Venatrix II

By queenrihbih

34.4K 775 283

"I love you, I really do Kendall," Brett tried to convince me, tears welling up in his eyes. "Why didn't you... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Hey guys
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Five

2.7K 62 19
By queenrihbih

"A werewolf with the talons of an eagle. Possibly a shape-shifter, known in eastern mythology as a Garuda," Deaton explained to Theo and I.

Theo and I looked at each other funny before looking back at Deaton.

"We don't understan-"

"Tracy's claws. The unmistakable claws of a werewolf, but a werewolf who also bears the venom and the scales of a Kanima," He continued.

"What do you even call that?" Theo asked.

"A Jackson." I mentally laughed at my own joke. God I was so funny in my head. Maybe I should start a comedy show in my head, invite all my closest friend that live in my head like depression and anxiety instead of fighting mythical creatures.

"Personally, I call it terrifying. But at the moment, I'm more interested in how Tracy was able to get across the mountain ash," Deaton frowned in confusion.

"I thought nothing supernatural can do that," I murmured.

"As did I," Deaton agreed.

"So if Tracy was able to cross the mountain ash and no one supernatural can do that then that means Tracy's not a supernatural," I thought out loud. "If she wasn't born and she wasn't bitten, she had to have been made."

"Made? Don't you think that's a tad dramatic," Theo laughed.

"No, Kendall might be on to something," Deaton agreed. I smiled sarcastically at Theo because I was right.

"So you're saying someone is trying to make supernatural creatures with non-supernatural means?" Theo questioned, not believing it.

"And whoever they are, they're somehow managing to blur the lines between science and the supernatural," Deaton explained.

"But there's more. Liam said he found another hole out in the woods," I told Deaton.

"Burying them could be part of their process, a kind of incubation," Deaton theorised.

"What are we supposed to do? Scott and Stiles are at the hospital with Lydia," I told him.

"Same thing you've always done. Protect your friends. Protect each other," He nodded at me. "Hopefully, I'll have more answers soon. I'll be gone a few days."

"You're leaving?" I asked, getting up from my seat and near the bench where he was standing.

"Just a few days."

"How scared should we be?" Theo asked.

"I've lived in the world of the supernatural a long time. But I'm still a doctor. Still a man of science. Something like this happens, it rattles the foundation of everything you believe. Something like this shakes you to the core," Deaton started.

"Something like what?" I asked, fearfully.

"The rules. The rules have changed." He looked at us.

"One more thing." I told him. "My eyes. They're turned purple, which you already know but it happened when I looked into Tracy's eyes. I saw what she saw, at least I think I did. Does- does that help?" I asked desperately.

"I think your family's bestiary will help more than I can ever do." Deaton smiled sadly at whilst I made a mental note to check the book later.


"So what do we do now?" Theo asked, walking out of the Animal Clinic. I looked at the sun rising and smiled.

"We go back to being normal teenagers and go to school."

"So am I part of the pack now?" He asked.

"Hell no," I replied with a smirk.

As Theo and I were about to jump in his car, I heard a car park nearby.  I rolled my eyes as I saw Brett. Theo smirked at my situation and hopped in the car, waiting for me.

"Kendall," Brett called out, jogging in my direction. I folded my arms and glared at him.

"What?" I asked rudely. He came and engulfed me in the hug.

"Are you okay?" He asked, holding both my cheeks.

"Yea I'm fine, murdering a girl doesn't seem so traumatic for me," I replied sarcastically. Brett rolled his eyes a groaned.

"Look I'm sorry, I was just tired with the running around the forest late at night," He explained. I laughed at his apology and swung my hands around.

"Are you serious right now? I was with you Brett! The only difference is I witnessed a girl getting murdered in front of me and then being blamed because apparently I can't control the supernatural 'power' Scott gave me after he bit me!" I yelled.

"But there was blood in your daggers and stab marks on her, not to mention your purple eyes!" Brett yelled, while handing me back my now clean daggers. I snatched it from him.

"To frame me!"

"Who's framing you?" Brett yelled.

"The guys in the masks!" I yelled frustrated. I pulled my hair and groaned loudly.

"Is everything okay here?" I heard Theo asked as he got out of the car.

"Who are you?" Brett asked angrily.

"Kendall's friend," Theo smiled at him, stretching out his arm. Brett just looked at his hand and then looked back at his face.

"I don't like him," Brett turned to look at me.

"Well okay then," Theo replied.

"And I don't care, c'mon Theo we have school," I murmured, walking towards the car.

"What that's Theo- wait Kendall!" Brett called out as he grabbed my arm. I glared at him. "Theo can you piss off for a second," He rudely demanded. Theo put his arms up in defence and got in his car.

"Look Kendall I'm sorry okay. I should have never blamed you. I should've trusted you. I just have a lot in my head with Lori and Satomi because after the whole death list thing, I don't want you dying in my arms again."

"It's fine, I understand," I replied, trying to hold in a smile.

