This Girl

By xDangerousDarlinx

10.9K 209 61

Edward Cullen cheats with his girlfriend's best friend, Tanya Denali. Bella Swan breaks down and got out of t... More

Bad blood
Everything has Changed
Everything has Changed 2
Mine 2
Wedding date
Meeting the parents
Going back home

Sad Movies

1.6K 25 0
By xDangerousDarlinx


He isn't coming but I understand if he's busy doing business. Its not a big deal if I go and see the movies alone but still I would be so lonely. Maybe I'll call Angela. No. She's out of the country. Maybe Jacob.

I dialed his number and after a few rang he doesn't pick up. I tried again and this time he picked up.

"What is it?" He said, hoarsely.

"Hey, Jakey, wanna go to the movies?" I said in my most sweetest voice.

Please say yes.

He groaned in the other line.

"Sorry Bells, I got a few drinks yesterday and I'm just so hangover right now."

"You mean drunk all night and got caught by the police." I corrected, smilling over the phone.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever Bells. Good Night." He said then hang up.

How rude, I thought Billy raised him well. Guess,I thought wrong.

Perhaps I should call Tanya since I'm sure she's not the busy busy type of person.

I made up my mind and dial Tanya's number right now. It starts to ring then a few rang she finally picks up.


"Hey Tanya, are you busy today?"


"I was wondering if we could... you hang out."

"Oh, sorry Bella but I'm doing something how about on Friday? I promise to make it up to you."

"Sure!" I squek. Oh, this is going to be fun.

"Okay, so bye Tanyie!" I smiled.

"Bye Bella and sorry again." She said but there's something in her voice that I detect.

I shrugged it off and hang up.

I started the engine of the car and speed off to the movies. I got inside and choose a seat at the very corner of the room. I brought out my phone and decide to play candy crush while I wait for the movies to start.

"No kidding." A soft giggle from someone I know.

I look around to confirm that giggle I just heard was from a person I knew. Then, it doesn't only confirm that the giggle was from Tanya and with her was Edward. Arms linked on his.

That should be me but no its not me in his arms. I understand if he wants her more than me, I mean who wouldn't? Tanya's prettier she has a smile that lights up the whole town, her beautiful blue eyes that shines with the stars on the sky at night, her strawberry locks that fits her well, and her body that would bring all super models to shame while I, on the other side I don't have a smile that could light up the whole town maybe it would make babies cry, I don't have blue eyes that sparkles at night but a brown boring orbs, my hair was not as flawless as hers, and I'm not even close to a model. I'm a little bit fat and a freak.

A tear flow down on my cheeks before I could even notice it. Stupid me.

I just watch them as the movie start. They look so happy like they were so in love. Correction they're deeply in love. They kept looking at each other and smile at each other when their gaze met.

More tears stream down on my face as he gave her a peck on the lips and whisper something on her ear.

I'm so lost. I wanted to scream but I stop myself from screaming because I don't want to attract attention and embarras myself. The girl right beside me keeps glancing at me, looking worried. I didn't care though right now I don't need anyone's pity, I hate it when people look at me with pity written on their face. I felt like a glass that it could break anytime when someone would accidentally bumped and I would fall down into pieces.

The movie ended but I didn't even paid attention to it. I was concentrating on them which cause me to felt more hurt and insecure.

I stood up as I noticed that everyone was out of the room. I made my way out and into my car. I closed it shut and lean my head on the wheel and cry.

Flashback starts and I remember when she said sorry before she hung up and the sound of her voice that I detect when I called her.

My own bestfriend and my boyfriend is cheating behind my back.

I cried more as I come to think of it. My eyes already stung and I felt so exhausted and tired.

I wiped my tears away and try not to think of what I saw earlier as I drive home but it wont work it keeps coming back to me.

I parked my car on the garrage and then head to my room once I got out of my car. Suprisingly, I didn't trip when I ran into my room and throw myself on the bed.

How could I believe that a girl like me would fit to a guy like him and how did I end up being friends with Tanya when all I was everytime when we're together is like a trash beside a beautiful girl like her?

"Sweety, are you-"

"O my God! Bella, what happened?!" My mother exclaimed, as she walks toward me and removes my hands from my face.

"N-nothing m-mom," I fake a laugh. "Its just the movie, its very touching and I can't stop myself from crying over it." I lied.

"Oh, sweety." She said as she engulf me into her arms, stroking my hair.

I could easily lie to my mother but to my father, I cannot lie to him he can easily tell if I'm lying. They are an opposite attract so they suit each other.

I cried on my mother's arm for what it seems like an hour. I calmed down.

"Feel better?" She said as she gave me a gentle patt on my back. I nod. Well, at least I feel a little alright than earlier but it still hurts like hell.

"Now dear, your eyes are already swollen so you better go and take a shower because you look so haggard and get some rest."

"I don't like my only princess to look like a mess at dinner so now, do what your momma tells you." She joked.

I smiled a little. She then kissed my forehead and head out of the room closing the door behind her.

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