Blazes of Temptation- Book 2

Bởi LauraEBrown

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***This story contains Mature Content*** -------------------------------------------- She wouldn't want out... Xem Thêm

Before Reading
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
After Read

Chapter Eleven

7.6K 285 22
Bởi LauraEBrown

Mature content ahead
"Very well, then, Miss. Brown." He isolates me by taking a step back. I stare at him with my eyebrow raised. I know that he wouldn't pass a line and I know what he's planning for us in his head is going to be pleasurable no matter what, that is why I feel myself getting excited, I can already tell that with the pressure in my lower area, there is a need to let it go. I wish I had made myself come and took myself out of this misery.

"What are you going to do with your naughty employee?" I take a step forward making us face to face again. Grabbing the hem of his shirt, I move him an inch closer. "I love me a good punishment, Mr. Martinez," I whisper in his ear, licking the tip of his earlobe. He goes stiff and reaches for my arms, taking them into a firm grasp.

"Climb on one of the armchairs, lean to the back on your front. I want your legs apart and on the chair. Don't touch yourself," he whispers and then allows me to take the action by stepping aside.

As told, I walk toward one of the armchairs facing his desk, choosing the right one since it's closer to where I'm approaching them, I climb it on my knees, putting my hands on the back of the chair and scoot in as far as possible that my front is pressed to the back of the chair, my feet are hanging in the air from the edge of the seat. Moving my legs apart, I make sure it's to his best demand.

"Very nice, Laura. You're learning from your mistakes. However, you know that we need to teach you obedience and discipline." he opens a drawer and draws something out. Although I have my back to him, I can sense his presence and the sound of his shoes padding across toward me. Moving to my viewpoint, he shows me a marker he's holding. I assume this is the object he took out.

"I didn't do anything wrong," I exclaim, plotting to act naughty.

"Hmm, do you want me to punish you hard?" he leans forward, putting his hands on mine, "Hold them right here, don't move them, or you will be punished more." he leans forward more, his lips close to my ear, only the layer of my hair is between us. This is sensual. And I know that part of me hates me acting like this, but I think I like this. I like us playful; I like him showing me the way he was with his submissives. I like the way he brushes his hand over my skin, overwhelming me with the sanitation in my blood.

Although through times I asked Andrew to take me to his playroom, there is still an uncertainty about me that keeps holding on to this fear that maybe this is not what I want and I'm confusing such a feeling with the need to satisfy him, to prove to him that I love him even through all of his amendments and walls.

"I need your legs to be more apart." He commands. And I comply with opening them as further as I can. "Now lean more on the back of the chair," I start lowering down until I have my weight on my arms and eventually on my hands. He starts circling around me. I have my eyes fixed to the bookcase in front of me.

A hand starts brushing against my naked skin on my buttocks. I want to lean into his touch, however, I know better not to move and disobey him.

"I'm going to gag you," he breaks the touch and moves away from me. I mentally whine at the lack of the touch. But then I feel his hands going for the stockings' clips. Freeing the four of them, he lets the clips dangle from my bodice, and then he reaches for my panties. Taking them off gentling by hooking his fingers under its bands, he lets it slip off of my thighs only with his fingers brushing against my skin. He taps on my ankles one by one and I lift them so he can take the panties off. What is he doing?

When they are completely off of me, he walks in front of me with the red panties in his hands. Lifting the piece of clothing to his nose, he takes a deep breath, sniffing them. That is so hot. I know as much as it's dirty and most of the people would find it gross, but him taking sniff off of my panties makes me turn on.

"You smell delicious. It's like roses and strawberry." that's probably my body wash, I want to sarcastically note, but I decide to let it go. "I was going to use this as your gag, but I want these panties to be mine. So thanks for your gift." He stuffs my panties into a tiny ball before putting it in his pocket. "So what can I use as a gag?" he walks behind me and stops for a second there. I can feel his eyes on me.

Then there is a sound of a cap being opened. The cool sense of the marker he earlier held in his hand- touches my skin as he writes on me, on my behind, on my ass. He moves the marker with a few strokes and then takes it away.

"MINE," he groans as the sound of the cap of marker clicks. "You are mine," he whispers, stroking his forefinger over the letters he had written on me. 'MI' on one butt and "NE" on the other.

"You have a creative punishment for such a short notice, sir," I giggle.

"What can I say? I own it all to you," Then he moves toward me, "then this would be your gag," he lifts up the black marker in his hand,"

"I trust you didn't use a permanent marker?" I lift an eyebrow.

"We'll see about that when we get to shower," He replies.

