Horrifying New Start (Book I)

By thevelvetrose

652K 11.7K 2.5K

(Part of the New Beginning series.. Book 1) A girl named Samantha was taken, along with many other girls. to... More

Chapter One - A Warning
Chapter Two - The Beginning
*HNS (Chapter Three)
*HNS (Chapter Four)
*HNS (Chapter Six)
*HNS (Chapter Seven)
*HNS (Chapter Eight)
Horrifying new start (9)
Horrifying new start (10)
Horrifying new start (11)
Horrifying new start (12)
Horrifying new start (13)
Horrifying new start (14)
Horrifying new start (15)
Horrifying new start (16)
Horrifying new start (17)
Horrifying new start (18)
Epilogue (Months later)

*HNS (Chapter Five)

36.1K 695 147
By thevelvetrose

Chapter 5


SHE WAS RIGHT ABOUT them being on her trail, they were at my side in a heartbeat. Zack was in front of me, his eyes a crimson red, but then he saw my leg. He knelt down; his eyes turned a light blue.

I just looked at him in surprise. I expected him to start yelling, to tell me that I was killing their race for not helping him! 

He pulled my pant leg back a little more to examine my leg. I winced when he touched it.

“When did this happen?” He asked.

“…Thirty minutes ago…”

“I need to get her to the doctor,” He told Henry, then turned back towards me. “Sam, where did Kim go?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen her since yesterday,” I lied.

He lifted me up into his arms, even though I tried to squirm my way out of it, I eventually gave up and let him carry me. I was tense the whole time.

My leg hurt so bad that I felt like screaming for hours.

His eyes went from light blue to deep blue. I kept my eyes on his face cautiously. I didn’t understand why he was… well, worried?

“You don’t know how it felt when you realized that the person you need abandons you.”  

I was speechless. What could I say?

“I think you’ve suffered enough… We still haven’t found three people. Their protectors are still looking for them.”

I still didn’t speak; my mind was spinning with random thoughts. For one, my leg hurt more than I could describe, two, I worried about the other girls’ safety. I mean, I’ve got a broken leg and a gash in my arm. Three, I felt… Maybe a bit guilty?

How can I feel guilty? I shouldn’t feel guilt.  

“I think you need some sleep and food. I’m sure you haven’t eaten well, if at all. I haven’t eaten or slept since you left.”

“You haven’t slept?”

“No. I’ve been looking for you in the woods.”

I was quiet again. He hasn’t eaten or slept since I ran? I didn’t think he’d be this affected by me leaving. I half expected him just to go to earth and find him another girl.

We got to the facility about thirty minutes later, even though it took me a full day to walk as far as I did.

Zack carried me into the Doctor’s office, setting me very gently onto the table.

            “You found her! Oh, she’s hurt,” The doctor said.

            “Her leg is broken I think, and she’s dehydrated,” Zack explained.

            “You’re lucky you found her in time Zack, you might not have found her alive-“

I glared at the doctor and he quickly became quiet. Zack’s face was a bit too emotionless, it was slightly disturbing.

As the doctor began to fix my leg, having to push some things back into place, I screamed and bit onto the stick he gave me.

After that horribly painful moment, he wrapped my leg into a cast.

            “Are the pills helping yet?” the Doc asked.

            “A little,” I muttered through gritted teeth.

I touched the cast and groaned loudly. The big kicker to this whole thing, is that I did all of this to myself.

My shoulder burned, not as much as my leg, but it was enough for me to look at it.

            “Oh my, did you do that to yourself? Or did you fall?” The doctor grabbed my arm and examined the gash.

            “What did you expect?” I snapped.

            “I-I guess I didn’t think you’d go to extremes… Let me stitch you up, okay?”


I just sat there as he disinfected my arm and stitched me up. I felt as if I had been there for days, though it was just about three hours.

Once I was finally released with a cast and a stitched up arm, Zack brought me back to my room.

            “I can cook you something if you want?” He offered after helping me onto the bed.

            “Sure, I don’t care,” My voice was lifeless.

He noticed and turned back to face me.

