Professor Layton: Love In All...

By EffervescentElixir

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The sequel and final part of the Love In Memories two-parter. The heroes escape from the thrilling finale in... More

Professor Layton: Love In All Adversities
1. Prologue
2. The Fallen Castle; Memories Of A Time Gone By
3. The Feelings Will Always Be Close
4. Making Connections
5. The Diabolical Plan
6. The Dream Net
7. A New Age
8. Revelations: Time To Fly
9. The Dead World
10. A Warm Reunion
11. The Race For Claire
12. London Streets Remapped
13. The Illusion of Free Will
14. This Is Our Cycle
15. Changing Tides
16. Betrayed Senses
17. Only Perceptions
18. A World In Turmoil
19. I Knew You Would Come
20. Endless Love
21. Deceived Minds
22. Stranded And Trapped
23. Shared Sentiment
24. Everything Is In Order
26. Before the Storm
27. Looks Can Be Deceiving
28. Love In All Adversities
29. This Isn't Over
30. Forgive Me
31. Love In Memories
32. Epilogue
Author's Notes
A Delicate Lie

25. The Seeds Of Corruption

268 9 6
By EffervescentElixir

"And that's how it started...." Anton muttered, rubbing his eyes, trying to stay awake along with the others. There would be no time for rest when they got there, and right now the story was too engaging. He did, however, want to stop it there to allow them time to rest their eyes with the little time they had left.

"Power can corrupt even the strongest of us..." The Inspector murmured, adjusting herself so she was more comfortable.

"But not the bravest!" Flora protested. "The Professor taught me that."

She smiled warmly at the Professor who returned her smile with an even bigger one.

"Maybe so..." The Inspector agreed, yawning.

"I think our restless eyes and yawns mean only one thing..." Anton sighed, placing the diary back into his pocket. "Time to sleep."

"What?!' The women protested, sitting up straight.

"We need our rest. Once we get there we can't go to bed. We don't know how far behind Oliver is, but even with our speed boost, he won't be that far."

"But we must find out what happens next!" Katia cried. "Please grandfather, just a little more!"

Anton looked uncertainly in his granddaughter's eyes and then down to the diary jutting out the edge of his pocket.

Taking it out, he flicked to the page they were at and then checked ahead to see how many pages there were.

'Yes..." He breathed. "There wasn't much after that. He never filled out the whole thing. That's the reason I have this now... Very well then!" He said, his cracking voice rising. He was almost at his peak, but they could squeeze in the last few entries.

As the others cheered, the Professor couldn't help but dwell on the fact that Anton was right. They would need their rest. He would have tried to defend Anton, but he was also curious. The ring certainly caused Oliver to lose his waym but there was something more. Something that made that caring man snap and become a villain.

Entry 13

I wanted to visit Anton more.

I can't deny that there was that... certain attraction to the ring, but I put Anton as a friend over my desire to obtain archaeological artefacts. I loved archaeology, but I would never put it over the ones I care about. I won't make the same mistake I made with Claire. We were finally connecting once more.

Things have been rather quiet the past couple of days. Before, I had so much to talk about. Everything was happening, whether me documenting my wallowing thoughts or the exciting things that happened.

Of course, archaeology is still thrilling! It's just, I need that extra spice in my life. That little thing that changes everything. Just like with Anton. Perhaps I will go visit him again soon. I have a plan in mind to fulfil my thrill seeking mind...

Entry 14

I visited Anton this weekend. I must say it was the best weekend of my life!

We talked at first. About how he got into this vampire business in more detail. At first, it was to scare them off. Then it became more. It filled his longing heart. With his grief and outrage over loving his love, he didn't have the heart to face anyone else. The scaring at first got rid of the thieves.

After that, it became a habit. Keeping up appearances, as they say. He wanted to ensure that no one ever came near.

A few months later, that was satisfied and he rarely had to worry about intruders.

Yet they still came...

