Sarafina Weasley: Book 3

By BiancaEvans2

35.4K 1.3K 82

You've seen Sarafina face Voldemort, a mountain troll, and basilisk. But how what will she do this year with... More

Money and Egypt
Leaky Cauldron
The Dementor
Time Turner & Arithmancy
Buckbeak and Dotty
Talk with Lupin and Run
Slashed Portrait
First Defeat
Black Dog
Harry 1st Visit to Hogsmeade
Christmas Firebolt
Patronus Charm
Gryffindor Vs Ravenclaw
Midnight Break in and Prank
Final Match
Exam Time
Snape's Arrival
The Truth
Time Turner
Snape's Severe Disappointment
Ron's New Pet

Sirius Black

1.3K 56 1
By BiancaEvans2

Sarafina's POV

Padfoot jumped over Harry and Hermione heading straight for Ron. I dashed by them as Padfoot grabbed Ron's leg and started dragging him towards the whopping willow. As I heard Ron's cries help and pain I growled angrily. No one hurts my little twin brother and gets away with it. That includes Padfoot.

I hear Harry and Hermione behind me as I shot into the tunnel under the whopping willow. Following Ron's screams when I reached the shack lead me to the bedroom. Growling angrily I grabbed Padfoot by the neck and pull him away from Ron. Then stand in front of Ron protectively growling at Padfoot.

Just then Padfoot turned into a man and not just any man, but Sirius Black. Harry and Hermione run into the room covered in scratches lead by Crookshanks & Yuki. Harry asks Ron where the dog is giving me a weary look while Hermione approached me. "Sarafina we're here now no one is going to hurt Ron again" she states holding a hand out.

I calm down a little as she turns towards the door along with Harry to see Sirius Black. "Expelliarmus" Sirius says pointing his wand at us disarming Harry and Hermione. This angered me again as I stand in front of the three of them between them and Black growling. "I knew you would come help your friend" Black states ignoring me looking at Harry. So I stand in front of Harry.

"I thank you Sarafina for all the food and water" Black states. "Your father would have done the same for me Harry. I am grateful you did not get a teacher it'll make this easier" he tells us. Harry went to lunge at Black while I growl.

"If you want to kill Harry you'll have to kill us too" Ron states standing. Sirius told him to sit down before he hurt his leg more and I agree. So I make Ron sit as Ron tells Black he'd have to kill all four of us. Black replied there would only be one murder tonight and I growled loudly at him as Harry got free from Hermione's hold. He knocked Black to the floor getting his wand back and pointed it at Black.

Then Black went to strangle Harry and I lunged pulling Harry back. Then placing my paw on Black's chest holding him down growling. Just then Crookshanks and Yuki appeared in front of me. Crookshanks hissing madly as Yuki rubbed against my leg purring trying to calm me. She has seen me in this form a few times before, but Crookshanks has not. Hermione had snatched up her and Ron's wands as she pulled Harry back towards them.

"Going to kill me Sarafina?" Black asks looking into my blue eyes. As I looked into his grey eyes I saw the lovable stray I always feed. I got off him so conflicted at want to do and jumped onto the bed curling up into a ball. Yuki jumped up beside me purring trying to calm me. I was brought back to the conversation when muffled footsteps were heard from downstairs.

"We're up here Sirius Black come quick!" Hermione yelled. Professor Lupin ran into the room looked around and then disarmed the others. Making me growl.

"I mean them no harm Sarafina" he assures me. But I still watched him like a hawk growling. "Where is he Sirius?" Lupin asks Black who points at Ron making me growl loudly as I step in front of my brother protectively. "Sarafina no one is going to hurt Ron" Lupin states and he looks at Scabbers. I tuned out the conversation even more conflicted then before.

I was brought back into the present by Hermione again. "I don't believe it!" she yelled startling me. "You and him" she states pointing between Black and Lupin. Professor Lupin tried to explain but she cut him off saying "I didn't tell anyone. I have been covering for you" she adds.

Lupin tries to ask her to let him explain yelling. But Harry cut him off this time saying "I trusted you and all this time you've been his friend."

"I haven't been Sirius Black's friend in years until now, let me explain" Lupin states.

I turn human sitting on the bed and say "I think we should let them explain Harry."

"NO, Harry, Sarafina don't trust him" Hermione states loudly. "He's been helping Black get into the castle, want's Harry dead too and is a werewolf" she states.

"That was tackless Hermione and I've known he was a werewolf since our first D. A. D. A lesson" I tell her.

"Not your usual standard Hermione only one out of three" Lupin states trying to lighten the mood. "I have not been helping Sirius get into the castle nor do I want Harry dead. But I won't deny I am a werewolf" he explains. Ron tried to get up and whimpered in pain lupin stepped forward looking concerned.

"Get away from me you werewolf!" Ron shouts. I slap him in the back of the head and make him sit.

"That was mean Ronald now stay off that leg" I tell him sternly. He sighs and nods his head. Ron and my other brothers know not to mess with me when I turn into a 'minnie Mum'.

"You're the cleverest witch of your age Hermione next to Sarafina" Lupin states. I send him a warm smile as I sit back on the bed. Yuki jumped on my lap and I patted her gently.

"No I'm not or I would have told everyone want you are" Hermione states.

"That would be mean Hermione, besides it's not your secret to tell. Also the staff already know" I tell her.

"Dumbledore hired you knowing you were a werewolf? Is he mad?" Ron asks. I smack him in the head a again.

"Some thought so and Sarafina stop hitting your brother in the head" Lupin states/scolds. He gave the others back their wands along with his own. "There you're armed we're not, now will you let us explain?" he asks. Harry asked how he knew we were here.

"The Marauders map, I was reading it tonight" Lupin states.

"You know how to work it?" Harry asks.

"Of course" I state in recognition looking at Lupin and Black. "You helped make it, your Moony and Black's Padfoot" I state smiling.

"Very good Sarafina three for three" Lupin states chuckling. Then becomes serious again turning back to Harry. "I knew you four would go see Hagrid before his hippogriff was executed" he tells Harry. "Though I only saw three of you go down to Hagrid's" he states and looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I met this stray dog at the beginning of the year and have been feeding him. We became companions and explored the forest together. I named him Padfoot and I was with him tonight by the lake. We were play fighting when we heard the axe" I explain and start to tear up. "We then saw the others and he went mad dragging Ron into the tunnel under the Whopping Willow. I followed wanting to protect my brother and the stray turned into Sirius Black" I finish.


Picture above of Sirius Black

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