.:Pulling Petals:. .:Phanfic:.

By 0philseyelash0

131 2 3

~he loves me~ ~he loves me not~ .:Pastel/Punk phan AU:. More



9 0 0
By 0philseyelash0

The restaurant was fairly simple, though fancy enough for a date. Phil, who had decided on a simple white button-up and skinny jeans, arrived a few minutes early, the first thing he hadn't been late to in a while. He stood outside the restaurant for about five minutes, fidgeting with his snakebites, before a small gray car pulled into the parking lot. The door opened and Dan stepped out and walked up to Phil. He wore a simple, pastel pink skirt, a white sweater, and a pastel blue flower crown.
"Hi," he said sheepishly as he arrived at the front of the restaurant where Phil stood.
"Wow," Phil said, staring at Dan. He never stared at anyone. "You look..."
"Ridiculous? Feminine? Weird?"
Dan blushed. "Thanks." He smiled then added, "You look amazing, Phil."
Phil grinned. "Thanks. Should we go in? It's getting a bit cold."
Dan nodded. "Good idea."
Phil, who felt the need to impress Dan and be a gentleman, opened the door and held it for him. Dan rushed in to escape the cold.
"Maybe wearing a skirt wasn't the best idea in this weather," Dan laughed as Phil walked in behind him.
Phil laughed too. "Nah, it was a wonderful choice. It looks amazing on you."
They walked in and sat down at a table across from each other. Phil slouched, but noticed Dan sitting up and placing his napkin on his lap, and decided to do the same. He tugged nervously at his folded-up sleeves and grabbed a menu, skimming it to see if there was anything that sounded interesting. "I don't even know how to read Italian," he grumbled under his breath.
Dan giggled. "It's okay, just read the ingredients. Or I can decide for you if you want."
Phil flipped through it once more before setting it down and sighing. "I'm gonna have to go with option two. Everything sounds so damn fancy, I'm used to, like, microwave mac and cheese."
Dan snorted. "Got it."
The night progressed. They ordered their food from a nice waitress and talked about their lives. They had rarely interacted before that night, so they discussed their interests and found they both quite loved video games.
Phil laughed.
"What's so funny?" Dan asked.
"Nothing, you just don't seem like the type to enjoy video games," Phil said.
"Fight me in or in front of a 7/11," Dan said, holding up his fists in a mock-intimidation way.
"What's with the 7/11 part?" Phil said through a laugh.
Dan shrugged. "I dunno, man."
It was quite a pleasant date, at least it was up until about half an hour in.
"Hey," Dan said, glancing over Phil's shoulder nervously. "Is it just me, or is that guy glaring at us?"
Phil turned around to look and a small frown spread across his face when he saw that said guy was, indeed, glaring in their direction. "Huh."
They tried to divert their attention from him, but after a few more minutes, things started escalating.
"Excuse me, miss, but those two homos over there are making me uncomfortable," he said, not even trying to be discreet or quiet, as he gained a waitresses attention. The waitress apologized and asked him to try and tolerate it.
"Hey, queers," he said loudly enough for everyone in a twenty foot radius to hear once the waitress had left. "No f*gs in the restaurant."
An abrupt silence fell over the restaurant. Phil turned around to look at him. He gave him an icy glare.
"Hey, bitch," Phil responded. "No bullshitters in the restaurant."
The guy stood up. "You disgusting homo!"
Phil stood too. His height matched with his tattoos and piercings giving him an intimidating figure. "Last I checked, it isn't hurting you, so shut up."
The man walked over and jabbed a finger in his face. "You're a disgrace to this world," he said, spittle flying from his mouth.
Phil proceeded to hit him square in the jaw with an uppercut.
He fell back, rubbing his jaw. He turned and swung a punch at Phil, but he easily ducked under it and hit him in the gut. A nearby waitress saw the commotion and ran over, yelling.
"Stop!" she yelled. The two men looked up at her, Phil with his fists raised, and the other man still keeled over and wheezing. The waitress pointed at them both. "Out. Get out. No fighting in the restaurant."
Phil turned and grabbed Dans hand. "Come on, let's get out of here."

*lmaoooo we're really bad at updating on time wow
"I relate to chapter 5 on a spiritual level" -ree*

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