Soon it became more of a sport. He found new, creative ways to frighten his little guests. I was fascinated as I listened to the many unique ways he scared them, from the old fashioned, coming out from the darkness in the woods, fangs bared, to more ingenious ways like traps set up around the castle. If they weren't scared enough by the traps, he would come out at the last second to finish the job.

More recently, however, a lot of things changed. Barely anyone comes near the castle and so he has become less interested. He greets them the way he greets me. The butler leads them in, they stay the night and then they are trapped away in the cellars. I was fortunate enough to skip that last part...

I discussed new ways he could scare them. He seemed surprised I was saying that until I told him the reason. I wanted to help him scare some people!

It was very thrilling at first!

No one came near the woods, so I planned a way to bring them. I came into town claiming that my son was lost in the woods. People were hesitant at first. (Who wouldn't be with all those rumours?) But I cried and begged them until they felt pity and a small group volunteered to accompany me.

They were young and looked like hikers, and as I took them through the woods, they seemed to lighten up, not fearing the trees that filled others with terror.

They asked me where I last saw my son and I claimed that he was a bit further in.

It was as thick darkness blanketed us that they realised something was very wrong.

A circle of fire surrounded the small clearing they were in.

They! I snuck away for the next part of my little plan.

As they huddled closer together to get away from the flames, they began to scream as they saw my body hanging from a tree, my neck in a noose.

In reality, it was a dummy of me, set up by Anton and I a little earlier. He was waiting in the tree, ready to set it down when the time was right.

Something was strange with Anton. He must be around thirty and yet climbing that tree tired him like he was some sort of old man climbing it. Strange, but maybe he was just exhausted from the busy day setting this up.

I watched as he slowly etched his way down the tree and came in for the final surprise.

He walked through the flames and as he stood there, in front of them, the figure of nightmares, they all screamed so loud that I had to cover my ears.

With that, the fire disappeared instantly and they scrambled for their dear lives.

As we met in the now empty clearing, laughing away, I had to stop and ask how the fire worked. He said to leave the fire trick to him, while I got out subjects.

His smile faded as I asked and he simply said that it was a trick with gas.

What gas was this? Was it a hallucinogenic gas of some kind?

I had to know!

There was just one more thing though. As we headed back inside, I couldn't help but look down at his hand. I saw it quickly, almost a flash. It was most definitely that ring from earlier.

Why was he wearing it?

There was obviously a lot he wasn't telling me about that ring and I knew I had to find out everything I could about it. Even if it meant 'acquiring' it for myself.

"I remember those days fondly..." Anton murmured, breaking away from the diary and coming back into the real world. The others did so too, reluctantly.

"You mean that it wasn't just the one weekend as he described?" Flora inquired, once more rubbing her weary eyes.

"No... That was the start. I now know that he had plans to steal the ring from that early on, but he was cunning. He didn't take it immediately. I think it was part cunning, but mostly I think it was because at this stage, as he said, he was having fun. We had become inseparable friends. He didn’t' want to throw that away. I was his only solace from his new predicament at home..."

"Predicament?" Katia asked, worry rising in her voice.

"Yes..." Anton sighed, checking quickly out the window and then turning back to open the book. He needed to hurry if they were to have any rest. "You shall see soon enough. It seems so light compared to what happened after..."

He glanced furtively at Hershel who looked back with apprehension. It was as if some understanding had been exchanged between them. It obviously wasn't a good one.

The next day, we concocted a new plan where Nigel would play the part of a ghost butler. He showed no emotion at all to our request - as usual - and then we made the preparations.

We knew we couldn't pull another trick on the same day as people would still have me fresh in their minds, calling for help. Those people wouldn't return. They would run into the hills and away from this dangerous place completely.

I told Claire that I might stay the night and she said that was great. She said I needed to spend time with some friends.

I know she said it out of her genuine concern for me, but I also think she did it so she could be with that man. Dimitri or whatever his name is.

I don't think there is anything going on between them, but you can never be too sure.

