A Pirate's Life For Me

By sparrowscaribbean

33.7K 734 161

15-year-old Agnes had gotten more than she had bargained for when she set foot on the Black Pearl... More

Tangled in the Great Escape
Keep Myself Alive
Proximity Mines in the Complex
If You're Thinking of Leaving, You Should.
This Is The Time
Somebody To You
Hope For Everything That Is Not Here
If Nothing Breaks, Nothing Moves.
You're The Sea Upon Which I Float
This Probably Won't End Well
You Don't Know How to Let Go
The Worth of the Wait
Pain Has a Memory
We All Float Down Here
Your First Light My Eventide
All the Little Lights
Send the Pain Below
Close Your Eyes and Realize
Two's Company, Four's A Crowd
Uneasy Hearts Weigh the Most
We Own the Night
Betrayed by the Game
Cast Your Fate to the Wind
Long Gone and Moved On
Before the Worst
Never Hurt Again
Would You Still Be There
Time and Tide

Something Just Like This

1.2K 33 14
By sparrowscaribbean

(Agnes' POV)

I wasn't trying to, and I didn't want to, but, I found my hope being conveyed from me once more. I was in a state of oblivion, not knowing where to go or what to do. I had swam longer than I had the first time around, waters becoming increasingly cold. I had taken off my corset for more access to free movement and lighter weight.

Surprisingly enough, the corset had kept me afloat! I used it as a raft to support me. It hadn't supported me much, but, it was helping me greatly. I know I didn't have anytime to think on Ellery's ship, but I curse myself for not finding a compass nor a map! Odds were, that I was probably going to be dead before I found an island. Before I knew it, my head wasn't above water anymore. The sweet serenity of my limbs being free of torture in exchange for my breath.

I couldn't shake myself out of the feeling, though. It was as if my limbs were locked in place. I tried my best not to panic, but, I couldn't help but become concerned! I was watching my stone of a body slowly sink down, the ray of sun radiating into the sea leaving me further every terrifying second. My ears began to pop, legs letting the water take them wherever it pleases.

I only then began to panic, yet my arms nor legs still refused to advance! My brain was practically yelling at me for oxygen, pounding through my head! So, this was death. As a few more moments had gone on, the feeling had become more light, peaceful. I've heard some people have flashbacks when they're dying, however that wasn't my case. I just kept looking up into the sky through the ocean, so far away from me.

White. White was slowly transpiring into my vision. My brain had given me one last jolt, a last chance to defend myself from the sea taking me whole, and I took it. My arm, with all the strength I had left in my muscles and mind, flapped it up and down, as well as the other. I swore I could've heard a pop in my arm, but, I wasn't worried in the slightest at that moment. I couldn't move my legs all that much, but my arms were bringing me back up!

My brain needed oxygen and now. I began to kick drastically, quite possibly with all the might I've ever put into something in my life! And I had made it back up! My gasps sounded like a bunch of whales beginning to die, but, I felt my body slowly revive again. I was thankful, so thankful that I had some sort of will to bring myself back up.

I prayed there was an island near by, I wouldn't care anymore if it was smaller than the one I was just on.
(Emory's POV)

"Captain! When do ya predict we'll be there!"

"Anytime now! Better hope Ellery didn't already exchange her."

"If he did, we'll just take her back with a fight then! Right?"

"Reckon not. They're going to kill her, slow and painfully."

"All because of your doing!"

"When you say it like that! Lad how was I supposed to know."

"You could've guessed the second you saw her with Ellery!"

"Son, I'm helping you find her. Savvy?"

"Aye, captain."


"I think we might be here! Look at that!" Henry called, pointing west.

"I think you might be right! Mr. Sackleson! We shall be there in approximately ten minutes," Jack grinned at me with his cocky know-it-all face.

"We're coming for ya Agnes. Please, just stay with me a little longer," I whispered, clutching the feather she had sported so well in her hair.
(Agnes' POV)

By gods fate, I was presented an island, and a big one! However it looked as if a volcano was on it! Who was I to care, though! I paced myself there, telling myself it was only but a few strokes away. I began to believe I dislocated my shoulder, but, I couldn't feel it while I was swimming. Hopefully I was wrong.

Nearly several minutes later, I had crawled myself onto the sand, letting the land absorb me, the hot sand hugging onto my wet skin. The feeling was incredible, nearly heaven! I wasn't going to be moving, not for a bit, anyways. However, as I was closing my eyes in my dream-like state, I swore I could've heard waves in the water, the same waves that of a ship would make! Instead, I deemed myself as losing my mind, letting myself drift back to sleep.
(Henry's POV)

I had thrown the anchor down, Emory being the first to get off the ship, I second.

