Unknown Territory

By Prettybutpsycho100

18.7K 291 65

Skylar Bell is a were-coyote in Beacon Hills. Her family died when she was young so she lived in the woods mo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author Note

Chapter 15

423 10 7
By Prettybutpsycho100

"Don't let them kill me!" Cory yells as they put him in an ambulance. He was bleeding black and silver. The black was his weird chimaera blood and the silver was mercury. Cory is a failure.

Liam and Hayden have been back for five days. Liam and I have been checking on Hayden after every class. He seems worried about her. While usually I'd get jealous ,still don't like admitting that, I understand this time. In fact in the past five days we became friends ,but that only happened after Mason locked us in the storage closet one time. Plus she's in danger and she's our responsibility. We were supposed to look out for her and Cory. Now Cory is a failure. 

There's a full moon ,a supermoon, tomorrow night. For us it's going to be like the full moon on steroids. We're going to be stronger ,and more blood thirsty. What a delightful night ,right?

"Scott we have to follow them." Theo tells Scott. "We got to protect him ,right? Scott, come on...Scott!"  Scott wasn't answering Theo. "Scott, this is what you do." Theo said hitting his shoulder lightly. 

Scott just turned and walked into the school. Theo followed Scott. Mason stayed outside looking shocked. I went and found Liam. We both found Hayden on the stairs by the lockerroom.

"It's Cory ,isn't it?" Hayden asked.

"Yeah, they took him to the hospital." Liam told her.

"That means I'm next. They're comin for me." Hayden said ,sounding panicked.

"They're coming for all of us ,which is why we got to get out of here." Liam told her.

"Come on." I held my hand out for her. She grabbed it and I tugged her arm trying to catch up with Liam who already started leaving.


Liam and I took Hayden to the club she works at. She was worried about us getting hurt but I reassured her it was going to be okay. Then the projectors in the club started acting up.

"They're here." She states the obvious.

We hid behind the bar ,by the end of the counter. I heard the footsteps and they kept getting closer. Liam grabbed one of my hands. Then Hayden reached over and grabbed the other. 

Why is everyone grabbing me? She's looking for comfort and I'm no good at that.

The footsteps stopped on the other side of the bar. The Dread Doctor turned ,I heard his feet shuffling to turn. Then the glass bottle on the counter smashed. None hit us though.

Liam pulled on me trying to get me to run. I tugged on Hayden to get her to come. We all ran only to be stopped by a Dread Doctor being right in front of us.

The Dread Doctor hit Liam in the head with his cane. Liam fell to the ground. That left me and Hayden.

I growled out the Dread Doctor ,bringing out my claws and fangs. 


Let's just say that I got my ass kicked. It's like any hit you throw at them doesn't affect them. They barely budge. 

I just got threw across a booth table and onto the bench ,landing on top of Liam. I got off Liam by sitting on the table. 

"Hayden, run!" I yelled at her. 

The Dread Doctor started moving towards Hayden. Hayden was backing away from him. Then there was a loud growl. Scott's here.

Scott ran ,jumped ,and hit the Dread Doctor in the face as he came down. didn't affect him. Liam got up and grabbed the Dread Doctor's arm. He started punching his stomach. All the Dread Doctor did was push Liam to the ground.

What the hell?

Scott start hitting the Dread Doctor. Liam got up and started fighting the other one. The were close to the table that I was still sitting on. 

I stood up and jumped onto the Dread Doctors back ,well I was planning to but I ended up on his shoulders. I clasped my hands together and with as much strength as I could I brought my hands down to hit him on the head. 

The Dread Doctor paused. Liam was looking at him in anticipation. All the Dread Doctor did was grab my arm and pull me off of him. He slammed me on the ground in front of him. I landed on my tail bone. I cried out in pain because ,damn, that hurt.

After a minute or two, Theo pulled me to my feet. I didn't know he was here. "Go with Liam to find Hayden." Theo told me. 

I nodded and went by Liam who was calling for Hayden. I started calling for her too. We went through this curtain thing to see the third Dread Doctor putting a syringe of mercury in Hayden's neck. I forgot there was a third one. Hayden's eyes turned silver. He let go of her and she fell to the ground ,her eyes turning normal again. Liam ran to her.

Hayden's going to die. It's going to be the Dread Doctors' fault. 

