Twelve: Noah

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A/N: Important! 

This chapter has many references back to Sex Ed. (Are you cheating on me? Just rearranging furniture. Also, when Noah and Wes are in the kitchen and saying I love you to each other). These will be the last of the Sex Ed references, and also this story is almost done! I hope you enjoy!

Slowly opening my eyes, I yawned while rubbing a hand over my face. It had been a few days since I've been in the hospital, and luckily I'm starting to feel better. I found out from Wes and my parents that Greg went back to California. He called when he got there, but that's all I was told. Luckily, I'm glad I don't know more. My parents, obviously, were not happy when they found out what Greg used to do to me. I'm not sure if they did anything, and I don't want to know.

My eyes looked over at Wes, who was sleeping next to me. He's practically been by my side twenty four seven. I basically had to force him to go to class. I didn't want his grades to suffer just because I was in the hospital. Besides, I feel better than I did a few days ago.

Even though Wes has been super supportive and helpful, something has seen off. He's almost always on his phone, either texting or taking phone calls out in the hall. Even though I knew he wouldn't do anything, a little part of me was incredibly worried. Whenever I asked him about it, he instantly changed the subject.

I instantly looked down when I felt his phone vibrate. It was sitting in the pocket of his shirt, but the screen wasn't facing me. Glancing up at his eyes, I made sure he was still asleep before starting to reach for the phone. What am I doing? Quickly lowering my hand, I shook my head while closing my eyes. I don't want to snoop, I don't want to be that person.

When it vibrated again, I heard Wes suddenly move around before he answered the phone. "Hello?... Oh hi. ....Really? .....That sounds perfect, I'll come over in a little bit. Thank you again."

After he hung up, I opened my eyes before whispering, "Who was that?"

He instantly looked over, a smile on his face. "Hey, are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine," I said as he gently kissed my nose. "Who was on the phone?"

He seemed to think about it for a second before shaking his head. "Not important. I just have to make a quick errand but I'll be back in time for you to leave okay?"

I was about to respond when the door opened and my parents walked in. Frowning, I watched as Wes got out of the bed before putting his jacket on. "I'll be back in a little bit. Call me if you need anything." He kissed my forehead before leaving the room, leaving a frown on my face.

"How are you feeling honey?" My mom asked while she sat down onto the bed.

"Fine. Do you know where Wes went?"

She shook her head before saying, "Nope. He might've gotten sick of this hospital food, I wouldn't blame him."

Why does it seem that everyone is keeping something from me? I frowned while seeing the doctor come back in. Maybe I was just freaking out, or maybe Wes was up to something.


When he finally came back, I was hardcore freaking out. My parents had to leave a little while later, making me alone with my thoughts. He walked into the room, a smile on his face. He also looked like he had taken a shower recently, why would he have done that? If he was with someone else? Or maybe he was just gross from being in a hospital for a few days.

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