Jet Black Heart (boyxboy) *Co...

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**This is part of a series. Please read Sex Ed FIRST.** [Book 6] Wes Yeager is used to being unwanted. From... Altro

One: Wes
Two: Noah/ Wes
Three: Noah/ Wes
Four: Wes
Five: Noah
Six: Wes
Seven: Noah
Eight: Wes
Nine: Wes
Ten: Noah/ Wes
Eleven: Noah
Twelve: Noah
Thirteen: Noah

Epilogue: Wes/ Noah

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A/N: Here it is, the final chapter of the Sex Ed series! Thank you to everyone who read all of the books throughout the past few months. Since I'm not ready to let go of these characters, I'm going to be writing a book after this one that will have all of the characters in it. (No idea what the name will be, probably will not start on it for a while). The book is going to be focused around Perry and Aaron's wedding, taking place a few years after where My Guardian Angel ended. Thank you again for reading! :)
UPDATE: The final book in the Sex Ed series is called Troubled Soul


"Mom, dad, you really didn't have to do this," Noah said while looking up at the house in awe.

Phoebe and Hank simply smiled as they also looked at the house in front of us. "I know we didn't have to, we wanted to," Hank said with a smile.

"Plus, I don't want my granddaughter growing up basically in one room."

"I don't know how we'll ever be able to repay you," I said while Noah wiped tears off of his cheeks.

The fact that my in laws had bought us a house, was un real. It was a beautiful house too, a cute two story with a great yard. "This is our wedding present to you guys," Hank said as he put a hand on my shoulder. "We don't want you to repay us."

"No, I can't just let you buy us a house. Please let us repay you." Hank simply rolled his eyes while ruffling my hair.

"Learn to accept a gift Wes. You've been paying us back for the apartment, don't worry about this. This is the house we want you guys to raise that little girl in. Plus, I think it's big enough in case you want to have any more kids."

I couldn't help but laugh as Noah was then pulling me into the house. Everything about it was amazing, I was still in shock. "Oh my god," Noah suddenly said as he ran into the kitchen. "Look at this! This kitchen is amazing!"

Walking into the room, I looked around while smiling. "How many brownies are you going to make here?"

"So many," he happily said as he rubbed his hands together.

When we finished the house tour, Phoebe and Hank went back to our apartment to help us move what little furniture we had. We definitely needed to go shopping. Even though it was a little bare, this house was still ours. We would be filling our love with it, as well as our daughter.

"Thanks again for helping," I said while giving Phoebe and Hank a hug.

"No problem. Make sure you get that nursery ready, that little girl will be here before you know it!" Phoebe happily said before she turned back to her son.

After they got into their car, we waved while watching them drive away. I then noticed a car pulling into the house next to us, watching as two people got out. The guy looked over and noticed us, grabbing the woman's hand and walking towards us.

"We're meeting our first neighbor!" Noah happily whispered, making me chuckle.

The guy walked up to us, a smile on his face. He had pretty thick brown hair, with matching brown eyes. "Hey, are you guys the new neighbors?"

"We are. I'm Wes Yeager, and this is my husband Noah," I said while shaking the guy's hand.

"Nice to meet you," the guy said while shaking Noah's hand. "I'm Michael Edwards, this is my wife Hannah."

After shaking her hand, I smiled while resting my arm on Noah's waist. "It's really nice to meet both of you," Noah said with a happy smile. "Have you lived here long?"

"We actually moved in a few months ago. I was a police officer in Oklahoma, until we moved here. The Albuquerque force reached out to me, they seemed like a perfect fit for me."

"Oh wow, a police officer. That's really amazing work! How about you Hannah?"

Hannah looked at Noah like he had two heads, making me raise an eyebrow at her. "I'm here and there."

"Oh, nice. Well my husband here is studying to become a lawyer. If you're ever in a situation, make sure you call him."

I laughed with Michael whlie rolling my eyes. "Babe, I still have many years before that."

His brown eyes happily looked up at me before he said, "You're going to be a wonderful lawyer."

Giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, I looked up to see Michael smiling and Hannah glaring. "Enough about me, Noah here is on his way to opening his own bakery."

"A bakery huh?" Michael asked with a smile. "I have a bit of a sweet tooth myself. Let me know when that bakery is up and running, I'd love to come and buy you out."

