Ohana (Lilo family)

By -NewRules-

443K 10.3K 3.7K

Louis and Liam are both enrolled into Wolverhamptons Boarding School and as both are now over 18, they have b... More



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By -NewRules-

3rd Persons POV

Zayn woke up the next morning engulfed in Justin's strong arms. He smiled to himself contentedly and relaxed, before realising that they had school today.

"J, we need to get up." Zayn said shaking his muscular boyfriend.

"No Zee." Justin whined and tightened his grip on Zayn's waist and pulled him closer to his chest again.

Zayn huffed and continued looking at the fairy lights that were still on above them. It was light outside and Zayn knew he'd have to shower this morning.

"Justin we have school. I have to shower." Zayn said and this caught Justin's attention.

"Alright, do you want to shower together? It'll save water." He smirked.

"I'll be ten minutes, you can go in after me." Zayn said as he untangled himself from Justin's arms and stood up.

"Ouch." He complained as he stood up straight. Justin laughed at him from the mattress.

"It's not funny Justin, I don't think I'll be able to walk." Zayn said whining.

"Okay Princess, I have an idea." Justin said and stood up as well.

He swooped Zayn into his arms bridal style, Zayn gave a surprised yelp but wrapped his arms around Justin's neck anyway.

"I'll carry you into the house, okay?" He said and pecked Zayn's nose.

Justin carried Zayn into the house and up to the bathroom, noticing Josh's absence. There was a note left on the kitchen table telling the boys that he had left to visit his girlfriend.

Justin placed Zayn on his feet and decided to run a quick bath for Zayn since he was really hurting.

"J, what're you doing?" Zayn asked as he heard the bath filling up instead of the shower.

"Thought you'd want a bath instead of a shower if you're sore. Plus, we've still got a lot of time before school."

Zayn undressed and stepped into the bubble bath, wincing as he sat down. Justin knelt at the edge of the bath and began washing him, massaging his shoulders as well.

"So what's Josh's girlfriend like?" Zayn asked as Justin managed his shoulders.

"She's really nice. It's just hard." Justin sighed.

"What's hard?"

"Well I've always thought of Josh as a big brother and we used to do things together all the time. We played Xbox, football etcetera but now all he does is hang out with Eve."

"Does he know you feel that way?" Zayn asked.

"He's not around enough anymore to talk to me. The notes have become a normal occurrence. When he took me for the tattoo yesterday that was the first time it's been just him and I for ages."

"Maybe you should try to talk to him about how you feel. I know Josh loves you like a little brother as well."

"You're right Princess, I'll talk to him tonight." Justin said massaging shampoo into Zayn's hair.

Justin rinsed the shampoo out of Zayn's hair and then Zayn wrapped himself in a towel and went to get changed while Justin took a quick shower.

The boys went downstairs - well Zayn limped - to have breakfast and Justin crumpled the note that Josh had left him and through it in the bin, which held the rest of Josh's notes.

The two boys left to go to school, ready for another boring and hopefully uneventful day.

Meanwhile Louis was driving back from dropping Harry and Niall off at school. Liam had gone into work early that morning as he had an early meeting.

At about twelve o'clock Louis thought he'd pop in and see his fiancé and bring him some lunch. So he drove to Nandos and got a take away before driving to Liam's office.

He's only been there a few times as things can get quite hectic when rival companies are present. The building is also massive and Liam's office takes up the top floor.

Louis walked in the door and greeted Lisa, Liam's secretary, an old woman who had been friendly with his mother.

He took the lift up to Liam's floor and then exited onto the level only to be met with a group of large men in black suits and a bunch of paparazzi.

"Excuse me." He said politely as he tried to squeeze past them and get into Liam's office.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Liam's fiancé."

This seemed to interest the paps as they were suddenly all over Louis like a rash.

"Do you know the secret investment that Mr Payne has made?"

"Why won't he tell anyone what he's invested in?"

"Louis look here."

Cameras kept flashing and Louis was getting scared as he couldn't see where he was going. He could only hear the shouts of the paps.

"What's school do your adopted boys go to?"

"Is it true that you're only with Liam for his money."

At this point the large men were crushing Louis so he pushed some of them off of him and accidentally tripped up as well and landed on top of someone.

Security stepped in and dragged a panicked Louis away from the men. He thought he was safe until he felt the security guard push him against the wall.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" Liam bellowed, finally stepping out of his office to see what all the fuss was about.

When he spotted Louis and the predicament he was in, he became even angrier.

"Mr Tomlinson attacked the paparazzi." The security guard said.

Louis shook his head, with tears in his eyes and Liam knew it couldn't be true. Louis would never intentionally hurt someone.

"I want footage. NOW." Liam barked.

A few people scurried away to get the CCTV footage but it was Lisa who reappeared with the disk.

"Here you are dear." She said kindly and Liam smiled his thanks.

He put it on his laptop and watched it with his security guards. It showed Louis being harassed and the security doing nothing about it and when the paps looked like they were doing to squash Louis he pushed them away and tripped.

"Get him out the fucking cuffs now. And as for you, you're fired." Liam said to the security guard.

Everyone left soon after, Lisa promising to make Louis a cup of tea to help with the shock.

He hadn't stopped crying since the security guard forcefully put the cuffs on him and it was worrying Liam.

"Shhh baby. You're okay. It's not your fault." Liam whispered to Louis as they sat on the couch in Liam's office.

"M's-sorr-y Li." He hiccuped.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Boo, you did absolutely nothing wrong."

Once Liam eventually got Louis to calm down he drove Louis home in his car while he ordered his intern to drive Louis new car home.

They ate the Nandos at the house and cuddled on the couch until the boys returned from school. Louis had fallen asleep, cuddling into Liam on the couch when the boys returned.

"Dad! Papa! We're home!" Zayn shouted as he, Justin, Niall and Harry walked in the door from school.

"Shhh Zee. Your Papa's had a hard day." Liam sighed. "We're glad you're back though baby." He said and pulled the still limping boy into his arms.

"I missed you too Dad." Zayn said as he hugged Liam and the pulled away.

"Are you okay? Have you hurt yourself?" Liam asked, noticing Zayn's limp.

"Eh... Yeah. I uh, fell in PE." He lied.

"How's the tat Justin?" Liam asked the boy who had been quiet since coming in.

"It's fine Liam, I've been applying the gel as instructed to hopefully it will heal soon."

"Yeah, keep putting the cream on until it runs out. Even if it feels better. I made that mistake with my third tattoo. I thought I could stop putting the cream on it because it felt better and then I ended up getting an infection."

"Well, I think I'm going to go. Josh and I have things to talk about." Justin said.

"Okay, thanks for bringing the boys home."

After Justin left Louis woke up and was feeling much better due to the fact that Liam had fussed over him. He could also tell that his favourite ship had done naughty things the night before by the way Zayn was limping.

"Nice limp you got going there." Louis said as Zayn sat down next to him.

"Yeah, I fell in PE." He said and Louis chuckled.

"Cut the shit Zayn, I know there's one reason and one reason only for a limp like that." Louis said and Zayn gulped.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"So you and Justin didn't have sex last night?" Louis asked casually.


"Zayn, it's just me. You can talk to me about anything, you know that."

Zayn had an inner debate for a few minutes before he decided to just be honest.

"Yeah." He said blushing.

"I knew it!" Louis squealed.

"Shhhhhh! Dad can't know!" Zayn pleaded.

"I know, I know. I'm just so pleased for you baby." Louis said and brought Zayn under his arm. "If there's anything you're ever unsure about or want to ask me you know you can talk to me about anything."

"I know Papa."

The family settled down to a nice meal and then had a quiet evening that consisted of homework and baths.

The three boys were all tucked up in bed just before nine o'clock and Louis and Liam finally had time to themselves.

They sat watching the news on TV and then when an update about Liam's company came on he leaned over and kissed Louis to distract him, which then turned into a make out session.

One thing led to another and soon they were expressing their love for each other in the bedroom. Liam making sure to let Louis know how beautiful he is.

Although Liam isn't mega famous he is still quite famous for owning such a successful company. His fame has amplified in the past few weeks due to more investments in the company.

The paps have targeted Louis for some strange reason, leaving the boy feeling dejected about himself and extremely insecure. Something he's not felt since before he and Liam started dating.

The two had just reached their high when Zayn entered the room with tear stained cheeks but then stopped abruptly when he examined the situation he was in.

He ran back to his room and Louis followed suit (after throwing on boxers and one of Liam's shirts) to make sure the boy was okay.

"Well, that was embarrassing." Liam said as Louis reappeared.

"I don't know who's more mortified, you or him."

"We'll need to talk to him about it in the morning."

"Liam I don't think that's necessa-"

"No Louis, he needs to know about these things."

~~~~~ Next Morning ~~~~~

The three boys got up for school as usual and made sure their bags were packed. Liam and Louis were in the kitchen with Zayn while Niall and Harry watched some cartoons, debating on how they would talk to Zayn about what he witnessed the night before.

"So Zayn." Liam started. "I know what you saw last night and I just want to tell you that when two people really love each other they-"

"Wow wow wow. Stop." Zayn said, his cheeks burning as Louis struggled to contain his giggles. "I know what I walked in on last night, I'm sorry I should've knocked."

"It's okay bud. But how did you know what we wer- No. Please no." Liam said as he realised something. "You haven't done anything with Justin, have you?" Liam asked, his eyes pleading him to say no.

Zayn looked to his Papa and sighed when Louis nodded his head.

"Yes, Justin and I have done things, but it's okay! I love him and he loves me so there's not a problem."

Liam ran a hand over his face.

"I don't particularly want to be having this conversation so let me ask you this one thing; are you using protection?"

"Yes." Zayn squeaked out.

"Okay, that's fine. You can do it as long as you're safe. If you need anything just ask your Papa because I'm going to pretend that this conversation never happened."

"Okay Dad." Zayn said and Liam opened his arms for a hug.

"Don't grow up too fast baby."

"I won't Dad." Zayn smiled.

Hey guys!

Sorry I didn't update yesterday but I was too upset after the whole Louis thing. There is a petition going about to drop the charges so if anyone wants the link to sign it I'll send it to you.

Hope you guys liked it! The end bit was a prompt that @ilovelarry1023 sent in so I hope you liked it!

Love you guys!

Comment! Vote!

Thank youuuuuu



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