Chapter 9 : Building a Pride

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(Another update!

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The figure emerging from the cocoon was breathtaking, the pale-blue fur color became deeper, her slender body became even more graceful, her fur was even more luscious. She was like an ice fairy, a fleeting beauty descending upon this mortal world, her two bushy tail moved elegantly. The beautiful fox opened her eyes and smiled at me, she walked toward me and rubbed her little head against my neck and cheek.

"I've evolved." (BF)

Her voice was soft combined with her intimate act, it made her looked so endearing. I raised my right hand and pet her head, I also rubbed my head against her affectionately.

"Yeah. Yeah, you did." (MC)
"Am I pretty?" (BF)
"Of course, you've always been pretty." (MC)
"Un. Thank you, I can evolve because of you." (BF)
"It's all your hard work, I only help a little." (MC)

The beautiful fox licked my face and once again rubbed her head with mine. I kept petting her head and appraised her in secret.

Name : Nameless
Species : Two-tailed Tundra Fox (Rare)
Type : Beast
Sex : Female
Rank : 02
LV : 03/85
HP : 104/104
MP : 239/239
STM : 91/91
ATK : 22
VIT : 31
MGC : 135
MND : 81
DEX : 30
AGL : 52

Active Skills :

Ice Needle LV04
Frost Whip LV04
Icicles Shot LV04
Ice Wall LV03

Passive Skills :

Ice Magic Mastery LV04
Nimble Body LV01
Magic Boost LV01 NEW!

Resistance Skills :

Cold Resist (High) LV02 NEW
Ice Magic Resist LV03
Water Magic Resist LV03
Vulnerability to Heat LV02 NEW

Two-tailed Tundra Fox

A race of foxes that lives in the extreme cold region. Their body has acclimated to the cold and changed their constitution, now, they vulnerable to heat. Their two tails help regulate their body temperature and also serves as a mean of attack, as they can enlarge and extend. Lives in a group led by a matriarch, the strongest female in the group, highly territorial.

They're a skillful ice element magic caster, they're ice magic is amplified in cold region. Their whole body is a treasure for making ice element equipment. Carnivore. Inedible.

Hmm? Her max level went down? Why? Wait a minute, now that I thought about it, except beautiful fox, I had never seen another person or monster with a max level of 100. Was there any reason for it?

Level? In this game-like world, the strongest being would definitely a being with the highest level, with that line of thought, between the same leveled rank 2, the one with a max level of 100 at rank 1 would be stronger. Then, in other words, the max level in this world represent an individual's potential? The reason why beautiful fox's max level dropped because her potential as a Two-tailed Tundra Fox was less than Frost Fox? Or potential was something that depleted every evolution?

If my guess was right, then the reason why the goblins didn't evolve when they hit max level was because that was the limit of their potential. Not good, I could only hypothesize. I needed to research this or asked someone who knew a lot about this. But for now, I needed to fix the problem in front of me first, the beautiful fox. I had to fix her max level and the [Vurnerability to Heat] skill, as of now, I didn't know how to fix her max level but I could fix her skill.

I'll be happy as a monsterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя