Lost (Camren 5h)

By TheNamesBri99

26.6K 459 221

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be in the studio until 6?" Camila asked, happy for the call but a bit confused... More

June 18, 2017
June 19
June 24th
June 25
June 26
Later That Night
July 3rd
July 4th
Maybe This Was a Mistake
July 7th
The Crash and Burn
Author's Note
2 Months Later Part 1
2 Months Later Part 2

July 5th

1.6K 32 9
By TheNamesBri99

Oops... So that was fun right? 😬😬
Sorry not sorry.. 😂😂
You'll love this chapter I promise that.


Lauren's POV

The night before was not a night of celebration in the sense of fireworks and parties. Instead, Lauren and Camila spent most of the day laying on the couch watching movies and discussing their relationship. Camila assured Lauren that there was no reason to be scared that she would just up and kicker her out one day. Lauren didn't believe her until the unexpected happened. Camila said, "Fine, to prove it to you. Move in with me. For real. Get all the things you own and move in. I love you and I will never hurt you again because it hurts me too and I'd rather be happy. With you. Here."

Lauren kept replaying Camila's words in her head. It was 3 am and here she was in bed, awake, replaying everything. Camila asked, well more like told her to move in and she had agreed. They were going to go get her things today to make it official. Lauren smiled at the thought.

She pulled the younger girl tighter into her chest, smelling the shampoo she loves so much. She let out a breath of contentedness and let herself drift off into a much needed somber.


10 am

Lauren was awoken by the smell of bacon. Knowing Camila isn't a very good cook, Lauren shots out of bed afraid she would burn the place down before she could move in.

Lauren walks into the kitchen yawning and rubbing her eyes. Camila smiles at how cute she looks, pulling the bacon out of the pan and placing it on a plate to cool. She sets the fork she was using down and walks up to Lauren.

She gives her a good morning kiss and, due to her eyes being rubbed, Lauren flinches. Camila laughs at her burst of "Oh shit Camz. You fucking scared me." When their lips finally part. Lauren just rolls her eyes and walks to the fridge to get a glass of orange juice.

"I thought you hated orange?" Camila jokes. Lauren just rolls her eyes again and leans against the counter. "The color, not the fruit." Lauren smiles slightly, watching Camila finish up their french toast.

"Honestly, I'm really surprised you didn't burn the toast and bacon." Lauren half jokes. It's Camila's turn to roll her eyes. "I learned a few things living alone." She responds. Lauren can't quit identify her tone. She settles of annoyance and drops the topic with a simple. "That's great."

When Camila finishes making the food and putting it on plates, she walks over and sets the food on the table. Lauren follows after refilling her glass. "Don't drink all of that, it has to last 2 weeks." Camila states, sitting down to eat." Lauren follows and takes her seat across from the younger girl.

"I wont. Hell, this will probably be enough to hold me off for a while. I don't drink orange juice very often anymore." Lauren watches as Camila slices her french toast and lifts it to her mouth. She gets lost in the way Camila's lips wrap around her fork as she slides her food off into her mouth.

She watches as Camila chews her food, paying attention to her mouth a little too long. Camila slows her chewing and gives Lauren a quizzed look. She slowly swallows and opens her mouth breaking Lauren out of her trance when she asks, "What?" Lauren just shakes her head to pull herself the rest of the way out of her trance and to bring her back to earth. "Noth... Nothing." she stutters taking a bite of her bacon. Camila just laughs at her making Lauren blush and lower her head out of embarrassment.

When they finish breakfast Camila goes to take a shower while Lauren does the dishes and cleans the kitchen. Camila usually takes 30 minutes in the shower though Lauren never understood what someone did in a shower for that long. It only took her 10 minutes to shower unless she had to shave, then it took her 15.

Lauren didn't mind the time alone though. She was able to really take in what they had planned for the day. "I'm actually moving in with Camila.. Like actually living with her." Lauren spoke into the phone to Normani. She felt herself starting to panic about the situation and knew Normani was the right person to talk to. She was always straight with her and would tell her if she was just over reacting of if she was being totally rational. This time, she thought Lauren was just scared.

Normani kept telling Lauren that things would be fine and there was no reason to panic. She reminded her that this was always what she wanted, having talked about it numerous times with Normani over the years. Lauren agreed, knowing she was just over reacting, like normal. She thanked Normani and hung up the phone.

By the time Camila had finished her shower, Lauren had cleaned the kitchen, picked out her clothes for the day, and made 4 calls to Normani no more than 4 minutes apart panic threatening again. Lauren had just hung her the phone with Normani when Camila waled into the room with a towel wrapped around her.

"Shower's all yours." She says upon walking to the room, starling Lauren who was standing and looking out the window. "You okay? You're acting very movie sad." Camila half jokes as she slips on her bra and underwear. Lauren turns around and grabs her clothes off the bed. "Yeah I'm great." She lets a small smile spread across her face. She starts to head to take her shower, only stopping to place a kiss on Camila's cheek.


