Between You and Me (George We...

By random_nerd34

136K 4K 772

Giselle Natalie Davison has two mischievous best friends that are like family to her, but after the Basilisk... More

Between You and Me (George Weasley Love Story) Prologue
Trip to Diagon Alley
The Girl in the Red Cap
She's Back
Friends and Flirting
Therapy at Zonko's
Out of the Loop
Changing Just the Littlest Bit
Caring a Little Too Much
I'll Never Forget
Overwhelming Nightmares
An Evening Stroll

Departing from Hogwarts

11.6K 350 86
By random_nerd34

A/N: So sorry I haven't been up dating other things! I really should but I'm just getting all of my ideas out on this fanfic before I return to my others


"Sssshhhhh!" Fred tried to hush Giselle's giggling before they got caught, they were trying to prank Malfoy while he was distracted in his compartment. "Giselle, go drop this in." Fred said to her handing her an orange spherical shape, it was squishy and quite heavy.

"What did you put in this thing?" she asked,

"You'll see." they said in unison smirking. "Now that thing is on a timer, you have to drop it in there before it goes off." Giselle nodded, and looked at it once again, it was incredibly noticeable with it's bright orange color. She took out her wand and waved it over the orange ball.

"What are you doing?" Fred asked her,

"Disillusionment Charm, it's too noticeable." then she tapped it and it turned invisible. "Smart thinking Elle." she shrugged, "They didn't put me in Ravenclaw for nothing!" she said and went over to Malfoy's compartment.

"Then my father was all 'Red hair. Vacant expressions. You must be a Weasley!'" Pansy Parkinson, Crabbe, and Goyle started guffawing, Giselle scowled and dropped the invisible ball in. Then went back to the corner where Fred and George were.

 "Very nice! It should be going off"

There was a huge boom noise and Malfoy's compartment and all of the people in it were now covered in orange goo. Everyone looked out of their compartments to see what was going on and as soon as they saw Malfoy and his posse covered in orange goo everyone started laughing.

 "You three!" Malfoy sneered as he stepped out trying to wipe the goo off of him.

"Trying a new hair gel Malfoy?!" George commented laughing like a maniac. Malfoy stormed up to them,"Oh no! George! Giselle! Watch out! There's an ugly orange monster coming straight at us! Run!" Fred exclaimed still laughing.

"My father will here about this!" he threatened. "Well I'm sure he'd appreciate the hair product recommendation Malfoy!" Giselle was wiping tears of mirth from her eyes.

 "What is going on here?" they heard a Prefect's voice bellow through the train. The three immediately stopped laughing and ran back to the compartment they had been sharing with Lee, Angelina, and Katie.

"So what happened?" Lee asked eagerly. "You should have seen the look on his face!" Fred said laughing slightly. "Good idea of you Elle. To charm the ball." George complimented.

"Thanks, you always said that the element of surprise was important." she said pointedly. "Didn't I say that two years ago?" Giselle shrugged. "I always remember the advice you give me." George blushed slightly.

 "Anything from the trolley?" the lady with the trolley cart shouted as she passed by. "Anyone for sweets?" Giselle asked taking out her wallet. All of the girls left the compartment with their money leaving Lee, Fred, and George.

"What's with your face?" Lee asked George who's ears were a fiery red and he had a broad grin on his face. "Aaawww, Georgie's got a crush on Giselle!" Fred said with a baby voice. "Do not!" he said hitting Fred in the arm. "Stop lying Georgie! It's not good to lie!" Fred mock scolded him. "Shut up I do not have a crush!" he yelled.

"Who has a crush?" Giselle asked as she entered the compartment once again with candy filling her arms. "Here Fred." throwing him a pack of Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, a Chocolate Frog and a licorice wand. "George..." she said and handed him, a pack of Drooble's, jelly slugs, and a Cauldron Cake.

"Please tell me that extra licorice wand is for me!" Lee pleaded.

"Lee you know I hate licorice." she handed it over to him. "You three owe me about...." Giselle did a quick calculation in her head. "28 sickles." she said biting into her pumpkin pastie. Fred gave her 14 sickles.

"I only have 10." George droned. "Just give her a kiss and be done with it." Fred sniggered, Giselle and George blushed, and Lee supported George with the 4 sickles he provided.


 A few days later they had learned that Ron and Harry had taken Mr. Weasley's flying Ford Anglia, and weeks later he had gotten a howler for taking it and losing it in the Forbidden Forest. Fred, George and Giselle were walking in the halls talking about new prank ideas when they saw a few first years running ahead of them.

"There's blood written on the walls!" one of them said. "I heard Harry Potter did it." a Slytherin said. The three looked at wach other with wide eyes and ran towards it. Giselle almost slipped because of the wet floors. It was almost as if the halls were covered with one giant puddle, you could even see your reflection on the floor.

"Enemies of the heir beware." Giselle read the message and looked to the left of the message to see Mrs. Norris, Filch's cat hanging on the wall.