            “I had a really good life before. I had awesome friends, family, and I was amazing at soccer if I do say so myself. I was actually doing well for a high school girl. My grades were great- fair, and I had hopes for college,” I said.

I don’t know why I was talking to him; I should just be giving him the cold shoulder, but I wanted him to hear this.

            “I wanted get a college education and then get married to some nice guy with really nice hair. I wanted kids- not this way at all. You took it all away from me, you know that right?”

When I looked at his face, his expression astounded me.

He looked torn, broken almost.

            “I never wanted any of this to happen. I wanted a normal life, but I never got it. My life has been all about death and tragedy. I have never had the chance to fall in love and get married. I have always had some sort of mission. Doing this,” He waved his arms around the room and at me. “I never wanted this Samantha.”

I opened the curtains and saw that it was night, the light of the moon shone into the room, making my skin practically glow.

Zack’s expression was more intense in the moonlight. My angry expression faltered and I suddenly felt a bit guilty again. What’s with these guilty feelings?

            “I’ll get your food.”

            “Thanks,” I looked down at my cast and grabbed a marker.

He came back with a sandwich, which I ate very quickly, then I rested for a very long time.

Zack was with me every minute; he still wouldn’t sleep or eat.

His eyes were dark underneath from lack of sleep. I actually felt sorry for him.

“You shouldn’t do this to yourself Zack,” I told him. Did I seriously just say that?

“I’m fine.”

“Don’t worry about the baby thing. I bet its fine,” I muttered unhappy.

“I know.”

I was lying in the bed with my foot propped up.

The running I had done yesterday made me so tired; I still didn’t have enough sleep.

“Come here,” I patted the bed.

Part of me was screaming at me, asking me why I was being so nice to him. The other part told the other side to shut up. Just look at him, he looked almost sickly.

He sat down on the bed, just a foot or so from me. I noticed how careful he was being beside me.

“Lie down and get some rest. I’m not going anywhere,” I pointed to my leg to show him the obvious.

“I don’t need rest.”

“Don’t make me sing,” I threatened.

He winced and closed his eyes, but was too tense to fall asleep.

When I was sure he had, I got up and hopped around my room, trying very carefully not to disturb him.

He must have been really out-of-it because I dropped a book and he didn’t even flinch.

I pressed my ear against the door and listened for anyone in the hall.

I didn’t even attempt to unlock the door, for several reasons.

All I heard through the door was murmurs that I couldn’t make out.

I climbed back into the bed, but further from him than before and dozed off with the thought of my mother in my head. I miss her so incredibly much.

I woke up, feeling great from so much sleep.

I lifted my head and turned looked to my right. That’s when I realized that I was laying on his chest.

He was fast asleep, his heart beating in a nice steady rhythm.

He looked so peaceful and handsome, I was comfortable. I just lay there, not wanting to disturb him.

I must have been lying there for half an hour; I spent the whole time debating in my head about how stupid I was being. I’m insane; they’ve drugged me or something!

Then he woke up, his face was just two inches from mine; he stared at me confused for a second and then his eyes turned purplish.

“Good morning sunshine,” I greeted nicely.

He patted my head gently, like a child, which was strange. I rolled on my back, and away from his hypnotic eyes.

I felt strange for some reason, I didn’t like the feeling, or I should say that I didn’t want to like the feeling.

“I’ll get you some breakfast,” He told me, getting up and heading to the kitchen.

“No more eggs!” I called.

I crawled out of bed and to the couch, my body stiff from lying around too much.

Zack came into the room while I was on my way to the couch, his lips frowning in disapproval.

“You shouldn’t be walking Sam,” He wrapped my arm around his neck and an arm around my waist, helping me to the couch.

“I feel bad asking,” I shrugged.

“You can eat on the couch.”

He left and came back with a platter.

“Here are some pancakes and milk.”

I am going to be so fat.  


He sat at the table reading some old book from the shelf. I started eating, enjoying every bite. Did I mention that Zack is an incredible cook?

“You don’t have to stay,” I told him casually.

He looked at me and flipped a page in his book, his way of showing me that he wasn’t moving anytime soon.

“…Have they found Kim?”

“No. They have found another girl though. She wanted to come back anyway.”

