Playing With Chance

By AngelHidingHorns

111K 3.2K 912

Playing with chance? Not a good idea. Eventually it will throw something at you that you don't know how to... More

Playing With Chance - Chapter 1
Playing With Chance - Chapter 2
Playing With Chance - Chapter 3
Playing With Chance - Chapter 4
Playing With Chance - Chapter 5
Playing With Chance - Chapter 6
Playing With Chance - Chapter 7
Playing With Chance - Chapter 8
Playing With Chance - Chapter 9
Playing With Chance - Chapter 10
Playing With Chance - Chapter 11
Playing With Chance - Chapter 12
Playing With Chance - Chapter 13
Playing With Chance - Chapter 14
Playing With Chance - Chapter 15
Playing With Chance - Chapter 16
Playing With Chance - Chapter 18
Playing With Chance - Chapter 19
Playing With Chance - Chapter 20
Playing With Chance - Chapter 21
Playing With Chance - Chapter 22
Playing With Chance - Chapter 23
Playing With Chance - Chapter 24
Playing With Chance - Chapter 25
Playing With Chance - Chapter 26
Playing With Chance - Chapter 27
Playing With Chance - Chapter 28
Playing With Chance - Chapter 29
Playing With Chance - Chapter 30
Playing With Chance - Chapter 31
Playing With Chance - Epilogue

Playing With Chance - Chapter 17

3K 88 24
By AngelHidingHorns

"Brandy, we've been here for an hour. Can we go home now?" I asked letting my exhaustion leak into my voice.

"Suck it up. An hour isn't all that long when it comes to shopping."

"But we hate shopping," Hero said looking just as tired as I felt.

I wasn't made for shopping. I got bored after the first ten minutes, and after that it's easy to notice how much your feet start to hurt when somebody makes you try on ten different pairs of high heels before deciding that we should get a dress first.

Being a human barbie doll is not fun.

Too bad I can't leave her...

Maybe I can call Alexander to get her. He would be more than willing. Yes, that sounds like a good plan.

Well, it would be a good plan if I had his number.

If I get too desperate I can see if Elliot has Chance's number, and I can get Alexander's number from him.

I really hope Elliot has Chance's number....

"Elizabeth!" Brandy yelled pulling me out of my plans to escape, "Go try this on."

I looked at her in horror.

That wouldn't cover anything!


"It's this one, or that one," she said pointing to one that showed the whole back and only went mid thigh.

"You can't make me!"

"Hero," she said turning to her brother, "I'll give you ten dollars to drag her to the changing rooms for me."

"I would, but I think she's more scary than you. So, no."

For once I think I was glad that someone thought of me as scary. Of course it didn't take much to be scarier than Brandy.

"She's not scary," Brandy protested with a glare.

"Her? No, but I'm fairly sure Chance would avenge her, and he is scary."

Yay for over-protective..... friends.

"No he wouldn't. He would find it funny."

"I don't know. He treats her like Alexander treats you, and Alexander wouldn't be caught dead laughing at you."

She glared at him for a second then looked at me with an evil grin, "Elizabeth. I'll make cookies for you when we get home if you go in the dressing room and try on any dress I hand you while you're in there."

That's cheating!

She knows I love cookies.

"I'll make sure to make peanut butter with chocolate chips."

"Deal," I said in defeat starting to walk sadly to the changing rooms. 

"Good girl," she said trailing after me. 

"Brandy!" I yelled after trying on the first dress, "it doesn't fit!" 

"I don't believe you! Come out." 

"No, it doesn't fit!" 

"Yes it does! I checked the size twice." 

"That doesn't mean it fits," I grumbled looking in the mirror. 

"I'm coming in."

"Why?  It doesn't fit."

"So I can make sure you're telling the truth without giving a peep show to my brother."

That is a good idea.

I opened the door for her, and stepped back.

"See?  It doesn't fit."

She started to laugh, "Elizabeth.  It fits fine.  In fact I think that's how it's supposed to fit."

"No it doesn't.  It barely covers my butt."


"Dresses are supposed to cover people's butts."

"That's what leggings are for.  I think it's cute."

"I think it's too revealing." 

"I think we should ask Hero," she turned around and opened the door before I could protest, "Hero!  Come see!"

"No!" I yelled, "I thought you said I could have leggings!"

"It goes mid-thigh.  It's fine.  Hero!"

Hero walked around the corner and let out a low whistle, "Nice."

I glared at him.

"Hey," he said holding his hands up defensively, "I'm a guy.  Can't blame me for being appreciative."

"See?  It's a great dress.  I'm still going to have you try on the other ones to make sure that none of them are better, but I think you should get that one."

I let out a little sniffle, but nodded my head keeping in mind that if I did what she said I would have cookies by the time this was over.

I looked in the mirror after putting on the second dress.

"Remember that this is for cookies," I told my reflection before walking out of the dressing room.

"That one isn't as good as the first one," Brandy said after looking over me for a minute.

"I don't know," Hero said looking me up and down, "I think she looks pretty hot."

"You just like it because it's red."

"That could be true."

