Haunting - Daniel Ricciardo

By pasfeatvic

511K 9.1K 1.1K

Daniel Ricciardo is an Australian Formula 1 driver. He races for Red Bull Racing. In 2016, after 4 races, Da... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 56

5.3K 93 5
By pasfeatvic

The loud alarm clock sounds extremely loud this morning when it rings at 10 in the morning. I groan extra loud as well, feeling my head pounding.

"Shit" my favorite Aussie mumbles from next to me. He turns off the alarm and groans as well. I am afraid to open my eyes, as I will be blinded by the sun light coming through the curtains.

"Good morning, schat. Fuck, don't even know how to pronounce that" Daniel mumbles, making me laugh. I slowly open my eyes, meeting Daniel's brown ones.

"What?" I just ask.

"Max tried to teach me that word, it means babe in Dutch" Daniel explains. I smile at him, loving how much effort he puts in us.

"And you remember that after such a night?" I ask, moving closer to him. Daniel opens his arms for me to cuddle. I press my face against his chest, sighing as I feel Daniel's heartbeat softly.

"Yeah, I wanted to call you something new, thought it was nice to use Max's word"

"Maybe you should use words you can actually pronounce" I say while giggling. Daniel chuckles as well.

"My back hurts like crazy, like burning" Daniel says, frowning. I push him onto his stomach to check his back. My eyes widen as I see red streams all over his back, caused by my nails.

"Yeah, I may have caused that" I say, as Daniel rolls back onto his side. He frowns, before he starts smirking.

"Does it have something to do with our activities from yesterday? And I'm not talking about me racing or us dancing" Daniel says, the smirk still bright on his face. I giggle and nod.

"Yep, sorry babe" I simply say.

"Don't worry about it. I'm 80% sure that I bruised your hips and thighs, so" I frown and pull off the covers of my body. I am wearing a shirt from Daniel and my panties. I pull up the shirt slightly and see the blue and purple spots on my hips.

"Wow, we're a good team" I mumble, causing Daniel to laugh.  He pulls me close to him again, kissing my head.

"I'm lucky to have you with me. Seriously, Sien. You make me so happy" I get a smile on my face when he says that. I love that he randomly tells me these kind of things.

"That's good, because you make me happy as well. I don't think I've ever been this happy" Daniel kisses my head again.

"But I do believe we have a plane to catch" I mumble. Daniel groans softly and rolls away from me.

"We should get ready then" Daniel says as he stands up. He sighs but doesn't seem to be affected by the alcohol from last night.

"Dan?" he turns back around and frown at me when I'm still laying still.

"Could you get me some water and two painkillers?" Daniel smiles and nods, making his way over to our suitcase. He hands them to me and smiles.

"Is it bad or half bad?" Daniel asks as I take my painkillers. I sigh and shrug.

"I guess it could be worse, I just feel like shit" I mumble, trying to get out of bed. Daniel just walks away and turns on the shower in the bathroom. He comes back to me and lifts me up.

"Dan! What are you doing?" I shriek, making Daniel laugh.

"I'm taking care of you. You need to shower, that'll be the first thing making you feel better. Do you feel like eating or not?" Daniel asks, holding me in his arms before I've answered.

"I could eat" I mumble. Daniel smiles and puts me down. He helps me out of my clothes and I just stare at Daniel. He bites his lip softly, seeing me naked in front of him. He just lifts me up and puts me in the shower.

"I'll be right back, okay?" I just nod at him, a smile on my face. I just stand under the hot water, feeling myself relaxing. I don't know how long I stand there, but Daniel walks back into the bathroom. He grins when he still sees me standing there.

"Where you waiting for me or something?" he asks, making me giggle.

"Are you joining me?" I ask. Daniel looks at me with wide eyes.

"You know what normally happens when we shower together. We've never just showered" Daniel says while chuckling.

"First time for everything, right?" I ask, moving to the side so there is room for Daniel. Daniel sighs, before taking off his shirt and his other clothing items. He moves into the shower, staring at me.

