From the Future? Elvis Presle...

By GabbyPresley

341K 5.8K 3.9K

A 20 year old randomly travels back in time and finds herself being one of the most interesting people the me... More

From the Future? Elvis Presly love story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 / Author's Note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 22

7.5K 142 83
By GabbyPresley

Early Thursday morning, March 7, 1960

Elvis' press conference, "Home from the Army" is taking place right in Vernon's office. The room's cramped- with reporters and photographers. Elvis forewarned me about today's hectic schedule.Without having the need for Elvis to persuade me to hide my face, I kept myself away from the press, in my room. I listened to old records catching up with Ashley and her new Memphis boyfriend on the phone. The press already probably knows I live here, but this conference isn't about me, it's about Elvis.

After everyone fills Vernon's office, I sneak downstairs hoping to eavesdrop from outside the hallway. I'm expecting the same questions and answers, but as I patiently wait for "the girl he left behind" question.It was yet to be asked. Half an hour later, I'm still waiting for that question to arise. Growing impatient, the conference ends, loud laughter and voices become soft muffled sounds. I dash back up the stairs hoping a photographer doesn't catch me. As I shut the door, I breathe easy, relieved. I look out my window seeing Elvis waving good-bye to every single press that came. I look down gazing at his outfit. He's wearing all black, with his shirt unbuttoned low. His hair's in it's absolute prime right now. He just looks so, perfect.

I catch myself gazing at his perfection a little too long. I snap back in to reality turning off my record and running down stairs. He shuts the front door and runs a hand through his hair. He glances up at me and opens his arms. I run to him with a giggle.

"You look great, Pelvis." I say happily.

He chuckles.

"Think so?" He asks innocently.

I look up at him with a grin.

"Post army Elvis is my favorite look."
His lips begin to curl.

"Your hair, your clothes. Just--"

He stops me, chuckling.

"I'll keep my hair like this forever then. He sweetly says.

I giggle, "I like your late sixties look too."

He throws his arms up in the air with a funny look.

"Just say you'll sleep with me at any era!" He howls out laughing uncontrollably.

I join in the laughter smacking his chest.

"But now I can look at you while we do it." I say patting his shoulder.

He stops laughing and glares at me. I laugh out kissing his cheek. He growls at me playfully and I run away from him. He chases me continuing with the playful growling as I run around the kitchen, the music room and finally the back yard. He grabs me by my waist from behind and lifts me up. He carries me over the threshold, I glance at him and he's beaming. I peck him on the lips and cup his cheek.

"I love you." I softly say.

He smirks putting me on the fresh grass. He towers on top of me, our foreheads touch. He brushes his lips against mine and smirks.

"I love you more."
Friday evening, March 8, 1960

I'm sitting on my bed, listening to my iPod. Oblivious to my surroundings, I take in my music. Without even realizing, Elvis walks in bewildered.

"What the hell is that?!" He yells out shocked.

Stunned, I take both earphones out staring at him lost with words.

"Um, well my iPod touch..."

His eyebrows raise. He points to my beats earphones.

"Earphones." I quietly mutter.

Completely taken back his face was confused and surprised. Guilt rises all over me since this is the first time he's caught me with one of my hi-tech stuff.

"I was listening to some of your 70's stuff...." I softly say.

He sits down beside me on my bed.

"You have songs of me in that itty bitty thing?" he asks curiously.

I nod showing him the screen and the album cover, it was him in his white jumpsuit in Vegas and I was listening to Sylvia. His eyes grow wide. I don't think I should have showed him that. But since I have, I decide to give him my earphones.

"Here, put the L one in your left ear and the R in your right." I hand him the earphones and he gazes at them amazed.

"Y'all some robots or somethin.." He mutters softly.

I shake my head giggling as I press play. Once again, his eyebrows raise and he's completely shocked. He points at himself with a blank expression.

"" He asks glaring at me hysterically.

I nod smiling while rolling my eyes. As the song ends I switch to his latest album, Elvis Is Back! and choose one of the Like A Baby outtakes. Again, he's completely caught off guard.

"I just sang this!" He says carefully removing the earphones out of his ears.

I laugh out.

"This is from the future remember!? I have everything you've made in here! Including some pictures and Priscilla's Elvis and Me movie!"

I blurt out accidentally. Oh no.

"Her what!?" He asks hysterically.

I sigh.