"Andrew," I glare at him, "I swear if it's permant-"

"No, it's not. I know better not to mark your skin permanently, although it may sound pleasing to me." he brushes his knuckles over my cheeks. "Now open your smart mouth," he orders me. Opening for him, he puts the marker vertically in my mouth. "Don't let go of this marker." I close my mouth on it. The marker is foreign and seems too big, but strangely as an innocent subject, it fits well as a gag and the fact that Andrew is creative enough to come up with a gag turns me on. "Now, back to that punishment," he steps away and out of my sight. I start breathing rapidly, excitement already in my body.

A hand brushes over my back and then the same hand follows its path to my backside. I wiggle a bit, although I know Andrew has restrictedly ordered me not to. A loud and swift blow lands right on my butt, jabbing me forward and catching me off guard. I suck in a sharp gasp, smirking under the layer of hair falling around me like a curtain.

"What are the instructions, Laura?" He says. His voice is dominant and dark. From the times before, when the contract was a barrier between us, I used to hear this voice. But now, knowing that Andrew has feelings or me, knowing he wouldn't hurt me, I start liking this side of him.

I want to talk, telling him that I will obey him, but then I remember the marker in my mouth, which is making it harder for me to swallow my saliva. Then I realize it's a test. He wants me to talk so he has a reason to punish me more. At that moment, a wave of uneasiness hits me, like any other time. Do I want him to? What if I fail him proving that I'm not worthy of his trust in me?

I should hate this side of me; I should resent this punishment and a part of does. I shouldn't allow him to treat me like this. If he wants a normal relationship, then he should start a normal relationship with me, one that he would only make love to me, sweet and slow. But then there is a desire in me that I would like to try it. I know deep inside, I'm no saint, nor am I coy when it comes down to Andrew's world, well, at least not as innocent as I may look. But trying that stuff, especially since this is my first time after my vulnerability and the worst experience a girl could ever have.

"Laura?" Andrew's voice snaps me out of my thought after he realized I've been motionless and silent for a long time, "What happened? Are you ok?" His voice is concerned and sweet as ever. It kinda makes me stop thinking. This man is all I need with all the things he's willing to give me.

To be honest, despite the fight inside me and despite all the pulls from each side, I'm finding a balance and so is he. Were it in any situation, I doubt he would bind to my likely or me bending to his. But here we are taking on a balance. This is what a relationship is like. Smiling at Andrew, actually trying to smile, since the marker is in my mouth and water is dripping slowly, I manage to assure Andrew everything is fine.

"Do you want me to stop? I know you asked for no hard limits, but I thought you were up to this," Andrew frowns. I shake my head furiously trying to tell him that everything is fine. When I try to mumble a word, it only comes as a no but with some unusual sound. Andrew seems to get it anyway. He grins at me and kisses my forehead. "Good girl,"

I smile myself. He's so attentive and so nice that makes my heart mellow. I am genuinely in love with this man and I will admit to it every day to myself, and perhaps to him, too.

"Ok, so where were we?" He claps his hands together, making me jump in my position, startled by the sound, thinking the hand landed on my butt. I want this Andrew, I do.

In a split of a second, a blow lands on my ass quicker than the sound. I start feeling warm and bothered at my core. The sensation and the mark of his hand on me haven't yet started to ache because there is nothing but pleasure. This time, I don't hold myself back. This time, I don't feel confused. Because after tonight, I know that Andrew and I are sharing something deeper now.

With the contract gone, I feel like there is no punishment, there is no rule against, and most certainly there is no expectation. I moan again when another blow lands. With the next one sharper, it sends me forward a bit and the sound of my muffled cry spreads out. It pleasures me. A realization hits me. Something I haven't noticed until now, but now I see the reason behind it. It explains many things.

I breathe deeply in and out when the next five lands. Andrew then stops and steps away and leaves me bothered. The good thing is the panties are gone, or else it would be soaked now. Andrew puts his hand on my back softly and rakes it across my body to my ass which is now numb and then lowers until he finds my marshmallow. Cupping my hot spot, he inserts a finger, making me gasp. I clutch to the sofa and dig my nails in the hard leather. In and out, he teases me for a while. I pant and squeeze my legs hard that I think his hand has finally stopped and trapped there.

"No, no, no. You're not allowed to come, princess," he proceeds to take his hand out and then I hear the sound of sucking and licking and instantly I knew he's sucking on his fingers. It makes me even hotter than I think if I don't stop thinking I will come. "Hmm, the sweetest, always." he groans.