"I don't even know what to do now" Daniel says, making me laugh harder.

"Wash my hair for me?" I ask him, handing him a bottle of shampoo. Daniel nods and I turn around. I feel Daniel's hands softly move through my hair, massaging the shampoo into it. I close my eyes, enjoying the feeling. I lean back into Daniel a little more, making him chuckle.

"You like this, don't you?" he softly asks, his hands still moving through my long hair.

"Yeah" I just say, not able to say more as I'm fully relaxed and in a trance.

"I'll do this more often then"


"Yeah, for you, everything" I want to turn around to him, but he turns me back. I giggle as he grabs the shower head and washes the shampoo out of my hair. When he's done, I turn around to face him.

"Can you wash mine?" Daniel asks, a grin on his face. He knows I love his hair, so he already knows my answer. I grab his shampoo and get some on my hand. Daniel tries to move down a bit so I can reach his hair, as he is way taller than I am. I just move my hands through his hair, feeling him relax as well.

"Nice, huh?" Daniel just nods his head, completely relaxed as well. I smile, washing the shampoo out. My eyes land on the red marks on his back, making me softly trace them. Daniel flinches slightly when I touch the biggest one, but relaxes under my touch again.

"I really am sorry for them, Daniel. They must hurt like crazy" I mumble. Daniel turns around and gives me a kiss.

"Don't worry about it babe. Totally worth it. Besides, they'll heal" I just nod slowly, feeling guilty.

"We should go get ready and eat something" Daniel says, turning off the shower. I instantly shiver and Daniel quickly hands me a towel. I wrap it around me and sigh. Daniel quickly dries himself off and puts on clean underwair. I follow his lead and dry off, wrapping a towel around my hair. I walk after Daniel into the room. I quickly grab some lotion for Daniel's back, hoping that will slightly help.

Right before Daniel wants to put on a shirt, I stop him.

"Hold on" I say, opening the lotion. Daniel stands still, not knowing what I am going to do. I softly put some on his back, making him flince once again. I just put the lotion on all the marks, making Daniel relax now as well.

"That feels good" Daniel mumbles, making me smile. I finish and give Daniel a kiss. I put on my own clothes now, before staring at the breakfast Daniel got for us. He chuckles and lets me eat, smiling at me as I do so.

We finish getting ready, my hair is dry and my make-up is done. Daniel is putting our suitcase on the floor and smiles at me. I grab my bag that holds our passports and other important documents. I put my phone in there as well, feeling ready for another flight.

"Alright, let's go" I say and Daniel nods. He takes the suitcase and we make our way downstairs. Some teammembers have already gathered in the lobby, the ones that are travelling today.

Max is standing there as well, looking as if he died as well. He sighs heavily, making both Daniel and me laugh.

"Morning, Max" I say to him. He looks up and tries to smile.

"Hey guys" he says, sounding even worse than he looks.

"Good morning, guys" Christian says as he approaches us. His eyes land on Max and he starts chuckling.

"How was your night, Max?" he asks him, making Daniel and me grin at Max. Max sighs softly but is able to put a smile on his face.

"The night was great, the morning, not so great" Christian chuckles and turns to us.

"And how are you guys?"

"I'm feeling great!" Daniel answers and smiles widely at Christian.

"I'm okay! Could've been worse. I could've felt like Max" I say and grin. Christian stays and talks to us and asks about our nights, while we wait for the remaining team members. When everyone is present, we move into the minivan that'll take us to the airport.


Daniel and I are sitting next to each other on the plane and I open my mailbox for the first time since Daniel's win. I sigh when I see all the mails. I just start answering them, loving the on board wifi.

"You should get some sleep, babe" Daniel mumbles as the plane is in the air.

"I can't. Your victory caused a lot of people to want to have you on their show. I can't ignore mails for a week, Dan" I say and giggle. My eyes land on a mail, making me smile.