"Can I get a kiss? Or a hug?-" I cut him off with a kiss. I smiled at him before walking towards the car.

"Wait!" Brett called out again.

"What now?" I groaned out.

"Can I drive you to school please? I never get to see you," Brett begged.

"You see me everyday," I laughed.

"But I don't like him," Brett said glaring at Theo in the car. I sighed and knocked in the window of Theo's car.

"I'm gonna go-"

"Yea I heard," Theo muttered rolling his eyes. I stood back as Theo reversed the car and drove off.

"D*ckhead," Brett muttered. I hit him in the head as I walked over towards his car.

"I kinda miss your motor bike," I told him as I put on my seat belt.

"Me too. But after the whole hit list thing I kinda don't wanna be an easy target on a bike," He shrugged sarcastically.

I laughed and my eyes caught the ring on my hand that Brett had gave me. Every now and then I've noticed it had seem to flicker, so I quietly put my hands in my pocket.

'Maybe it's just broken,' I thought to myself.

"I feel like we haven't done something together in ages," Brett sighed.

"Me too," I mumbled, still thinking about the ring.

"Are you okay?" Brett asked. I bit my lip and looked at him.

"Do you honestly think I killed her Brett?" I asked, tears forming in my eyes. Brett pulled over and stopped the car before engulfing me in a hug.

"I'm so sorry Kendall. I can't believe I actually made you cry about me being stupid," He frowned. "I was stupid. I'm your boyfriend, I should be the first person to believe you."

'Theo was the first person to believe me,' I had thought, but just smiled back at him.


"If 99.9% of our DNA sequence is the same as other humans, what could account for the missing 1% difference? Theo?" The teacher pointed at him.

I glanced at him which he quickly looked at and then looked back at the teacher.

"Um, nucleotides."

"That's right," She smiled at him. Theo looked at me once again and smiled but it didn't fully reach his eyes. My eyes turned to Kira as she raised her hand.

"Yes, Kira?" The teacher asked.

"Can there be more than one species in the same DNA?" She questioned.

"No, but there can be multiple sets of DNA in the same individual. We call that a chimera. Anyone know where that term comes from? Sydney?" The teacher turned towards the girl who secretly hid her phone under her table.

"Greek mythology. It's a lion with a goat coming out of its back and a tail that ends in the head of a snake," She smiled at the teacher.

"That's right, Sydney. Do you want to read us the full Wikipedia entry off your phone?" She asked. I muffled in a laugh as her face went red.

"But that does get us into the next topic of mutation. As you know from the reading, DNA is a fragile molecule.
Isn't it, Scott? Or did you miss last night's assigned reading?" She turned her head towards the Alpha.

"Kind of," He answered guilty.

"Kind of or yes?" She looked at him sternly.

"Mostly yes," He confessed.

"Well, then thank you for another helpful transition in topic. Drop forms.
All those now acutely aware that they do not belong in this class, you should fill one out. The rest will be on my desk," She announced as the bell rung.

I picked up my books and begun walking out of class. I saw Theo in front of me and walked after him.

"Theo! Wait!" I called out. Theo turned around and waited for me to catch up to him.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit, upset," I told him.

"I'm fine," He smiled grimly.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yea," He coldly replied. I nodded sadly and begun to walk back.

"Wait!" Theo called out. I turned back and looked at him.

"Do you want to grab lunch together?" He asked hopefully. I smiled at him nicely and nodded.



"You look great tonight," Brett told me as we lined up in the club. I kissed his cheek and smiled at him.

It was late at night and Brett and I decided to visit the Sinema club, the only club in Beacon. We only went because Liam and Mason suggested it.

"Tonight is gonna be just us at a club, no supernatural no nothing," I gazed at his eyes smiling. He smiled back at me and closed the gap between our lips.

"I just feel like I should be doing something," I heard Liam say next to us.

"You are. You're my wingman tonight.
And considering the state of my dating life, I need a wingman, co-pilot and a really hot flight attendant," Mason patted Liam in the back, while Brett and I laughed at Mason's comment.

"I'm definitely not your hot flight attendant," Liam grumbled.

"Okay, yeah, choices are limited, but at least here, you can get drunk," Mason joked.

The que moved up and Brett and I got in while Liam was stopped.

"I said I'd let you in. Not him," A familiar voice told them. I rolled my eyes and looked at Brett.

"Not this chick again," I grumbled.

"You said I could have a plus one," Mason argued.

"I didn't say plus Liam," Hayden replied harshly.

"I'm his flight attendant," Liam argued. I laughed at his comment.

"What? - "

"-Wingman," Liam cut her off, rolling his eyes at himself. He waved his arms around in surrender. "Forget it. I don't have to go in."

"No, you're coming. Okay. How about me and him Plus 50?" Mason asked.

"Welcome to Sinema," She replied with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at her but appreciated how devious she was.

"We don't look old enough to be here," Liam stated as we walked to inside the club.