There is that other one. He wears that red hat and has perfect manners. He would be a perfect match for my daughter, but they are always going out so I haven't had time to be properly introduced.

In Claire's diary, she mentions someone called H, and I think that's him. She speaks so fondly of him. But she also speaks rather fondly of this Dimitri. There was that picture as well... The two of them together. He looked too old for my Claire.

I only read a few pages of her diaries. Just the ones where she met this Dimitri. I don't mean to pry in my daughter's private affairs, but I only did it out of concern. I wanted to make sure nothing ill was going on between them. You could call me a paranoid parent, but perhaps that's better than being a neglecting father.

After all, to care too much is better than to not care at all.

Flora, Anton and Katia turned to Hershel at mention of the person with the red hat and perfect manners. They knew it was him.

He merely tipped his hat down and Flora felt an itch of concern for him once more. He had been doing that too much these past few days. He was trying to hide his emotions away and that was only hurting him.

Anyway, I am getting off track. I must talk about this weekend.

I have never experienced such a buzz and as Anton and I laughed away and joked about our next plan, I knew then that I had made a friend for life.

Our friendship would be eternal as my love for my daughter. As eternal as Claire herself.

I had to get back. Daughter checking partly, but mostly I had another interest in life that I couldn't be away from for too long.

When I wasn't scaring people with Anton, we were back at his castle, Nigel bringing us tea while we talked about our lives. I walked around a lot of his halls, paying attention to all the decorations. I didn't want to show too keen a interest in the Azran artefacts. Better to make him think I don't really care at all.

That way when I get the ring, he will hardly suspect me at all.

Entry 15

I have barely touched this diary of mine in months. I have my archaeological journal for that. That's where I have spent most of my time scribbling away in. It's about time I speak of the exciting things that have happened to me.

Where to begin?

Claire and I are getting along swimmingly. I have met Dimitri once or twice. He is a nice fellow. I can tell he cares for my daughter and that is a good thing.

I still haven't met this elusive 'H'. Is he avoiding me?

I know they are close as well. She is always going out to restaurants and the like with him.

She came home the other day with the most expensive looking pocket watch. Real gold from the looks of it. This person must deeply care for Claire if he will buy such extravagant items. I still am unsure about him though. I have at least met Dimitri. I can't say the same for this H.

I think I have asked her about where she goes for most of the day in some cases, but to be honest, I am so preoccupied with my archaeological pursuits, that I tend to drown out what she says. I know it is horrible, but I have never really been a good father. I hope to amend that mistake.

And my interest in that ring...

I am now certain that the ring can be used to control people .But not in the way I thought. The exact reason still alludes me, but I think it has something to do with tricks of the mind. I still need to do more research...

I want that power... The feeling of having complete control over another is overwhelming!

I feel such bursts of energy as Anton and I scare more and more. We play the parts of the most terrifying monsters you will ever encounter and I love it!

I never want it to end!

What was I talking about? It seems I got a bit carried away...

Oh yes, the excitement in my life.

The rush of energy...

No, I mentioned that before, didn't I?

It's just... that ring...

And then there is Anton. A true friend to the end. I am going to stay this weekend. He told me last time that he had the best plan yet!

I can't wait for Friday to hit so I can be there with him, laughing merrily as we find new ways to scare the townsfolk.

Of course, I also want to see the ring...

"Oh no..." Flora muttered, covering her mouth as Anton once more drew to a close of another entry.

"Oh no, indeed!" He agreed, gripping Sophia's hand tightly and finding warmth there.

As selfish and wrong as Anton's plan to bring back the dead, Anton still had to thank him for allowing him to be with Sophia. Sophia may have been an illusion, and they weren't really touching, it was all a trick. He wasn't really feeling her warmth.

And yet, he was. It wasn't just because of his mind believing in her. He was bringing forth the memories of Sophia and willing this Sophia to be real.

Anton sighed and turned the diary page and then cleared his throat. It was time to find out how far the seeds of corruption had grown inside him.

Entry 16

I am ashamed to admit that I haven't seen Anton is over year...

