Charlie wellard ( the dumping...

By JcatDirectioner01

17.3K 204 39

Charlie is just your normal girl except she's in care, when her foster mum Chantal wellard can't look after h... More

Charlie wellard ( the dumping ground fanfic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 18
halloween special!!!!
halloween special part2

Chaoter 3

1.5K 19 5
By JcatDirectioner01

I wake from the noise of my phone beeping, I get out of bed and go and get it from of the window sill I see that I have a text from my best friend emily who is also a care kid.

Emily: hey Charlie were are you I've been over to yours twice yesterday and you weren't in

Me: I'm back in care it's hard to explain through text hey why don't we meet up at the McDonalds down town ill ask mike if I can go text you in a min

Me: mike says yes how about we meet up at 11:30

Emily: sure you see ha then bye bye xx

Me: see ya ems xxx

I then put my phone away and go I got he living room, jody, rick and Johnny are the only other people up. I go sit on the sofa next to Johnny and jody and watch some tv with them. After a bit of TV mike gets us to go and wake every one else up, so we get of the sofa and run up the stairs, I go in to my room and wake Carmen up who I think wishes she could stay in bed for longer but to bad I decide to Push her out of bed when she won't get up. After she's awake we go down stairs and sit at the table ready to have our breakfast. We have a bit of toast and some orange juice. After everyone's finished I decide to go up stairs and get my bag ready for this afternoon. I put my iPhone, purse, a hoddie, and earphones in it.

" we're you going your not running a way or you" Carmen asks be as she enters the room.

" don't be silly I'm going down town to meet my friend Emily, I haven't seen her since Friday Witch for us is a long time, she's my best friend you see we were in care together, until we both got fostered" I tell Carmen.

" cool so when you leavening" she asks me.

" half eleven" I tell her " so not long now"

" cool" Carmen says and then she leaves the room Tee wants her. I lie on my bed and count down the minutes until I go, me and Emily have been friends since we were 6 when she was first put in care, you see her mum died in a car crash and her dad never bothered with her so she was sent in to care, every one else at out old care home used to bully her but I stood up to her, well not at first my other friend indigo made me bully her and won't let me talk to her but one day I went of with Emily and never talked to indigo again luckily she was soon back at home living with her older sister who was 21. I really did hate my old care home especially one of the girls who was called Rachel she was even meaner than indigo, I don't really like talking about my time int hat care home when she lived there, she's the reason I really hate care homes now I'm scared they'll be someone there like her, anyway it almost half eleven so I grab my bag an head down stairs, mike gives me a lift to McDonalds where I see Emily is already there, trust her to be early. I jump out of the car and run over to her and give her a big hug. We then go in to McDonalds and get something to eat.

" so you were got got tell me why your back in care" Emily tells me the minute we sit down.

" oh yeah well the thing is that Chantals having money problems and until she finds a better job I have to stay in care" I tell her.

" I think I might being getting sent back in to care, I over heard jackie and chris talking about how difficult it is to be looking after a teenage care kid and a 2 year old kid of there own and the they were talking about a place called elm tree house and how it's a really good care home and it would be best if I went there" Emily tells me.

" really well if they do put you in care at lest it'll be the same care home I'm in" I tell her.

" know way you live at elm tree house is it nice there" Emily asks me.

" yeah it much better than that last place trust me you'll love it there" I tell her.

" grate because I think I will be moving in there soon" she tells me. After we've finished eating we decide to do a bit of shopping we go to all the best shops and buy lots of stuff, I buy a new one direction neck less and a union j one to, we both get almost matching union j tops only Emily's has George on it and mine has jaymi. After a day of shopping I phone mike and ask if he can pick us up so he dose, he drops Emily of at hers and then we head back to the dumping ground. When we get in I go in to the living room and watch some tv with Johnny and Tee. For dinner we have some pasta and cake for afters. After I've finished my cake me and Carmen go up to our room and I tell her what me and Emily did and tell her about how she might be moving here and how they would get on grate together. I also show her everything I bought and she says she loves the one direction neckless so I decide to give it to her as a thanks for being my friend gift. We decide to put some music on while we talk about random stuff. After a while of talking I decide to go down stairs and talk to the others. I sit with jody and Johnny and we play a game of cards and then jody asks where I was earlier so I tell her all about Emily and how grate she is. Mike then tell us that we should all go up to our room now because it's almost bed so I go back up to my room and play on my phone for a bit. Mike then calls us and says we have to go to bed, and says he's got a surprise for us tomorrow but if we don't get to sleep we won't get the surprise so we all go to our bed and fall a sleep very quickly.


The next morning mike gets us up early and sends us down stairs he gives us our breakfast and then gathers us in the living room door our surprise.

" right guys so as you already know it's the summer holidays and me and may-lee have booked us all a holiday" mike announces.

" where are we going" Carmen wants to know.

" we'll my dear Carmen that's a surprise so every one go up stairs and get packed were leaving as soon as may-lee gets her" mike tells us all. Everyone goes running up stairs I start to go up stairs but then mike calls me in to the office.

" Charlie you know your friend Emily" mike begins " well her foster family think its best if she goes back into care until there little girl Lucy is a bit older they find that Emily isn't really helping out with the baby and that she been very difficult to look after so they've asked if we can take end and I've said yes"

" really when does she arrive" I ask him excitedly.

" today may-lees bringing her now hurry along and get packed" mike tells me. So I leave the office and run up stairs with a smile on my face I can't wait for Emily to arrive.

" why you so happy" Carmen asks me.

" Emily coming to live here she's arriving to day isn't that grate" I say.

" yeah grate" Carmen says. I finish packing my stuff and head down stairs and wait for may-lee to arrive with my best friend ever.


So that's the next chapter hope you enjoy


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