It's an Accident

By chocolatyangels

8.5M 292K 38.6K

He is smart, rich and handsome. A child prodigy. Girls love him and boys respect him. In short he is the epit... More

Chapter 1-Plane
Chapter 2-Accident
Chapter 3-Truth session
Chapter 4-Troubles
Chapter 5-Extra Bouncy Ball
Chapter 6-Mr.Hope
Chapter 7-Love Letter
Chapter 8-Room
Chapter 9-Confusion
Chapter 10-Father
Chapter 11-Shock
Chapter 12-Grandpa
Chapter 13-Back
Chapter 14-New guy
Chapter 15-Birthday
Chapter 16-Trip
Chapter 17-Bag
Chapter 18-Photo shoot
Chapter 19-Embarrassing
Chapter 20-Dinner
Chapter 21-Jogging
Chapter 22-Hospital
Chapter 23-Daniel
Chapter 24-Truth Machine Version 2.0
Chapter 25-Home
Chapter 27-Baby 2
Chapter 28-Baby sitter
Chapter 29-Reminscing
Chapter 30-Trust
Chapter 31-Issues
Chapter 32-Bitter Truth
Chapter 33-Fake Girlfriend
Chapter 34-Past
Chapter 35-Elena
Chapter 36-Downfall
Chapter 37-Plans
Chapter 38-Start
Chapter 39-Fidio
Chapter 40-G
Chapter 41-Kidou
Chapter 42-Work
Chapter 43-False claims
Chapter 44-Monica
Chapter 45-Big D
Chapter 46-Press meet
Chapter 47-Steven
Chapter 48-Shot
Chapter 49-Hospital
Chapter 50-Something Wrong
Chapter 51 -Cornered
Chapter 52-Tit for Tat
Chapter 53-Dannon
Chapter 54-Marry me
Chapter 55-Mom
Chapter 56-Reactions
Chapter 57-Daniel's Love
Chapter 58-Robert's Love
Chapter 59-Ring in the Dessert
Chapter 60-I love you
Chapter 61-Kiss
Chapter 62-Shopping
Chapter 63-Lip Gloss
Chapter 64-Party
Chapter 65-Morning
Chapter 66-Mall
Chapter 67-News Report
Chapter 68-Horror Movie
Chapter 69-Morning Call
Chapter 70-Fear
Chapter 71-Aram
Chapter 72-Opening Up
Chapter 73-Teasing
Chapter 74-Never Have I Ever
Chapter 75-Drunk
Chapter 76-Dare
Chapter 77-Ken
Chapter 78-Red
Chapter 79-Black
Chapter 80-White
Chapter 81-Wedding
Chapter 82-Reception
Bonus Chapter(1)
Bonus Chapter(2)

Chapter 26-Baby

108K 3.6K 215
By chocolatyangels

Today College reopens after the Christmas holidays and I am dreading to go to college. The incident which happened before we left wasn't a small thing. They made it a big fuss about small things but now the matter itself is a big thing so I don't know how it will turn out. I had half heart to bunk today but I am afraid then it would turn even big somehow. I can't risk it. Moreover it's not good to run away from problems.

Gouenji still came to pick me up after my left hand fully healed. I tried deterring him but he never even answered me so I simply had to follow him to college. Oh, he came at 3 in the morning. Since my hand is all healed he wants me to start exercising again. Some hand exercises were even included. I am afraid that my silent rebellion against him is slowly fading. My glares at him are no longer glares.

Master really has his way around me. He knows that I can't be angry for long and he makes sure he is always around me making the time of our contact increase and my anger decrease. May be after all the gazes I get at college my anger will increase. Gouenji came right at time, never late even for a second. I got in nodding at him and he nodded in return.

Even when I wish him good morning he just acknowledges me with a nod so I turned his way of greeting and nod at him now. By the time we reached the college premises it was full of noise and lively chatter. I sighed. It hasn't decreased like I wanted it to be but then again when has it turned like I wanted. We got off the car and I expected people to turn silent at our arrival and the chatter to continue with more noise but nothing happened.

They were too busy to notice our presence. Oh my! They didn't notice us for once! That too after a major breaking news? This is a miracle! I believe in miracles now! I won't lose hope. If you continue hoping one day it would come true! Okay that might be exaggeration but it feels nice not be the center of gossip and attraction. The crowd seemed to be gathered at a place and the remaining ones eyes too are seemed to be fixed in that direction. They are too engrossed to notice our arrival.

I am too happy at this fact and Gouenji, he is as usual, not even blinking his eye at the new found attraction of these people. I wonder if he was ever curious in his life. I mean he is or else he wouldn't have this much knowledge he has now. What I mean is that does he ever show a curious expression on his face?