"Is it dead?" Fred asked, George and Giselle shrugged. Finally Dumbledore arrived and commanded everyone to go back to their houses. "Well, I'll see you two tomorrow." Giselle said good night and went up to her dormitory.


 "Giselle are you alright?" Cho asked her while they were studying in the Library one evening, there had been several more attacks and she had just found out that the attacks were the work of a Basalisk that had been hiding in the Chamber of Secrets.

"Yeah I'm fine Cho. Let's go back to the Common Room, it's almost 6:00." Cho nodded and they gathered their books.

On the way back McGonagall hadd come up to her. "Ms. Davison!" she called for her, "Dumbledore would like to see you in his office. "Why professor?" she asked, "You'll see." confused as to what she had done she followed McGonagall to the Headmaster's office.

 "Sherbert Lemon!" McGonagall said and the staircase started moving, Giselle walked up the stair and nervously knocked on the door.

"Come in." Dumbledore's muffled voice said and she opened it. The office was cluttered with many books on shelves, there were paintings of previous headmasters and headmistresses hung on every inch of the wall, they had appeared to be sleeping at the moment. Dumbledore was sitting at his desk in his handsome armchair, writting with a phoenix feather quill. "Ms. Davison. Sit down he said gesturing to the chair that had now appeared in front of his desk.

 "What is this all about Professor?" she asked him sitting down in the plush chair that had been provided for her.

"Your mother has requested for you to be transferred out of Hogwarts." Dumbledore said calmly reaching for a bowl of candy. "What why?" Giselle asked standing up. "Sit down Ms. Davison. Care for a sherbet lemon?" he offered Giselle a small, round, bright yellow candy. She shook her head, not in the mood for sweets. "But Headmaster, you can't be serious! Why would she do this?"

 "Your mother has heard of the continuing attacks at Hogwarts and would like you to be transferred immediately." Dumbledore handed Giselle a letter and read it.

 Dear Giselle,

 I have gotten word that Hogwarts is no longer safe for students and will soon be closing if the attacks continue further. You shall be transferring to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. I shall give you three days to say good bye to your friends and then you will be boarding the Hogwarts Express back home. I'm sorry, I just don't want you to get hurt.



 Giselle hadn't realized it but at some point she had started to cry while she was reading the letter. She didn't want to leave! Hogwarts was her second home, this was where she was supposed to be. Then the thought of leaving Fred and George entered her mind and she burst out into hysterics.

"Professor! Please! Please convince her that it's safe! I don't want to leave! Not now!" Dumbledore gave Giselle a tissue in which she blew her nose into.

"I'm afraid there is nothing we can do now Ms. Davison. The train will be coming in three days. We will expect you to be ready by then." the door to the office opened again and Giselle took this as a cue to leave.


 Two days later it was time for Giselle to leave Hogwarts, she had said good bye to all of her friends she had gotten to know over the past three amazing years she had been at Hogwarts. Hagrid had walked her down to Hogsmeade station where the train was departing from. It was chilly outside since winter was about to start, this thought darkened the mood even more considering the fact that she wasn't going to be spending Christmas with the Weasleys. 

"Well, the train should be 'ere in a few minutes." Hagrid said holding back tears.

"Hagrid, please don't cry! I've been crying all day from the good byes I've been getting." Giselle said as she hugged Hagrid.

 Suddenly there was a rustle from the bushes, Giselle took her wand out preparing to attack, Hagrid had also gotten his pink umbrella out. "Relax Elle! It's just us!" Fred said taking off an Invisibility Cloak revealing himself and George.

"Is that..." Giselle started. "Harry's." they both finished. "We had borrowed it from him so we could see you off." George said looking down at his shoes. Giselle smiled and hugged them both, then Hagrid started crying.

 "I'm sorry!" he apologized blowing his nose into a handkerchief the size of a table cloth. "I'll leave you three to it then." Hagrid then walked off to the end of the train station. "So... This is it? Isn't it?" Giselle said sniffling a bit.

"Yeah." George said looking down at his shoes once again. "We won't be able to ever see you again." Fred muttered, Giselle punched him in the arm playfully.

"Stop that you're killing me." Giselle was wiping tears from her eyes.

"Give them hell at Beauxbatons." George said breaking the awkwardness. "So much that it'll get you expelled and you'll come straight back!" then the train chugged in and screeched to a halt.

"I guess this is good bye then." she said looking up at the Hogwarts Express, it was like going home for summer break, only this time she wasn't coming back, this time she wouldn't ever be able to see her best friends again.

 "Good bye." they replied together. Giselle smiled sadly at the two of them, she didn't want to say good bye, she had known them since she was five years old, she didn't know what she would do without them.

"May I take your things?" the conductor asked her and she handed the conductor her things.

Giselle turned back to them once more, 'Last chance' she thought, without thinking she kissed them both on the cheek. "I love you guys." she whispered in both of their ears and quickly boarded the train hot tears warming her face.

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