The anticipation is killing me. My knees are losing their strength. When I think the punishment is over, he spanks me again.

"I think you had enough, don't you?" He abruptly stops his punishment and starts massaging my back, soothing and washing away the pain.

"Hmm," I mumble, closing my eyes, letting him take care of me.

In one swift move, he hails me in his arms. Putting one foot on the chair, so he can support my weight, he reaches with one of his hands and takes the marker out of my mouth. My lips are wet with my saliva and to be honest, so gross. But he doesn't seem to mind as he bends down and kisses my lips.

"My beautiful princess, you make me so proud. I'm in awe." he nuzzles my hair. I snake my arms around his neck to support my weight somehow. Switching me back to his hands, he proceeds to take us out of his office. While I assume we will finally make our way to his bedroom, I realize he's taking the actual opposite direction. Moreover, to the living room. Are we going to upstairs? Is he going to take me to the bedroom? But then he stops before the glass wall where just behind us is his piano and in front of us is the whole view of the city. Only then I notice the blanket with the amount of plush cushion and pillows thrown on the floor. Next to all of these is a plate of grapes and olives and several types of cheese, accompanied by a bottle of wine and two empty glasses.

He lowers us down professionally without losing his balance. He strips himself to his boxers, leaving me open mouth as I gape at him shamelessly.

"Why do you keep calling me Princess? It's so childish," I nag.

"I thought you were into Prince and Princess things? Didn't you want to find your Prince Charming?" He raises an eyebrow as he sits on his bottom.

"Yeah, but Cinderella was a maid. Not a princess. Besides. It makes me feel like a sugar daddy." I screw my face as I think of those play thing photos I've seen awhile back as I was searching for the lifestyle.

"So does that mean I should call you Queen?" He asks, pretending to look confused. I punch him playfully. His deep and warm laughter fills the big living room, making me smile adorning his happy face. "This is to the celebration. Our third-time reunion," He uncorks the bottle with a pop and starts filling the glasses.

"Third time?" I raise an eyebrow, but I accept the glass out of his hand.

"Yes," he raises his glass and clicks mine and we both take a swing. By the taste of it, I can tell it's highly expensive. "After I decided it's time to break the contract, I felt that a part of me is relieved. Like I don't have a weight on my chest anymore. Like I'm free now." He cups my face in his hands, caressing my cheek bones. "I feel like we're real now. I feel like I know where you and I are standing. With that damn contract, I was lost. I know you were too. I tried to convince both of us that we can work this out. We can be in a relationship. It's clear now that I was wrong," He chuckles before crashing his lips on mine. Frankly, I feel the transformation in him too. He's less reserved, more open and more accepting.

"I love you," I utter as he keeps brushing his lips on mine.

He doesn't reply. I don't expect him to. I know it's going to take a while for him to open up completely. He helps me out of my corset which is getting too tiny for me to breath. That leaves me naked with half of the bra and the stocking, but I don't mind, not like I used to. This man has seen me through, we have seen everything, well not everything- but that doesn't mean I'm going to shy away.

At the sight of my naked body, however, Andrew seems like a little bit trigger. He licks his lips and looks at me intensely. I know what he's thinking. I reach forward with my trembling hand, out of pleasure, and take his hands and place them on my half naked breasts. He sees the acceptance in my eyes and doesn't hesitate.

Pushing me back, he lays me on the cushions. I can't feel the hardwood under me. He stands on his knees and takes off his boxers. Now, I can't help myself at all. The view before me is way better than the million dollar view behind these glasses. For a second, I start wondering if people can see us through the glass, but as soon as the thought comes to me the thought leaves my head.

When I reach behind my back to open the clasps of the bra, he stops me.

"No, leave them be, you have no idea, how fucking sexy you look right now." he rasps.

Like always, he surprises me when he flips us over and lets me sit on him. I raise an eyebrow at him as I look down, putting my hand on his firm chest as a support.

"I want you to ride me, take your pleasure, baby. I'm all yours." He puts his hand on my hips, supporting me. Still shocked by his action, I let this opportunity be cherished for a second before I move a little bit down so I'm sitting right top of him.

"Help me putting you in me," I lean down so we are face to face. My hair is spread around us like a veil blocking away the rest of the world. He leans up and kisses my lips before forcing himself in me, guiding his member with his hand. The second he's inside me, I moan into his mouth.

Freeing his hand from under us, he lets me move. Slowly up and down, I take pleasure out of him. After a while, I decide to pick up my speed, I've been too sweet with him.

"You're not allowed to come," I say with no emotion on my face as I stare down at him.

