A Perfect Utopia?

By XxTheDarkAngelxX

6.8K 206 164

Which part of you childhood had been real, and which part implanted? What if all that had just happened was a... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Epilogue:The Boss

Chapter 5

242 9 14
By XxTheDarkAngelxX

So sorry about the long wait; I didn't have enough time on the computer where my work is saved on. I'll make sure that the next chapter doesn't have such a long wait for it. The next chapter should be up by tomorrow or the next day.

Chapter 5:


“How has she not said anything?” A voice screamed through the phone, and the Boss winced in his office. The Interrogator was getting extremely irritated with Domini, and he was taking it out on his Boss- something that should never happen.

“Interrogator calm down!” He yelled and this time, on the other end of the line, the Interrogator winced. The Interrogator did not say anything though. Everyone knew that they should never cross their Boss, no matter who it may be. “How many days has it been?” This time, even though the Boss’ tone was flat, the warning in it was clear.  Nobody could, or would, mess with that tone of voice. The last time somebody had messed with the Boss….

“It has been four days, Sir.” The Interrogator took on a tone of voice that clearly conveyed that, in this conversation, he was not the higher rank. This pleased the Boss immensely. The Interrogator was not a person who gave in to others easily. It also proved that he really was upset over Domini Jetson. That was not good.

Sighing, he responded, “Just keep trying to get her to crack. However, we cannot wait too long, lest her body becomes accustomed to this irregular schedule. There are few things that we can do after that.”

“Yes, Sir.” The Interrogator said flatly. He was not happy about what has gone on in the conversation. A type of person like Domini was something that he had never encountered before in his line of work. She was proving to be mentally stronger than everyone had suspected. He knew then that something was wrong with the girl and her family, and vowed to himself that he would be the one to find out.

Maybe then, he would get the credit for doing something. His Boss did absolutely nothing but sit in his office all day, yet he still got all the praise. Everyone had always liked him more, and the Interrogator was going to make sure that it would not stay that way for long.

Mr. Jetson was gone again. This morning, Mrs. Jetson didn’t even bother looking around for him. She knew that the only place he might be, if he were home, would be his office, and Mrs. Jetson knew well enough not to bother him in there. She never had before, but knew that he preferred to keep the things he did at work and the things he did at home separate. According to him, she didn’t need to know what went on in his office. Mrs. Jetson vehemently disagreed with that statement, but arguing on the subject got her absolutely nowhere. Often, it was a topic that was on her mind as she sat alone in their house.

He was so stubborn! The only time he wasn’t was when he knew that it was a topic that the other person would never give up on, and even then, he hated doing it. Mr. Jetson always said it was for their safety, but Mrs. Jetson sometimes wished that she knew what was going on in her husband’s head.

In fact, Domini was the exact same way: She had never, in her life, backed down from an argument. Mrs. Jetson wondered how it was that she got this way, as she had never seen Mr. Jetson argue with someone. Then again, it could just be genetics.

“I can’t believe she hasn’t attempted to kill herself or break something yet. She won’t even say anything!” Employee 546 whispered to Employee 547. Everyone in the lab that Domini was being held in was surprised- and nervous. They had all thought that she would crack fairly quickly. The fact that she had not said anything proved more about her character than anything that she had said or done throughout her entire life.

“She better say something soon,” murmured Employee 547 back. She was surprised that Domini Jetson was like this.

Their tactics had not failed on anyone else before her, and why she was an exception nobody understood. Employee 546 and Employee 547 knew that if she did not say anything at all soon, the consequences would be deadly for them. The Interrogator was getting very, very mad. This was the first one that he had not been able to get to talk, and of all people it had to be a fifteen year old girl.

Domini was weary. No, she was bone tired. She felt as though all hope was lost- and that her fate was in the hands of the Interrogator and his elders, even though she knew that that was not true in the slightest. Everyone had control of their own fate, but Domini was not sure of what she could do at the moment. All she knew was that she had to keep silent, and that it was the only thing she could control: her speech. She had overheard someone talking yesterday as she was tossing and turning in her bed, which surprised her because she had originally thought that the walls were soundproof. They had been discussing something about needing to get Domini to talk, and that otherwise there would be severe consequences.