"Yea well you gotta act like you do," I smirked at him dragging Brett to the bar.

"Two vodkas please," I smiled sweetly at the guy, which he winked back to.

"I know you're only doing the whole flirty act to get us drinks but can you please not do that in front of me again," Brett sighed.

I smiled at him seductively while grabbing the drinks and dragging him to a private table area.

We sat down and as soon as we did I begun to kiss Brett. Brett responded quickly and that's when the whole make out ordeal occurred.

"I need to teach you how to control your eyes," Brett mumbled as he begun to grab on my inner thighs.

"Not now I've missed you," I whispered.

"Same," Brett mumbled in between the kisses. I put my hand under his shirt and begun to feel his abs. His pants begun to tighten around as his little friend became prominent.

"Sh*t I miss you bad," He growled, while laying me down and getting on top of me.

All the sudden my phone begun to vibrate, getting my attention.

"Brett," I called out.

"No please don't answer," Brett whined.

"It could be important," I looked at him sternly. He huffed and slowly got off me. I took out my phone and answered the call.

"Hello?" I got up from the seat Brett and I were sitting and tried to get away from the sound.

I couldn't hear a thing so I looked at Brett signalling to him that I was going somewhere quiet to answer the call.

"Hello?" I called out again as I reached to a more farther private table, away from the sound. The phone begun to beep signalling that the other person hung up.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and looked at the contact history.

'No Called ID'

"What the hell," I mumbled to myself. I put the phone back in my pocket and was going to walk back to Brett, only to be met with glowing black eyes. I squinted my eyes at the guy and tilted my head.

"Lucas? Lucas from chemistry?" I asked. The person, or should I say creature, growled at me viciously baring its fangs.

My eyes caught his arms which had stingers similar to ones of scorpions. My eyes widened as I backed up against the wall.

Lucas was walking slowly towards me so I went to reach my boots to grab my daggers but to my dismay, a tail whipped them out of my hands. I closed my eyes, ready to die as death wasn't a hard concept for me, I already did it once.

Lucas growled and was ready to attack but was tackled to the side my an all familiar looking person.

"Theo?" I said in relief. Theo got up and growled at Lucas, ready to charge at him. Theo ran up to Lucas and they begun to battle.

Scott, Kira,Liam, Mason and Brett all barged in and saw Theo's state and begun to help out.

"You're a little late!" I called out, running to where my daggers were thrown.

"What the hell is that thing?" Brett asked, while growling at the creature. Brett revealed his claws and begun attacking Lucas but it wasn't working as every time someone attacked Lucas, Lucas would just throw them back.

It was Kira's turn as she begun to fight Lucas and we all watched in bewilderment as a dark aura appeared around her. She kept attacking Lucas with no mercy.

"Kira!" Scott yelled, bringing Kira out of her trance. Kira looked around confusedly and begun to blink.

"Weird," I whispered.

"Is everyone okay? We need to get him out of here," Scott commanded. Kira still looked dazed, trying to take in what had just occurred.

"Liam, give me a hand," Theo told Liam as he begun to pick up Lucas. A figure appeared out of the blue and pushed Theo away, against the wall.

"The guys in the masks," I thought out loud, as they pulled out a needle and injected Lucas to his death.

"Why did you do that?" Scott yelled.

"His condition was terminal," They replied back.

"What does that mean? Wh-what are you even doing!" I asked in frustration as they had said that to me once again.

"Failure," They replied as they disappeared into thin air.

"Kira, Liam and Mason come with me we have to take Lucas to the Vet, you guys just find Lydia and Stiles," Scott told us, as he begun to walk back out of the private table room.

"Kendall are you okay?" Brett asked. I nodded as I hugged him.

"All thanks to Theo I am," I told Brett as I smiled at Theo. I let go of Brett's embrace and walked over to Theo as I hugged him.

"Thank you so much," I whispered to him.

"I'll do it again if I have to. I'll always protect you," Theo replied. Brett growled and pushed Theo away from me.

"Mine," He growled. He whipped out his hands, claws coming out as sharp teeth were all in view.

"Brett relax I was thanking him for saving my life," I grabbed Brett's hand making his claws go in, but not fully as he glared at Theo.

"Oh yea what a coincidence he shows up when this all happens," Brett laughed sarcastically.

"Brett shut up, I could've died if it wasn't for him," I told him.

"Really? How do you not know that he was the one trying to get you killed in the first place," Brett glared at me.

"Because he hasn't given me a reason not to trust him," I pointed out.

"So you're going to wait till he kills you for you not to trust him?" Brett asked me in frustration.

"Waiting to die was worse than being killed so I couldn't care less if he kills me because it has happened to me before," I told Brett, looking at Theo one more time which I received a look of sympathy from. I shook my head and marched out of club with one thought in my mind.

Why are Brett and I fighting so often now?

A/N- sorry for the slow update. I was thinking of not continuing this story because I'm a horrible writer and this story is getting drained and I feel like her and Brett never have cute moments :(

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