Love Bites ( A Damon Salvator...

By hanvick

6.5K 124 44

When Emily Gilbert meets Damon Salvatore on a late night while out with her friends she is starstruck by his... More

Love Bites ( A Damon Salvatore Fanfic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

416 8 1
By hanvick


When I got home to tell Stefan that Emily was missing, I saw her on the couch, blacked out with a large bruise on her head. Well, at least I could tell them apart now.

I walked over to her slightly stroking her head. I paused when I saw a note on her chest that said ' I had fun! We should do this again sometime. - Katherine'

Ugh. What a bitch.

Emily started to wake up.

She touched her head and screamed.

"Oh c'mon it can't hurt that bad,"

"No. It's prom week!!" She spat.

"Well I could feed you some blood, but with that attitude.." I teased.

"No Damon please, I'm sorry," she pleaded.

I bit my wrist and motioned it towards her.

She swallowed it with a grimace on her face.

The bruise faded from her face.

"Thanks," she muttered, wiping the blood from her face.

She leaned forwards and kissed me.

"What the hell happened?!" She groaned.

I compelled her to forget. I hated it, but I didn't want her to be worried on prom week.

"You're going to prom with me right?"

"Absolutely correct,"

"Good, I can't wait to see what your prom outfit."

She smiled.

"On my floor..." I smirked.

She gave me a glare.

"Just kidding, maybe." She kissed me again and left.



2 days until prom. I sighed. I had gotten up early this morning, despite my late date with Damon last night.

I pulled on a classic short flowery dress(from my Ariana Grande phase idek) and some teal vans.

I curled my hair as usual. Same old, same old.

I grabbed toast and hopped out the door before anybody was even up. Since I was running pretty early I went by the gas station. The checkout guy was staring me up and down. Ugh creeps.

After that I drove to school, only to run straight into Stefan. Awkward.... He looked me up and down and then bit his lip. Wtf?!?

"Hello..." I waved my hand in front of his face.

"Oh, sorry, hey." He smiled dorkily.

"I've got to get to class, see you at lunch, kay?"

He just nodded his head and I walked off.

Alrighty then...

School was going by so fast these days. Today all of us girls were going shopping. I know, last minute right? But, like I said we were pretty busy.

Blair found a blue/purple dress, that was absolutely gorgeous on her.

Carrie found a light baby pink mermaid dress, once again looking amazing.

Elena found a short, mint dress which she looked fantastic in.

And I found the most gorgeous black lacy dress.

The next day we all got our hair done. Both Blair and Carrie both wanted their hair down.

Elena put her hair up in a messy bun and the stylist curled the stray hairs. I had my hair twisted in the back, pulling all my hair to one side. Then she curled my hair.Blair and Caroline were going with Matt as friends and Elena and I, of course, were going with Stefan and Damon.

When I went to Damon's house there was a limo waiting there.

"Wow." A raspy voice said from behind the limo.

I blushed seeing Damon.

He slid a corsage onto my wrist and off we went.

This year's theme was 'Prom on cloud 9' so there was fake clouds and things like that. It was pretty cool and extravagant, seeing Caroline 'the overachiever' was the head of the student council committee.

"This is really amazing," Elena said in awe.

"I know," Caroline said a little too proudly.

I rolled my eyes at her.

I then noticed something that made my eyes sting with jealousy. Every girl was looking at Damon.

But it made me feel better that Damon was not looking at those girls. He was giving death looks to all the guys that were looking at... Me? Why were they looking at me? even Stefan. Now every girl was giving me the death look. Except Elena, Blair, and Carrie of course. But Matt looked at me in a way we used to look at each other. The way that uses to make sparks erupt in my chest. Now I felt nothing. All of the sudden I was pulled into a room. What surprised me was who it was.

There stood Stefan, with his messy hair and beautiful green eyes- no. I was not going to fall for him. I had Damon, that was all I needed.

"You really do look great tonight Emily," I blushed from his compliment.

"Thanks," I muttered.

I don't think anything could have prepared me for what happened next.

He kissed me. I kissed back. Why would I do that? Sparks flew. Like they had with Damon. But these were different, softer more gentle. I pulled away.

"I'm sorry Stefan, I can't. I couldn't do that to Elena, or Dam-" he stopped me.

"Damon? He is a big boy, he'll get over it. And as for Elena, we haven't been dating for very long. She'll get over it."

"No, no, I love Damon." I covered my mouth in shock from what I had just said.

"You love him?! Did you not just feel that kiss, those sparks?!! Does Damon make you feel like that?" Vains rose from beneath his eyes. He was vamping out.

"No sparks like that," I answered honestly.

He gently pushed me up against a wall. I tried to break his grasp but even as gentle as he was I couldn't.

He kissed me lightly. This time I didn't kiss back. He kissed my neck. I tried to push away. I felt fangs prick my skin . Right as I screamed Damon moved in.

"What the hell are you doing Stefan?!" He shouted angrily.

Damon threw him on the ground before he could answer.

"You were killing her!" He almost screamed.

Damon picked me up and took me back outside.

"What happened?" He said a lot more calmly.

"Uh, he well, took me in there and kissed me," I mumbled.

"That bastard! I knew he liked you, I knew it. Did you kiss back?"

"Yes, only the 1st time though, I wanted to see if I liked it-him."

"And did you?" He asked a little sad.

"No.."I lied.

"Good." He let out a big sigh.

I pecked him on the lips and then went to go chat with Matty and the girls.

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