He started to walk away. I ran up to him. I grabbed his shoulder to spin him around and punch him in the face. I think it hurt me more than it hurt him though. He backhanded me so that I fell to the ground. I got back up and hit him in the stomach. I kept hitting him ,fueled by my anger and the fact the Hayden is dying a few feet from me because of him.

He used the empty syringe in his hand to cut my side. I growled at the pain. I'm seriously it's just a little needle it shouldn't do that. I'm a fucking werecoyote. I just punch his head again. Damn, I should stop trying that. This time he took the syringe and drove it through my my neck ,under my chin. He moved it back and forth ,creating a bigger hole, before pulling it out. My hand reached for my throat. I felt the liquid try to come from the small hole. 

I fell to the ground. My head hitting the hard ground. Everything faded to black.


I've been in and out all day. Last night was when we were at the club ,when I tried to fight a Dread Doctor for injecting Hayden with mercury ,when I got stabbed in the flipping throat. Scott ,Theo ,and Liam got me and Hayden to the animal clinic. They had Melissa come in. She has been working on trying to keep Hayden alive but makes sure to check on me. 

She said that the syringe still had mercury on it. It wasn't even close to how much Hayden had in her right now but Melissa still wanted to make sure I was okay. 

If Hayden is okay with that much mercury then I should be have fine with a little bit. She's just a chimera ,a cheap knock off of us. I'm actually something supernatural. I'll be fine. But Hayden, I doubt she'll survive this.

Now Hayden and I are in the hospital with Melissa. She just sent Mason to get Scott because Hayden's getting worse. He's not answering his phone. Liam left a while ago. He wasn't happy about Hayden dying. Before he left he said something about not being able to see me this way.

I don't blame him, I look like shit. I should heal quicker than this. My tailbone still hurts a lot. I asked Melissa to check it out after we do everything we can for Hayden. I need her to check my arm too. I hurt it when I fell ,I just didn't know at the time because I blacked out. There's still a small hole through my throat but that's mostly healed. I had lost quite a bit of blood. Melissa said I would have died if I was normal. On top of that Melissa said I had mercury in my veins because of that dumb syringe.

What brought me out of my thoughts was the sound of the ECG going flat. I looked over at Hayden to see a silver tear leave the corner of her eye. I let go of the hand I forgot I was holding. I felt my own tears gather in my eyes. I looked at Melissa. She looked shocked and sad.

"Why are you just standing there? Help her!" I tell her trying to stand up. She pushed on my shoulders trying to get me to stay seated.

"You need to sit down." She told me.

"I'm a werecoyote. I'll be fine. She's dead and you're not trying to save her!"

"I can't save her ,Skylar. She's gone." 

That's all it took for the dam to beak and me to start crying. To think, a week ago I would have been doing a happy dance. Why did Mason have to lock us in the storage closet? If not for that we wouldn't be friends and I wouldn't of cared if she lived or died. But no, he said we had to get along. 

"We need to tell Mason." Melissa said. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and called him.

"Hello?" He answered after a couple rings.

"Mason." I cried out. "Sh-she's dead. Hayden's de-dead." I sobbed into the phone. I hate having to admit it. Why can't I just hate her again? I hate this feeling and don't want to feel it anymore.

"Okay, I'm still trying to find Scott and Liam. I'll let him know." He tried to sound calm but even I could hear the sadness in it. I nodded before remembering he couldn't see me.

"Okay." I whispered. 

"Get yourself checked out now ,okay? We need you to be okay for whatever happens next." 

"Okay" My voice broke again while saying this. This time I hung up. I turned to look at Melissa. 

"Come on, let's get you checked out now ,okay?" She asked softly. I nodded. She moved the wheelchair I was into a similar room. I think the only reason she moved me was so I didn't have to look at Hayden. 

She checked on my tailbone first. She said it looked like it would be okay. For a human it'd be sore for about a week ,so it should be better sooner for me. It should be better already. 

Then she checked my arm. She said that it was broken but healing. The problem was that it was healing wrong. It was something she could fix though. She told me to think of something else. My mind went back to Hayden on that table lying there dead. 

I was brought out of that but a pain in my arm. I screamed in pain. I looked down and Melissa had broken my arm again.

"What the hell ,Melissa?!" I yelled. My claws extended from my fingertips. Of course this has to happen on a full moon.

