I'll be happy as a monster

By Fluffas

17.7K 688 321

The MC lived alone for 25 years. No family, no lover, no friend. He lived all alone in his abandoned apartm... More

Chap 0 : Prologue
Chap 01 : My new form and first battle
Chap 02 : Food and level
Chapter 4 : Fight to Evolve
Chapter 5 : Cave Raid I
Chapter 6 : Cave Raid II
Chapter 7 : Cave Raid III
Chapter 8 : Cave Raid IIII
Chapter 9 : Building a Pride
Side Chapter 1 : Meeting "Him"
Chapter 10 : Training the Pride (1)
Chapter 11 : Training the Pride (2)

Chap 03 : First encounter, 'Her'.

1.6K 61 35
By Fluffas

I carefully roasted the only rat that did not reduce to ash.
The appraise skill did say that it was edible, so I'm going to trust it.
I took a bite.

The meat was smelly and hard, taste bitter and sour.
I saw my stats, my stamina recover 7 points and my HP recover 2 points after one bite.
I forced myself to eat nine more bites.

.......Ugh, I want to throw up. The taste was bad enough but the aftertaste was even worse.
I rinsed my mouth on the river and gulped down a lot of water to completely washed away the bad taste on my mouth and throat.
But at least, after sacrificing my tongue and taste bud, my stamina fully recovered and my HP was more than half full.

I turned the rat to ash and searched the human corpse for anything useful.
I took everything I could from the human corpse, even his ruined clothes.
I got a bag, two low-grade potions, a map, a short sword, a wooden small shield, boots, torn shirt, and pants.
It was hard to take the clothes off, but I managed to do it without further damaging the already torn clothes.
After burning the corpse and offered some prayer, I placed everything on top of the shirt and dragged it to the hole, where I slept before, and retired for the day.

Many dangers lurked in the dark and dusk was when darkness covered everything. I didn't know whether strong monster came out at night or not, but being extra careful won't hurt.
Right now I'm still weak, but I will keep defeating monsters and strive to be stronger as fast as I could.


In the middle of the day, I was munching on a well-done snake. Besides the snake I was munching on, there were three more rats and a pillbug corpses around me.
Though I said well done, the meat was tasteless. All I could taste was smoke from cooking it with direct fire and bitterness of the burnt part. But at least, it was still a lot better than the gross rat meat or the tough pillbug meat.
When I was still a human, I believed I am a pretty good cook but I guess, no matter how good a cook was, if the ingredients were trash then it would still be trash after being cooked.

It's been a week since the fight at the river.
Since the fight, I've been exploring the forest and managed to found some new plants and prey, like the snake and bug around me. Because I kept appraising anything that caught my eye, my [Appraise] skill leveled up. It gave me more pieces of information when I appraised a monster.

Name : unnamed
Species : Red Circle Snake (Common)
Type : Reptile
Rank : 01
LV : 018/050

A common species of snake that can be seen anywhere around the world. Possesses venom that paralyzed the victim but the poison itself will not cause death. The skin is good for crafting. Except for the fangs, bones, skins, and it's poison sack, anything else is edible.

Name : unnamed
Species : Armored pillbug (Rare)
Type : Insect
Rank : 01
LV : 025/075

An omnivore pillbug that has a hard armor-like carapace that protects its body. The carapace hardness and resistance to magic are among the best out of all monster. The higher the level and rank, the higher the defensive capability of the carapace. Highly sought material for armor. While it has high defense, its attack ability is lacking. Their only method of attack is by rolling to a ball and ramming itself to its enemy. Only by evolving to rank two and on, that it would have another method of attack. Edible.

Hisa flower
Can be eaten raw or used to make a potion to detoxify the poison.

Inion herb
Can be eaten raw or used to make a potion for paralysis.

Right now, I'm on my way toward the middle part of the forest.
From the map I got yesterday, I found out the name of the forest and my general location.
I was at the south outer part of this forest called [Sting Forest]. The forest drawn on the map was colored black on the center part of it, the color got paler from the center to the outer part.
If this was a game, this color represents the monster distribution in this forest. The darker the color, the stronger the monster.