"I shouldn't be telling you all this."

"Tell me, hell, show me." He demands

I shake my head no, he softly grabs me by the shoulders and makes me look in to his persuasive icy blue eyes.

"Please Marie. Baby, please." He pleas.

"Alright! Alright! After you guys meet and all you guys get married then separate after a few years. Then, well... you die. Then she writes a book about you and her. Nothing bad ok!? Then I don't remember who but they made a TV movie about it! Ok?!" I say talking fast with my heart racing.

Elvis shrugs looking away for a second. He turns back to me with his puppy dog eyes.

"Show me the movie." He demands sternly.

I shake my head no again.

"Marie." He says in a serious tone.

He stares at me as I try avoiding his eyes.

"Marie." He repeats, defeated I unlock my iPod.

I hand him the earphones again and search for the movie in my movie library. He watches me the entire time I touch the screen,amazed. I hand him my iPod-entrusting him with one of the two items I hold dear from the future. Before starting the movie I look at him and warn him.

"You better not touch the screen or anything else. Just hold this thing as careful as you can. This is all I got from the future other than my phone. So you break it and you're fingers are gone. Got it?" I breathe out slowly.

He nods taken back from my little warning.

"Guard it with my life fine. Just play the movie so I can see my life without this future crap." He mutters with curious eyes.

I roll my eyes and start the movie. Elvis watches the entire thing, from beginning to end. He couldn't believe what his career had fallen to. As the movie finishes he puts his head on my lap. He hands me back my iPod and cups my cheek.

"I'm glad I have you here." He says softly.

"But Priscilla's a lot prettier than average ol' me." I say sighing.

He pinches my cheek with a small smile.

"She probably ain't even that cute when I marry her." He says reassuring me.

I smirk as I search in my photo gallery of a picture of him and Cilla on their wedding day. Once finding one I show Elvis and his eyes grow wide.

"Told you." I mutter.

He lets out a howl and strokes my cheek.

"You're much more breathtaking without the need of all that gunk on your face, doll." He says with a small smile.

I smirk, "oh yeah?"

He nods as I search for a 1970s picture of her with no crazy makeup on, just natural face and show it to Elvis. His eyes get big again.

"Oh yeah Elvis. I'd suggest saying something about inner beauty or plastic surgery now." I laugh out.

His hand cups my cheek again with a frown.

"Baby, you're the most breathtaking, divine, angelic, gal I've ever come across. And I mean that. You ain't gotta try to look amazing, you already do."

Taken back, I sniffle fighting a few tears back.

"Shut up. Don't make me cry." I say smiling.

He smiles small as I stroke his hair.

"I ain't gonna stop until my heart stops." He says sternly.

I bite my lip and kiss his forehead.

"Let's hope that's decades from now, ok?"

He nods and his eyes close.

"You saved my life beautiful. I can't bear to think what I'd do without you." He softly says.

I peck him on the lips and his eyes open wide. I giggle as he sits up wrapping his arms around me.

"Get off me creep." I playfully say making E howl out.

He slowly pulls me closer to him, he gives me a quick peck on the cheek before kissing me deeply.

"I'll never get off, gorgeous." He mutters softly as he plants hundreds of kisses all over my face.


Saturday around noon, March 9, 1960

I'm looking for Elvis all over Graceland. I walk downstairs hoping he'd be around. I walk inside Vernon's office as I see a freshly dyed, jet black haired Elvis reading some packet. My mind sets on a flirty surprise for him. I quietly walk towards the desk, he's distracted over reading the big packet of paper. I sit myself on the desk and fix my hair. I clear my throat and smile. He glances up surprised, and a smirk grows on his face.

I glance down at the chunk of stapled paper, it was a script.

"G.I. Blues?"

He chuckles running his hand through his hair.

"How'd you know?" He asks jokingly.

I give a serious look lifting a brow. He chuckles again grabbing my hand, he pecks it making me smile.

"You cheezy fool."

"More like a passionate, romantic man that's never been in your life." He scoffs pulling me on his slap. He wraps his arms around me instinctively knowing I'd try to escape. I sigh as he kisses the top of my head.

"It looks good to me." He says shrugging.

I look back at him, smirking.

"Me or the movie?"

His dopey, smug face returns.

"Both" He confesses with his lip curling.

"I don't think you'll be liking a few of your movies." I quietly mutter.