"Where do ya reckon she'll be, Jack?" Gibbs asked, squinting at the rocky cavern.

"I say we look around shore before we make the bold decision as to going in."

I did as I was told, following Emory all the way around. We examined every bit of land we could, but, still no avail. Gibbs and Jack went right as me and Emory went left in an effort to find her.

"She's gotta be here! Ellery's ship should've arrived by now!"

"It's not here, perhaps she's inside. Let's not lose hope."

"OI! THE CAPTAINS FOUND HER!" Gibbs roared at us, running back to Jack.

"Agnes!" Emory called, running so fast I could hardly keep up with him!

Thank goodness she was okay.
(Agnes' POV)

I felt somebody grabbing me by the chin, lightly smacking my cheeks. However I couldn't recognize the voice, my ears hadn't quite adjusted yet.

"Love? Love! Wake up!"

"Jack..." I whispered in my hoarse voice.


I slowly opened my eyes, the sun shining directly into them. Instinctively, I shot up, but soon regretted that decision.

"Bullocks!" I shrieked, holding my arm back to my side quickly, falling back to the sandy ground beneath me.

"Agnes! Cmon! Get up!" I heard a voice that could be none other than Emory command, grabbing me underneath my arms.

"STOP!" I screamed, holding my arm once more.

"I reckon her arms broken!" Gibbs recoiled.

"Not broken, dislocated. There's a difference, mate. Emory, move over."

"Aye sir."

"I'm going to count to three. On three, I will pop your arm back in place, savvy?" I heard the Captain tell me.


"Wonderful! Three, two-"


"You would've pulled away at one. Trust me love I know what I'm doing. Cmon now! Up you go!" He said, grabbing me by my hand.

I stumbled into him, my legs not ready for the feeling. Therefore I fell right back down onto the sand.

"I can't. I swam too long."

"How far did you swim?!" Jack asked, bewildered.

"Don't know. I jumped off Ellery's ship and found a small island. Then, I swam for a day to this one."

"You couldn't have just swam!"

"Well would you believe me if I were to say sea turtles?" I smirked.

"Believe it or not, I probably would've."

"You simply must tell me the story."

"Another time. Henry, Sackleson, help your friend."

"Henry?! Why'd you come!"

"I wasn't going to just leave you!"

"Boy am I thankful to have you two."

"You are, they're the only reasons I changed my mind."

"Thanks for that, Jack." 

"Don't mention it, love."

I hooked my arms around Emory and Henry, both sitting me down on a barrel on deck.

"So, what now? Drop me back off at Port Royal?" I asked the captain, who took a seat next to me.

"No, that wasn't my intentions. You may stay as part of my crew as long as you'd like, Agnes."

"Boy it must've taken nearly your souls to convince him!" I remarked at Henry and Emory.

"Now you're just making me look terrible!" Jack stammered.

I just smirked at him, turning back to Emory.

"It's so good to see you again."

"So good to see you! I was worried sick!"

"You can't kill me off that easily, can you?"

"Not at all," Henry smirked.

"....so where'd the rest of the crew go?"

"Y'know, I hadn't even noticed they were gone." Jack remarked.

"I'm here, still! What's all the fuss about anywa-MISS AGNES?! Boy is it good to see ya again!" Scrum squealed, picking me up and squeezing me to death.

"Good to see you too!"

"Ya did it! Ya got her back! What about Ellery, ya kill him?!"

"Nope! I abandoned ship!"

"How long ago?!"

"Two days ago."

"Then how did you get so far over here already?!"

"I swam."

"Ya limbs must be complete jelly!" Scrum stammered.

"Believe me, they are."

"I best be placin' ya down, then!"

Scrum helped me slowly sit back down on the barrel.

"Henry, son, perhaps you know how to cook?" Jack asked.

"Yes, I do."

"Could you cook something up for the girl?"

"Most definitely."

"Can ya make dinner for all of us?" Jack yelled as Henry was about to enter the kitchen.

Henry just rolled his eyes.

"Aye! And with rum, lots of it!" Scrum called.

"Good! I like that." Jack exclaimed.

"Let's get ya a proper seat downstairs, aye?" Emory spoke, helping me up.

I slowly but surely was able to move my legs downstairs to the table, where Gibbs poured beer and Emory and Jack took a seat.

"Still heading for Pelegosto, captain?" I remarked, slugging down my rum.

It had been the first drink I've tasted in days, and needless to say it was delicious and refreshing.

"How do you know of my plans?"

"Emory told me."

"I should have you kicked off my ship, y'know."

