Let Go (A Hikaru Hitachiin Sh...

By mangaplease

14.3K 529 158

[ON HOLD] Reality. This was what the phrase, "Reality came back to slap me in the face," meant. Except thi... More

Let Go (A Hikaru Hitachiin Love Story)
Let Go 1
Let Go 2
Let Go 3
Let Go 4
Let Go 5
Let Go 6
Let Go 8
Let Go 9
Let Go 10

Let Go 7

807 38 5
By mangaplease

"This is very good. Where did you learn to cook like this?" Kaoru asked Megumi, who had forced Minako to let her help cook. She blushed bash fully and shrugged a little.

"No where in particular, really." She replied. Hikaru smiled, remembering his first meal at Kaoru's new house. It had been home made, as usual, but it was only Minako, Kaoru and himself. Nobody else was needed for it to be fun.

"So, I found out that Haruhi and Tamaki are going to be returning soon. Probably next Friday." Kyouya informed everyone.


It felt like a frying pan hit me on the head when he said that, but I ignored it. Besides Kaoru, Minako, and now Megumi, Kyouya was the only other person who knew about my feelings towards Haruhi. It honestly wasn't surprising, because he knew everything.

"Aaah!" Hunny sighed with excitement, "I can't wait to see Tama Chan again! Haruhi Chan must miss me, right?"

"Yeah." Mori agreed. I smiled softly to myself, trying to focus on the people in front of me instead of the girl I had no chance with. Taking another bite of meat, I tried to keep my thoughts on Megumi. She was a nice girl. Pretty, smart, and nice. So why didn't I like her? Even with Haruhi, she kind of caught my attention right away. Megumi... Wasn't really "wow-ing" me yet.

"Hikaru, what's the matter with the lights?" Megumi (speak of the devil) suddenly asked, motioning to the lights hanging around the room. They were flickering in and out. Minako, who wasn't so fond of the dark, yelped and clutched on to Kaoru's hand. He held her and looked around worriedly.

"Kyouya... Have anything to say?" He asked trying to keep his voice calm. The glasses figure smirked a little and flipped open his notebook.

"Yes. Presicely five minutes ago was a mishap at the power plant and somehow the power is going out all over town. It's not safe to drive anywhere, so we're stuck here for tonight."

As soon as everyone processed what he had just said, the lights completely shut down. Minako screamed.

"WHAT?!" I yelled frantically, "Why didn't you tell us?"

Kyouya didn't reply, but we could all hear chewing coming from his direction. Hunny didn't like the dark either, so he was hanging on to Mori for dear life.

This was going to be an interesting night.


Five hours later, mostly everyone had fallen asleep except for me and Kaoru. We had talked and hung out the entire evening, but I hadn't really noticed Megumi or where she had gone the whole time.

"Hikaru, I have something to tell you..." Kaoru whispered, startling me. I knew it was another one of those, "Talk to Megumi, she'll make you feel better..."' Or, "You have to find new people to move on with." Etc. so I decided to jump the gun so he didn't have to lecture me again.

"You know, Megumi is great. I think I may like her." I lied, hoping he wouldn't notice it in my voice. He sighed.

"No, that's not--"

"I don't need you to tell me anything else, I understand. I just need to expand my horizons, right?" I continued, hoping that he wouldn't keep the conversation going. He then became annoyed.

"Hikaru, stop." He said, fed up. I stopped short and looked at his sillouhette from the window.

"I know you don't 'like' Megumi. Don't pretend." He began, running a hand through his hair. "But the truth is, I researched her past. The one she didn't tell you about."

I gazed at him through the dark, and even though I couldn't see him I knew what he looked like at that moment. His eyebrows would be cutley furrowed and his lips would be pursed up so that his entire face looked upset. It was adorable, really. God I have a brother complex.

"A year ago, her boyfreind was killed in a train accident."

The words hung in the air around us for a while before he decided to speak again.

"I don't know his name, but... You can understand how painful that must be."

My stomach felt rotten as I absorbed what he had just told me. How come she never explained this to anyone? I don't have romantic feelings for her. That is a fact. But this girl seemed to just need a friend.

"Wow..." I trailed off, not knowing what to do. Kaoru placed a hand on my shoulder and leaned in so that he was whispering in my ear.

"And I know it's okay to tell you this because you don't 'like' Megumi, right? Well the whole time the power was out, she... She was with Kyouya." He stopped short. I didn't know how to react to that. I never liked her in that way, and yet it still hurt a little. 

"I saw them kissing earlier. Their shillouettes." He continued. I didn't respond directly, I just placed a hand on his shoulder to thank him and then leaned my head against his chest so I could fall asleep.

I wasn't upset that Megumi liked Kyouya. Hell, it was good for Kyouya to finally have a girlfriend.

But... It would have been nice for her to have liked me instead.


Sorry this update took so long! *sweatdrops* Attatched is a picture of Megumi~!

Anyway, you'll probably meet someone new next chapter... ;)

Thank you for reading!

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