Broken Hearted - POSTPONED

By Nanziee

11.7K 89 51


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three ©
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Seven ©
Chapter Eight
chapter 10
Chapter 11

C Nine

637 6 4
By Nanziee

Kaila P.O.V

I woke up with a banging headache. Hangover.

Khalid's party was something else. All I remember was somebody putting me to bed. I stood up and stretched. College today. I ran into my en suite. Had a quick shower, brushed my teeth and creamed my skin. 'What to wear?' I thought to myself as I stepped out of the en suite and walked towards my closet.

I pulled out my white and black tucked chiffon top and my baby blue skinny jeans as well as the black zip up wedges. I placed my black and white vans. I would need the wedges for media. 

I straightened my fringe and curled the rest out. I rubbed my tattoo.

'Live long, Make peace' my dad’s favourite quote, we got it tattooed for his birthday. 

I packed my bag and slipped into the kitchen to see Carlos. Our 'cook'. My dad hated him. Didn't understand why though.

I grabbed a plateful of pancakes before heading to the medicine cabinet to find some painkillers for my headache and the medicine the hospital gave me. 

"Where’s mamae?" I asked.

"Front room" I thanked him and stepped into the front room.

"So you’re awake?" State the obvious. 

"Hmmm" I replied.

"Would you like john to drive you?" She asked as she placed her teacup down.

"No, but I really want is to drive into school. Can I?" I begged while smiling, my eyes sparkling. 

She laughed. "Just for that, you can take bus." 

My face dropped. I was afraid of private transport. Always have been.

"No, you know I'm scared of them. Call john" I said while taking a seat.


"Thank you Johnny. I'll call you later." I smiled before slamming the car door shut and rushing into school.

Once I reached the media class, I sat down and played tap tap revenge on my iPod touch. I was in my zone when I heard my name being called.

"Kayla" I ignored it because I knew that my name wasn't pronounced like that.

"Kayla, Kayla! Oi Kayla!" I felt a slap and turned around to see Kelly. The town hoe. 

"Can I help you?" I asked pausing my game.

"Could you not here me calling you?" Kelly asked while putting her hand on her hip and her other in my face.

I slapped her hand away. 

"Come correct. #1 don't put your dirty hand in my face. #2 you were calling someone but it wasn't me." I stated.

" I WAS calling you! Didn't you hear me say Kayla?" 

"My names Kaila! Not Kayla. Pronounced Ki-lah. Not Kay- lah. So therefore you weren't calling me. Now how can I help you?" I asked.

"Cha so damn rude. Think she's so nice cos her parents are rich" she said as she walked away. I shrugged and went back to my game.

The door opened and in walked Mr Pierdes and the guy from last night.

All the girls started fixing themselves. I laughed and they all turned to me.

"Is there something on my face? NO!" I shouted.

"Kai, stop shouting and fix your attitude. Do you want to get kicked off this course?" 

"Oh please." I put everything away before sitting down. 

"This is our new student. I'll allow him to do the intro." We nodded and Josiah spoke.

"My names Josiah, some mandem know me as Glock for obvious reasons that I won't be mentioning. Ladies you can call me siah or Jojo. But only the beauts ones of course" he said before winking at Kelly. I scoffed and everyone once again turned to me. I screwed and they all turned away. 

"Anyways, I like to try anything or anyone" he said. He winked at me before licking his lips. I smirked. 

"I don't think you would want to try...that. No one knows what STDs they might get from her." I laughed as everyone 'ooo'ed' 

"Oh Kels, Kels, and Kels. Is someone mistaking me for themselves? In denial are we? Now stop with the childish, immature secondary school antics and speak to me on a level. Fix up skettel." I said before turning to an angry looking Mr P with a grin on my face. He would always threaten to kick me out of the course but he knew he couldn't since my parents were paying for the course to be set up.

"Yeah well that's about it" Josiah said before turning to sir.

"Well take a seat, Josiah" he sat down next to me.

I moved away slightly, not knowing how I acted yesterday. I was what you call a lightweight a little bit of alcohol and I would be gone. 

“Why you moving babes?” He said while moving me closer to him.

“No reason...” I murmured.

“You don’t remember me then?” I ignored him. “From yesterday, your room. You know...?” He said as sir spoke to the class

“We didn’t do anything did we?” I asked in shock.

“So you do remember? And nah we didn’t do anything. You’re crazy though, the shit you were telling me. How you don’t understand why he left you, how you love him and stuff.” I put my head down in shame and embarrassment. “Ha, don’t worry babes, I won’t say anything.” 

I laughed and everyone turned to face us once more.

“Would you like to share the joke with the rest of the class Kaila?” Mr P asked.

“No. Not really.” I stated.

“Ok well what did I just say to the rest of the class?”

“I don’t know..” 

“Josiah how about you?”

“Sorry sir, Kaila was distracting me.” Josiah said. My mouth dropped and I shook my head.

“Anyways, we are starting a new media slash art project. The people you are sitting with will be your partners.” 

He explained to us what we would be doing and we were dismissed.

