Let Go 4

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Thanks to Megumi, I had Haruhi off of his mind for the next few hours. After our little encounter at the bakery, I had gone home happy and called Kaoru.

"You were right," I said after dialing his phone number.

"Well well well... Someone sounds happy!" Kaoru smiled through the phone. I nodded, but then remembered that he couldn't see me.

"Yeah, I guess. But that doesn't mean that everything is just magically fixed." I shrugged. The small twinge of sadness started to fill up inside me again, but I pushed it away as best as I could.

"Well why not?" Kaoru asked innocently. I could sense that he was trying his best not to start meddling.

"Hmm... Let me see... Maybe because I've been in love with the same person for years and it's not that easy to get over her." I said in a "duh" tone. I was positive he was rolling his eyes.

"Maybe because you're not trying that hard. You've got a beautiful girl who's single and young waiting for you to call her." He said through the phone. I facepalmed.

"Do you not pay attention at all? We don't even like each other. The only reason I went back there was to fight with her." I sensed that Kaoru wasn't really paying attention.

"Ooh! How old is she?!"

I was right. It went in one ear and right out the other with this guy.

"Sixteen." I droned.

"Perfect! Maybe she goes to the same school as Minako..."

"Wait! Please don't meddle with this!" I started spazzing into the phone. But it was too late. I could already hear him asking Minako about Megumi.

"Good news, they're in the same class. You're welcome, now please don't kill me in my sleep." He prayed, knowing how mad I was.

"No promises." I snapped. But I couldn't be mad at him for long at all. "But thanks for the help, anyway."

Kaoru smiled cheekily.


The we hung up at the same time.


I realized a few hours later that being alone wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. I missed Haruhi. I missed Kaoru.

When had he even left me?

It seemed like yesterday we were living in our own little world. Sleeping in the same room. Living in the same house.

I missed him so much.

It was eleven at night, but I knew he was awake. If not that, he was trying to go asleep but couldn't. Even though I felt like a child missing him like this, I really was homesick. I didn't know where I was anymore. 

Ever since we were little, being apart from each other was hard. If we were sepparated for to long, we would have these small episodes where we basically cried and ran into each others arms. It was kind of embarassing, really.

Anyway, I pulled on a coat and sneakers and walked over to his house. I didn't bother knocking, so I quietly walked around the house. Minako, who I definatley knew was asleep, would wake up and think a murderer had infiltrated the house.

"Kaoru?" I whispered. I saw him reading in the kitchen, sitting on what looked like a comfortable chair. He looked up and I could tell he was tired. As soon as he saw me, though, he gave a warm smile and patted the seat next to him. He knew what was going on.

Kaoru always knew.

"Come here," He pulled me down so I had my arms draped over his waist and my head resting on his chest. I closed my eyes and allowed the tears to come. I had told myself I wouldn't cry anymore, but it was a promise I just couldn't keep.

"I hate being alone," I whimpered. I was sure that I looked like a totally vaulnerable baby, leaning on my brother to fix everything. I'd been there when he needed help too, so I guessed it just equaled out.

"I know," He whispered. I could feel him relaxing as he held me. His arm was around my shoulder and his hand was clasped onto mine. 

"Everyone either hates me or leaves me," My breaths started to become uneven, "And then there's you and Minako..."

I felt his chest vibrate with soft laughter.

"I thought we were done with the whole teenage girl thing..." He trailed off, sounding sleepier by the second.

"I am. But can't a guy visit his twin and cry once and a while? Do you even remember how long it took and how many tears you shed to get over Ava?" I asked, feeling tired as well. He nodded and I felt his chin tap the top of my head. Ava was his first girlfriend, who had cheated on him. I had fun beating the crap out of her after she hurt him so badly.

"I do, so I don't blame you at all." He said. "But what about Megumi?"

I thought about the small girl and then shook my head. Her black eyes and perfect snow-colored skin stuck in the back of my mind for a while.

"May I remind you that she literally want's to chop my head off? We only speak to each other to get our minds off of things going on elsewise."

I felt Kaoru raise a questioning eyebrow.

"What's up with her?" He asked. Sleep was tugging at him even harder now.

"I don't know..." I yawned. "But I like being here with you."

He smiled and closed his eyes. 

"Me too," He agreed, "Me too..."

Then, we both fell asleep at the same time.


*Screams* I love gushy cute moments between the twins!!!!! :D Yay!

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Let Go (A Hikaru Hitachiin Short Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang