HIS GIRL 2 **Sample Only**

By PennameJewel

8K 377 48

**Sample Only** Ricky and Theo's love is put to the test again as Shadow looms closer and closer. This book... More

Chapter 2: The Take Over
Chapter 3: A Woman's Work
Chapter 4: Team
Chapter 5: Haru (Sun)

Chapter 1: Happy Holiday's

1.3K 65 6
By PennameJewel

Song: Koffee-Rapture


Lemur looked around the cold, dark room. This was now his life. Once upon a time, it was his job to put people in a place just like this one, now he was part of the filth not that he fit in. Lemur thought.

He was in solitary confinement again. The beatings were getting worse no convict got along with an ex-cop, not that the guards were any better. He looked up at the tiny little vent way up on the wall the little squares allowing streaks of light to shine onto his face. He went and stood in front of them and twirled his hand in their path. He's life had faded into nothingness. He had become void of hope and come to terms that he would probably die in there. That was the problem with solitary you quickly were sucked into the darkest depths of your mind's own prison. Still, he knew that he was safer in solitary, but the combination of dark, cold and lack of human contact had a way of driving you insane. He didn't even know how many days he had been in solitary this time around.

All he knew was that he had been in prison for about two years but things only seemed to get worse for him every single day. He had cut a deal pleading guilty that gave him eight years in this hell hole. What pissed him off more was that the drugs and firearms found at his house were planted there and he didn't know by whom. It was either Pamela, Fabiano or Theodore but all he knew was that whoever had would pay, one day.


Lemur screamed in frustration. Just thinking of Theo made him shake with anger at least Nikki and Pamela were also doing their time in their own hells but Theo had gotten off easily.

Lemur lifted his hand up to the light rays again and looked at the bruises on his knuckles This place had a way of destroying one's conscious, he thought chuckling to himself. He knew that given the chance again now, he would get rid of Ricky in one swipe. Had he done that when Pamela had asked everything would have turned out different? Instead, he had brought in a junky who sold them all out. But if he was completely honest his first mistake was joining forces with Nikki and Pamela. He knew he would serve even more time if it ever came to light that he had helped Nikki get her hands on SUX. The drug had led to Montreol's demise.

Lemur balled up his hand into a fist and imagined that he had his hand around Ricky's neck. He burst out laughing seeing her little frail body drop onto the floor. He could see Theodore crying over her dead body. That's what Theo deserved, he was out there living it up while he rotted in this forsaken place. He wanted him to lose what he loved the most.

"Lemur move to the door! Hey, inmate, I'm not going to say it again move to the door and put your hands through the hatch."

A prison guard shouted at Lemur, pulling him out of his world.

He quickly went to the door, putting his hands through the hatch as instructed. The prison guards were just as bad as the inmate's no one in this whole building could stand an ex-cop.

"Hey what day is it."

Lemur asked the guard as he was lead down a hallway.

"Shut it convict."

The guard said shoving Lemur in the back and chuckling when he nearly toppled over. This was truly being in hell, Lemur thought.

The guard grabbed Lemur's hands as they got to another dark dingy room and removed the cuffs him. Lemur could feel the panic rising in him. This wasn't his cell. His body couldn't take another beating. His left eye was still swollen from his last beating.

"What is this man, I'm not going in there! No!"

Lemur screamed holding onto the frame of the door.

"Get in there!"

The guard shouted back. Kicking Lemur at the back of his knee, propelling him forward. He landed inside the room painfully on his knees. He was getting weak. He didn't know how many more meals he could afford to skip. When he was with the other inmates he barely ate, his food was taken away or an inmate would throw it on the ground.

"Oh Lemur you look like shit boy."

Pamela said chuckling inside the darkroom as Lemur crawled in. He heard the guard shut the door behind him and lock it.

"Pamela is that you? what the...how are you here?"

Lemur started chuckling hysterically.

"I must be hallucinating...I've finally lost my mind..."

Lemur said to himself aloud, still laughing.

"You've gone completely bat shit crazy. Get up Lemur before I change my mind about helping you out."

Pamela said walking slowly towards Lemur, she crouched down in front of him. She smacked away his hand when he tried to touch her face.

"How are you here? You're supposed to be in prison."

Lemur stated in shock.

" When you're a queen you rule no matter where you are. Now listen up, this is a one time offer. One-time Lemur and you could get your freedom."

Pamela said as a lady in a perfectly tailored black suit come out from the shadows behind Pamela. Lemur rubbed his eyes again. He was convinced he was daydreaming, the prison had finally managed to break his mind completely.,Lemur thought. He decided he had nothing to lose though. He was too far gone as far as he was concerned, it was his mind tricking him because of his earlier fantasies of killing Ricky. He knew though that if it were real he would take the opportunity. There was nothing he wanted more than to be free. He would do anything to get out of this prison even if it meant making a deal with Pamela again.

"Good. This is Leah. She can make the seemingly impossible, possible."

Pamela said turning around and facing Leah. Leah grabbed Pamela by the waist and kissed her on the mouth.

"Lemur. I can get you out of here in twenty-four hours if I like what you have to say. I must warn you don't think you can hide once you're out in the open because you can't. There's no place you can go that I won't find you. Some call me a ghost but I prefer Shadow it has a certain ring to it. So Lemur are you in or are you out." Leah surmised looking at Lemur, there was a desperation in him. He was exactly what she needed right now.

"I'm in!"

Lemur blurted out immediately with no hesitation. He had made up his mind even before she was done talking.

"Well, Pam wasn't wrong about you. Get ready you are leaving this dump real soon, we have a lot of work to do. It's time to restore order, people will find out what happens when a shadow steps out into the light."

Leah said moving closer to Lemur and grabbing his junk.

"Oh poor baby, don't worry. I'm here to take care of you."

Leah whispered pumping Lemur's member as he whimpered and sighed. His semen filled his pants as he came. He had gone hard as soon as she touched him and released just as quick. He looked down unable to look at her.

"Don't be shy baby. It's been a while. I know you will do better once you get out of here. This place can be cruel but I'm here now."

Leah purred still holding onto Lemur's junk and placing a kiss on his lips.

"I'll do anything to put Theo where he belongs."

Lemur hissed placing his hands on Leah's and bringing them up to his mouth. He kissed them both hands in turns, he needed to convince himself one last time that she was real. He had missed human contact the most. She didn't try to get out of his hold, she looked at him like he was somebody. He knew he was probably stinking but she held onto him too and brought his hands to her lips and kissed them.

"We have an understanding."

"Soon it will be my turn...right..." Pamela said desperately, she knew she was pushing it after all the stunts she had pulled behind Leah's back. It would take a lot more than just giving her Lemur. In fact, she was lucky to still be alive, Pamela thought.

"Silence, Pamela. Have I not been more than kind to you?" Leah chided looking down at Pamela's hands. Her left hand had a couple of fingers missing. That had just been the first phase of her punishment. She was going to leave Pamela exactly where she was.

Pamela lowered her head and instinctively covered her left hand with her right hand.




Hazel stirred her sauce and placed the lid on allowing it to simmer. She liked Edgartown she especially loved being close to Theo, Ricky, and the boys. They were her family and this time for the first time in so many years she wouldn't be alone during the holidays. Thanksgiving had been the best. Theo had truly turned his life around and she was proud of him.

She sighed throwing her apron onto the counter, heading upstairs to change. She had a dinner date to get ready for. After a couple of minutes, Hazel walked out of her shower with a towel wrapped around her body. She cursed when she saw the time she was running late. Her bell went off right on cue.

"Just great."

She muttered under her breath.

Hazel decided to just get the door for her guests in her towel and apologize for not being ready than letting her stand out in her hallway.

Hazel rushed down her stairs and looked through her peephole a smile spreading on her face as she saw Celia Straw of the FBI in a beautiful tight black dress.

"Hey come on in, I'm running a little late. I'm sorry I didn't want to keep you waiting outside."

Hazel said gesturing to her wet body that only had a towel around it.

"It's good to see you, Hazel"

Celia said mischief dancing in her eyes as she walked in placing a kiss on Hazel's lips. Hazel was older than her but something about her fascinated her. They had met on a review of the Montreol case three years back. The case had crossed lines with an old case she had been trying to close for several years now. Celia liked how feisty Hazel was they had given into their attraction eventually when her case had her stationed in New York and working out of Hazel's precinct. Working together on the case had proven quite hard their bodies had other ideas especially when they had been alone.

They had kept in touch after that and when Hazel told her she was moving to Edgartown she had known the universe had given them another chance. Celia was working on the same case and it had landed her in Edgartown this time. Hazel was a welcome distraction for her and an early gift for the holidays.

"I'll go put some clothes on..."

Hazel said already feeling giddy. Celia made her feel young. Hazel went up to the stairs slowly she could feel Celia's eyes trained on her back. She let the towel fall onto the top landing when she heard Celia's footsteps come up behind her.

"Oh, Hazel what are you doing to me..."

Celia said breathlessly when they got inside her bedroom.

Hazel turned around completely naked looking at Celia. She was proud of her body. She was in great shape despite her age. She was in her mid-fifties but her body looked like a thirty-year old's thanks to her job that had always kept her on her feet.

Celia smiled covering the distance between her and Hazel in two strides. She let her bag drop onto the floor as her mouth crushed down on hers prying Hazel's mouth open. She hooked her hand around Hazel's neck pulling her closer, her other hand squeezing her buttock.

Hazel groaned as her hand went up behind Celia pulling down her zipper letting her dress cascade to the floor.

"Now that's better".

Hazel said hoarsely going down on her knees and pulling down Celia's underwear. She parted her legs slightly and buried her face up her mound.

Hazel parted her wet mound with her fingers loving the excitement coursing through her body. Celia made her feel young again. She was 15 years older than Celia but when they got intimate their age difference didn't matter.

Celia whimpered holding onto Hazel's shoulders as her tongue dove dip into her slit making her whole body shake as pleasure coursed through her. She could feel her knees about to buckle as Hazel's tongue plunged further up inside her twirling and swirling inside her, her thumb rubbing and pulling her clit slightly.

Hazel smiled as Celia moaned her fingernails scraping her shoulders.

"Yes ah, I'm almost there!"

Celia screamed as she orgasmed her cum plopping out of her. She reached for the back of her bra clasp letting it fall to the floor as Hazel got up and sat on the bed admiring Celia's perfect body.

Celia straddled Hazel pushing her onto the bed taking her nipples in turns. She moved up to her neck parting her legs as she cradled herself inside them. Celia started sucking and biting on Hazel's neck, pinching her nipple lightly as she nipped and blew on her neck.

Hazel was whimpering now the small stings of pain from Celia's bite and pinches driving her over the edge. Her breathing became labored as Celia slid a finger into her wet slit and started pumping. She arched her back off the bed when Celia inserted another two fingers and pumped in and out frantically. Hazel screamed as her cum coated Celia's fingers and they both lay in each other's arms panting.

Beads of sweat lined their foreheads as they lay in bed looking up at the ceiling.

"Well, dessert was a treat."

Hazel said making them both chuckle as they linked their hands together.

Celia turned and propped herself on her elbow and looked down at Hazel. She ran her fingers lightly over Hazel's skin from her neck, shoulder to just above her breasts. Hazel closed her eyes savoring the sensation that coursed through her as goosebumps popped up were Celia's fingers hoovered.

"Then I hope you won't object to me having seconds."

Celia murmured against Hazel's lips as she sucked her bottom lip.


Celia cursed when her phone started ringing and vibrating in her bag that she had dropped on the floor. She got out of bed and rummaged through her bag and got her phone out.

"Straw, go ahead."

Celia said into her cell turning her back to Hazel. There were a couple of minutes of silence as she listened to whoever was on the other line.

"...ok I'm on my way. Keep the witness there I want to talk to her too."

Celia said into her phone then she threw her phone onto the bed and started searching for her clothes.

"Can I expect you back tonight?"

Hazel asked. Hating that she sounded needy but she couldn't help herself she was starting to feel things for Celia. Feelings she thought had long died with Theo's mother, Gabrielle.

"I'm not sure babe. I might be back in the morning. I need to go upstate. There's a witness who might be able to crack this whole case open."

Celia said putting on her underwear.
Hazel nodded knowing full well how the job could be demanding. She scolded herself for getting too attached to Celia. They had promised each other nothing, it wasn't even a real relationship. They were just enjoying each other's company. That was the best term Hazel could come up with as she looked at Celia.

"I'll call you as soon as I'm back."

Celia said now fully dressed as she went over to Hazel and kissed her long and hard on the lips.

"Be careful."

Hazel called out as Celia walked to the door.

"I always am besides I've never believed in ghosts. Seeing as I'm chasing after a shadow."

Celia said chuckling.

"What do you mean, a shadow. I thought that case was closed with that whole Montreol business?"

Hazel asked scrunching up her nose. Her interest peaked now. Theo had also talked about a Shadow way back in New York. But they had all assumed Pamela was the Shadow when she had been put behind bars. Celia hadn't objected either back in New York.

"Yeah. You know how the job is babe. I couldn't let it slip then that we didn't believe that neither Nikki nor Pamela were the Shadow. Besides things died down after they were both behind bars. There was no use rattling dormant bones. But we haven't been able to put a face to this Shadow. But we just might have something. This inmate Vivian wants to cut a deal. She was busted for drug possession and says she knows Shadow, even has a pic of the Shadow. Why so curious? you know anything about it that you haven't told me?"

Celia concluded looking at Hazel intently.

"No, nothing. I was just curious. Just the cop in me, still can't get what retired means."

Hazel said chuckling. She knew that as coincidences went she could bet, her entire life on that the Vivian mentioned by Celia was Ricky's mother. Also if Shadow was still out there things were uncertain for Theo and Ricky again.

Her smile disappeared as soon as Celia was gone. Theo and her had been convinced that Pamela was Shadow. If that wasn't the case that meant they weren't safe. She needed to tell Theo. They needed to get to Ricky's mom too somehow. She would have to go to the Christmas eve party at Ricky and Theo's friend's house after all.

Hazel sighed as she twirled the locket that hung on her chest. It had a picture of Gabrielle.

"I guess my works not yet done Gabby. I'll protect him with my life. All of them."

Hazel said to herself.


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