He sighs and tightens his grip on me.

"How many?" He asks with regret all over his face.

I bite my lip, "Most of them." I softly say feeling guilty.

He lets go of my waist and runs his hand through his hair.

"Damn shame." He mutters.

"I know you want serious roles, Elvis." I say sympathizing with him, the Colonel's using him like a puppet.

Gently, I get up from his lap and face him behind his desk.

"That's why I want to talk to the Colonel." I exclaim nervously.

My tongue burns just saying his name. Elvis rests his hand on his temple, his expression is blank and he's staring at the script.

"I barely like this one." He admits shaking his head.

It breaks my heart to see him like this, already knowing where the movie contract's leading him. Because of Priscilla's story he made me show him, he knows this is only the start of a rocky climb back to super stardom.

"He'll be here any minute." He exclaims in a somber tone.

Speak of the devil, Colonel opens the door entering Vernon's office huffing out smoke. He glares at me for a second then makes his eyes look at E. He smirks viewing his dismay.

"Trouble in love paradise?" He questions in a condescending tone.

I roll my eyes, I decide enough is enough. Finally, I grow a back bone.

"Colonel. I know of your future plans with Elvis' movie career." I say firmly.

He looks back at me and takes his cigar out of his mouth. His eyes roam all over me except my frustrated gaze. He puffs out a few smoke clouds before walking toward me.

"Excuse me little darlin'? It ain't ment for a little girl like you to get in a man's business. Especially if you wanna stay in the lap of luxury." He says with a smirk on his face.

"I could care less if anyone's rich or poor in this house. It ain't about me or money. Elvis Presley wants to be taken seriously in the movie world." I firmly say.

The Colonel chuckles shaking his head, I'm boiling with anger as I watch him puff out more smoke.

"He wont be taken seriously! The boy was shakin' his hips a few years ago singing black folk songs! What the hell can I do to help him?" He chuckles out with a smug look.

"You're just using him. Throwing him out with the dogs, as long as he gets paid, right?.... You take every ounce of will he has and you're helping him dig his own grave...You're not right Colonel."

"I'm getting him publicity." He retaliates growing angry.

I sneer as he puts his cigar back in his old, wrinkled mouth.

"And that's why when he's laying in his coffin you slip off his favorite rings."

His eyes grow wide.

"How the hell do you know he dies." He questions putting his face closer to mine.

With a disgusted face I glare back at him, "I'm from the future, fuckface... You auction his rings off after they bury him and you keep the money." I bark out.

He backs away rolling his eyes. He looks back at Elvis for a second. He shakes his head furiously, clenching his hands. I know what he's intending to do. He quickly paces himself back to me, I see his right arm rise. Prepared to block it, I see Elvis jerking Colonel's arm back. Startled, I watch as Elvis controls the Colonel.

"Give him better roles in the contract. Or we'll fire you, sue you and rip that movie contract to bits." I shout out.

Colonel gets out of Elvis' grasp and fixes his tie. Elvis watches infuriated as the Colonel glances at me.

"Sue me? For what?" He says in a condescending tone.

Elvis stands in front of me protectively as the Colonel chuckles getting his composure back.

"I know the reason why you won't do a worldwide tour with Elvis. And I know how you tricked him and his family in to giving you 50% of his earnings." I quickly exclaim.

The Colonel stops, dead in his tracks. The fat bastard is finally caught in the act.

"Get your shit together Colonel. So maybe, just maybe, we won't report you." I say with a smirk.

"Hell, she'll report you but learning all this, I'd deport your ass myself." Elvis furiously exclaims.

The Colonel's face shows terror as he takes out the cigar in his mouth.

"You won't do that." He whispers mortified.

"Oh but we can, right now too." I say walking over to the phone.

I begin dialing the 9- then the 1- then Colonel shouts out, "FINE FINE. I'll search for other material for you." He sighs feeling defeated.

Elvis glances at me and crosses his arms.

"Apologize to her." He demands glaring at Colonel with his fearful icy blue eyes.

Confused, Colonel shrugs. The Colonel walks toward the door and opens it, before leaving he turns to me, "I apologize." He shuts the door making the walls shake.

I sigh staring at the floor. Elvis takes a few steps to me. He embraces me tightly.

" I love you." He whispers choking up.

"I'm sorry." I whisper back, tears strolling down my cheeks.

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