How could I?

Not with what is going in my life.

Claire spends so much time away from the house. From me.

She is off with those scientists, experimenting away.

They keep me distant from their plans, Dimitri rarely talking to me if he comes over.

And then he had the nerve to ask if he could use my house as a second lab. Just so they could keep some 'vital' equipment here.

I laughed and said of course, but this was really irritating me. How could my daughter keep away from me so much and then suddenly expect so much of me.

I think she moved in with 'H.' Or now I know his name. Hershel. I haven't met him. Still. But I have seen him from a distance. I followed Claire one day.

I had to put my archaeological studies down, but this was more important.

She had a large box, blue with a rather luxurious red ribbon. She told me it was a gift for 'the newly appointed Professor.' I tried asking her more, but she was already running out, saying she was in a dash as she would be late for a lab experiment.

I lost her in the crowd, but as I went through some more of her diary, I found out that she had spent quite a lot of money on a top hat.

I don't know where she got the money from. I had my mother's inheritance to pay for all those darned Molentary Express tickets, but she wasn't exactly rolling in money in her position.

Dimitri assured me though that if their experiment was successful, then they most certainly would be rolling in money.

I want to speak with her, but I'm afraid she will ask how I know so much. Claire is so clever, just like her father, so I know that she would make the connection about me reading her diary straight away.

As I tried to fix the now growing distance between Claire and I, I realised I would have to tell Anton that I wouldn't be returning. At least for a little while.

I wrote him a long letter explaining that I had 'family issues' to resolve and that we wouldn't see each other, at least for a little while.

I don't want to lose my friendship with Anton. He is my one true friend, but I also don't want to lose my Claire.

I don't want to come home one day to discover she is off marrying someone and leaving me alone without my special girl.

With her mother gone, I can't bear to lose the last remaining family I have...

Flora stirred slightly as she felt the Professor stiffen. This was affecting him deeply and she didn't know how long he would keep composed for.

Anton had stopped to turn the page, and as he found the next entry, he cast his mind back to that letter he received all those years ago. It had really dampened his spirits. When Oliver wasn't there, scaring just wasn't fun. Nothing held interest for him. He craved those times when his friend would come over, make him forget the pain of the past, and keep him in the present.

Without that, he was a lonely, desperate man once more. A monster in the old hallowed castle.

Entry 17

I... I... I don't know what to write.

I can't even write a word without tears sprinkling the page like raindrops...

My beautiful Claire... My only love...

I talked so much of losing her, about how it would be devastating.

I... I didn't know how much pain I would feel, truly.

This will be the last entry... I am at the point where I am considering killing myself. Ending it all so I can be with her. With them, my wife and daughter, cruelly taken by this world of pain.

Perhaps the only thing keeping me here is that friendship I still have with Anton.

I need someone to talk to... He has experienced pain similar to mine. I shall talk to him. It's been two years, but I am sure he will be glad to see me. I didn't respond to any of his letters, but appearing in person is sure to clear the tension.

I write this because it is the only thing keeping me sane. If Anton keeps me alive, this is keeping me from going mad. I need to document my feelings, so that I can remind myself how much I love my little Claire.

Words on a page cannot describe that love, but just knowing that I can write about it keeps those memories fresh in my head.

I shall visit Anton. Yes, that's what I shall do.

Flora and Katia stifled back tears, while the Inspector stared solemnly out the window at the trees and mountains flitting by, the faint outlines of  some light, man made or natural, drawing her attention away from what she had heard.

The Professor only looked to the floor as he briefly recalled flashes of memories from that point in time.

Only flashes. Any more was too painful.

Anton studied the lost expressions of the seven people around him and then turned the next page with a sigh. There was still more, and when Oliver had reached the bottom. He only went in a worse direction than that.

Entry 18

Today marks the start of a new era for me.

A new Oliver, not weighed down by the sufferings of his life. Today, I have taken control of my life, not let it control me.

When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change.