The reason why I'm going toward the middle part of the forest was simple, to hunt a stronger monster.
After a week of hunting, my level had risen, but now it would take too long to max my level up just by killing rats. The snake gave more exp but it was kind of tricky to fought them since I couldn't afford to get bitten by them. As for the pillbug, I never saw one again after the first one. As expected of rare monster.

And so, I decided to go to the middle part of the forest to look for stronger prey.
Also, it was an established fact in a fantasy world, that only by killing monster stronger than oneself, pushing oneself to the line between life and death could one become OP.
I need more exp to evolve and by killing stronger monster I might be able to evolve to a rare or unique monster.
Killing a stronger monster was like killing two birds with one stone.

Of course, there was a risk But it's a risk I would take, no, it's a risk I must take. For my future happiness.
If I keep evolving, I would get stronger each time. Not only that, I'm sure I could obtain a humanoid body if I keep evolving.
Become strong and obtained a humanoid body. These two are my current goal.

To protect myself, I need to be strong. And being strong will make it easier to earn wealth and fame. By being strong, rich, and famous, a harem won't be a pipe dream for me anymore! That's why I need to be strong, no, I will be strong! The strongest! And I will have a harem filled with cute girls!

Oh, there was one change in my mind after my transformation to a monster. I realized that every time I thought about beauty, what appeared in my mind were girls with animal ears and tails. I like monster girl, but why couldn't I think about normal girls? No, even before that, I could only think of beauty as a red cat that looked like me. What's up with that? I mean the cat was cute but why a cat?

Pushing the thought to the back of my mind, I walked toward the middle part of the forest again.
As I walk, I killed five more forest rats and two red circle snakes. From morning to now, I had killed eight rats and three snakes. I became more used to this body of mine with every fight. For me now, fighting five rats at the same time was easy. I had quite the adaptation ability if I say so myself. And I also acquired and made new skills, some of my skills also leveled up.
My current status is like this.

Name : unnamed
Species : Fire Kitten (Common)
Type : Beast
Sex : Male
Rank : 01
LV : 035/100
HP : 41/50
MP : 05/05
STM : 80/150
ATK : 23
DEF : 25
MGC : 1
MND : 20
DEX : 5
AGL : 20

Points : 0

Active Skills :
Appraise LV03
Fire Breath LV02
Fire Clad LV02
Intimidation LV02
Fire Ball LV02
Fire Claw LV02

Passive Skills :
Languages comprehension LVMAX
Pyrokinesis LV01
Dominate LV01

Resistance Skills :
Heat Nullification LVMAX
Poison resistance LV02
Paralyze resistance LV01

Title :
Harem seeker

The fire attack skills were easy to acquire as I only need to use it once to learn it.
But the poison and paralyze resistance..... I went through torture to get it.
I needed to ate some poisoned mushrooms to get it, just one of it was an ordeal.
It felt like my stomach was punctured and twisted, my whole body also became numb and felt like numerous ants were crawling all over my body, at the same time. It was hell, and I went through several times of this torture to get the skill.

I've noticed that as my level grew, I also grew bigger abruptly.
When I saw my reflection on the river, I think both my height and length increased about 10 centimeters.
It's a good thing to know that I grew bigger as I keep leveling up.
Oh, I used the upgraded appraisal on my stats and I got a clear grasp on what my stats do.

If it becomes 0, you die.

Your magic gauge. Used for magic.

Your stamina. Used for certain abilities. The more you have, the longer you can stay active.

Your physical force. The more you have, the harder you hit. Affect your overall strength.

Your defense. The more you have, the harder you become. Affect health regeneration.

Your magical might. The more you have, the mightier your magic. Affect magic generation.

Your magical defense, the more you have, the lesser the magical damage you receive.

Your dexterity. The more you have, you can pull more complex move.

Your speed. The more you have, the faster you become.

