Let Go 9

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[Hikaru's POV]

I pulled up to the ice rink at about 7:30. It was summer, so it was refreshing to be somewhere cold for a change. Everyone else's cars had pulled up already, and I could see another that I didn't recognize. It wasn't exactly expected, since we had reserved the rink for today, but I decided to ignore it and keep driving.

Kaoru and I had always been exceptionally good skaters since we were little. It was a gift, really. Kyouya was pretty good, too, but couldn't do any tricks. Tamaki was awful, and Haruhi was a beginner but not so bad. She surpassed Tamaki's level on her first try. I got out of my car and locked it, checking to make sure all of the windows were closed so it didn't overheat. I was holding a pair of black skates that Kaoru matched with, and a blue zip up sweatshirt to go over my white V-neck.

"Hikaru," Kaoru met me at the door with Minako by his side. She was biting her lip and tugging at her hair, so I could tell something was up. She couldn't keep a secret for her life.

"Mmm..." I replied skeptically.

"Everyone is already here!" She bubbled over with excitement and grabbed my hand, trying to tug me along to the rink. Kaoru pushed me slightly so I'd follow.

"What's the rush?" I laughed. Mina suddenly gasped and dropped my arm, flinching back so that she was right next to Kaoru. She leaned over and frantically whispered something in his ear that I could only catch fragments of; some of which were things like, "Suspicious" and "he knows", followed by a variation of nervous squeaking. Kaoru looked quite amused while he calmed her down.

"There's no rush, Mina just wants to get back to skating. Shall we?" He lied to my face despite the fact that he knew I could tell when he was or was not telling the truth. I ignored it and walked with them anyway, humoring Kaoru's bad attempt to get away with the fib.

Eventually we made it to the rink, just in time to see Tamaki falling on his face probably for the hundreth time, While Haruhi waited on him hand and foot. Kyouya and Megumi were simply being cute in the corner, as the shadow lord tried to help her learn how to not fall over.

"So, I'll see you out there." Kaoru waved and gracefully took off across the ice, hand in hand with Minako, who still seemed pretty excited about god knows what. After I watched the two for a while, I decided to "skate up" and get out there myself. Luckily they still fit me after a while of not being worn. I had bought them a long time ago and since then I had gone up a few foot sizes.

My sweatshirt was shrugged off before I entered the rink, and I stuffed it into a small drawstring bag that was already buldging with other uneeded items. Another bag that looked exactly the same was placed directly next to mine, so I was careful not to mix the two up.

As I made my way away from the two bags, I failed to notice a brunette walk out of the ladies bathroom and grab what she thought was her bag. Little did I know that her tiny misjudgement would lead to much more than me buying a new sweatshirt.



"What do you mean she can't come?" I asked Minako, who was in the middle of an intense phone conversation with the girl who could've been Hikaru's next girlfriend.

"She was literally just here, and then she got a phone call saying her brother was in an accident so she had to leave," She whispered, "Yes, sweetie I completely understand. I'll pray for him."

"Oh my god," I said, rubbing my temples and trying to concentrate. "Is he...?"

"Not yet, but from what it looks like he has pretty much no chance of surviving." Mina hung up the phone and wiped away a few stray tears. "I just feel so bad, he was so young..."

I gazed down at my girlfriends face. Her bottom lip was trembling and her cheeks had almost no color in them at all. She was weird in that way; most people's faces flush when they cry, but Mina's did the opposite. I loved her for it, though. I opened my arms and she skated into them, trying her best to pull it together.

"Ugh, I'm so sorry. I don't mean to cry it's just--"

"It's that you're sesitive and loving. Cry all you want, I'll probably join you later." I felt her smile a bit into my chest.

"Wanna go home?" I asked softly. She looked up at me.

"But we just got here..."

"And you're pretty upset. I think we should go."




"Hey guys, what's the--" I shut myself up as soon as I noticed Minako's tears.

"We're going to leave. Minako's friends brother was in an accident." Kaoru responded. I gasped a little and said a quick mental prayer for him.

"Ugh, I'm just cold and tired and want to get out of here," Mina said, sniffling and looking angrily at the floor. Kaoru took her hand and continued to skate away towards the exit.

"Hey, you can borrow my jacket if you're cold, Mina. Lemme grab it really fast..." I whizzed by them and stumbled over the opening to get to my bag. I pulled it open to see everything that wasn't mine in the world. A sparkly blue and gray hair clip, charm bracelets, watermelon gum, a small black notebook, an iPod, and a Spiderman keychain.

"Shit," I hissed under my breath, "this isn't my bag."


After explaining my stolen bag story to my friends and brother, I decided to head out and try and find out where my bag went. My phone, that contained my personal information, important contacts, and all of my pictures from high school, was still in there; I needed that back more than anything.

I got back to my house and trudged into my room, still mumbling curses. I threw the other bag (that I figured belonged to a girl) on my bed and grabbed my home phone off of the charger. I was lucky I even had another phone option.

I dialed my cell number and paced around my room waiting anxiously for someone to answer it. Eventually I was greeted with my own voice.

"Hi, you've reached Hikaru Hitachiin. Sorry I can't get to my phone right now, but leave a message and I'll get back to you as fast as I can. Bye."

I decided to leave a message for the person who had taken it.

"Hey, this is Hikaru Hitachiin, owner of this phone. I was just wondering when I could meet up with you to get it back--"


I was inturrupted when someone actually picked up in the middle of my message.

"Yeah, hi!" I responded, sort of taken aback. Instead of a peppy female voice like I was expecting, a male voice answered.

"Who are you and why are you calling my daughter at a time like this?" The man snapped. I readjusted the house phone against my ear.

"I'm sorry sir, it's just a misunderstanding. Your daughter took my bag by mistake and I need to--"

"Look, I don't have time for this. My son is on his deathbed and you have the nerve to make prank calls?"

"No sir, that's not it at all, I ju--"

"Bye. And don't try calling again."

Then he hung up, leaving me utterly speechless.


I haven't updated all summer I am so mean to all of my readers ;^;

Anyway, here is the next chapter! Please comment and vote :)

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