I hit that point, and change certainly did fill me. I am a new man, but that all started with that one visit to Anton.

I write this now from my hotel in Folsense. Anton hasn't realised what I have done yet, but perhaps he can read this and see just what can happen to a man who loses everything. He didn't lose everything. Not like I did.

It's nothing to lose your lover. Nothing compared to losing everyone you love, but most importantly, Claire.

I won't let her passing weigh me down. I shall let it inspire me, take me on. What happens next, is all because of her.

I do this for you, my precious Claire.

"And that's the end of his diary..." Anton sighed once more, placing the small book back in his pocket and turning to stoke Sophia's arm.

"That can't be it!" Flora exclaimed. "What did he do? What happened when he came over? You must have skipped a page. After all, how will we ever know what happened that fateful day?!"

"Relax, little one." He chuckled weakly, gesturing for her to calm down. "Just because he didn't write about it, it doesn't mean that I can't tell you what happened."


"It was as he arrived at my doorstep, over two years later, that I greeted him with mixed emotions. It was strange, to say the least, to see the man who has avoided you for two years. I had grown more hostile in my isolation and it took some convincing from him to finally open me up a little. Let the old friendship rekindle."

Anton placed his arms on his knees and then sighed heavily.

"At first we only talked, very casual. He came off as caring. He wanted to know how I had been. I didn't know at the time, about..." He glanced quickly at Hershel and then back to the rest of the group. "He just told me that he had found new convictions in his life. It was soon that I realised he had an allerior motive for coming. He told me that he wanted to purchase all my Azran artefacts. He said he was willing to pay handsomely, and he really did have a lot of money, but money wasn't what I was interested in. When he realised he wasn't going to convince me, he tried to threaten me. He apologised quickly and told me that his daughter had died. I tried to comfort him when he thanked me and asked if I didn't mind that he stayed in a hotel for that night instead of at the castle. I told him, of course. He needed his space.

"But before he went, he asked me about... that ring. He asked that, above all else, could he have that, but I explained how it was a Herzen family heirloom. It has... sentimental value. He sighed and said he understood, but he at least wanted to know what it could do. He admitted that he had seen me wearing it and I had to explain to him the connection between the ring and the Folsense gas. He was intrigued, naturally, but he left soon after and there was no way he could have taken the ring... I was wrong... I don’t know how, but when I discovered it missing, I ran to his hotel and found the diary. No one noticed me. I was like a creature of the night, a true one this time, and I read the entire thing from start to end. I sat down all night reading of the torments of this man, but it didn't matter to me at the time. I wasn't like how I am now. I had just lost my only friend, and he had stolen my ring. I was furious. I swore that I would seek revenge, but that never happened... Time moved on, and I forgot. It didn't matter. He couldn't harness the power of the gas, so what had I to worry?"

The others looked at each other grimly as they turned to the events of the past week and then back to Anton.

"He asked about the Azran artefacts as well. The set of the Gatherer. I told him that I didn't know where the other half were, but he must have found out from Katia's father that I was lying. I was wary over the years and hid them in the house in the hopes that if he did return, he would never find them... I forgot how cunning he was. He is above all, a patient man. Eight years he waited to perform this plan. Enough time to get himself out of my mind. He returned as Oliver Strapping. He looked radically different and even his voice was different. Maybe it was because of all the excitement over Katia's love for him, but I was a fool. I should have known..."

As the others looked at Anton concernedly, Anton gazed once out the window and back at them.

"I expect we only have about fifteen minutes until we get there. Sleep for however long you can. Tomorrow, everything is decided."

As the group moved off to other cabins to find different beds, Anton remained in the Deluxe car with Sophia, both looking out to the countryside and watching the dull green of eucalyptus leaves on distant trees bleed into the darkening sky.

There was a shape to the silence between them: unfolding, contracting in the night.

As Sophia rested her head on her beloved's shoulder, Anton thought with a heavy heart of the task ahead.

Soon, his eyes flickered between a dream state and then he was asleep. His love by his side.

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