Playing With Chance - Chapter 9

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Chance was centimeters away from me at this point.  

He was so close that I'm fairly sure if he started to talk his lips would have been brushing mine.  

My heart kicked into hyper-drive, pounding so loud I'm sure he could hear it, and for once in my life I was unsure.

He moved his head away from my lips, and down my neck.  Coming to rest at the base of my neck.

"You look beautiful when you're confused," he whispered making goose bumps rise on my neck.

My mind was still slightly fuzzy from the confusion rushing around in my head, but I managed to form a coherent sentence, "You're cold when you're wet."

Not one of my most intelligent sentences, but it was all I could think of at the moment.  I wasn't exactly use to having a guy laying on top of me.

I think I did good just for the fact that something came out of my mouth.

"We could always fix the whole, me being wet thing," he said with his head still rested at the base of my neck.

"Really?  I don't see how," I said just a little breathless.

"Skin drys faster than clothes," he murmured.

I blushed bright red at his statement.  

Was he suggesting......

No.  That is not what he meant.  I shouldn't think things like that......

Is there something you can say to that?

'Cause I really can't think of anything.

Before anything came to mind he softly pressed his lips to my skin causing all thoughts to fly out of my head.

When he removed his lips from the base of my neck he didn't keep them off for long.  He just moved them up to kiss slightly up on my neck before brushing another kiss across my skin.

He kept doing that until I could feel his breath brush over my ear, "Do you want me to stop?" he questioned, sounding almost hesitant.

I wasn't really sure.  It was hard to think at the moment.

I pulled my hands up, and placed them on his chest still unsure if I was going to push him, or if I just wanted to feel his abs.

The second thing was achieved regardless, but the first was harder to decide.

I was just about to apply pressure, and try to shove him off when I heard a key turn in the lock.

Pushing a little I managed to convince him to back off just a little.  

Loki walked in, and looked at us with a small smile, "Has he made any comments about how he's getting you wet yet?"

That's a strange question to ask.

I shook my head quickly at her once.

"Good.  I approve.  Anyway, carry on," she said walking into the room.


Why would she say something like that?

I was still looking at her like she was one of the strangest people I'd ever met when she glanced over at me.

"Don't stop on my account.  I only needed to get something out of the closet."

She looked completely careless at what she just walked in on as she walked across the room to grab a medium sized box with a bow on top.

What did she just walk in on?

It didn't matter.  As soon as the door closed behind her I turned my attention back to the guy that was pretty much straddling me.

Playing With ChanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora