Chapter 6 : Cave Raid II

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( hey guys, Fluffas here! Again, sorry for the long delay. I wrote this chap on my phone, so if there are differences and odd part, please pardon me.

So with no further ado, chap 6 of IHM!

P.S. the next chap might be updated soon.. Maybe... Probably... Hopefully...)

My first battle after evolving and also my first battle in humanoid form after reincarnating. I stance myself with both my hands in front of me.

Ahhh... I couldn't hold it anymore. Seeing this many goblins, it really boils my blood!

Now that I have a humanoid body again, I'm itching to test it in a fight. I may have tried a few moves just now, but it wasn't enough. I wanted a much more intense battle, I wanted a brawl. I had vaguely realized it, that I've changed after I reincarnated to this world as a beast. One of the change was that I became more savage, searching for a fight everywhere and enjoying it. My cautious nature was suppressing it right now, but the stronger I became the harder it was to suppress it. So, before my restraint broke, I decided to let loose myself first.

"Come! From here on out, it'll be a massacre!" (MC)

I rushed forward and threw a punch toward the nearest goblin. I could feel the goblin's skin ripped apart and it's bone crushed under my fist, it died in one hit. Weak, too weak. The goblin was blown away and hit the other goblins behind it.

"A.. AAAaAAHHH!" (Goblin)

The scream was the starting bell, all the goblins screamed and started attacking me. I tried dodging but some still hit me, but it was futile. No matter whether they hit me with their weapons or limbs, it didn't do any more damage than a scratch to me.

"It's useless!" (MC)

I threw a punch and destroyed both the sword and the goblin who hold it. Without pulling my hand, I hit the goblin beside the one I just kill with a backhand hit. A goblin leaped toward me while holding a sword overhead, I caught it legs and sent it flying toward the other goblins. One of the goblins tried to be a smartass and hide behind a shield but with my strength, a wooden shield like that would not stop my attack. With one kick, I broke the shield and hit the goblin's arm and chest. The goblin's arm broke and its chest caved in with blood leaking from it.

After that, I kept attacking. I punched, kicked, grabbed, threw, smashed, and just repeating that action. I didn't use any skill, it's pure brute force. I drowned in my own blood lust and just kept killing every goblin around me. When I noticed, there was no goblin around me. All the goblin retreated to the cave's entrance, all the goblins were trembling, there was no trace of wildness or rage in their eyes, there was only fear.

Well, it was an obvious reaction. After all, a lot of their kind was lying on the ground bathed in their own blood around me. A majority of the corpses were deformed because of my attacks and a few of them were in pieces from being swung and thrown around. My body was covered in blood and entrails, combine that with the surrounding, it created a picture of hell. No wonder the goblins were scared shitless.

Walking toward that bloody me was the beautiful fox with the bag on her back. She stood beside me without any hints of fear or disgust, in fact, she looked excited and satisfied. I guess for the goblin-hater, her, my fight and the result was quite the sight, huh. I scanned her body a little and thankfully, she's fine from what I saw. Her defense may be on the low side, but with her level, it would be weird if she took heavy damage from a goblin attack or took a long time to recover.

I'll be happy as a monsterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя