Jet Black Heart (boyxboy) *Co...

By tampamanatee

32.3K 1.9K 309

**This is part of a series. Please read Sex Ed FIRST.** [Book 6] Wes Yeager is used to being unwanted. From... More

One: Wes
Two: Noah/ Wes
Three: Noah/ Wes
Four: Wes
Five: Noah
Six: Wes
Seven: Noah
Eight: Wes
Ten: Noah/ Wes
Eleven: Noah
Twelve: Noah
Thirteen: Noah
Epilogue: Wes/ Noah

Nine: Wes

2.3K 119 29
By tampamanatee

Running my hands over my tired face, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was very dishoveled and sticking up in random directions, from Noah's little fingers. His new favorite thing was to run his fingers through my hair, which I honestly loved. It was nice having someone always be so close, and just knowing that someone is always there. I never thought I would be so okay with having someone in my life like this. I definitely never thought I would be wanting to live with someone else. After what happened in the bathroom, I didn't want anything to happen to Noah.

After doing my business, I wandered down the hallway and walked back into Noah's room. We had decided to spend the night at his house, since his parents all but begged us not to leave. That was still something I wasn't used to- parents. Phoebe and Hank were treating me like a son, something I didn't really like.

These people had no idea who I was, they knew nothing about me. It didn't seem to matter though, because they didn't treat me or Noah any different. I may be okay with having Noah in my life, but having two people actually act like parents would take some time.

As I walked into the room, I instantly looked over to the bed. Noah was flipping through multiple books that he didn't seem to notice me. "What are you reading?" I asked while sitting next to him on the bed. He jumped from my voice, his brown eyes instantly looking up at me. A smile then spread across his face as he held the book out.

Looking down, I realized he was holding a yearbook practically in my face. "This was little fetus Noah freshman year," he said while pointing to a picture. "Then sophomore year," he said while picking up another book. "Oh and this is junior, when I grew my hair out. Ooo and this is senior, when I cut all that hair off."

Smiling, I leaned closer to him while staring at the pictures. I wrapped my left arm around his smaller body as my nose nuzzled his ear. I listened to him tell me all about high school, and basically everything that happened in those four years. His voice was like velvet, I could listen to him all day.

"I liked little fetus Noah," I said as he rested his head on my chest. "You were pretty cute."

"Am I not cute anymore?" He asked while looking up at me with a pouty expression. He had a hint of a smile on his face, which also made me smile.

"Now you're sexy," I whispered into his ear as he shivered. "You didn't have to show me all these yearbooks you know."

He nodded before shutting the books. "I know, but I wanted to. I want you to know everything about me."

I suddenly felt bad, since I really haven't told him anything about me. Well, he knew about Justin and my parents. Those were the two biggest things that had happened in my life so far. But he's right, he should know everything about me.

I watched as he gave me a gentle smile before getting off the bed. He then put the yearbooks away, before looking through some clothes. He was getting a pair of pajama pants out as he said, "I don't think any of my clothes will fit you. I'll a little shorter than you are."

"It's fine," I said while standing up. I then started un zipping my jeans while saying, "I can sleep in my boxers."

I could feel his eyes on me as I slowly undressed, which was actually making me nervous. Even though we've slept together twice, it was still nerve wracking to have his eyes stare at me. I felt so vulnerable with him looking at me like that.

When my pants were off, I folded them before looking back up at him. He was still staring at me, before he slipped his pajama pants on. He then slowly took his shirt off before coming over and standing in front of me.

"Can I wear your shirt?" He whispered, confusing me.

"You want to wear my shirt? Why?"

He blushed lightly as he looked down. "I like your cologne."

I couldn't help but smile as I slowly slid my shirt off. I then helped him slide the shirt onto his body. He was basically swimming in the shirt, since it was so big on him.

"Thank you," he whispered before giving me a smile. "I'm just going to go to the bathroom."

When he left the room, I got into his bed and stared at the ceiling. My eyes closed as I ran a hand into my hair, as a yawn left my lips. A few minutes later, the door was opening and closing again before Noah was climbing into bed as well. My eyes instantly opened, watching him move the blankets around us. When he was finally comfortable, he gave me a sleepy smile before yawning.

"I plan on going to law school to make sure people don't get treated the way I was," I softly said. "Especially children. I don't want any child having to go through what I did. And I want to make sure parents are held responsible for their actions."

I briefly looked up to see Noah leaning on his elbow, his fingers resting on my bare chest. Before he could respond I looked away while saying, "I should have told you I was a virgin before we first slept together. I just never thought I would be in a situation like that. It also wasn't a mistake like I told you before. I was just really scared because I've blocked feelings from my life. Ever since Justin screwed with my mind, I felt like that was it. Then you came," I whispered while looking back over at him. "And you changed the way I've thought about relationships. I can't promise that this will be an easy relationship, because I have so much baggage."

My eyes left his face to glance up at the ceiling, his fingers now gently rubbing my cheek. "My parents never told me they loved me, never believed in me. They told me no one would ever love me, and I got so used to them saying that I believed it. But with you, I feel so different." I then gently placed my hand over his as my eyes looked at his face. "I don't want you to think that this relationship is just about sex. It's not, you're worth so much more than that. I'm going to try and not mess this up, the only thing I've ever cared about in my life."

With watery eyes, Noah leaned down and gently kissed my lips. "I'll always be trying to make you believe you're with it too. Your parents and Justin honestly didn't deserve to be in your life. You're such an intelligant and gentle man. I want you to know that, and that you mean so much to me."

I smiled while pulling him closer, gently resting my head on his. We stayed in a comfortable silence before he looked back up at me. His blonde hair was looking almost translucent from the moon behind him. "Do you ever want kids?"

Sighing, I slowly ran my hand up and down his back while thinking. "I'm not sure. I just can't see myself being a father to a little baby."

"Why do you think that?"

"Maybe because I didn't have those role models that most people do. I have a certain image in my head of what perfect parents should be. But, it all comes down to me not thinking I'd be a good parent. A family was something I craved so much growing up, I don't know what I'd do if I actually had one."

Noah ran his fingers through my hair while kissing my cheek. "Well for the record, I think you'd be an amazing father. I can see the passion in your eyes when you talk about law school. I know you'd use that passion for your chidren."

I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips, causing Noah to scrunch his eyebrows together. "What?"

"Are we seriously talking about kids? Hell, we're still kids."

"I know that," he said with a smile. "I'm not saying I want a baby right this instant. Plus, my mom would probably kill me if I didn't finish my education first. I think we'll know when the right time is."

"We'll know?"

He gave me another one of those beautiful smiles, his fingers still running through my hair. "What do you think about being father? I'd be fine with dad. Since, you know, we'd be two guys raising kids."

"Are you planning out our future already?" My body got a little tense, which Noah automatically noticed.

"I'm sorry, forget I said anything. I get really excited about things, I didn't mean to scare you away."

With that he practically buried his face into the pillow, his cheeks a slight pink. "Noah, it's not that," I said while running my knuckles over that blush. "It's just... you really want a future with me?"

"I really do."

He gave me another smile before snuggling up into my chest. Wrapping my arms around him, I tightly shut my eyes whlie taking many deep breaths. This will definitely take some getting used to. But for him, it was worth it.


Opening my eyes, I yawned while looking over at the clock. The bright red number read 4:45 in the morning, making me practically groan. I was about to fall back asleep when my bladder was suddenly feeling like it was about to expode. Glancing down at Noah, I smiled while seeing him snuggled in many blankets. Giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead, I got out of the bed and shrugged my pants on. It might be almost five in the morning, but I didn't want any awkward encounters if I saw his parents. Deciding I didn't need a shirt, I walked down the hallway and made my way towards the bathroom.

After relieving my bladder, I started to walk back to the bedroom when I heard a crash. Since it seemed like no one else was up, I decided to go investigate.

There was a small light on in the kitchen, as well as a shadow. Maybe Phoebe or Hank wanted a midnight snack? Walking towards the light, I stopped short when I saw a guy looking through the fridge.

He had a holey black tee shirt, black skinny jeans and flip flops. When he shut the fridge, I instantly noticed how tall he actually was. It was then that I noticed he had broken the glass on the back door. Looking around for a weapon, I saw a nearby cup that I guess could be used as a weapon. If I chucked it hard at his head, maybe it'll knock him out.

As I held the cup up, he decided then to turn around and gasp. I also gasped, since he looked almost identical to Noah. He had a face full of facial hair, dark blonde hair hanging down into his brown eyes. I noticed tattoos peeking out from his shirt by his neck, as well as all down his arms.

"Whoa!" He suddenly said, dropping the food he had in his hand. Even though he was across the room, I could smell the alchohol on him. "Careful buddy."

"Who are you?"

"I should be asking you the same question," he said while picking a piece of bread off the ground and eating it. "What, did mom and dad get a new roommate or some shit?"

Raising an eyebrow, I carefully put the cup down while folding my arms across my chest. "Phoebe and Hank are your parents?"

"Yeah man." He ran a hand through his dirty hair, stumbling as he lifted his arm up. "I'm the son they never talk about."

"They have another son?"

"Don't act so surprised. I'm Greg, the twin that didn't think guys were hot and who didn't want to open a fucking bakery."

I didn't know Noah had a brother, I thought while continuing to stare at him. "You and Noah are twins?"