"Go try on the last one.  If it isn't better than we'll get the first one."

I nodded my head sadly and went back into the dressing room.

When I got out the next time Brandy was holding a few more dresses with a considering look in her eyes.

"No," I said before she noticed that I came out, "I think I'll just go with the first one."

I quickly went back into the dressing room and changed into my clothes before running to the counter to buy the first one.

If I waited too long she might have been able to bribe me into trying on the other ones too.

Brandy had a pleased look on her face as she walked up to me, "If you want you can take a break while I find something for Hero.  I think I can find you leggings, but you will need to help with the shoes."

I let out a sigh of relief and started to walk to the doors.

"Where are you going?" Hero asked as I walked past him.

"I get a break while she finds you a tux."

He got a horrified look on his face, and I grinned, "Have fun."

"Don't leave me with her," he pleaded as I walked out into the rest of the mall.

"Sorry sucker.  I've done my time."

He pouted but didn't try to follow me out.

Where to go, where to go?

Food court's usually a good bet for finding chairs.

I smiled as I walked over and found a seat.

 I sipped at my smoothie while I looked around at the people.  

People who go to malls to hangout are really amusing.  They actually do stupid stuff.  

I watched as couple guys riding skateboards got chased by a mall cop.  One of them did a wired flip  thing with the skateboard but screwed up the landing and fell off.  It kind of caused a chain reaction since he was in front.

It was funny to watch them get kicked out, but I had to find someone else that was just as interesting/stupid after that.

A couple girls walked by talking about how one of their boyfriends is a complete idiot.  I think it was the one in the middle that had the boyfriend because she just shook her head and defended the guy.

Sometimes it amazes me how stupid people can be when it comes to guys.  They aren't all that complicated.  Find one that doesn't immediately want to get in your pants, has some brains, and doesn't leave the toilet seat up, and you're good.

The girls got boring really fast, and I started to look around for someone eles to watch.

My eyes landed in a guy that looked like he was in his late twenties or early thirties.  

He wouldn't have stood out at all if it weren't for the fact that he wasn't with anyone, or doing anything.

Why would someone come to a mall and do anything?

Maybe he was people watching too.  

That has to be it because I'm fairly sure he's staring at me.

Guess he thinks I'm interesting for the same reason I think he's interesting.

I pulled my gaze away from him, and started to look around again.

My eyes landed on a couple sitting a few seats away.  

They looked so cute together.  The girl closed her eyes, and opened her mouth as her boyfriend fed her.

She smiled at him when she opened her eyes, and he looked breathless at the expression.  

So cute...

But not really interesting for all that long.

I looked around for someone more interesting, and my eyes landed on that one guy again.  He was still leaning in the same corner.  

Still looking straight at me.

Maybe I remind him of someone he knew once.

Some part of my mind whispered to me that I was in denial, and that I should see him as a threat, but I told it to be quiet.  It's not like anyone would try anything in a public place.  That would just be stupid.  

My eyes slid away from him, and I watched as a couple kids ran around their mom's legs, one trying to catch the other.

I think they beat the couple in the cuteness factor.  

It's really hard to compete with children at play.  Though I think their mom would disagree with me.

I smiled as I watched the little boy grab his sister around the waist and pronounce that he was the winner.

The moment was kind of ruined when the mom started to scold them both about how they shouldn't be messing around like that while they were in a public place.

Too bad...

Looking around I noticed that the guy was still looking straight at me, but now he was talking on a phone.  He started to walk in my direction.  

That part of my mind that said I was in denial took control, and I felt myself tensing up.

I really wish Chance was here.  He would make me feel a whole lot safer.

"Elizabeth!" I heard someone yell.

I didn't look away from the guy, and I noticed that he hesitated at the sound of my name.


Brandy came skipping up to the table blocking my view for a second.  That's okay though because I don't think I've ever been more happy to see someone in my life.

Wait.  That's a lie.  If someone wanted to kidnap me for some reason she wouldn't be able to do anything except call security.  I was more happy when I saw that she was dragging Hero behind her.

"Can you move for a second?" I asked looking up at her.

She looked confused for a second, but shifted so that the guy was in my line of sight again.  

Or at least he would have been if he was still there.

I looked around to try and find him, but he was gone.

Despite the fact that there weren't any exits close he was gone.

"What you looking for?" Hero asked noticing my confused searching.

"There was a guy that was looking at me, but he's I can't find him now."

"Wired.  Maybe he went into the bathrooms."

"Yeah.  That must be it."

Except that the bathrooms were behind me.  He would have to have moved really fast to have made it to them in the few seconds that Brandy was blocking my view.  And if that's what happened how would I not have noticed when he went by?

I guess he just moved out of my line of sight when Brandy came along then ducked into some store while I was looking for him.

Yes.  Let's go with that.

The part of my mind that yelled at me before started to act up again, but I told that part to shut up and let me make excuses.

"Strange people are not the reason I came over here," Brandy said looking at me with an evil grin, "It's time to go shoe shopping.  Again."

I groaned and stood up, but I was kind of glad that I was going to be with them again.

No more people watching for me.

Well at least not at this mall.

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