In The Light Of The Moon {COM...

By NickyAnderson3

2.1K 97 3

Nicki is a teenage girl with a HUGE secret. That only her boyfriend and his friends know. She's a werewolf. N... More

Me just Me
PUNISH (Part 2)
A long day
New Family
New plan
Say GoodBye
So what do you say
Restless Night
Because Of Me
Dark World
What were you saying
All you have to do is tell me
Through hell and high waters
If it's OK with you.
And This And That
Make A Grown Man Cry
Fantasy and Reality
Im Going Home
Longer Night Than Expected
The End.

The last I wanted to remember

35 3 0
By NickyAnderson3

Nicki Rey's P.O.V

Once I woke up I would have thought that there would have been a huge chance that I wouldn't be able to walk to the 'living room' of our hotel. Also expecting to see a large Samoan lightly snoring next to me. But what I was left with was an empty bed and a note. That read "sorry I had to go got called to do a promo. See you later. " Wasn't the opener I was thinking of but I had to deal with it. As I re-read the note thinking that every time my eyes grazed over the paper the words would somewhat change. I was left with nothing but the same outcome. I lightly rubbed my eyes to adjust my vision. Trying to run my hair through my already tangled hair. But failing miserably. I tossed myself off the mattress. Quickly falling to the ground because of the loss of feeling in my legs. I lightly laughed thinking about last. I shook my legs surprised that I gained feeling in my legs. But there was still that little bit of numbness in my right leg. But it wasn't anything that couldn't be overlooked.

I limped to the kitchen and to my surprise there was a car with another note that read "Sorry that I couldn't join you for breakfast but the least I could do would be to order it for you. -Joe"

I smiled and opened the tray to see pancakes, eggs, and bacon in the shape of a heart. "Awwe"

I grabbed a piece of partially cold bacon and plopped it into my mouth. Cringing at the taste I continued to chew. Slowly swallowing the cold meat.

I closed the tray and walked to the bathroom to freshen up. While I was in the shower I knew that the door opened and that there was someone in the room. But I just thought that it was Joe. As I walked out drying my hair I nearly dropped my towel at what I saw. " So you think that you could just leave me and clear out your drawers and think that I wouldn't notice," Drake said. His words were harsh. They pierced straight through me. In shock, I couldn't manage out any words.I parted my lips but the words continued to get stuck in my throat. "SPEAK WHEN I TALK TO YOU, YOU LITTLE CUNT!"  I felt the cold wall behind me. I knew that this was the end of the line for me. I felt hollow inside. His words hit me like a brick. From the overwhelming emotions, could feel the tears welling in my eyes. Blurring my vision. I let the burning tears fall. Letting all of my emotions flow in the process. I dropped to my knees. Knowing that this is going to be the way that I die. In a hotel room in a towel.
"Who you calling a cunt you son of a bitch?"
Once I heard Joe's words I knew right then and there this was going to be a battle. But it wasn't going to end well. Not for Joe, Drake, Me or this hotel room.
"This cunt! I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true."
"Well then your a lier because my wife is the farthest thing from a cunt."
"Well what do you call someone that lets you hit it at anytime you want? Huh?"
Joe's face flushed with disappointment. I guess he for got that at the moment in my life I didn't have a choice in my actions. I was stuck in a place where I had someone else with a extremely demented life controlling mine.
"LOOK ENOUGH! Drake get out. Get out. I think you continue to forget that I have had my life ripped to shreds by you. And you couldn't care less. You got what you wanted. A stupid FUCKING HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH! You got a crush! Round of applause. Great. You raped me 3 times. You got me pregnant. And then you beat the shit out of me. Killing my unborn fetus. OUR UNBORN CHILD! But you know I'm glad. I wouldn't wanna spend the rest of my life looking at something that remains me of you. I'd rather die then go to another place with you. Something I actually considered. Killing myself to get away from you. Do you understand how bad of a person you have to be if someone would wanna die then be around you. I guess not because you can't even comprehend common sense. Now I'm not going go to say it again. STAY AWAY FROM ME! STAY AWAY FROM MY FAMILY! STAY AWAY FROM MY JOB! AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE!"
He was flustered without anymore words he left. I thought that he would've said that something like "this isn't over" but nothing. That made me think is this over for me and drake. Only a girl can hope.
Once I heard the door close. I looked back at joe who was a little confused. He stared at me. Then engulfed me in a hug. I felt happy to feel his warmth. I felt safe again. As I pulled back I looked him in his grey eyes. Taking me back to the time when I first met him.


It was a training. I was learning how to transform when I wanted to. He was hiding behind a tree watching. That was the day I decided to make wear these tight fitting leggings and a sports bra. I had just transformed. Now back then hit hurt like hell. And it wasn't a pain that you could bear. And when I'm in excruciating pain I run. So I ended up running into him. Causing us to roll down the hill. Ending with him on top of me looking into my husky blue eyes with his grey.

"You went back to the first time we met didn't you?" Joe asked.
"Yeah I guess you could say that." I said with a hint of laughter.
"No matter what we go through I want you to know that I love you"
"No matter what we go through I want you to know that I love you too."
We ended the moment off with a kiss.  That's the last I wanted to remember of that day.

Why hello again, so I know that this chapter was sucky but you know I had to upload something before we reach the end so Yah! Um yes the end is near. I'll try to make this a good ending. And I'll try to make it soon. I've just been caught up in school. And the next book I'm writing. It's not a Roman book. It's actually an Enzo Amore book. I won't publish it until I'm maybe 25-30 chapters in. If it even makes it that far. So far I'm at chapter 5-6 and well I won't indulge in what going on but yea. Thx for reading. Don't forget to favorite and comment.  


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