I noticed his eyes were still a purplish green; I haven’t offended him or made him angry with me yet. That’s new.

“Come here,” I patted the seat next to me.

He walked over and sat down, his eyes searching my face curiously. I bet I knew what he was thinking, probably wondering why I was being so nice. I’m sorry Zack, but not even I have the answer to that one.

I cut the pancakes into little squares and jabbed some with a fork.

“Open wide,” I smiled. He opened his mouth and I fed him.

“Good?” I asked.

He nodded.

I smiled.

“Could you hand me my purse?”

“Yes,” He grabbed it.

“Thanks” I pulled my iPod out and put one ear phone in my ear. “Put this one in yours,” I told him.


“What do you think of this song?”

“It’s nice.”

I felt awkward suddenly, like I just realized what I was doing. After the song finished, I put the iPod back into my purse and twiddled my thumbs.

“I want to go to the big room.”




“Wow. I’m surprised. I thought you would band me from there.”

“I told you that you have suffered enough.”

I wasn’t sure what to say, I mean, I expected to be locked in here till the baby came, but here he was saying yes to me?

He helped me up off the couch and we headed to the big room.

It looks different, the walls were green, and the beds were different colors.

There were a few windows in the room too. It went from looking like a hospital to what now looks like a show room, well besides the screaming girls banging on the walls.

“Nice,” I muttered.

“You can talk to the girls over there. They are the ones we found.”

“Thank you,” I hobbled over to them.

“How are you guys?” I asked.

“Fine,” One girl answered.

“Oh my gosh! Your leg! Did they do this to you?” Another girl gushed.

“No, no, no! I fell yesterday and my foot got caught between some rocks. It snapped it in two,”

“Wow. Jenna got a nasty gash in her arm.”

I looked around to see which one she meant. A girl lifted her arm and showed me the bandage.


“I tripped on a log and fell onto a branch. I told them to leave me, but Ashley and Lily stayed with me,” She gestured towards a girl with short brown hair and then a girl with really long reddish brown hair.  “We were the first ones caught.”

“Have you seen Kim?” The girl named Ashley asked.

I leaned in close and whispered. “I saw her half an hour before they found me.”

“How was she?”

“Great. She helped with my leg and told me they were on her trail and darted off… You haven’t heard anything about her?”

“No we haven’t- wait, was she by herself?”

“Yeah, she said everyone separated.”

“Oh okay.”

“Wait. She said four got caught, but only three of you stayed,” I was confused.

“Lauren ran back here,” She rolled her eyes, gesturing to the girl by herself about twenty

feet from us.

“How did Kim know you got caught?”

“When you left, Kim said we needed a signal to be able to know how close they were and to know if you got caught. So we would scream out our own names, as loud as we can. But Lauren told Kim she was going back. So I guess she just lied about four getting caught.”

“Oh… I lied too.”

“What about?”

“I told Zack I haven’t seen her since we broke out.”


“Samantha,” Zack was behind me.

I closed my eyes and turned to look at him. I couldn’t feel my expression; I just hoped I didn’t have guilt written all over my face. 

He didn’t look like he noticed much, though with Zack, it’s hard to tell. 

“Yes?” My voice shaky and I hoped so much that he didn’t hear my last about Kim.

“This is for you,” He handed me a note.

“Did you read it?”


I huffed and snatched the letter from his hand.

It was from Kim. I told the girls and started reading it out loud sense Zack already rudely read it.


I have a feeling someone other then you will be reading this. So let me make this short. I’ve found a way home. Thanks for everything you have done for me. I hope you heal well. I’m so sorry about leaving you all. But I have no choice. I will tell your mom everything. And give her your letter. But sadly they probably won’t believe me.

I hope that you don’t mind. I stole a page from your journal. As proof that I have seen you.

Thanks for everything you have done for me.


“How did she get off this planet?” Lily asked.

“She snuck onto one of our ships,” Zack answered.

“So she’s on earth?” I asked very carefully.


I couldn’t believe it. Kim made it home. Out of all of us who tried to get away, she was the one who succeeded.

She’s safe, she’s home. Suddenly a thought popped into my mind and I felt a twinge of panic.

“You’re not bringing her back,” I said, a cross between a question and an order.

“The general is giving Henry two days to find her. If he can’t then he has to find a new girl.”

“No,” I muttered, hoping so much that he wouldn’t find her.

“Is he going by himself?”


“Did anyone else get on the ship?”

“Not that we know of.”

I looked at the girls, my expression not too hopeful. I doubted they had gotten off this planet. Kim was extraordinarily lucky to get away from here.

If I had known all the risks and pain this would have caused me and all the other girls, I wouldn’t have gone through with this.

Knowing that Kim was on earth now, made it all worth it.

“I want to go for a walk,” I told him.

He crossed his arms again and decided whether or not I should. I mean, come on, like I could really run off. I’d have to hobble away.

“I need fresh air Zack.”

“Fine,” He muttered wrapping his arm around my waist.

“Outside please.”

He carefully took me out to the huge wall, watching my every move. It’s not like I can just hit him with my cast and sprint down the hall, taking guards out as I past by.

“Has Henry left to find her yet?”

“No, not yet. He’s leaving in an hour or so.”

I nodded thoughtfully. I hated the idea of Kim being found. If she is found, then all of it would have been for nothing; this broken leg, this gash on my arm. It would be all for nothing.

We sat down on the grass, in the cool shade. I watched him while he was looking at the wall.

“Why did you leave?” He asked suddenly.

“I wanted to be free.”

“You have all you need here.”

“No. I don’t.”

“What do we not have?”

“I want my family, my friends,” I frowned.

Just the thought of them felt like something jabbed me in the heart. I quickly shoved them out of my head. I can’t think of them, not now, not until I see them again. I will see them again, I haven’t lost hope yet.

“I can’t. I can’t do that.”

“You asked. I told,” I said dully.

He thought about and nodded in agreement.

“Why is your race so… clone like?”

“What do you mean?”

“You all are like clones; you act alike, no emotion I mean, if you didn’t look so different, I wouldn’t be able to tell you apart.”

“…I am different.”

“Why did you choose me?”

That question had been gnawing at me since I got here. I just had to know. Why me?

“Because I like you.”


“…I followed you around, to school, to the mall… to that awful movie,” He admitted without shame.

I shrugged the creepiness factor out of my head and looked at the ground. “What do you like about me?” I mumbled.

“You can’t sing; you hate it when someone doesn’t trust another, you squint your eyes when you’re mad. I find you interesting.”

Suddenly the door slammed open against the building, and Henry came out.

“Henry,” Zack greeted.

His eyes were a crimson red. When I saw him, I jumped. I’ve never seen eyes like those before. Zack’s eyes weren’t that red when I saw him angry. What made Henry so angry?

 “I have to go to earth to find Kim, because of her,” He jabbed his finger towards me.

“Calm down Henry,” Zack warned standing up in front of me protectively.

“She gave her the idea. She made a plan. She should be punished!”

“Leave now Henry.”

“She should be punished,” He growled.

I sat there in shock. For one, he could hurt me, and two, he was showing strong emotions. Twiads do have emotions.

That terrified me, but oddly made me curious.

“Leave in peace Henry,” Zack said his voice still calm.

Henry ran to the gate and unlocked it, while shooting one dark red glare in my direction.

“He’s going to hurt me, isn’t he?” I asked, while staring at his retreating figure.

“No,” Zack said with confidence.

“…I want to go inside Zack.”

“Its time for lunch,” He said.

“You’re mad” I pointed out.

His eyes were glowing red, not as red or as threatening as Henry’s, but he was angry. He turned his head for half a minute and looked at me.

“I’m fine,” He nodded; his eyes were back to the normal pale green they were before.

We went inside and into my room. Zack went into the kitchen and got a plate of food. I wasn’t hungry honestly, but he will probably force feed me if I refused to eat, so I didn’t complain.

“Have you eaten anything today besides some pancakes?” I asked while poking at the food with my fork.

“Don’t worry about me, eat.”

I had no idea why I felt so worried about my kidnapper. But I was.

“I have a question,” I said. I looked at his eyes to make sure he was in a good mood.


“How come Henry got so emotional and yet you haven’t lost your cool once?”