Based on this and my initial stats distribution, I have given up on magic. I would focus on becoming the ultimate destructive tank. After the stats, I tried appraising my skills and titles but the description didn't appear. I guess the level was too low. But when I appraised my species, a description appeared.

Fire Kitten

A cat that holds the power of fire. Omnivore. Usually alone but will group up when mating season comes. An agile hunter that ambushes its prey, it's fire are deadly and will burn anything or anyone that underestimate the Fire Kitten because of their small body frame and name. Fire Kitten's fire is a non-magic fire, a magical defense will only be half-useful against it. Its furs are sought for fire-resistance armor, it's fangs and claws are a good catalyst for fire element weapon. Edible.

After reading this, I finally knew that my body was not as weak as I thought it was.

After two hours of walking, I felt like there's a change in the air. My skin was all tingly, I think I'm out from the outer part of the forest. I walked around for a few minutes before finding new prey. A new monster appeared, when I appraised it, I exclaimed softly.

" oooooo~ " (MC)

From the bushes ahead of me, a rabbit-like monster came out. It was bigger than the rabbits from earth, the fur was white with brown spots on it's back, and what made it different from rabbit from earth more than its size were its claws. The claws on its front legs were long, it was at least 5cm.

But I didn't care about that.
What I cared about was what written on its description.

Name : unnamed
Species : Long Claw Rabbit (Common)
Type : Beast
Rank : 01
LV : 010/050

A herbivore rabbit with long claws on its front legs. Live in herds. Not aggressive as long as it was not threatened. Will attack in fury with its claws when threatened. The fur is good for crafting. High reproductive ability. The meat is a delicacy. Edible.

" The meat is a delicacy. "

That one sentence was enough to make me hunt that rabbit to the end of the world.
It's been more than a week since I arrived in this world, these nine days were enough to torment my tongue.
Since I arrived here, the only thing that delicious enough to eat was the apples I found.
Other than that I only have poisonous mushrooms, bitter leaves, and gross tasting meat.
That's why I will hunt that rabbit down without fail and make a feast out of it.

The rabbit hadn't seen me yet and went under a tree to eat some kind of grass.
I sneaked to it's back, I walked quietly and slowly as to not roused the rabbit.
The moment I reached a leap distance from the rabbit, I leaped and pounced at the rabbit.
The moment the rabbit became aware of me, it was too late.

I didn't want to accidentally burn the rabbit, so I mimicked the way how carnivores attack and bite the rabbit neck from the back. I tried to break the rabbit neck and it broke easily when I bit hard and twist it. I was completely excited. I drooled just by imagining the taste of the meat. I heard the notice of acquiring new skills but I ignored it and focused on the rabbit.

I quickly bled the rabbit and skin it with my claws. It was hard but I managed to do it, although the skin ended up messy. The skin looked like rags with blood stains. Since it was my first attempt, I think it was good enough. I carefully roast the rabbit meat after I beat it a few times to soften the meat. When I was done roasting, the meat was burned here and there but it looks good nonetheless.

Now for the moment of truth, I took a bite....... It's delicious! The meat was soft and the fat was juicy although it smells a little. The meat carried a faintly sweet taste, pity I didn't have salt or pepper. After the meat, I also roasted the organs. Although it was a little bitter, I couldn't waste a good protein I managed to catch. After a few minutes, what's left of the rabbit were only organs filled with waste and the bones.

Just one was not enough, I ran around and manage to find three more. The three rabbits also ended up in my stomach.
My new body really has quite a big appetite, I wonder where the food all ends up. The new furs I took from the three rabbits also end up being a mess, but it was a little better than the first one.
Ah~ my stomach was finally full, and not full because of the gross tasting meat but good tasting meat.

As I rest, I checked my status for my new skills.
It was [Stealth LV01] and [Dismantling LV01].
I got stealth after I sneaked behind the rabbit and successfully ambushed it. For dismantling, I got it after I skinned the rabbit. This skills would be very useful.

