Probably has something to do with that black blob lingering around your Soul.."

You sputtered slightly, confusion written on your face.
"Blob..? So you felt that too?"
He gave you a hard look, he was wondering why you hadn't said anything in the first place. Did you not trust him enough? 
It made his magic boil furiously. He could end you easily if he wanted. Send you into turmoil all over again. But that small ounce of logic and reasoning basically growled at him. not to.
While he fought with animalistic side to teach you a lesson and show you that he would protect you no matter what..

Don't hurt em..
You're not allowed to..
Don't hurt them..

The way you guilty looked away from him made that sadistic side of him rumble, pleasently amused and pleased with the way you would back off..
That ounce of determination wasn't as strong as Chara's or Frisk's. And for that. He was thankful..

So when you started apologizing and explaining how you felt and such,  nearly on the brink of tears after explaining the nightmare you had. He had a thought that seemed to push any logical one out the window..

How bout you punish them..?
They deserve it..
They didn't trust you..
Make them trust you..

He only hugged you close to him as a sickening grin grew across his skull.
He wouldn't kill you..Just rough you up to teach you a lesson..
And maybe he'd do something about that dark shadow giving you nightmares...

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