His face turned sour when I mentioned his brother's name. "Oh, you mean mister perfect? Yeah, I'm the older twin by five minutes. He practically walked on water when we were little, still does. He can do nothing wrong," he said while rolling his eyes.

"Why did you break the door?"

He shrugged while bending down to get more food, a pack of cigarettes falling out of his pocket. "I guess they changed the locks again. They were probably afraid of me coming in here."


Turning around, I saw a sleepy Noah squinting into the bright kitchen. His hair was very dishoveled, while slight bags were under his eyes. "Oh look who it is," Greg said while glaring at his brother. "Mister I'm too good for community college."

Noah slowly came closer to me, his eyes never leaving his brother's. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in California."

"Ran out of money," he said while taking a small beer can out of his other pocket.

"Do you really think you should be drinking?" Noah asked, earning a glare from Greg.

"You can't tell me what to do Noah. How's sucking guys dicks and being a fucking faggot?"

Narrowing my eyes, anger suddenly possessed my body as I pushed him agaisnt the wall. His beer fell to the floor, hitting the bottom of my jeans. "Don't you dare call him that."

"Who are you, his lover?"

His breath was hitting me square in the face, since we were practically the same height. "Wes, don't." Noah was behind me, his small hands trying to pull me away. "He gets really mean when he's drunk."

"I don't care what he is, no one calls you that."

"What is going on!?" Phoebe's frantic voice was suddenly filling the room, as Hank was carefully pulling me off of Greg.

Greg simply bent down to get the rest of his beer, not seeming to care. "What are you doing here?" Hank asked.

"Hello to you too father."

"You broke the door? Come on Greg," Hank said with a frustrated sigh. "I thought we were passed this."

"Passed what?" Greg yelled as he tried to take a step but instantly wobbled.

Hank sighed while running a hand over his tired face. "We sent you to California to help with your drinking problem. Why are you here, in my kitchen, completely wasted?"

Greg rolled his eyes while leaning agaisnt the wall behind him. "Oh don't pretend that you care about me now. You've never cared about me! It's always been about him," he said while pointing to Noah, who tensed beside me. "You gave him anything he asked for! He got the big bedroom, he got stupid college, he got everything!"

"Noah wasn't handed anything," Hank said. "He actually worked his ass off for everything he has! He also wasn't getting wasted every weekend like you were. If you would've just gotten yourself together, you'd be in college too. He also got a scholarship for school, and you were the one who wanted the bedroom off the bathroom. Get over yourself Greg. Do you realize how much we had to sacrifice to help you with your addiction? Do you think I wanted a son with an alcohol problem? No, but we always helped you. You didn't care and decided instead, to run off and get wasted and party. You need to stop blaming everything on your brother."

Greg simply glared at Noah, before his face changed. Within a few seconds he turned around and threw up in the sink. Hank sighed before he went to grab a broom. I instantly helped him sweep up the broken glass, while Phoebe walked over to Greg. When Noah walked over to him too, Greg slapped him away and yelled, "Get away Noah!"

Phoebe helped clean Greg up before leading him over to the couch. The moment he hit the cushion, his eyes shut in a deep sleep. I watched as Phoebe slowly walked back into the kitchen with a frown on her face.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that Wes," she whispered as Hank started to put cardboard over the broken door.

"Don't be sorry," I said while walking over to Noah. Wrapping my arm around him, I pulled him into my chest before saying, "I've seen an addiction before; my mom was actually an alcoholic."

She sighed before putting her hands over her face. "He gets so angry when he drinks. He's usually not like this, I swear. He started hanging out with the wrong crowd in high school. They introduced him to alcohol, and ever since then he's been different. He's only nineteen, and he already has an awful addiction."

"We sent him to California not to punish him, but to help him," Hank said when he was done taping up the door. His eyes traveled over to his son on the couch, who was completely passed out. "I don't know what to do anymore."

"I need to go lie down," Phoebe said before walking down the hallway to her bedroom.

Hank watched her leave with sad eyes. "I'm going to keep an eye on him, you two go back to bed. Noah, make sure you lock your door. I know he'd never purposefully hurt you, but he turns into a different person when he drinks."

Noah slowly nodded before grabbing my hand and walking down the hallway. He stayed silent as we walked into his room, as he locked the door and got into bed. Dropping my beer covered jeans, I got into bed with him while staying quiet.

"Why didn't you tell me about him?"

He frowned while staring at the ceiling. "Yes, because I really like talking about my alcoholic twin brother." He looked angry before he looked back up at me. "I'm sorry, we've never been close. I just, let's not talk about it."

With that he closed his eyes and buried his face into my chest. If he didn't tell me about his brother, what else is he keeping from me? Frowning, I turned away from him while staring at the wall. Is he keeping more things from me? Did I give my heart away too quickly? I knew this would happen. I'm probably better off alone.

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