Fuenciado One-Shots

By dwindledflame

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I'm just full of gay ships, and let's be real; Vic and Jaime are both pretty gay. {may contain smut, curse w... More

-Scary Movies-
-Drunken Mistakes-
-APMAs 2016-
-"Hey, baby! What're you up to?"-
-Colds and Cuddles-
-Colds and Cuddles pt.2-
-(Un)Classy Double Dates-
-Panties and Cookies-
-Cheater, Cheater-
-Treat Me Like a Princess, Fuck Me Like a Whore-
-Young and Dirty-
-Just Friends-
-Blinded by Love-


347 23 22
By dwindledflame

A bit different than what I usually write, but I've been in the creepy, chilling kind of stuff lately so here we go

(Jaime's POV)

Vic wasn't the same. And by that, I don't mean I don't love him anymore, I mean his whole persona has taken on a chilling edge. He hasn't slept more than two hours per night for the past week, he pukes up everything he eats, his eyes glaze over as he stares at the corners of the rooms in our home, his heart beat slows or speeds up in a very scary and abnormal way. I honestly don't know what's going on with him, and every time I ask, he laughs and shrugs it off.

Take now for example. We're cuddling, with a movie playing(something we do quite often as just relaxing time), but when I glance over his eyes are fixated on the top left corner of our living room. His brown eyes seem hollow and lifeless, sending an unpleasant feeling straight to my gut.

"Babe?" I ask, leaning over so my face blocks his view from the corner. He blinks his eyes rapidly and shakes his head.

"Yeah?" He asks. He slouches in an exhausted manner against the couch.

"Are you sure everything's alright? Do you see something over there?" I ask cautiously, looking over at the corner. There seems to be nothing wrong with it to me.

"No, no, I'm sorry I'm just really tired. I'm going to head to bed." Vic says shortly, giving me a small reassuring smile before pecking my lips.

I frown but nod. "Alright. I'll be up in about an hour I want to finish this."

"Okay, I love you," He says on his way down the hall to our room.

"Love you too." I call out with a small sigh. My nerves are getting the best of me and I know damn well something's wrong. Maybe something mentally is going on? I'm not sure. As the clock ticks by, an idea comes to mind. I'll search it up.

I take a deep breath before standing and heading to Vic and I's room to get our shared laptop, but something stops me.

Quiet talking.

I quietly step up to the closed door and press my ear to it. I can't hear anything besides muffled noise. I chew my bottom lip anxiously, twisting the knob slowly.

"Vic-" I'm at a loss for words when I open the door. There sitting up, staring straight ahead was Vic only he wasn't alone. There was a shadow figure standing at the end of the bed, coldness biting my skin and a pair of glowing red eyes within the shadow stare right at me. I stumble backwards, my back hitting the door and I go to walk out but something slams the door shut behind me. My breathing hitches and I press myself against the farthest wall.

My eyes stay connected with the beady, demonic eyes. I give Vic a quick glance, but even that was enough for whatever this shadow thing was to disappear into his body, the fog entering his mouth and nostrils. His eyes roll all the way back, and his body falls limp on the bed, not moving whatsoever.

I quickly snap out of whatever trance I'm in and rush over to him.

"Vic, baby, wh-" I'm cut off by an ear piercing scream let out by him, his back arching high off the bed. The walls around us shake, causing me to trip back onto the floor. I cover my ears, but still not being able to block out the pained screams and hollers coming from my loved one. His body starts convulsing, and his fingers start twitching, the walls still vibrating. Things start crashing around me so I close my eyes tightly, pressing my hands harder against my ears.

Tears seep through my closed eyes and my heart beats loudly, inaudible compared to the noises erupting from Vic's body.

"Stop!" I whimper out, bringing my knees to my chest. Whatever the fuck was in this room entered him and is hurting him some how. The next second everything stills, an uncomfortable and tormenting silence falls like a blanket over the whole room. I hesitantly peek open an eye.

The bed side table is fallen over, the lights blown out, the lamps broken, the dresser drawers all strewn open. On the bed, Vic's body lay limply once more, his eyes still rolled back and foam coming from his mouth. Despite him being the love of my life, I was scared shitless of him right now.

"O-Oh my god," I stutter, my body quivering in fear but also my heart pounding. I run out of the room, in search of my cell phone. Once I find it on the couch, I quickly dial 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" The operator asks.

"I-I don't know, my boy-boyfriend is unconscious and frothing at the mouth and I saw something in our room and-and whatever it was is a-angry and-" I start hyperventilating, my lungs feeling like they collapsed inside my chest.

"Okay, sir, this seems very unusual but I'll send someone out to..." her voice fades out from me as I look through my teary eyes at the end of the hall way. Vic stood, body stiff and his eyes widen to a degree to where it could chill even the coldest. I drop the phone in surprise, my heart pounding against my rib cage. I back away into the wall once more, watching Vic take a step, his head cocking to the side with a sickening crack.

"Sir? Uh, sir?" I hear the static of the phone murmur from the floor. My body stays frozen though, at the sight before me.

No, this wasn't Vic. Never once did I believe in ghosts or paranormal shit, but I know this isn't him or a prank. This was something evil, something dark to the core, taking over my poor baby's body. I went to move forward, but something of some force was holding my body back. I struggled against it, but my body wouldn't budge. My heart sank further into my stomach as fear took over every ounce of my body.

Vic- no, the thing, held his hand out and next thing I know there was rattling from the kitchen before a knife flew its way into his hand. My eyes widen and I cowered into myself more as he started walking towards me, each step feeling like an hour long.

"V-Vic, baby I know you're there. Please d-don't," I sobbed, the helplessness taking over my own body. He continued walking towards me, and as the light shined from the moon through the curtains, I noticed his eyes were pure white, veins popping out from under his sunken eyes. His fingers twitched around the knife and he came closer.

"No, no, no," I cried, wriggling around trying to free myself from the invisible force, only I was slammed back into the wall, knocking the wind out of me completely.

"I-I love you! Please fight it Vic, f-fuck!" I yelled, squinting my swollen from crying eyes as he was a mere four feet away from me. "I-I know you're in there deep down Victor, I-I'm sorry, please don't. Please please." I pleaded, but nothing would stop him. His free hand found its way to my neck, holding onto me tightly. He pushed me harder against the wall, fingers circling around my throat.

I breathed harder, even though that was a horrible choice on my part because he just squeezed tighter. My hands gripped at his, clawing at his arm.

"N-No," I wheezed out, black dots clouding my vision. The hand gripping the knife raised, and I didn't see or feel anything afterwards because I blacked out.

-seven months later-
(Vic's POV)

I sighed deeply and stared out the barred window. My nurse already stopped by to give me my meds, even though I didn't really need them. I wasn't mentally sick, no, I know what happened. I was possessed by some sort of spirit. I know that for a fact, because when Jaime opened our bedroom door, it entered my body some how, trapping me in the smallest corner in my mind. I was still there, I just had zero control of my own body.

It was the scariest day of my life. Actually, that whole week was. I don't know how it happened, but I started seeing shadows, and it followed me every where and I was too weak to fight it off. I was in this mental facility because they think I was hallucinating. I wasn't, honestly. Even Jaime knows that. He saw the spirit with his own two eyes and I'm so thankful he called the police before it was too late.

Shortly after he passed out, police broke down the door and the spirit left in some sort of fear but with the threat, "I'll come back for you and him one day." I've decided to just ignore it because if I didn't the paranoia would eat me alive.

But the police came, I had control over my body and broke down, trying to rush to Jaime's unconscious body but they wouldn't let me, in the mindset that I intentionally tried to kill him.

I tried explaining what happened and they thought I was off my rocker so here I am, locked in a psych ward for a year. It's driving me crazy, and really the only thing getting me by is the daily visits from my boyfriend, Jaime himself. I still feel terrible about what I did to him, even if it wasn't actually me.

Speaking of his visits, from where my room is on the third floor, I can see the parking lot perfectly and I notice his car come to a halt in his usual parking spot. Excitement and warmth flow through me, my heart and mind overjoyed with just the thought of him. I felt bad for him always driving up here but thankfully our new house is only about ten to fifteen minutes from here.

Jaime steps out of the car and his gaze averts up to me where I'm sitting in the window. A wide smile finds its way onto my face and he gives me one back, along with a flirty wave. I giggle to myself and climb off the window sill. I flatten out the hospital gown us patients have to wear. I was in a blue one. There was blue and green. Blue for apparently "a threat" of a patient and green is mainly for the people in here that are depressed or suicidal.

I make sure that I put away my pencils and notebooks that Jaime has brought me in the small desk. The room wasn't isolated, thank god, but it was still lonely. The walls were a vanilla color, the floor being white tile. I had my bed, a small dresser that was nailed into the floor, a desk with sanded down edges, and a window. That's all.

I pulled on a sweater, not being able to zip it because they took the string and zip off of it but it kept me a bit warm. I waited patiently on my bed until I heard the buzz of my door opening. They only let us out for group sessions, meals, and the two hours of free time. But for visitations, the visitor was allowed an hour with the patient in their room unless the patient was a threat.

"He-" Jaime started but I squealed and ran up to him, hugging him tightly and giving him a kiss right away.

"Hey, cut that out," the guard, Perry, scoffed. "I'll be back in an hour to lead you back out. You know where the button is if you need anything. And Vic, behave." He says condescendingly. He turns, shutting the door. I roll my eyes behind his back and cup Jaime's cheeks and kiss him again.

"I can't even say hi without you pouncing on me." He chuckles against my lips before pressing his on mine harder.

"Mm, not my fault. I missed you," i murmured, wrapping my arms around his neck. And I missed him in more ways than one. It sucks not being able to have our privacy, and I mean literally too. There's a camera in the corner of my room, but the guards barely check unless needed.

After a small makeout session, Jaime pulled away before it could get any more heated or else we'd both be left with a problem. I lead him over to my bed and sat down, him joining me and I quickly curled up to him.

"How was work?" I ask, peering up at him as I play with his fingers.

"Boring as usual. Kyle keeps trying to get everyone to work later because he wants to go on vacation but Judy gave him a mouthful today about it." He chuckled then leant down to kiss my forehead. "How has your day been?"

I sigh deeply, burying my face in his chest. "Dumb and tiring. I want to leave this place but I've only been in here seven months out of twelve." I mumbled into his shirt.

"I know baby, I know. And if you're tired take a nap." Jaime suggests, rubbing my back soothingly. It was totally against protocol for patients to touch visitors, but I talked to my therapist about it and all that and if I mess up or do something "crazy", I'll get my strict rules back.

"I miss falling asleep besides you," I whisper, feeling awfully tired all of a sudden.

"I do too, but one day soon okay? Just take a nap love. I'll wake you up twenty minutes before I have to leave." He says soothingly, running his fingers through my hair and brushing out the knots gently. I nod and yawn before drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

When I awake, I feel oddly cold. I pat around, remembering that I fell asleep besides Jaime. I grip onto his shirt and lay closer to him.

"What time is it?" I grumble, rubbing my eyes tiredly. He doesn't give me a response, and I finally open my eyes.

I wish I hadn't because I'm met with the sight of Jaime's eyes completely rolled back into his head and his throat slit open, blood oozing down to his shirt, staining the cotton material. I let out a scream and jump back, something dropping from my grip. I look down; a scalpel. My hands, full of blood.

"Mr.Preciado, visiting hours are do-" Guard Perry starts, but quickly stops, eyes widening at the sight. "Vic..." he starts cautiously, glancing at the scalpel at my feet, my blood covered hands, and the love of my life sitting lifeless on the bed with his throat slit open and blood stained onto the sheets and my gown.

"I-I didn't do it! I-I was asleep!" I sob, my heart breaking into a million pieces. I can't remember doing any of this, I was asleep for fucks sake!

"No bullshit Fuentes! Step away from that scalpel." He orders, stepping to the side and pressing the emergency button.

"I didn't fucking do it!" I scream, backing into the corner. I grip my hair tightly in my hands that are soaked in warm red liquid. Jaime's blood. "No, no, no," I repeat and walk over to him, cupping his face in my hands. "J-Jaime, I-" Tears pour from my eyes, my mind and heart racing. My whole world was gone...

"Get away from the body, Vic." Perry demands, but I couldn't bring myself to back away. I brushed his messy hair away from his face and sobbed harder. He was gone. His handsome face was now lifeless, his body limp and stiff.

Everything was a blur after that. The security guards rushed in, put a straight jacket around me, and my ears were ringing with the deadliest white noise. Through my fogged vision only one thing stood out to my clouded mind.

On the farthest corner of the room sat a dark, spine chilling shadow, beady red eyes staring back into my glistening brown ones with writing in blood underneath it.

'Told you so.' Was all it read.

(Not proofread! 2700+ words)
I don't even know what this is im ???

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