Playing With Chance - Chapter 26

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I woke up with a metallic taste in my mouth.  

I think I bit my tongue.

"Elizabeth?" a voice asked from above me.

Opening my eyes I found Jack leaning over me with a look of concern.

"Yeah," I said blinking a few times, "What happened?"

"When I recognized you I opened my door.  I guess miss judged the amount of time it would take you to get there.  I accidental hit you with the door.  That's not the point.  What are you doing out alone?  I thought I told you to stay with a big crowd."

"Forgot," I replied trying to stand up, "Why does metal have to be so hard?"

"Does your head hurt?" 

"Yeah, I think I got a new bump," I replied rubbing the sore spot on my head.

"Let me see," he demanded pulling my hand away.

It must have been a bad bump because he winced as soon as he saw it.

"Come on," he said pulling me up, "I'm giving you a ride home.  You need to get some ice on that."

"Wait," I said pulling out my phone, "I need to tell someone that he doesn't need to wait up for me, and Chance."

"I'll do it," Jack said taking the phone from my hands, and leading me to the back of his van, "I don't think you have the coordination to use a phone right now."

I started to nod, but winced when it made my headache worse, "Okay," I said instead.

"You got hit really hard didn't you?"


"I'm sorry.....  If it will make you feel better you can lay down in the backseat.  I think I even have a pillow back there."

"Okay," I said climbing in, and collapsing on the pillow he mentioned.

It smelled funny, but it was nice and soft.  

For some reason it made me tired too.  Don't know why.  Maybe it was that hit I took to the head that did it.

Some part of my brain was asking if I got a concussion, and if I should really be cuddling a pillow after taking a hit like that to the head, but the tired part was telling me that I was tired and I should sleep.

I woke up briefly when two other people got in the car because one of them picked up my head, and put it in his lap.  I think he put something under my nose too, but I'm not really sure.

Other than that I stayed asleep for who knows how long.

When I did wake up I was sitting in a chair with a blindfold on.

That doesn't make sense.  

Why am I wearing a blindfold?

A couple seconds later it was pulled off, and I could look around again.  

After that it didn't take that long to figure out where I was, and why I'd been wearing a blindfold.  I was staring at a room that I'd seen every night in my dreams for months.

 "Welcome home Elizabeth," Jack said from across the room.

Looking over I found him polishing a long knife with a white cloth that looked like it had been introduced to a couple people's blood.

"Thank you Jack," I replied, trying to keep the panic out of my voice, "Being kidnapped always makes me feel very welcome."

"I didn't kidnap you," he replied with a tilt of his head, "I simply relocated you until your departure from this world.  I think to be kidnapping you have to be intending to keep them alive for more than 24 hours.  Besides," he said throwing his hands up, "this use to be your home.  For it to be kidnapping I think you have to take them away from their home."

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