The Worth of the Wait

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(Agnes' POV)

"Wake up my dear."

I slowly raised my head, nearly forgetting the events that occurred the night before!

"We've got a busy day ahead of us, the earlier we start the better."

"Mom, what exactly are we doing?" I asked quizzically, getting myself up on my feet.

"There is something that needs to be done before we can live together on the island..."

"What is it?" I questioned, skeptical of how she would answer.

It couldn't possibly be anything immense, right?

"Agnes, my dear, in order for us to live on the island, you must marry the son of the king of the island, Prince Seth."

I gasped! That was not the agreement, not at all! How does she expect me to do such a thing! There was a catch, always a catch!

"Mom! I'm not marrying somebody I don't even know! And you forgot to tell me this how?!"

"I didn't, I figured today would be better to share the plans. Don't you want us to be together again, dear?"

"If I marry him I'll be stuck with him! We'll never be together! I'm sorry, mom, but no. That's where I draw the line."

"Don't worry Agnes, marriage is just a label! I promise that you won't have to spend a moment with him after it."



There it was again, that look in her eyes I very rarely ever saw. They were full of aspiration and candor, ones that I knew weren't going to let me down nor utter a repose.

"W-Well, if it will really make you and me happy together, I-I'll do it."

"That's my dear daughter. Everything will be alright. Let's just get through today, then we shall set sail for the island tomorrow."

"Sounds like a plan."

I had my regrets, sure, but, mom wouldn't go through all this trouble just so we wouldn't be together. She was right, we'd just have to get this marriage over with, then we'd be together again. I was so thrilled that within the next day, we'd be together again, living in a land of paradise. I only worried that I would never see Jack, Emory, Henry, even Gibbs and Scrum ever again.
(Emory's POV)

"Lad? Lad, wake up!" I heard a voice call, kicking me over so I was facing up.

"Captain! What are you doing?"

"I think the more rational question is, what are you doing sleeping on the ground?!"

"What?! Oh boy, I must've passed right out lookin' for Agnes!"

"So, did you find anything that may lead us to her?" Jack asked, hope brimful in his voice.

"No, I-I couldn't find a thing." I sighed, a stray tear making its way down my cheek.

"She has to be on Tortuga somewhere, lets not lose hope! Cmon," Henry called, helping me up.

"Wait...." Jack spoke, eyes fastened shut as if he was trying to recall something.

"What?!" I asked frantically, hopeful he would have any information regarding Agnes.

"Cmon Jack, time's a wastin'!" Carina growled.

"If it was Angelica that took her...I may know a place where she could be staying on the island. It's highly guarded, we may have to divide and conquer."

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