Princess of All (Nalu Fanfict...

By xxcutiebluexx

122K 2.3K 668

Lisanna came back after the GMG. Everyone was partying for 3 months but they ignored Lucy except for her true... More

Kicked by Team Natsu
Goodbye Fairy Tail
Wendy and Carla
We're caught
Sky Labrinth
GMG - Day 1
GMG- Day 2
GMG - Day 3
GMG- Day 4
Matchmaking Day- GrUvia
Matchmaking Day- GaLe
Matchmaking Day- ZerVis
Matchmaking Day- HaRla/CaPpy
Matchmaking Day- RoWen
Matchmaking Day- JeRza
Going to Dragon Realm
Back to Normal
Dragon Slayer Sickness Season
3 demons
Sleep Over!
After 15 years

Dragon Realm

6K 93 59
By xxcutiebluexx

Lucy's pov

I have a break today, YEY!!! I'm going to the forest near the village. I heard that there are many flowers in a certain place and I'm gonna find it. I get my bag and head outside.

"Hey John!" I wave at the guard at the gate.

"Hey Lucy! Where are you going?"

"At the forest."

"Be careful!" I smile and continue running. Where could that place be? I see a stone path on my right. I follow it 'coz I'm curious. Why would there be a beautiful man-made-like stone path in a FOREST? Then the tracks stop I look up and saw the beautiful garden and a girl with with hair and galaxy colored dress in the middle. She turned around and saw me.

"Who are you?" She ask. In a demanding tone.

"I'm Lucy Heartfillia." Her eyes widen.

"P-Princess L-Lucy! I finally found you." She smile at me.

"What do you mean Princess Lucy?" I ask.

"Follow me Princess and- oh how rude of me, I'm Celestia the Celestial Dragon."

"A-A DRAGON!!?!? But I thought all the dragons disappeared on July 7 x777?"

"The Queen will explain it to you later." She grab my hands and went in a portal. When the light faded I see floating islands, pink sky, purple/blue/pink/red colored trees a-and DRAGONS!!!

"It's so beautiful!!" I scream. Then all the dragons landed infront of me. Then 3 person step forward.

"Lucy, I miss you so much."

"M-Mom!!" I run and hug her.

"I miss you so much!" I said and cry in joy.

"Lucy, these 2 are your father and brother, Achnologia and Zeref." Both of them hug me. But I thought mom died? How is she alive? Why is she with the dragons? When did she meet the dragons? If Achnologia is my father the who was Jude? And why di-

"Lulu has so many questions in her mind." I heard Zeref said. Can he read my mind?

"Yeah I can." Oh, okay.

"Everyone we will have a dinner at the castle at 6. Don't be late." My father said. The dragons fly away except for 5.

"You guys look familiar." I said. They have questioning looks on their faces. Then I remembered something.

"Are you Igneel, Metalicana,Grandine,Skiadrum and Weisslogia?" They all have surprised looks.

"H-How did you know?" Igneel said.

"I was a friend with your children." I said.

"What do you mean was?" Metalicana ask.

"Well me, Natsu, Wendy and Gajeel are in one guild. The guild treated me like a trash. They called me weak, useless and many more. Well Wendy and Gajeel didn't do that nor Sting and Rouge. I had a few friends there but mostly everyone did that to me especially Natsu." I said.

"Sorry for what my son has done." Igneel bow to me.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." I said. He smile at me.

"Lulu let's go!" Zeref put me on his shoulder and run to a big castle.

"Zeref-nee! Put me down!" I shouted at him.

"No can do Lulu." He said and continue running. He stop infront of a Blue door.

"This is your room. Our little brothers room is the one with the yellow door and mine is the one with the black door." He gently put me down.

"We have a little brother!?!"

"Yeah. He can be a little annoying but I admit he's cute." He said.

"Can I see him?" I ask.

"Yeah." We went to his door. Zeref open it and I see my little brother playing with a maid.

"We can takeover here Mary." She bow and exit the room.

"Hey Luke." So Luke is his name.

"Zewef-nee!! Who is the giwl?"

"She's your sister Lucy."

"Wucy-nee! Zewef-nee! Pway with me!" He gave us his puppy eyes. He's so KAWAII!!!!!

"Why do you give me those eyes. I can't resist it." Zeref and I said together. We played for hours. I admit that it was fun.

"We have to go now Luke." I said. He stop playing and look at me.

"NO!!! I wanna be with you Wucy-nee!" He started crying. I pick him up.

"Why don't you go with us?" I ask.

"Yey!" He shouted. I carry him and follow Zeref to the dinning room. Zeref open the door and it seems like everyone is here.

"Sorry we're late. We played with Luke." Zeref said. I put Luke next to mom and I sat next to Zeref.

"It's ok Zer-" mom is cut off by Luke.

"I wanna sit next to Wucy-nee!!" Luke whine.

"Well, well, look who's Lucky. You made Luke like you in a snap." Dad said.*sigh* I stand up and take the sit next to him.

"Ok now explain." I said.

"Before I explain please eat properly." I didn't follow what she said then me, Zeref, and dad started eating like there's no tomorrow together with all the dragons except for some. Mom sweat-drop at our actions.

"*sigh* Well, I'll start
explaining. Lucy I'm the Queen of All then that makes you the Princess of All. The one that died last July 7 x777 was an illusion. I had to go back here because we sense a dark magic in Earth. Also, you have to learn all magic that exists." I choke my chicken. Zeref get me a glass of water. I drink it and place it carefully.

"WHAT!?!?! ALL MAGIC!?!!" I shouted. The dragons covered their ears.

"Lucy not too loud and yes, all magic." Yeah!! I screamed inside my head 'coz I can get everyone deaf. I can get my revenge on Fairy Tail (except my true friends).

"Lulu what do you mean revenge at Fairy Tail?" Zeref ask. I explain to them AGAIN what happen. After explaining everyone looks like they're ready to kill everyone in Fairy Tail.

"How can they do this?" Dad said.

"Well everyone calm down. I don't want them to die." I said.

"But I wanna kiw them!" Luke shouted. I giggle and continue eating. The rest of the dinner was fun. All the dragons introduced themselves. There is a total of 13 dragons.


Celestia- Celestial Dragon
Grandine- Sky/Air Dragon
Aqua- Water Dragon
Terra- Earth Dragon
Flora- Nature Dragon
Melody- Sound Dragon


Igneel- Fire Dragon
Metalicana- Iron/Metal Dragon
Skiadrum- Shadow Dragon
Weisslogia- Light Dragon
Pois- Poison Dragon
Bolt- Lightning Dragon
Achnologia- Dark Dragon

After dinner Luke asked me if he can sleep with me in my room. Of course I said yes. I hope they wont treat me like what Fairy Tail did.


Hey minna!!

Sorry for the late updates. I'm always busy. I often get Free Time 'coz of school and other stuff.


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