"That's the last box." Lauren states, helping her mom put the box into Camila's car. "You sure this is all you want to take babe?" Camila asks, walking up behind Lauren and wrapping her arms around her. Lauren leans into the embrace and lays her head back on Camila's shoulder. "Yeah, this is all I need." She practically whispers.

Lauren only had 4 boxes, 2 of which were small enough to fit into Camila's trunk. Most of Lauren's clothes where at Camila's house, so the smaller boxes contained the rest. The other two boxes help Lauren's laptop, toiletries, books, CD's, her small movie collection, a few things from the fans, and all her awards from her music accomplishments with Fifth Harmony.

"You have more awards than me now." Camila points out on their house. "They aren't anything that important Camz." Camila raises and eyebrow at the road. "That's such shit Lauren. They are everything." Lauren nods slightly, knowing Camila is right. Awards show how dedicated and loving their fans really are and it warms Lauren's heart to look at them. "That's why you didn't leave them. They're important." Camila continues.

"You know some of them are technically yours." Camila shots Lauren a quick look of bewilderment before returning her eyes to the road. "Well, seeing as you were a part of the 7/27 era, the awards belong to you too." Camila just shakes her head. "No they don't, you won them after I left." Lauren does make a good point though when she points out that some of the voting started when Camila was still in the band. Camila takes it as a defeat and agrees, but only to get Lauren to drop the subject.


It's 6:30 pm when they arrive back at the apartment. Lauren's parents had followed them to help with the boxes, despite Lauren's pleading that they could handle 4 measly boxes. Her mom was about to cave when Camila invited them to dinner. She wanted the entire family to go but Taylor was at a friends and Chris was back at College, so it was just the 4 of them.

"This is a bad idea." Lauren states as they pull up to their parking spot. Camila shuts off the engine as she responds. "No it will be great. Trust me on this one." Lauren unbuckles and lets out a sigh knowing she can't do anything since her parents were already there. "If you say so." She responds, opening her door to get out. Her parents were already waiting outside their car waiting to be taken up to the apartment.

They go up the elevator and arrive at the apartment door. Camila sets down the box she was holding to unlock the door. She opens it all the way and allows everyone to walk in before picking up the box again, closing the door behind her after entering the apartment and setting the box down.

Lauren's mom said she would cook, though Camila insisted on it. Instead, she had to settle for just helping out. Between the two of them, it only took 45 minutes to cook their dinner. Lauren had only agreed to allow her mom to cook if she didn't make anything Cuban because Lauren didn't want anyone to have to take a trip to the store.

Having to compromise and make dinner with what was already in the apartment, Clara settled on making burgers with homemade fries. They ate dinner with some small talk. Mike made Camila promise not to hurt Lauren, which made both girls uncomfortable. But things got even more awkward when Mike had the "boyfriend" talk with well, a girl.

Lauren slowly sank farther into her seat out of embarrassment. Camila on the other hand just laughed at Lauren. Mike was only kidding. They had already had this talk years ago when Camila confessed her feelings for Lauren to Mike. He was like a second father to her but she also wanted his approval to be with Lauren. Despite her heart beating out of her chest in that moment, when Mike said he would be honored to call Camila family because she already was, Camila's nervousness faded and a smile spread across her face. They both ended the conversation with a huge and then Camila left to go talk to Lauren herself. But, things didn't go as she had planned that night.


Lauren's parents left at 8:30. Lauren had yet to unpack anything and was about to begin putting her books on the two open shelves on Camila's book shelf when she felt the younger girl's arms snake around her waist.

"I'm tired, come to bed with me." Camila whispers into her ears, kissing her neck. Lauren lets out a slight moan at the contact. "In a few okay?" she responds, though she's not really sure how she was able to compose real words when her thoughts were being taken over by pleasure and the want for Camila's touch.

Camila pouts and responds with a childish "fine." and heads into the room, alone. Lauren laughs at her childish behavior and places her books onto the shelf. Normally she would organize them alphabetically but that took about an hour and she knew Camila would complain so she decides on doing it the next day and heads into their room.

She enters the room and smiles when she sees Camila is already asleep, snuggling the shirt Lauren had worn to bed the night before. It was right under her head and her noise was facing it. The sight warmed Lauren's heart. She quickly changed and climbed into the bed. Camila immediately responded to the new body in the bed and snuggled up to Lauren's chest.

Lauren placed her left hand on the small of the other girl's back, lifting up her shirt slightly to trace circles on her back. Soon, Lauren was drifting off into a deep sleep, feeling completely overcome with happiness and love for the younger girl in her arms.


Guys this story is less than 100 reads from 3k reads. That's insane to me. Thank you again for reading. Also, I hope you enjoy the longer chapter. Feedback is always welcome.

- Brianna

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