Eight: Wes

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A/N: This chapter is spicy

What just happened? I thought while watching Noah run away. Considering his reaction, it seemed that he didn't really plan on saying that. Obviously I wasn't planning on him saying that either, no one had ever said those words to me. Not even my parents, but I never considered them parents. It really felt so... wonderful when Noah said he loved me. But why would he love me? I'm not the definition of a perfect boyfriend or anything. I'm hardly a perfect man, far from it. It hurt when he literally got so scared he ran away.

Would he ever say it to me without running away? Shit, what if he doesn't want to live together anymore? I don't want him staying in his dorm, especially since we got cornered by those assholes. I'm falling pretty hard for Noah, and I don't want him to get hurt. Speaking of hard, my eyes glanced down to my lap to see the obvious problem. I wasn't expecting him to start kissing me like that, or saying he loved me. Just thinking about him saying those three words was making me even harder.

Closing my eyes, I took many deep breaths while trying to calm my body down. When I was sure my dick was under control, I got out of the car. I wasn't really sure where to go, since Noah ran off. Deciding to head in the direction he went, I ended up in the back of the house.

There was a cute little porch with flowers surrounding it. A porch swing was slowly swinging in the gentle breeze, as a cat was suddenly walking across my feet. Walking up to the porch, I realized the back door was open and music was loudly playing.

Poking my head inside, I looked around to see a surprisingly modern house. Given the way Noah's parents are always dressed, I expected to see something completely different. Stuffing my hands into my pockets, I turned the corner and almost ran into someone.

I realized Noah's mother was standing in front of me, smiling like always. "Hello again Wes," Phoebe said while giving me a hug. My body instantly tensed, since I'm not used to adults giving me hugs. I always felt awkward since she was Noah's mom, and was actually active in his life.

"Hey," I awkwardly said while stepping away from her.

"Oh my," she said while staring at my jaw. I hadn't looked at myself since we got cornered in the bathroom. I had a feeling I looked like shit. Judging by Phoebe's reaction, I did. "What happened?"

She was then pulling me over to the sink before gently patting my skin with a rag. "Just some guys were trying to get to me."

A frown spread across her face as John Denver's voice filled the house. "What happened?"

"Nothing, it wasn't important."

Phoebe gave me a very motherly look as she asked, "Was this because of your sexual orientation?"

"I never told you I was gay."

"Oh so straight guys grab my son's ass like that?" My face paled as she started laughing like a mad woman. "Your face was too priceless."

"Okay, I'm gay. These guys were calling us fags, and they tried to go after Noah. I made sure he was safe."

She gave me a smile as she put the rag back into the sink. "You know, I've never seen Noah this happy."

Raising my eyebrows, I leaned against the cabinet while crossing my arms over my chest. "It's not like we've been together for a long time."

"Trust me," she said while giving me a small smile. "Ever since that day in the grocery store, he hasn't shut up about you. He's had boyfriends before, but I didn't care for them. Well, I guess the boy from college didn't count as a boyfriend. He deserves someone who will keep him safe."

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