Just when I was about to climb a tree to rest, I heard growling and fighting sound.
Piqued by the sound, I went toward it stealthily.
Hiding behind a bush, I looked at the source of the sound, and then I saw 'her' fighting five goblins.

A slender body that full of elegance, beautiful pale blue fur that shined when hit by sunlight, silver eyes that showed wisdom, soft bushy tail gracefully gliding in the air, all that combined with that incomparably cute small face of her... Ah, she could only be described with the word beautiful, truly breathtaking beauty.

I didn't know if my beauty sense was affected by my monster body but the pale blue fox in front of me was truly beautiful in my eyes.
The sound appeared on my mind, telling me to make her mine. The sound echoed over and over again.
But that beauty was being surrounded by five goblins, there were long wounds on the beautiful fox's body.
The wounded beautiful fox growled at the goblins but it was useless, the goblins slowly coming toward her.
Before my brain could think of a plan to save the beautiful fox or appraised the goblins, my body already moved by itself.

I ran out of the bushes and let out a roar infused with my [Intimidation] skill.
Maybe they were startled by my roar or may be intimidated by me, the green-skinned goblins were scared stiff.
Taking a chance when they were unmoving, I shot the strongest fireball I could make toward one of the goblins. The five goblins held different weapons. The three at the front held a wooden clubs, the two behind them holding a sword and a bow.

The goblins had green skin, long ears, kinda long but bent nose, protruded stomach, child height, bloodshot eyes, and scarce and deformed teeth. The one with the sword was different. It was a little bigger than the rest of the goblins and its skin had a deeper color, it wore some kind of patched up leather armor while the other goblin only wore a cloth around their waist.

The one I hit was the goblin holding the bow. From the five goblins, it was the most dangerous to be left alone. I still didn't have the confidence that I could dodge an arrow or realized an arrow coming my way in the middle of a melee yet. The archer goblin was rolling around in agony while screaming, trying to put out my flames. I ignored the archer goblin and focused my sight on the other goblins, it's bow was already ruined by my fireball, so even if it's survived I won't have to watch out for arrows anymore.

I went in front of the pale blue fox, I activated [Fire Clad] and let out a threatening growl. My [Intimidation] skill in full throttle. The three club carrying goblins staggered back a step but before they took another step back, they were stopped by a shout from the sword-carrying goblin. The sword goblin glared at me.
Taking the chance, I appraised the goblins.

Name : unnamed
Species : Goblin (Common)
Type : Demi-Human
Rank : 01
LV : 035/050

The most common demi-human which you can see all over the world. They are cunning and intelligent. Although they can't make tools, they can learn how to use human's weapon. Some of the variant goblins can even use magic. Live in a group inside a hole or cave they make, called herd. The bigger the herd, the bigger the chance of one variant goblin or more would be born. If the herd is big enough, there is a chance of even rarer variant would be born. Always move in groups. Do not have female counterparts, use other races females to breed. Variant goblins having their mother's characteristics are exceedingly rare.

The three green goblins were normal goblins, but the deeper color one was a variant. The appraisal result was different.

Name : unnamed
Species : High Goblin (Uncommon)
Type : Demi-Human
Rank : 01
LV : 062/70

A variant goblin. Except being stronger and smarter than normal goblins and deeper skin color, they are not much different than normal goblins. They can control normal goblins to an extent. Goblin born out of the union of strong goblin and strong mother. They can use weapon better than normal goblins, also can make and use traps. There is a bigger chance of high goblin or rarer variant born from it.

Level 62, that's high. Not to mention, it was a variant. Fighting with it would be risky.
The other goblins also have quite a high level.
This fight had nothing but disadvantages for me, should I just grabbed the beauty and run?
Maybe it sensed my hesitation, the high goblin smirked and ordered the normal goblins to attack me.
Seeing the goblins moved, I decided my action and was just about to turn around and grabbed the beauty and run, the high goblin roared.

The moment the high goblin roared, I stopped and rooted to the ground. The fire covering my body extinguished. A heavy trepidation feeling weight down on my whole body. This was the first time since I came to this world that I felt.....fear. Nothing registered on my mind other than the feeling to flee from this place as fast as possible, I'm scared.