He looked at me, arms crossed. I recognized his thinking position.

“Always about the emotions, aren’t you?” He stared at me.

“Answer the question.”

He walked over to a painting that I hadn’t noticed was there before. He took the painting off the wall and moved out of the way for me to see. There was a softball sized hole right there. I didn’t quite understand.

“What about the hole?” I asked.

“When you ran away, I was… very upset...”

“You punched the wall?!”


“Wow. Wish I could have seen that...”

“No you don’t.”

A giggled slipped past my lips and I quickly covered my mouth with my hand.

I had just noticed that it was getting dark outside. The day had past by so quickly. It was already bedtime. Zack hadn’t left me once since Henry’s threat…

I wobbled over to the bed and managed to get onto without his help.

Zack plopped down on the couch and closed his eyes.

“That doesn’t look very comfy,” I commented.

“I’m fine,” He muttered.

“Read me a story,” I grinned like a little kid.

He leaped up and grabbed a book from the shelf.

“Dear diary. I found my soul mate, his name is Even Sheen. He asked me out and I’m so excited-” He read.

“Stop reading my diary!” I screeched, reaching to grab it, but he was pulled his arm out of my reach.

“How did the date go?”

“You have permission to read the next page…”

I saw his lip twitch, which made me smile.

“Dear diary, I hate Even Sheen. He’s a jerk. He made me pay for my own food and took me to see a ninja movie. Jerk,” He looked at me, his mouth was forming a tiny smile.

“You’re smiling?”

His smile disappeared, but his eyes turned this amazing gold.

“Why are you excited?” I asked.

“I’m not.”

“Don’t lie. Your eyes don’t lie.”

“I’m not used to smiling. I don’t remember the last time…”

            “You’re not used to smiling?”


“Wow. How is that possible?”

“It’s the Twiad race. Maybe you’re right about some emotions… I don’t really have much to smile about.”

“Wow. I brought some emotion to your face,” I was proud.

He shrugged as if it were nothing.

“I better let you sleep,” He suggested while walking back to the couch.

“You don’t have to sleep on the couch,” I scooted over a lot and patted the spot on the bed next to me.

“No, I shouldn’t be in your way.”

“You won’t. This is a king sized bed and I’ll be way over here. You need sleep too. Especially when you see what I have planned for you...” I laughed evilly while thinking of all the foot massaging and hair braiding I’ll have him do.

He jumped up and lied down, as far from me as possible, nearly hanging off the bed. I shrugged and dozed off...

Again, just like before, I woke up with my head on his chest. I didn’t know how I crawled all the way over here, but the difference this time was that his arm was wrapped around me.

I lied there, waiting for him to wake up. I didn’t move because I didn’t want to disturb him.

He rolled towards me a little bit and squeezed me closer, then opened his eyes.

I decided I was going to act like I was asleep, curious of what he might say or do. Maybe move me over so he can leave? Or maybe wake me up?

I could feel his breathing on my head. He didn’t move or anything, but then he touched my cheek with his finger.

It startled me, so I moved and yawned. He pulled his finger back quickly and took his arm off me.

“Are you ready for breakfast?” He asked after a minute of awkward silence.

“You mean I have a choice?”


“Then…. No. I want a shower.”

He winced. “Nothing good happens when you take a shower.”

I thought about me trying to stab him and when I ran away.

“I won’t try anything Zack,” I told him honestly.

“…I will get you some clothes,” He finally said.

He walked me to the bathroom. I had to wrap my cast up in plastic.

“You can get in this one,” He directed me.

“Do you want me to sing?” I asked teasingly.

“Please. No.”

“Can I have a razor?” I asked, expecting no.

I really wanted to shave; I only had one leg to shave anyway…

His hand reached through the curtain. He handed me the razor.

“Wow. You have really changed. You’re starting to trust me?” I was stunned.

“Well... You can’t exactly run with a broken leg”


            “Let me help you wrap your cast so it won’t get wet.”

I nodded and balanced myself against the wall while he got a plastic bag from under the sinks and wrapped it carefully around my leg.

I felt a smile coming, but I tried not to show it. Why am I feeling this way?

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