"Yes, Mistress," He agrees and I slowly do a happy dance in my head. He accepted. He wants us to play. I plant his hands on my hip again and move my own across his torso for a balance. I start moving up and down, caressing myself to him. The ecstasy is coming.

My breathing gets rapid again and since I've been denied to orgasm two times, I find my release in a second with a load of emotion packed in me. The cry of pleasure spirits out of me as I rock myself on him. Andrew's hands grab hold on my waist and help me to continue jumping him even after my orgasm has taken my energy away.

One thing I realize, he didn't actually come. He must've gotten the point that I'm dead serious about this. But aside from that, it must have pained him. Getting him out, I move away to face his Junior and to my expectation, I find it blue and big. What do they say? Blue Balls.

"Well, well, well, what do we have in here?" I mock him. Looking at his face, I find him in distress and pressure. I can tell he's controlling his breathing. Yet in that second as I look in his eye, I can read he's not comfortable. I wonder has he done this before. Or better say has he ever done any role play with his previous subs.

Since he allowed me to take pleasure of him, I lower my head and start what I've not done with him until now. Blowjob. Taking him in, I start with really less amount. I haven't done this before. I don't know if I should just suck at it or I should lick it. I don't know if I should grab it or not. I take it in slowly.

"You may come," I say before going back to my task. Taking him in and out, I realize how big he is. Going deep and retrieving back, I take him to the edge of pleasure. I taste the precum and I know he's close just enough. I start wondering, should I let him come in my mouth? Were it any other man, I would be engrossed, I wouldn't even go for such a thing with anyone else to be specific- now the thought of him coming in my mouth doesn't seem too gross. In fact, I find it as a matter of ownership and a mark. Smiling, I feel him going off finally. He groans and grunts. His hands are tangled into a ball in my hair.

In a matter of time, I find myself exhausted and I drop my limp body next to him on the pillows. Instantly, he wraps his arm around me and I curl against his body. We wait as our breathing comes even and we become silent. My mind, however, is miles away from being silent.

"Have you done this before?" I ask him. Curiosity is always in my vein, even after the contract is long gone. "I mean breaking your contract, having a role play with your sub in lingerie, allowing them to be in charge?" I stare ahead of me to the ceiling and the beautiful chandelier hanging from the high ceiling.

Andrew chuckles next to me, his chest vibrating with the wave of the laughter. I cannot help but smile at the vibration of his chest or the movement of his breathing as chest goes up and down along with my head on him.

"How many times are you going to ask this question of me?" he sighs, his hand brushing my hair lightly. "You really think that bad of me, huh?" He shakes his head.

"It's not about being bad or not. I'm just wondering... you know-"

"That I ever let another woman deep inside me?"He cuts me off. "Oh, I see," he mutters after a few second. "You're thinking about Amelia, right?" he takes a deep breath. I know there is more to their relationship. I know that he's trying to hide something from me. "She is the past, Laura and whatever we did have nothing to do with us. We were just... I don't know how to describe this, but... What she and I had was something compromised, and of course, was a failure as you can see."

"So you never let her be in charge or any of your Subs?"

"My god, woman, you're so jealous. It actually looks good on you, your eyes get flames and your lips are pressed so hard. I like this Laura."

"Don't mess with me, answer the damn question," I groan.

"What do you want to know Laura? She and I had a commitment, not a relationship, but we did have sex. I know it makes you uncomfortable, but we did. And as for my subs, they never actually had the power." He utters, mostly somehow so I wouldn't hear it. I look at him, what I see surprises me.

I can see he's trying to open up slowly. I can see him trying to tell me everything. But what actually surprised me was far from that. He had lied to me yet again. When we used to talk about her, he would always say they never did anything. He said they tried BDSM but it failed, but as it took a long time for him to open up to me and let me be in charge for the first time, then they had shared something deeper.

"What was your relationship like?" I ask.

"Laura, I really don't want to talk about it and ruin our moment." he rolls over and faces away from me. "One day, ok?" he promises and all I hope is that these promises don't turn up to be empty.

"You were in love with her," I blurt. It should be the only reason. She wasn't a sub, obviously. She was just a friend. He wouldn't do relationships, but he did with her. They were in love. A commitment, for whatever definition he has in his mind, it looks like a relationship as hell.

"Laura," He says angrily. "I. Did. Not. Love. Her." he stresses on each word, trying to make a point of it. "Fuck, stop making a big deal out of this. Am I with her now?" he questions but doesn't let me answer, "No," he answers bitterly. "Did I do this kind of breaking deals, breaking barriers? No. with no fucking one. Stop making things difficult between us. I'm trying to make this work and I can't do this if you keep jeopardizing me for what happened in the past," he groans again and rakes a hand over his face, obviously upset.

