Chapter 4 : Fight to Evolve

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(Sorry for suddenly disappearing! But I got a situation at home, so I completely forgot about writing for a while. After rushing, I finally finished chap 4 and starting chap 5. Once again, sorry for the delay and enjoy!)

Opening my heavy eyelids, I was blinded by the bright light from outside the base. I rose slowly and lightly stretch before grimacing. The wound on my back was still aching, other than the wound on my back, I was fit as a fiddle. I heard a faint breathing sound from beside me, I turned my head and saw the beautiful fox lying on the ground. She was frowning in pain, soft whimpers escaped her mouth. Her body was jolting from time to time, her wound was still letting out blood a little.

I ignored the pain on my back, I took the bag from the adventurer and bolted out the base to search fruits and healing herbs for her. Damn it, if it weren't for her strong vitality, she would've died last night. I should've treated her yesterday before I collapsed. After an hour or so, I managed to find some Kousu herbs and apples. I also found some new herbs.

Braldi herb
Useful for coagulating blood on wound. Have a strong disinfectant property. Use it on the wound, can't be eaten raw.

Anisia herb
Numb the pain senses when eaten or applied on wounds. Long term use is not recommended.

I ran back to the base while holding the bag on my mouth. When I went into the base, I found the beautiful fox was trying to stand up despite her wounds. I dropped the bag and stopped her.

"Hey, stop! Don't push yourself! Just stay down!" (MC)

The beautiful fox ignored me and kept trying to stand, when she finally stood up, she walked staggeringly toward the base exit. Her movement was taxing on her wounded body and more blood start pouring out from her wound. I couldn't bear to see it anymore and forced her to lie on the ground.

"Stay down! Can't you see how bad your condition is?!" (MC)

The beautiful fox glared and growled threateningly at me for a second before obediently lying on the ground. Looking at the obedient beautiful fox, I nodded. I dragged the bag closer to her and took out some Kousu and Anisia herbs and apples, I placed them near her mouth.

"Eat the herbs, it will help you recover and lessen the pain. It is bitter but bears with it, eat the apples if it becomes too bitter." (MC)

The beautiful fox tilted her head after she heard me, I thought she didn't quite get what I say. Wait a minute, she didn't get what I say? That's not possible. The cheat I got from God should have made it possible for me to talk with anything with any language. Now that I think about it, back then The goblin language wasn't translated either. Wait, language? Do goblin and fox have the concept of language in the first place?

While I was deep in thought, the beautiful fox was still looking at me. Released from my thoughts, I make some gestures to told her to eat the herbs and apples. Getting my message, the beautiful fox looked at the herbs and apples, after looking carefully at it, she sniffed them. She frowned after sniffing the herbs, I guessed she knew the herbs were bitter from the smell. The beautiful fox glanced at me and I told her one word. Maybe...


Hearing me, the fox reluctantly ate the herbs. I see, now I get it. I think that the fox understood and have a language of its own, but the beautiful fox words were too limited like a child, that's why she didn't understand what I say. I think the cheat translate my words in sentences, not in words, that's why although the beautiful fox understood some words when said in a sentence it became confusing for her. Like someone that just learned english suddenly watches a western film with no subtitles.

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