Symphonia (Your Lie in April...

By rdcastillo24

34.9K 1.7K 594

(Set at the last part of the anime.) Arima Kousei collapsed after his performance in East Japan Piano Competi... More

Chapter One: A Start of A Journey
Chapter Two: Symphony of My Heart
Chapter Three: Tick-Tock
Chapter Four: Our Return Together
Chapter Five: One Wish...
Chapter Six: Kousei's Tears
Chapter Seven: Life Has Its Mysteries
Chapter Eight: Kousei's Agony
Chapter Nine: A Brand New Day
Chapter Ten: New Life
Chapter Eleven: Music of the Night
Chapter Twelve: Head Above Water
Chapter Thirteen: Hold Me
Chapter Fourteen: Tears
Chapter Fifteen: Aligning Hearts
Chapter Sixteen: Burning Fire
Chapter Seventeen: Sparkle
Chapter Eighteen: First Day of School
Chapter Nineteen: Welcome Ceremony
Chapter Twenty: Arima Takahiko's Secret
Chapter Twenty- One: Lotus Flower
Chapter Twenty- Two: Before the Storm
Chapter Twenty- Three: Set The Truth Free
Chapter Twenty Four: Half-Brother
Chapter Twenty- Five: Life Begins With Love
Chapter Twenty- Six: Lies and Truth
Chapter Twenty- Seven: Flat Line
Chapter Twenty Eight: Rescue Me
Chapter Twenty Nine: Only Human
Chapter Thirty: In the Arms of An Angel
Chapter Thirty- One: Let Me Fall
Flashback: Before We Met
Our First Meeting
Symphonia: Second Chance
Thank You!!!

Chapter Thirty: Two: My Existence...

986 40 35
By rdcastillo24

A/n: Thanks for reading this fanfiction! If you enjoyed my book, I hope you leave a vote and comment. Thank you!


Kaori POV:

My tears hardly left my eyes. It was too painful to hear the doctors tell me that the man I had loved for years had passed away now. "Wake up, Kousei!!! You can't leave me!!! Please, wake up!!! Wake up!!!"

His heart beat still had a flat line even after the doctors did a CPR to him. Moments later, they announced that he's already gone. I kept hugging him and screaming at him to wake up but he was just too cold on the bed. Mitsuo tried to take me away from Kousei but I don't want to leave him. I don't want to believe that he had already left me. I know that Mitsuo's eyes were also filled with tears and he's also sad by what just happened.

I saw Doctor Haruo talk to his father and it was also a big shock to him that after two days after he had his successful operation, the new heart rejected him and they weren't able to take him back.

His father and his stepmother stared at Kousei, too. Takahiko-san told him while he's crying, "You've fought gallantly, son. I'm very proud of you."

Hiroko-san and Hikari-san hugged him to comfort him. We've lost Arima Kousei. I lost the man who's my first love.


A week after his death, it was announced at all news stations about his inevitable death and his story. It wasn't just us who felt his death but everyone who knows him, loved his music and knows his story. His music will always stay with us and I know that I can never forget him.

Everyone will remember him. I survived my operation but he left me... He left me!!! I know deep inside me that my feelings are still all confused as he is being buried six feet down the ground, already.

Why does he need to die? Why did he leave me?

His friends and his family, even his fans joined us in his burial. There's no one who's not crying around Kousei's coffin as it goes down the grave. The priest blessed his grave and we all prayed for the peace of his soul. He's dead and gone but even so, my life will go on. I know that he doesn't want me to stay unhappy but will I be able to live without him?

"I was in your room yesterday and I found this lying on his bed. It's his last letter before he died. Forgive me if I have already read it," Yamato Kento said after handing it to me.

At the time I looked at him, I saw traces of dried tears on his cheeks. I knew that it was hard for him to have lost him, too. He had always been with him for three years, protecting and guarding him where ever he goes as his bodyguard and even as Kousei's driver. I wonder what goes on his head, right now.

"Um, Kento-san?" I called him out after I dried my tears.

I had just finished skimming over his letter and it's not like my letter. It's a letter written for everyone who knows and loves him.

"What is it?" he asked me.

"Many people should hear his letter. Please call the media and I'll read this to them. I know that they would want to hear it since his death is still a shock to everyone," I told him.

He bowed at me and followed. After a few minutes, I decided to read it in front of those who loves him privately first before I read it to everyone. We all cried at the same time while I was reading it. It was only short but it gives us courage to go on with life. Arima Kousei changed my life and I will always love him.


Arima Kousei's Letter:

For everyone who gave color back in my life,

Forgive me for leaving you so early. If you're reading this, I'm already gone.

I know that I'm young and I have a bright future ahead of me if ever I survive the operation and the new heart won't reject me. I don't want to die but I can no longer control my life. I could feel that my body is succumbing to the weakness and I will break any time soon. I hope you all will keep remembering me even after my passing. I am blessed to have people like you. I lost my mother when I was very young and that made me lose my hearing. My world had been in black and white after she died but a certain girl brought back the color and returned me back on stage.

She changed me and I love her very much. She was able to return me to the world I dreaded so much to come back.

Even if my father had always been away, he was true to me and took care of me. He never gave up on me and did all his best to prolong my life.