All of a sudden, he sits up with his back to me. I stare at his perfectly shaped and muscular back and find myself lost. What just happened? He lets out a frustrated sigh and stands up.

"Please don't leave," I beg him. Andrew stops in his tracks and looks over his shoulder, not to me, but to some points away from me.

"Laura." He whispers my name. I sit up and look around to find something to cover myself with. Snatching one of the blankets, I wrap it around myself and secure it like I would with a towel. I walk the few steps he had managed to take away from me.

Without another word said, I just stand right behind him and wrap my hands around his waist, hugging him from behind, pressing my cheek to his firm chest.

"I'm just trying to be a part of your life. Is it too bad to try to know about your past? Is it too bad to want to make a room for myself by trying to knowing you?" I mutter. He doesn't move. "I just want us to talk. You tell me every freaking day I'm special then you go and hide your secrets away from me. It's not fair." I whisper the last few words. When I don't get any reactions from him, I move to stand before him. He looks at me in the eyes and I see the pain I have caused.

He looks hurt. I have done this. By trying to ask him questions that he doesn't want to explain.

"I'm sorry, Andrew, but I want to know about the past. Try to hide it as much as you want, but you can't do this to us." I reach my hand over and touch his cheek. He only continues looking down at me. "I just don't want to get hurt. You may not even have feelings for me. Maybe this is all lust. Maybe this is just the greatest sex you had. You're going to eventually get tired of me and then you're going to throw me away. You want me to wait and then what? How can I know you love me?" I cry out.

"Laura, listen to me," he grips my arms and draws me even closer to him. None of us seem to mind that he's brushing his body, his shaft- to my abdomen. "If I didn't have a feeling for you, then I wouldn't come after you when you left, I would try to fill the hole in my heart by some other bimbo. I wouldn't be suppressing my animal instincts and you would be in my playroom bound to my likely. You wouldn't be standing here and even daring to ask me for more. Give me some time. I fucked up once and I saw the consequences. I don't want to lose you so let me take my pace and I will tell you, everything one by one."

I sigh and retreat back, dropping my hands to my side, completely defeated. All he wants is time and space, but what if at the end of this period, he realizes that he doesn't want to do anything with me, then what? I know I should trust him and let him adapt to this new arrangement, to be patient and let him catch up, but for once and maybe not for the last time, I'm being selfish, is it too bad to want to be happy with the man you are in love with?

"Laura, please don't do this. I know what you are feeling and I know you want more, you want action, but please let me heal us both. Trust me." he firmly states. My eyes catch him and I feel compelled to do so. I look up at the man whom I am in love with deeply. I look up at the person who managed to break my heart, yet I forgave him, not even once, but all those times, I trusted him, I gave him a second chance because every time I told myself, 'he can change,' and 'I can make this fear of relationship go away from him,'

"Ok," I find myself agreeing. Unexpectedly, he crouches down and braces me in his arms, lifting me in the air. I give out a shriek at the unexpected move. He paces for the bedroom. "I trust you," I mumble against his ear as I hold onto to him for dear life. "Please, just don't hurt me," I beg him. My insecurities have nothing to do with his secrets, for all I know, I don't care what he's hiding away from me, anymore. But I just want to know about his feelings. At least, that's how relationships should work, right?

He doesn't reply. Instead, he puts me down gently on the bed and proceeds to take the tangled blanket away from my body. Once satisfied, he turns the bed and lies on his side of the bed.

"Promise me you'll love me, no matter what you learn about me," he asks,

"I promise," I reply, partly unsure.

With the lights out, he snakes around me like a panda hung to a tree branch. Tired by the actions of earlier, we snuggle close and sleep soundlessly. Tonight is the first night that I fell asleep in peace. It's also the first night that we survived without fighting. Almost.

Maybe I'm just blinded by love or maybe I'm too much of a dreamer that I don't realize that this sort of commitment doesn't last long. But I need this. I need now. Andrew's feelings are not clear, but I should trust him. That is how relationships work, right? Yet, the only thing unsettled here is the past. His past.

I was never worried about it before, now the more I think about it, and the more I go over his words, I see how terrifying it sounds. I just hope whatever it is he's hiding from me, it doesn't hurt me.


As promised. i hope you enjoy. this chapter was really hard to write because i wanted to emphasis the change between two and how as simple as it looks, there are many things going on. i hope i had clearly noted that. thank you so much.

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