I want to run! I want to flee from this place!
While I was trapped within my fear, the goblins were getting closer to me.
The fear overwhelmed me, I turned around to flee but stopped again when I saw the beautiful fox.

If I left her, she would no doubt be killed.
Imagining the goblins tore apart her body, I turned around and glared at the goblins.
......No. I can't let these bastards killed her. If I let them killed a beauty like her, I couldn't call myself a male.
I forcefully suppressed my fear and once again clad my body in fire, I roared at the goblins.
The goblins staggered when they heard my roar, especially the high goblin. It probably surprised I could suppress the effect of its roar. The goblins only staggered for a moment before they started rushing toward me again, the normal goblins all rushed toward me while the high goblin stayed behind.

I also ran toward the goblin since fighting close to the beauty was too dangerous.
The foremost goblin saw me charging at it and raise its club to bash me before the club descended on me, I rise my speed and rammed straight to the goblin. The goblin fell back on his back, I slashed its face with [Fire Claw] repeatedly. The goblin's face was wrecked, the two other goblins foolishly struck at me with their club while I was still on top of the slashed goblin. I leaped backward and the two goblins clubs fell onto the slashed goblin, the clubs dealt the finishing blow to the goblin.

While the two goblins still at close proximity with each other, I shot a fireball at them. The fireball exploded right in front of them, engulfing them in fire. I relaxed a little bit when the three goblins died and let my guard down, suddenly someone shouted from behind me.

"Behind!" (???)

My body reacted before my brain told it to, I leaped backward and somersault once in the air, the high goblin slashed managed to graze my back. The slash was quite deep but fortunately didn't reach my bone, I staggered when I landed on the ground. the high goblin clicked it's tongue seeing his surprise attack failed. I glanced behind me, the beauty behind me and nodded. If she didn't warn me, I would be dead already. When the beauty saw me fine and all, she slumped to the ground and fainted.

I returned my sight to the high goblin, the high goblin already readied its sword. Since I would be in a disadvantage if we fought melee, I shot a fireball at it. The high goblin sidesteps and dodges the fireball, then it ran toward me. I wanted to continue to shot fireballs at it but my stamina already reached the dangerous level from maintaining [Fire Clad] for so long. With no choice left, I dashed at it. The high goblin hacked at me when I neared it, the speed of the attack was faster compared to normal goblin, I dodge to the side and slashed at it with [Fire Claw] but the high goblin ducked and managed to land a kick on me.

I was thrown and crashed to a tree from the force of the kick. I tasted blood on my mouth as I struggled to stand, the high goblin sneered at me, fully enjoying the sight of me struggling to stand. Shit, our power was not that different but the high goblin clearly had more battle experience than me, not to mention, it saw me fighting and knew my moves. I need something to catch it off guard. I racked my brain and then I remembered when I rammed the goblin.

I deactivated [Fire Clad] as I glared at the high goblin, the high goblin walked toward me, thinking that I probably had no more energy to resist it. The high goblin raised its sword high, ready to hack me into two but before it sword descent at me, I activated my new skill. Something burst behind me and propelled me at the high goblin in frightening speed. The high goblin was caught off guard, it couldn't defend. [Fire Burst], that was the name of my new skill, it makes a small explosion behind me to propel me forward.

I rammed at it like a cannonball, the high goblin and me thrown backward a couple of meters before stopping. Before the high goblin could stand and realized what happened, I shot fireball after fireball at it. The fireball exploded and scorched everything around it, the sight of fireballs exploding was like fireworks complete with a deafening explosion.

I only stopped after firing the fourth fireballs, I fell to the ground right after I finished, my stamina was almost spent. I confirmed that the high goblin was dead, it died without a complete corpse. Its body was dismembered by the explosion and burned to charcoal by the intense heat, the ground was still letting out smoke from the bombardment. I fought the desire to just fainted here and there, I took the fainted beauty with me and dragged my weary body to my base before collapsing.

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