Some new Lab Assistant or Employee burst through the double doors by the foot of her bed. He or she reached out and jerked Domini’s hand, pulling her away from the stainless steel metal wall that she was leaning on. Domini tried her best to resist, but it did not work as the lab assistant was clearly stronger than she was. It was obviously a he, because Domini was a fairly strong person herself. He shoved her onto the bed, and pulled a thin needle from his belt, one that Domini had noticed hanging on the Interrogator’s belt a few days before.

Domini’s head cracked against the metal rimming of the cot’s frame and whimpered in surprise and pain. The man paid no heed to her cries of pain, and the fact that she was protesting him. The sharp point of the needle pricked Domini’s skin and sunk into the large vein in her elbow. Slowly, her fight against the lab assistant stopped. Her head became very heavy and she rested it upon the pillow that she did not remember having the night before.

Lab Assistant watched in pity as Domini’s breathing and heartbeat slowed back down to their normal pace. She looked so peaceful, almost like an angel at the moment. He thought that, under different circumstances, he would have liked to meet Domini Jetson. From what he had read in her file, she sounded like the type of person that he and his friends would like. She really was beautiful, and he was only seventeen.

Most of all, the Lab Assistant shared Domini’s pain. She did not deserve to be here, she was only fifteen. Domini Jetson had been put through emotional pain that most would, and should never have to deal with in their entire lives. The mere fact that she was still alive through all of it was completely and utterly astounding. Unfortunately, the Interrogator and his elders were not so astounded. They were extremely irritated, especially since their interrogation tactics were failing. They would not let themselves fail over a fifteen year old girl.

He also wished that Domini Jetson was not so mad at him. Knowing that her anger was justified only made him feel worse. Maybe, if it had all been a misunderstanding they would still be together, or at least be talking to one another. That was the other thing her missed: his best friend. But he had seen the look of pure hatred on her face; she wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. In fact, from what he had gathered, she did even consider him a person anymore, just her jailer. That would have to change, and if he had anything to do with it, it would, if only by sheer force of will.

As he stood there, captivated by both her beauty and his thoughts, the ringing of his phone went on. Finally, the ringing got through to him and he reached for. When a snapped it open a voice roared, “You have five minutes and five minutes only to take as many notes as you can on the subject. Then, I want you down here. Understood?” Without waiting for a response, the person on the other end of the line hung up, leaving the lab assistant standing there is shock. He mouthed the word “subject” to himself.

Sighing, he pulled out his clipboard. “This is going to take a long time.” He mumbled to himself as he filled out the papers. It was going to be a very long night for him and Domini both.

The Boss watched the Lab Assistant take notes. For some reason, this male employee did not have any identification number on him, and the Boss was not sure of what to make of that. Everyone was supposed to be required to have an identification number on them at all times. Nobody really bothered to keep track of the individual’s names; it was easier just to scan a barcode or type some numbers in as opposed to spelling out a name that you do not know. The new systems were for the better, mostly.

He watched on as the lab assistant got preoccupied in his notes and barely realized  it when the timer went off, signifying that five minutes had already gone by. They were only allowed to take notes on a sleeping body for five minutes because that was when people were at their most truthful. When dreaming, you don’t know what is real and what is not. At least, that’s what everyone had been told. Most of the research had been done before the Boss’ birth, and all of it completed by the time he got his job. That didn’t really bother him.

Lab Assistant 217 was panicking. As of yet, the Boss had not replied to her earlier attempts to contact. She hoped that he had not yet received the papers, or was too busy with something else. Those both were better than the alternative: He had already looked through everything and had completely forgotten about them. She did not know what she would do if he had been ignoring her. In fact, Lab Assistant did not think that there was anything that she could do.

Her fate was out of her hands, as was Domini’s, Mr. and Mrs. Jetson, and so many others. The only thing to do now would be to sit back and watch the events unfold in front of her eyes, hoping for the best. Nothing was guaranteed, not now, and maybe not ever.


Please don't be a silent reader. I'll see the reads and votes on my story keep going up, but the comments stay the exact same. I don't care if the feedback you give me is constructive critism, as long as it's not too harsh.

Remember to comment, vote and fan. PLEASE!

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