"Sorry captain. The secrets safe with her!"


"No one bothered to tell me we were eating down here!" Henry growled, placing the food on the table.

"Right, Henry son? we're down here." Jack replied, earning a chuckle out of me.

"So funny. Hope you fancy fish and hard bread."

"I fancy any food that's well and available! Take a seat, lad."

"So, sea turtle story. I wanna hear it." I grinned at Jack, stuffing my face with food.

"It is quite a long story."

"I'm listening!"

"Really Agnes, you mustn't. We may be talking about it the rest of the night," Gibbs sighed, going for his second cup of rum.

"Cmon! Please?!"

"Really, Agnes. Don't if you care about us," Henry remarked, joking but at the same time not.


"Why don't you tell us some stories? You must have some exciting ones to share over the course of these last couple days," Henry spoke.

I know he didn't want to pressure me.

"Besides the fact that I almost died this morning, not really."

"What?! How!"

"It's like my body just completely gave up on me! I was watching myself drown for what felt like minutes, probably was! By some might I was able to get myself swimming again. It was scary, to say the least. So, scary."

"Bet you're an expert swimmer now though, aye?" Gibbs joked.

"I sure hope so!"

To my right I heard Emory snicker, which I hadn't a clue why.

"What's wrong with you ya dinkle berry?!" I joked.

"Remember that one time when we were at the blacksmith after our shift and you got yourself caught on the wall!"

I flushed red, as Jack had started to laugh, too.

"I-I didn't know I was that close to the wall! You're making it sound worse than it was!"

"But then that one time when ya fell asleep at your shift and we soaked ya with cold wata!"

"That wasn't funny at all! I didn't have much clothes, back then!"

"I wish I was there to see that!" Henry laughed, taking a swig of rum.

"Didn't take you as a rum kind of person."

"And why is that?"

"Don't know, you just give me that wine kind of vibe."

"I do love wine much more than rum, believe me." Henry groaned.

"Rum is much more enjoyable," I argued.

"Wine's pretty good, if I say so myself!" Emory inquired, siding with Henry.

"Aye, the older the wine the better!" Gibbs spoke.

"Assuming I'm the only one?!"

"Ya got me, love! Rum, is far more enjoyable."

There was that awkward silence again, hovering over. I was surprised that Jack was the first to speak.

"So, Miss Agnes, have ya ever been on a ship besides this one?"

"Naw, not at all. This was the only one I've ever wanted to board."

"Because you wanted to finally meet Jack, right?" Gibbs asked me.

"Well, aye. I really like it, though! Not having to be trapped anywhere. Sounds stupid, but the sea makes me feel calm....like, I can escape anything just by looking at it, being around it. Cheesy, I know."

"Not at all, love. I think we all feel that way to an extent."

"If I may ask, why did you become a pirate, Jack? Don't you ever wish you could be something else? Think there's something better out there for you?"

"You may ask. I became a pirate because there wasn't anything I wanted on land. Doesn't help when you've got an abusive family, either. I wouldn't have it any other way, not even if I was offered riches. A pirates life for me. Back to you, however, are you going to take up Miss Swann's offer?"

"I don't know, but, I-I think I might! Don't get me wrong, this whole pirate thing is great, but, I don't think I want to be doing it all of my life. I want to do something I'll be happy about doing, where I'll be glad to stay, have my own place eventually. I don't want to be rich, though. As long as no trouble is given and no harm is done, I'm good."

"Sounds like a plan." Jack replied.

I don't know how it had become this way, but, over the next hour Emory and Henry began to converse with Gibbs as I did Jack. I had to admit, for some odd reason I was a little nervous talking to him, sitting so close to him.

"And that, is how I got this here reindeer bone."

"Wow. Considering you don't go to the barber much, how do you naturally highlight your hair?"

"Sun, peroxide."


"So, you think you could tell me the sea turtle story, now?"

"I suppose I could, however don't say I didn't warn you that you may be here till you're only bones."

(Emory's POV)

"So, guess they're getting along?" I asked, hopeful they were.

"I know they are! I told ya Jack would come around." Gibbs smirked.

"Perhaps we should go somewhere else to talk?" Henry suggested.

"No! Don't want to make the lassy feel uncomfortable."

It must've been easily thirty minutes before Jack was finally done telling her that blasted sea turtle story! At least that's what we all could assume he was telling her, considering how long it took!
(Agnes' POV)

"Jack!" Gibbs called, ushering him over.


"Blackjack! Would ya like to join?"

"Why not."

"Agnes, what about you?" Emory asked me.

"No, I'm good. I'll just watch."