"Gouenji!" A voice came from among the crowd. Heads turned towards us and he looked straight with the same stoic expression. I bet I will go mad one day at his expressionless face. But he shows expressions when it comes to me. I bet I am special. Insert evil laugh here which dies down immediately when Gouenji appears in his evil form. He plays with me like playing basket ball. Who am I trying to kid? I am not special at all. He just loves to play with me. The crowd parted and out came two guys, in suits looking all posh and dignified. They are good looking on the same level with our group's golden trio.

"Hey man!" That voice and accent seems oddly familiar. "Long time no see." He said giving him a manly hug which was returned by Gouenji in his manly way.

"Fidio? What are you doing here?" He asked once released. His name is also not an English name?

"I came here for a business deal with Steven here." He said pointing at the other person who is Steven from the conversation.

"Hello, nice to meet you Mr.Shuuya." The said person extended his hand for Gouenji to shake his hand in greeting.

"Hello Mr.Steven." Gouenji greeted but I detected some kind of harshness in his voice. He doesn't seem that fond of this new person. Better be careful with this person if master himself finds something fishy in him. But it could be my imagination.

"You needn't come here. You could have visited me at home." He said to the first person. It is clear that Gouenji knows him but how? Are they related?

"Is that the first thing you say to your cousin who traveled a long distance just to see you." So they are related.

"You came here for the business deal not for me."

"Cruel as always I see."

"I bet you are here at the college because of the attention you get from all the girls." Gouenji said ignoring his comment.

"You know me." He said chuckling. "I am thinking of settling in New York."

Gouenji nodded at this.

"You have nothing to say except nodding your head?"

"New York is a good place."

The other person sighed. "It's no use trying to change you. Is there any girl now in your life?" He asked wriggling his eyebrows. "Why don't try to enjoy for once man?" He seems oddly familiar.

"I don't think he is single," Steven interrupted. "considering he got out of the car with this young lady here." He said looking at me. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze.

"Really? That would be a big wonder. I don't believe it! Coming out from his car is a very big deal. He never gave ride to any female not even business partners. If it is true I want to know who is this strange creature that managed to capture my ever bachelor cousin's heart?" He said turning to me and stood still for a minute as if recognizing for a minute.

"You!" He said pointing his finger at me.

"Do I know you?" I asked after an akward five minutes of silence since he seemed to recognize me and his face seems familiar too. I met him before but where?

"You don't remember?" He asked but I kept quiet since I know I met him somewhere but couldn't recall where.

"That's better." He grumbled under his breathe.

"Did you say something?"

"No, I didn't."

"So you are the strange creature who captured my dear cousin's heart."

"No, I am neither a strange creature nor did I capture your cousin's heart."

"Sharp tongued as ever."

"What do you mean? By the way we already met didn't we? I can't seem to remember."

"No, don't try! It's not important." He said in Italian making bells ring in my head.

"You are the pervert from the airport!" I exclaimed recognizing him. He was the one I met in the plane at the start of the college this year and the one who made very rude and pervert comments about me. Pervert no.1 from the airport.

"I am not a pervert!"

"So you really are." I said and looked at him not knowing what to say. How small this world is? I never thought I would meet him again and for him to be Gouenji's cousin is really strange.

"So this is the chick who rejected your advances in the plane." Steven said looking at me from top to bottom.

"Excuse me! I am sorry to say but your words are rude. You can't refer to someone as 'chick'. I am destiny. If you don't know my name you can ask instead of using that kind of phrases."

"Interesting!" He said smirking and I feel something is not right.

"If you can excuse us we have classes to attend. I will see you at home Fidio." Gouenji interrupted ushering me inside.

"Try to be away from that Steven." Gouenji said after we passed hearing distance from them. "I don't feel good about him." I nodded because I felt the same at his last words. So I wasn't wrong about the harshness in his voice while greeting him. I think I am becoming good at reading his emotions. If it's true then I might not have a problem with his stoic face.

^Lunch period^

The bell rang indicating the lunch period. I looked outside to see quite a crowd there. I bet that is 'Fidio' from the morning. Didn't Gouenji say that he will see him at home? What is he doing here again? He is a real pain and a very bad person. I don't like him. I know he could be a good person underneath all that pervert but I really don't want to find out. I dug deep inside enough persons and I don't want to add another person to that list. I have enough drama in my life.

"What is he doing here?" Gouenji said from beside me.

"Isn't he Fidio?" Kidou asked.


"What is he doing here?"

"That's what I would like to know. You guys go ahead. I will join you." He said standing up and moving towards the crowd. Both of them went somewhere talking and I left with Kidou. I have to be thankful to Fidio even though I don't like him. Because of his appearance in the morning people started talking about him instead of our last truth session. He is also a popular person I guess.

