By itaintbyungchan

17.6K 937 406

"listen up, i'll give you this one chance. i want you to do something for me" "what's that?" "learn to love... More

uh hey
um, ok!
new book :]


1K 44 9
By itaintbyungchan

xix-small mention of suicide-xix


you know,

getting hit by a truck actually hurts.

some would think it would be an instant killing,

well it was.

now i'm standing here staring at my body as people crowd around as paramedics try to revive my body in the middle of the street.

"am i dead?" i say aloud as i look around,

"well, since you're here i'd say you are" i turn around to see a small cinnamon boy grinning up at me,

small horns and a little black tail flicking around in excitement.

"isn't this the part where i see the light and some angel greets me and i get taken up to heaven?" i ask the small creature,

"you read too many fiction novels" he snorts.

"o-kay smart guy, then why am i here" i roll my eyes starting to get irritated,

"well i am the gate keeper to hell an-"

"if my brother was here, he'd owe me 10 bucks ya know. we made a bet that i would go to hell and i guess i was righ-"

"would you just shut up?"

"right, sorry. i just sort of died, and i'm a bit traumatized. taking it all in and-"

"god, did you ever had any friends?"

"not really" i frown,


"some people say i talk too much"

"and i agree with them, now would you like me to welcome you to hell? or would you like to wonder around and get eaten by a hellhound?"

"what's a hellhound?"

"you don't want to know"

the demon thing clicks it's fingers and a small wooden doorway appears,

"am i meant to open that?" i ask pointing to the small door,

"yeah, it's fit to my size so no complaining"

"but, what about him?" i point to the dark brown haired boy i saved.

"eh, he'll probably commit suicide. now hurry along"

"what if i don't want to go?"

"jesus, you are a basic white girl you know that?"

"hey, that just offended every basic white girl you know"

"listen up, i'll give you this one chance. i want you to do something for me"

"what's that?"

"learn to love, ghost boy"

by world started spinning,



"ugh my head" i wait for my eyes to adjust as i see nothing has changed,

still on the floor,

still dying,

still a vergin.

i get up noticing that i've left my body behind.

"what the fu-"

"u-uh" i look over to see the bearded boy pointing a shaky finger at me,

"what's wrong?" a dark skinned boy comes running up to him.

"n-nothing, thought i saw something"

his friend frowns but walks away,

i slowly make my way over to the boy.

"hello?" i wave my hand in front of his face,

"b-but you're-you're dead" he says taking a small step back.

"i am, i have no clue what's going on but it only seems that you can see me." i say as i wave my hand in front of a little girl.

"hey mommy, that boy's talking to himself" the little girl points to the bearded boy,

"don't point darling, it's rude" her mother says grabbing her hand and they walk away.

"wh-what's going on?" he asks, terrified

"so i died, my body is over there and i'm a what? a zombie?" i facepalm myself as my hand fazes through my face.

"oh my god!" the boy frowns jumping back,

"well," i remove my hand,

"at least we know i'm a ghost"

"t-that's not possible! i'm going to school" he says as he rushes off debating the meaning of life,

i sigh as i place my hands in my pocket.

"huh?" i pull a small stop watch out,

"what's this for?" i start clicking the start button on the top.

"oh i see you've found my stop watch" the watch starts speaking to me,

"woah, hello?"

"yes hello, now i am the demon you met before. my name is vikram barn but i prefer vik thank you"

"hey i knew you where small, but how did you fit in this thing?"

"god now you're just being blonde you idiot, i'm not in it i'm in hell talking from it"

"oh, ok"

"also you may want to catch up to the kid, if you leave him you'll start to fade and even your soul won't survive it to hell"

i notice my feet starting to fade,

shoving the watch into my pocket i see the boy turning a corner with the dark skinned guy.

"hey wait up!" i call out,

"my names simon! what's yours?"

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