Father, thank you for extending my life...

It had been a long journey...

Thank you for making me know I have an elder brother. I will never forget the times I spent with him even it's only short.

To my rivals and to everyone I was able to influence through music, thank you for being there with me!

I reached you, didn't I??? I hope I reached you...

Don't forget me, okay? Please be happy for me. I'll be reunited with my mom back in heaven. Thank you for everything... Thank you.

I hope I stay in your memories...

Arima Kousei

Tears covered all of us after I read the whole letter in front of everyone. I looked up at the blue sky while my tears kept falling down my cheeks. Arima Kousei!!!! You won't ever be forgotten!!!


Arima Hikari POV:

Six months passed by after Kousei died, I had been throwing up and I feel very much uneasy that I even fainted. I was lucky that Seto-san caught me in our mansion before I actually touch the ground.

Six months may already be enough for others to actually move on from the death of a loved one, unluckily, most of us are still depressed that he died after his almost successful operation.

We're still angry at the hospital that wasn't able to save him. The new heart rejected him and that caused his death. He had a cardiac arrest two days after. We all thought that he'll live longer. We're all wrong.They gave us all false hope. It killed him faster.

"Mrs. Arima Hikari?" someone called me. When I opened my eyes, I'm inside a normal, hospital room. A female doctor who does have black eyes is looking at me happily. Her height is the average height of female Japanese.

"When did you have your last menstruation?" she asked me, gently.

I felt confused. Why is she asking me about a girl's secret?

"I don't remember," I told her.

She smiled at me, "I have good news for you, ma'am."

I sat on my bed and stared at her black eyes. What is she trying to tell me?

"A new life is forming on your womb. You're pregnant!" she told me.

I was left in shock after she told me that I'm pregnant. Bittersweet tears formed in my eyes.

"You're already three months pregnant, ma'am," she informed me.

Minutes after she told me about my pregnancy, my husband, Takahiko, Mitsuo, Yamato Kento, Miyazono Kaori and Seto Hiroko all entered my room. Takahiko looked at me with tears on his eyes. I guess, his tears were not of sorrow anymore but more of joy. "The doctor told me... we'll be having a son. I guess... Kousei doesn't want us to keep lingering in sadness, isn't he?"

I nodded at him.


After another six months, I gave birth to a boy we named Arima Hiroki. We named our baby boy Hiroki since he brought back brightness in all of our lives. He had been a good boy and of course, we all told him that he had a great half brother who plays the piano majestically. He had also become a good pianist like Kousei and we're happy that even he's gone, he's still able to influence his brother.

Just like Kousei, he became a piano prodigy in a very young age.


Miyazono Kaori...

It had already been years after Kousei passed away. His death had been a huge impact on her. Kousei had been a huge wall in her heart. Even there were a lot of men who are trying to court her, she had always rejected them, afraid that if she loves again, she will forget her love for Kousei.

It totally worried me. She had been with us for three years and she left the mansion after Kousei's death. Even so, she was able to become a professional violinist and have a lot of Classical Albums. At the back of her albums were her words, 'I offer my music to the man I love most, Arima Kousei.'

I sighed after seeing that inside a DVD store while I am with my seven-year-old son.

"Onee-san!!!" Hiroki suddenly spoke up.

When I looked up, I saw Kaori with her full disguise. She's actually looking at Hiroki and she greeted him by touching his head happily. I went beside her and told her that I wanted to talk to her somewhere private. When we were already outside the store, we sat on a bench while my son is eating ice cream.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm fine, ma'am," she told me.

"Do you still love Kousei? Is that why you're distancing yourself from those who want to court you?" I asked her.

She blushed. She stared at Hiroki and she finally told me, "I'm still finding it hard to fall again. Kousei's been in my heart for years. I also promised him that I won't ever forget him."

I stood up and saw the sky orange, "A day is almost finished."

She looked at me and asked, "What do you mean?"

I looked back at her, "I'm pretty sure that Kousei wouldn't want that you keep suffering like this. He would want you happy. Falling in love to another man doesn't mean that you're forgetting him already. He's alive in our hearts. We will always remember his music. His music is able to talk to us. Miyazono Kaori, I hope you find your own happiness. Your music this past seven years had changed a lot. It isn't like you. You're in pain and Kousei wouldn't want that."

Tears fell from her eyes.

As the sun is replaced by a moon, snow began to fall down.

I held my son's hand and opened an umbrella. "Kaori, I know you're strong. You've suffered enough. Try to move on," I told her.


Kaori Miyazono POV:

I stopped crying when I saw snow fall down when night came. I know that since Kousei's death, I had been torturing myself. I hate my life. I survived my operation just to lose the man I actually love.

I stayed on the bench for hours just looking at the people walking to and fro at the streets. Then, I slowly remembered his last words. Forgive me...

I dried my eyes and looked up at the sky. Arima Kousei! You're alive inside me. Don't be jealous if I find another one, okay? I hope, you help me find the right man whom you can entrust to take care of me.


I hope you liked the story! There's another chapter coming up, though. An alternate ending. 😄😄😄

It will take a long time though. There's an alternate ending, don't worry!

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