I stayed and watched them for a little bit, but, blackjack bored me. I could play it, I just didn't care to. I guess it was just a men thing mostly. I found myself twirling my hair, braiding it, cracking my knuckles, and shuffling my feet of boredom. Once I knew they were all knee-deep in conversation, I made my way down to the even lower floor, full of nothingness.

I brought a lantern with me, just seeing whatever I could see and find. I was still beyond sore, I knew I should probably head to bed shortly if I want my limbs to recover fast. I don't know how I'd though of it, but I began to recall songs I had learned when I was younger from my mother, sailor songs and songs that the people of Tortuga sang. I slowly began to sing just enough so they couldn't hear, making my way to the far back of the room.

Oh better far to live and die
Under the brave black flag I fly,
Than play a sanctimonious part,
With a pirate head and a pirate heart.
Away to the cheating world go you,
Where pirates all are well-to-do;
But i'll be true to the song I sing,
And live and die a Pirate King.

"How do you know that song?" A voice called.

I turned over to see Jack's familiar face staring right into mine.

"Angelica. She taught me it. You know it?"

"'Course I do. Truth is, she taught me it, too."

"Sorry, could you hear my singing from all the way up there?" I blushed, scratching the back of my head.

"No, I just came down here to see how you were doing, love."

"Why do you care? No offense."

"Is it wrong for me to?"

"I guess not..."

"Listen, love. I understand you wanted....more, than to just meet me, aye?"

"A-Aye. But I know it was a long shot and I know how you feel about me, you've made it quite clear."

"I cannot believe the words coming out of me mouth, believe me, but, you don't just have to be part of my crew."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I won't just think of you as a crew member. I've now come to see that I can accept you as my....daughter."

I couldn't believe the words coming out of the captains mouth. He couldn't be serious!

"I-I'm sorry, is this a joke? Are you pranking me? The rum talking?"

"Not at all. I understand I've hurt you."

"What's that supposed to prove?" I scowled.

"Not a thing. Say how you feel, love."

"Y-You want to know how I feel about you?"


"I came on this ship, thinking I'd have enough confidence to tell you that you're my father, but, I didn't. My mom was gone. And I mean sure! I had and still have Emory, but, a parent, I mean. I knew you were a well-known pirate, and it fueled my want to meet you more. When I came on the ship, I simply wanted to meet you. Then I came to realize, that, well, I-I wanted you to be part of my life, but I knew you didn't want to be part of mine.

I was just an accident, I don't know why I expected you to take a liking to me immediately. B-But now you're telling me that you actually want to get to know me? You're okay with me being your daughter?" I asked through teary eyes.


"T-Thank you, Jack." I smiled, tears running profusely down my cheeks.

I looked up to see him with open arms. I couldn't believe this. My heart was swelling of happiness, acceptance.

"It's like speaking without talking. It's like—saying it without saying it."

I smiled, lightly wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt his arms secure around my back, rubbing his hand up and down. I couldn't believe what was happening. I never thought this would ever happen, but here I was. Here he was!

"I'm glad you're my father, Jack." I muttered, digging my head deeper into his shoulder.

"And I'm glad that a girl like yourself is my daughter, darling."
(Gibb's POV)

"Well how long is Jack going to take?" Henry asked, becoming impatient to start another round of blackjack.

"Don't know, maybe he's talking to Agnes?" Emory questioned.

"Probably right. I'll go check on old Jack."

I left to go to his cabin, which I hadn't found him. I looked everywhere for Jack, the only place left to look was the very bottom! The cellar! I made my way down, not knowing if I'd walk into a feud or a talk. Instead, what I walked into was something purely amazing, something I couldn't believe I was seeing with my own eyes! Jack was hugging her, his daughter.

I heard her crying, I must've walked into something serious. Jack only looked up when he heard the step creak.

'Go' he mouthed to me, focusing back on Agnes.

'Aye' I mouthed back, a smirk forming at my face.

It filled me with joy that Jack had turned around, I knew he would.

"So? What's taking him so long?!" Henry commanded, standing up.

"I say we call it a night, boys. Jack's busy."

"I suppose that's a good idea. Say, where'd Agnes ever go?" Emory questioned.

"She's with Jack."

"A-Are they good? Are they talking?!"

"Aye. I told ya Jack would come around. They're hugging it out."

"Hugging?! Jack! We must see!"

"Ah ah! Both of you don't bother 'em. Just go to your hammocks and don't say a word, got it?"

"Aye." Both Emory and Henry sighed.

It was like dealing with two little boys.

"I'll see ya lads in the morning."

It did my heart good to see the two finally get along, be a father and daughter.

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