I was walking down the road with Dior talking about Kenan when I heard footsteps I turned around to see Josiah.

“Who’s Kenan?” 

“None of your business.” I said and Dior sniggered. I watched him looking at Josiah. He didn’t look very happy.

“So rude.” He shook his head. “You cool G?” Dior just nodded.

“Do you need anything?” I asked.

“Yeah I do actually. I was wondering if you wanna go back to my yard to start on the project?” Josiah asked. Good idea.


“Yeah go ahead.” He kissed my cheek and I and Josiah left.

“So where’s your car?” I asked as we walked past the colleges car park.

“Car? Nah b, were jumping bus.”

My heart dropped. I hated buses.

“What? No. Can we walk or something?”

“Nah, that’s a trek. Just come.” He pulled me along and we jumped on the bus.

I paid the bus driver and we searched for a seat. None available.

“We’ll stand for a bit. Only on for about 5 stops.” We stood beside the door and just spoke. He told me about the little girl I saw him with. She was his life now. I smiled. The way he spoke about her.

I told him a little bit about my life missing out the fact that my mum was a model. People always found a way to use me because of that.

“So your piercings why did you get them?” I asked while fingering his lip piercing.

“I don’t know. Sense of having your own identity, I guess.” He said it looked like i had brought up a soft topic for him.

“I personally don’t like piercings. More of a tattoo person. So don’t get me wrong when I say this...but your hair. The texture is...woow. But I think you would look nice without it. Like right now you aint looking on point.” He looked at me carefully biting his lip.

“Whys that?” He asked.

“It destroys your beauty. Right about now, I think you look pretty ugly.” I said.

"Shut up, you dirty white" Anger was clear on his face. He pushed a button and I flew out of the bus. I screamed out in pain. 

Maybe my parents were right; I do need to watch my mouth.

I heard a car horn and I pushed myself up before standing on the pavement. I brushed myself off. 

How could he do that to me? I didn’t mean to call him ugly. He was far from it; I just didn’t like his hair. Hair on any boy was ugly to me. Apart from my daddy obviously. And dirty white? How rude. I was quarter-cast not dirty. 

I sat on the bench at the next bus stop and waited for him.

I was there for about 5 minutes before he actually came into sight.

“Erm, Kaila” I looked at him hard before standing up and walking in front of him. “Why you walking off as if you know where you’re going.” He jogged up to me before handing me a bag. I opened it and thanked him. He had gotten me KA fruit punch still and sensations aswell as Kinder Bueno. How did he know? 

“Thank you.” I smiled. 

“I’m sorry about what happened on the bus. I don’t know what came over me. You alright though?” He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry for calling you ugly. I didn't mean to." I said. 

"Its cool b. I know I aint ugly. Please...". He said while waving and strutting off in a gay manner.

I laughed and he walked back up to me. He pulled the kinder Bueno out of my hands before taking a bite of it. 

"HEY! That's mine!" I shouted before hitting him. 

"Nah, I only bought it for you cos I thought you'd be upset and since your not I want it." He carried on eating. I screwed him.

I drank the drink.

We turned into a side road which ended up as a dead end. 

"So which ones yours?" I asked.

"Guess" I pointed to the smallest house.

He placed his hand on his chest and acted shocked.

"" He walked forward and I followed. He pulled out his keys and opened a medium sized house. 

He kicked his shoes off and I copied him. 

"Welcome to my humble abode" I smiled.


"Josiah is that you?" 

"Yes mum!" He shouted back. 

I heard little footsteps before the little girl from before appeared in front of us. My breath caught she was truly beautiful.

"Daddy!" She said before jumping into arms. He kissed her forehead and she giggled before turning to me 

"Daddy who's that?" She whispered.

"A friend, say hi Sian" she waved before jumping down. "Where's grandma?" He asked

"Kwitchen" she said and I awed. She had a lisp.

He nodded and we stepped into the kitchen to be met by his parents who were stood over the stove hugging each other. 

"Ma, pops" 

"Oh Josiah, how was - oh hello" I waved. 

"Mum, dad my partner for our media/art project. Kaila" Josiah said.

"Hey, let me introduce myself." I put my hand out and smiled "Kaila carter, nice to meet you.". 

"Kaila Carter, Tori Carters daughter I'm guessing?" His dad said. I nodded and Josiah looked confused. 

"Who's Tori?" 

"Model and entrepreneur. My boss". His dad said.

"Stop with the work talk. Hi darling, I'm Marie, Josiah’s mum. This is my husband Ace" I smiled at both of them.

"Okay, well introductions done me and Kaila are gonna go upstairs and start on the project, we'll be down later. Kaila just go upstairs and wait aite open the navy door." I stepped out and walked up the stairs. I walked into the first door I saw and looked around. His room was nice. I looked at the canvas in his room it was really good, talented. As i stepped around I noticed a picture. Was I seeing doubles? I picked it up and brought it closer to my face. 

"What are you doing?" 

I dropped the picture in shock and turned around to stare at a angry looking Josiah.

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