I asked Kidou to go first while I kept both mine and Gouenji's books in his locker. His locker is like a fresh one, neatly arranged with his books. No stickers or poster or anything like that, just a neat locker with his books. It is his personification I should say. It is surprising if it is anyway other than that. I started walking forward towards our table but something caught my attention.

A little thing crawling. A baby to be exact. What is a baby doing inside the college? I looked around the baby and everyone seemed to be minding their own business. No one is noticing the baby in the middle of the corridor. Who left him alone here? I looked further to find someone related to him but none looked as if they lost a baby? But who would bring a baby inside and lose him here?

When I turned my head to look at him my heart almost broke then and there. Someone stepped on his little hands. I wonder how painful it would be for him! But what amazed me further is that he never cried. His face turned pale and looked very pitiful with a sad face on but not even a tear dropped making me surprised. I started running towards him pushing the crowd aside and picked him up.

"Are you okay?" I asked cradling his hand lightly. It is red. I kissed his hand and forehead and cradled him. He is a very cute and bubbly baby boy. Tears dropped at my caressing touch and I panicked if I made it further painful to him by touching his injuries.

"I am sorry! I am really sorry baby! Let us go the infirmary." I said speed walking there. He leaned on me sobbing and I felt myself drop a tear. He looked so pitiful. I soothed him lightly and rocked him in my hands. We soon reached there and the doctor in the college infirmary said that it was nothing and applied some ointment to it. I am glad that it is nothing! I was scared if he broke a bone or something. Babies are very delicate and could get injured easily.

I then went to the office and informed them about the baby on the corridor.

"Okay, we will announce in the speaker. We will see what to do if none comes by the end of the college timings. You can leave him with us." They said and a lady tried to take him away from me but the baby held onto me.

"He seems attached to you in this small time." She said trying to take him forcibly from me. I turned away from her shielding him. I don't know why but I feel very attached to him. I love babies in general and this particular baby so much more so. I wish I could make some kind of contacts with his parents and visit him occasionally.

"That's fine. Let him stay with me. Tell me if you find his related ones. I will give you my number. I will be in the college premises, you need not worry. I will return to lunch now, my table has a lot of attention from people so I think that would make it easy for his parents to find him." I said pleading her. She refused it initially but after a lot of pleading from my side and because of the baby's attachment to me she agreed and I turned towards the cafeteria and I sure attracted attention coming in with a baby. That's good!

"Destiny! Why are you so late?" Aram asked as soon as I entered. "Wait! Who is this baby? Don't tell me its yours." He said shocked.

"No, I found him." I said sitting in a chair.

"What do you mean?" Robert asked bewildered.

"I found this baby crawling all alone in the college corridor. I picked him up and informed the college authority. This little one refused to leave me." I said kissing his forehead. "So I requested to keep him until they find his parents. When I find the people who left him alone they are so going to get it from me! How could they leave a baby all alone? A cute one like him! They are so dead when I find them. He was stepped on his hand when I found him." I said taking his little still red hand in my hand and kissed  it.  "How could they leave him alone? They are so careless." I lifted him in my hands and kissed his little chubby cheek to which he gurgled cutely. "You are such a cute baby." I said cooing to him.

"Give him to me too." Aram said extending his hands towards him. "Come on baby!" He said making faces at him.

His cute face suddenly turned stoic at Aram's attempts and he moved into my arms. I chuckled at this and hugged his little form to me.

"He won't come to you!" I said chirping.

"That's not fair little one!" Aram said pouting.

"It is fair." I said laughing. "Even if he agreed to come to you I wouldn't give him to you. He is my little one." I said kissing his forehead and he gurgled at me immediately. Interesting. I don't know if it is just me or this baby is actually intelligent.  He is happy at everything I do but when it comes to any other person his happy face disappears again and a stoic bored face appears. This feature of his is exactly like someone else I know. Aram  still tried with efforts of taking him from me but failed miserably each time Daniel and Robert laughed a little at our little bickering. They are the silent ones of our group. They are almost serious. G and Kidou are the loud ones, especially G. Speaking of them why are they silent? I looked in their direction to see G's pale face. She seemed almost sick.

"G! Are you fine? You look sick." I asked her.

"Yeah. I am fine. I am fine." She said wiping the sweat on her forehead.

I looked beside her to find Kidou looking at me in shock. He seemed to be in some other world. Do they know this baby?

"Do you guys know this baby?" I asked out loud expressing my question.

***************************************************************************************Sorry but I am facing some problems with my laptop so until that is fixed there will be irregular updates! But I will try my best to update on time! Sorry guys! And a new twist, a baby appeared. Whose baby is it? Any idea? Can't be Gouenji's since he confessed to never made love in the last truth session.................or is it? Wait for next update to know!

Till next update! Have a nice time!

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