Dear miss Hudson,

We are two girls from Melbourne, Australia. We have to do an assignment on our favorite Australian person and ask them questions. We do realize that Daniel is very busy, so we were hoping that he could just answer this e-mail. If not, we completely understand.

We hope to get a reply from you soon!


Debbie and Ashley

There is an attachment with questions.

"How are you feeling about answering some questions for two girls?" I ask Daniel, who turns his head to look at me. I let him read the e-mail and he gets a huge smile on his face.

"I'm their favorite Australian person?" he asks, a huge grin appearing.

"I guess so. So, you up for it?" Daniel nods his head and I smile. I open a new e-mail to them.

Dear Debbie and Ashley,

When I showed Daniel this e-mail, he couldn't believe that he was your favorite Australian person. So thank you for saying that!

Daniel would love to answer all your questions, so I'll be putting them under this small text!

What has been your favorite race so far this season?

D: It has got to be Malaysia, last weekend. It felt great to be at the top step again, it was a feeling that I want to feel more often. I felt good in the car all weekend, so it was a great reward to be standing there, making everyone do a shoey!

How is the relationship between you and your teammate?

D: Max and I get along really well! It's always fun when we do things off track. As you saw last weekend, when we're on track, we give each other room and fight clean. I think that shows the amount of respect between each other. I really like Max and I like having him on the team!

How is it working with your girlfriend? Does it ever get hard?

D: It's pretty great, actually. Ever since we started working together, life has been a lot easier for me. She knows me well and knows what kind of interviews I would like. She knew I would enjoy this one, that's how good she is! We haven't had hard times yet. Maybe that has yet to come, but we're strong together, so I don't think it will ever get to the point where it gets tough. I wish we started working together way sooner!

What are you looking forward to most in the coming months?

D: the break, aha! No, seriously, I am looking forward to all the races, but also the the time where I get to put my feet up and not do anything for a little while. I love racing, it's my life, but it's sometimes good to get away from it.


Okay, that's it girls! I hope you enjoy the answers and I hope you get a very good grade on the assignment!

Lots of love,

Daniel Ricciardo & Sienna Hudson

Red Bull Racing

I smile at the answers Daniel gives, especially the one about me. Daniel has a wide grin on his face the entire time I was typing his answers. I love that he feels the exact same way about it as I do. I quickly send the mail, feeling done with the mails already. But I have a lot to go. Before I can even say anything to Daniel, his eyes are closed and his breathing is soft. I sigh and just put my earbuds in, listening to soft music while I just type my way through the flight.


By the time we arrive in Tokyo, my headache has returned, but the emails are answered. I sigh heavily as the plane arrives at the gate. We have a train ride to Suzuka now as well. Sometimes, I really hate travelling.

"That was a great flight" Daniel says, as we stand up to leave the plane.

"How do you know? You slept your way through it" I say while raising my eyebrow. Daniel grins widely at me, nodding his head.

"That's why it was so good" he just says, grabbing my bag for me. I kiss his cheek as we make our way out of the plane. Max and Joelle are in front of us and they're talking about Toro Rosso. I've heard them talk about it this morning as well. Joelle must want to know some things about it, as she's going there next season.

"Almost there, babe" Daniel mumbles, seeing my exhausted face. I just try to smile, but I feel like sleeping, right here, right now.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Daniel asks, making me giggle. I shake my head, as we walk through customs and towards bagage claim. We collect our suitcase and make our way towards the train station.

"Is anyone else still feeling like shit?" Max asks, as we're waiting for the train. I giggle and nod.

"Welcome to the club" I just say, making Joelle giggle. She stayed in her room last night, not feeling like partying. I think she and Femke hung out last night, as Femke can't drink anymore.

"Never drinking again" Max mumbles.

"Oh, you will" Daniel replies to his team mate, making me smile. I lean my head onto Daniel's shoulder, feeling as if I could pass out.


So, I wrote the final chapter yesterday. Might post the following days the chapters that are left, which are 3 after this one.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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