"I have to re-break it to put it back into place so that it will heal right." She said trying to sound calm. She moved my arm ,pressing on the bone. I yelled in pain again. This is kind of distracting me from trying to stay in control. 

I tried to hold myself together long enough for her to finish. When she did finish I got a phone call. Mason's name popped up on the screen. I answered it quickly.

"Tell Melissa that Scott's hurt. I think he's dead." Mason told me. 

Scott's dead?

"No tell me you not serious." I say.

"I'm serious ,Skylar."

"No this cannot happen. Not today of all days." I say trying to hide back more tears. Today is the worst day ever. 

"It's happening ,Sky. Now tell Melissa." Instead of telling her I gave her my phone.

"Mason? What's going on?" Melissa asked. Mason told her what happened. She dropped the phone and ran out of the room. I picked up my phone.

"How?" I ask.

"When I found Liam, him and Scott were fighting. Liam almost killed him ,Skylar. If I hadn't got there he would have. I was helping Scott when Theo came. Scott was already weak and hurt from his fight with Liam so Theo beat him." Mason said.

"Theo? As in the one that came here this year?" I asked in disbelief. Theo wouldn't do that. He's helped us.

"Yeah, he's a chimera." I was shocked. Stiles was right. Theo is bad. How is Stiles the only one who saw that coming?

"Theo's bad and Liam almost killed Scott. What the hell is going on?"

"It was the supermoon ,Hayden dying ,and you being hurt that sent Liam over the edge. And Theo... He was just good at hiding how terrible he was." 

"Not to Stiles. Stiles knew...Dammit we should've listened to Stiles."

"Stiles knew?"

"Well, he suspected and no one listened." 

"Melissa's here. I gotta go. I'll see you in a bit ,okay?" 

"Okay" He hung up. I stood from the table thing I was laying on. I went back to the room that Hayden was in. Except she wasn't there anymore. Instead there was a crying Liam by the table.

He looked up when he heard me walk in. He stood up and went to walk towards me. I held my hand out telling him to stop. He froze.

"Sky-"Liam started but I cut him off.

"You almost killed Scott." I said sternly even though I had to hug myself as if trying to hold myself together.

"I-"He started but I cut him off again.

"And now he's dead." 

"Scott's dead?" I hesitantly nodded. "How?"

"After you left, Theo got there. Since Scott was weak from fight you, Theo beat him and now he's dead." I said angrily. "Theo killed him. Theo killed Scott." 

That was the first time admitting out loud that Scott got killed by Theo. It changed everything. Suddenly I couldn't hold back my tears or couldn't even hold my own weight. I fell to my knees and sobbed. 

Liam came and kneeled beside. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him. I started hitting his chest.

"This is your fault! This is all your fault!" I yelled at him while hitting him. He held me tighter and I couldn't move to hit him now.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

I don't know how long we sat there. I finally calmed down and started thinking more clearly. I looked up at Liam. He was crying too. He just wasn't letting me see it. 

We finally get up and leave the hospital. I go home with him. I didn't want to be with anybody else. Right now I just wanted Liam. 

"I'm sorry" I tell him softly as I sit on his bed. 

"You were right." He says guiltily while sitting next to me. 

"No, I wasn't. I was upset. It's not your fault he's dead Liam. It's Theo's. This is all Theo's fault." I tell him. He wouldn't look me in the eye. 

I put my hand on his cheek and turn his face so he had to look at me. I leaned in and gently placed my lips on his. He responded immediately. It wasn't fast like usual. This kiss was slow. I pulled back.

"This wasn't your fault." I tell him. He hesitantly nodded. He pulled me into a hug ,burying his face in the crook of my neck. "I love you" I mumble. He pulled back immediately.

"What?" His eyes were wide. I looked him in his beautiful eyes.

"I love you." I say more firmly this time. He smashes his lips on mine. This kiss was faster than the last one. 

He pulled back ,breathing heavily. "I love you too." He tells me. I put my lips on his. 

He moved me so that I was straddling his lap. I grabbed the hem of his shirt and started pulling up. He broke the kiss to pull his shirt over his head. I pulled my shirt over my head real quick too. Then his lips were back on mine. I pushed him so he was lying on his back with me on top of him. His hands were on my butt while mine were running through his amazing hair.


She finally said it. I wanted her to say it earlier but I thought she was gonna punch me so I waited. Anyway, tell me what you think of this chapter.


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