Playing With Chance - Chapter 20

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"Do you know how to play football?" I asked Hero setting my lunch box on the table.

"Of course," he answered with slight confusion, "What guy doesn't?"

"A guy that grew up in foster care?"

"Nope," he stated, "That just means I had multiple 'dads' to try and teach me. When they cared enough of course."

"So you would be up for a game tomorrow?"

"Sure, why not. Who am I playing with?"

"Me," Chance said coming up behind me, "I thought I told you I would find my own replacement," Chance continued with a playful tone.

"Just trying to be helpful," I turned around in time to see Chance roll his eyes before he pulled me into a hug.

"And I appreciate that, but next time you really should ask first," turning his attention away from me, he looked at Hero over my shoulder, "What position do you play?"

"What position are you missing?"

Chance got a relieved look on his face before I started to tune them out. I know nothing about football, so it doesn't matter if I know what 'position' Hero plays.

What's the point of football anyway? To get brain damage? Because that's the only thing I can think of that would be helped by a 'good game'.

"So?" I heard Hero say as I tuned in again, "Who are we playing against?"

"It's a friendly game against some neighbors from a few towns over. The game is more about socializing than wining, but wining would be nice too."

"When you say socializing, do you mean it won't just be a bunch of guys?"

"Yes, Hero there will be girls there too."

"There will?" I asked in surprise.

I didn't know that!  I thought I was going to spend the day watching Chance get hit in the head with a football.

Not that I don't think he can't catch it or anything.  In fact I'm sure he's very good at the sport, but I was planning on distracting him.

"I wouldn't risk you getting bored while I'm playing. Who knows what would happen if you got bored," he shuddered slightly at the thought before giving me a grin to show that he wasn't serious.

That ruins that plan...

Maybe I can get Brandy to distract the people that Chance was planning on distracting me with.

Is she coming?

"Does that mean Brandy can come too?" I asked ignoring his smile.

"Alexander should have already invited her."

"Yeah, just like he should have invited her to the picnic. Right?"

"They were on a date. You can't blame him for that."

That's what he thinks. I'm good at blaming people for things that don't really matter.

"She had more fun with him alone, than she would have if she had come with."

I shrugged and pulled away from him.

How long had I been giving him a hug? Oh well. It's not like anyone except Hero noticed.

I sat down and opened up my lunch box.

"Elizabeth," Brandy said grabbing my arm and dragging me out of my seat.

"What?" I asked as I was pulled out into the hall.

Why is she so excited?

"Brandy!" I yelled pulling my arm out of her death grip, "What's going on?"

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