We all started laughing until Hannah said, "Sweets cause cavities."

Michael's smile faded before he reached forward to shake our hands again. "I'm sure you guys have more unpacking to do. I look forward to having you guys as neighbors! See you around."

He gave us a small wave before grabbing Hannah's hand and walking away. "So he's really nice," I said while walking towards the front door.

"She's a bitch. I hope he finds someone who actually makes him happy one day."

"Me too." After shutting the front door, I wrapped my arms around Noah's slender waist. "Hey, you know what needs to be christened?"


"The bed."

He rolled his eyes as he said, "Mm are you sure about that?"

"Oh I'm positive," I said while picking him up. His laughs echoed throughout the staircase, making me laugh as well. Oh how I couldn't wait to build my life here.


Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

"Ugh answer your phone," Noah's sleepy voice said in the dark room.

Looking up, I sighed while running a hand over my tired face. Who would be calling me at four in the morning? Picking my phone up from the night stand, I instantly woke up when Lea's name appeared. Looking over my shoulder, I realized Noah had drifted back to sleep, his mouth hanging slightly open.

Getting off the bed, I quickly slipped into the hallway so I wouldn't wake him. "Lea?"

"Oh good Wes you're up."

"Is something wrong?" She still had a few weeks left in her pregnancy, the baby wouldn't already be coming would she?

Multiple voices were suddenly talking in the background, making me very nerous. "I'm fine, but you're probably not going to be when I tell you this."

Leaning against the railing, I looked at the dark steps while raising my eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"Look, I know I told you guys you could have this girl. But Andie and Mary think it isn't right for two gay men to raise a baby."

"Whoa whoa, what? Who are Andie and Mary? And Lea, you had no problem with giving your baby to two gay men. We're just like any other couple. If Noah or myself could have kids bioogically, we would."

Lea sighed before saying, "I know and this isn't about you guys. I think you're a good couple. But I recently joined this church and I met Andie and Mary there. Apparently they've been trying to have a baby for a long time. They're like in their late thirties or something. Anyway, since we technically don't have a written contract, I don't have to hold you guys to it."

"What?" I asked, my chest feeling like someone had just kicked it. "What are you saying?"

"I'm giving my baby to Andie and Mary. They go to church all the time, and they made a good argument as to why they'd be the better parents."

"You... you can't be serious. Just because people go to church, doesn't make them good people. How could you do this to us? You told us that we were going to be able to adopt your child. Are you seriously backing out, for some bible thumping couple?"

Lea sighed again as there were more muffled voices in the background. "Maybe if we had something written, but we didn't do that. Sorry Wes, I'm sure you and Noah will be good parents one day."

"No Lea, wai-"

When I realized she had hung up on me, I threw the phone onto the ground while screaming. Putting my hands over my now wet cheeks, I cried while thinking about the daughter I'd never have. "Stupid, stupid," I muttered while gripping my hair. How did I not write up a contract? God I'm so stupid. How am I going to tell Noah?

Sensing someone else, I turned to see Noah leaning against the doorway. He was silently crying, his hands tightly gripping the door. I watched as he ran towards me and wrapped his arms around my body.

Sinking down onto the ground, I let more tears fall while holding him. "I'm so sorry," I whispered into his hair. "This is my fault, I should have written a contract."

His head started shaking before looking up into my eyes. "This is not your fault do you understand me?" Before I could respond he broke down into heavy sobs. Pulling him closer to my body, I tightly held onto his now shaking body. Crying in a hallway was not the way I pictured our first morning here.


Turning the radio up higher, I continued to swish my hips around to the beat. Ever since Lea had told us she would not be giving us her baby, things were quite rough. It's only been a week, but damn what an emotional week. I finally only started to feel more like myself this morning, when I finally stepped back into the kitchen. So now, I was dancing around our new kitchen baking some peanut butter brownies. I knew we would be okay, and I knew we would have our chance at parenthood one day.

The worst part was having to walk by an empty nursery every morning. Wes had wanted to always keep the door shut, but I didn't mind it being open. I was very glad we decided to paint the room a soft yellow. We didn't want to do the traditional pink, and goodness was I happy we did that.

Just as the oven went off, so did my cell phone. Turning the music down ever so slightly, I quickly flipped the phone open before answering. "Hello?"

I almost dropped the plate of brownies when I heard "Noah, this is Mr. Kollinger. I wanted you to know everything is approved and you can move into your new space any time you'd like."

"W-what? Really!?" I screamed, right as Wes walked into the kitchen. He rose an eyebrow at me, but stayed silent as he took the tray out of my hands. He was still in his nice clothes, meaning he just got home from school.

"Yes, enjoy your bakery!"

"Oh my gosh," I said while doing a little happy dance. "Thank you so much Mr. Kollinger!"

After ending the call, I couldn't help but scream while jumping up and down. "What was that?"

Instead of responding to him, I ran over to Wes and jumped into my arms. Luckily he caught me as I latched onto his body. "I.. I got the space. I'm going to officially open a bakery!"

A smile spread across his face as he pulled me closer and kissed me. "Oh my god. Noah, this is great news!"

"You have to help me decorate! Aaaa! I could eat so many brownies right now," I said while picking one up from behind me. Wes laughed as I shoved it into my mouth, groaning at the taste.

As he was wiping some crumbs off of my cheek, my phone started ringing again. Thinking it was Mr. Kollinger changing his mind, I quickly opened the phone and all but yelled, "Hello?"

"Is this Noah Yeager?"

A frown formed on my face as I swallowed the rest of the brownie. "Yes, may I ask who's calling?"

"This is Penny, from the adoption agency."

As I went to put my phone on speaker, I almost dropped it. Luckily Wes had some cat like reflexes. "Oh Penny, hi! How are you?"

"I'm doing very well Noah. Is Wes there with you?"

"I am Penny," Wes' deep voice said.

We met Penny when we first went to the agency. She was telling us that it could take a very long time, which we were okay with. She was also very supportive of two men raising a baby. Apparently she has two dads, and wants to give more gay parents a chance. We instantly clicked with her, she was always trying to help us out.

"We had a baby dropped off to us earlier today."

Raising my eyebrows, I nervously looked at Wes who also looked nervous. "What do you mean?"

"A woman came in with her baby, who she did not want. Now I know I'm normally supposed to process him into the system. But, I know how much you guys have been struggling lately. All I can say is, you should come down to the agency right away."

When no words were coming out of my mouth, Wes took the phone and said, "We'll be right there."

He then gently put me down befor turning the radio off. Grabbing my wallet, we ran out of the house and into Wes' car. We stayed in a nervous silence during the drive, which was making me even more worried. After we pulled up at the agency, I started to get out until Wes put his hand on mine. Looking over at him, I watched him say, "No matter what happens, we'll be okay."

Nodding, I leaned over to kiss his lips. We then walked into the agency, instantly noticing Penny. She was standing with her back to us, but I could recognize that red hair from anywhere. When she turned around, I felt my breath literally leave my body. She was holding a tiny little baby, with the biggest brown eyes I'd ever seen. The baby had blonde hair, which was already starting to curl.

"Hi," she said with a smile as she walked up to us. "This is him."

I watched as she carefully passed the baby over to my arms, making me cry. "He's perfect," I said while looking down at his tiny face. Looking up at Wes, I smiled while slowly passing him over to his arms.

"Wow," Wes whispered. "He really is perfect."

Penny was smiling between us, holding a thick stack of papers. "I actually have a contract for you guys, if you want this to happen."

Looking back over at Wes, I watched him nod as tears were in his eyes. Penny took that as a yes because she started to flip through the papers. Wes carefully handed me the baby as he started looking over the contract.

"Hi," I whispered to him while holding his tiny hand. "You are so beautiful."

"Have you guys thought of a name?" Penny asked as Wes was signing the multiple pages.

"Cameron," we said at the same time. We had thought about names when Lea first told us she was pregnant. We both had agreed on Cameron for a boy.

It seemed like it took forever to sign the contract, but finally it was done. Penny was busy finding us a car seat as we sat down on a nearby bench. "Hi Cameron, I'm your dad."

"And I'm your father," Wes whispered while gently kissing his head.

Resting my head onto my husband's shoulder, I couldn't stop the tears from falling. This little boy was already so loved, more than he knew. Even if we decided to adopt another child... well that's a story for another day. I couldn't wait to start this adventure with the two most important people in my life.

A/N: the final final book of the sex Ed series is called Troubled Soul.

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