Loved by a Boy (boyxboy)

De YaoiLover801

22.4K 737 134

[Book Two of the "I Fell for a Boy" Series] Due to his father's work, Hansel Moore has to transfer school and... Mais

Author's Note
1 - Hansel In Love
3 - Confused
4 - That Day
Author's Note II
5 - Reconciliation
6 - Together?
7 - Nurse Hansel
8 - Jelly Jeremy
9 - Drama
10 - Rivalry
11 - Decision
12 - Decision II
13 - Together.
14 - Mommy
Author's Note III
15 - Charlie's Love Story

2 - Drunken Overnight

1.4K 67 10
De YaoiLover801

A/N: Hey, guys! So, here we are on the second chapter of Hansel and Jeremy's story. Thank you all so much for the warm support you gave for the premiere chapter! (σ≧▽≦)σ

Anyway, enough with all this mushy stuff. Enjoy reading, guys! Do vote and comment, loves. I wanna know what you think. >∇<)/ And please bear no mind if it's being nonsensical and redundant. ^^

With that being said,


- saphire


Jeremy's POV

I felt Hansel drag me towards his house and sat me on the couch. I was holding my head as it pounded harshly.

I saw him holding a glass of cold water in front of me and I glanced at him before taking the beverage and gulped it in one go, giving it back to him when I finished. I was thankful when the pounding lessen so I took the advantage to look at the two people who were standing by the entrance of the living room.

I hadn't even notice Hansel leave if he hadn't passed his parents, holding a plate of what looked like a cake. He put it down in front of me on the coffee table. Now that I was a bit sober, I internally groaned at the idiocy that had taken over me.

Why the hell did I come here?! Not to mention, I had just disturbed a peacefully sleeping neighborhood! I rubbed my temple as another headache peaked its appearance. I can't believe I went here drunk.

"If you're hungry, eat that." I heard Hansel's cold voice, snapping me from mentally reprimanding myself. I glanced at him and he was settled on a love seat on my right, tinkling on his phone, not once even looking my way.

My eyes went to the entrance of the room, expecting Hansel's parents to be there, but they were not so I turned my gaze towards the food that was sitting on top the coffee table. It was a mango graham cake and it looked really delicious, thus without having to be told twice, I devoured the food.

It really was delicious!

"Did your mom made this?" I asked after eating almost half of the dessert. Hansel just gave me a once over before looking back at his phone. The gesture made me a bit pissed, but I let it slide as I took another fork of the cake, holding back a moan of pure pleasure.

"You look like you're having an orgasm." My eyes snapped open and turned to my side to see Hansel smirking, although his eyes were glued on his phone.

I narrowed my eyes at him before placing the fork back on the plate. "Are you teasing me?" I asked, internally amused by the fact that Hansel was paying attention to me. "Why would I tease? I'm merely stating a fact. And please, don't act as if we're close." Hansel replied, internally crushing the tiny amusement I felt.

"What are you doing here anyway and drunk to boot?" And there it is, the million dollar question. I fiddled with my thumbs, away from Hansel's eyes, in nervousness. What should I answer? "You know what? Don't answer. In fact, after you finish eating, I'd like you to leave. You have already caused enough damage to last a week."

I'm not sure if I would be understanding, because let's face it, he does have a point or to be pissed that he's kicking me out, although that would still be justified with what he said. In other words, I have no option. We were quiet after I had finished the last of the cake and Hansel got up from his seat, took the plate from the table and went to the kitchen.

"I think you're sober enough, you can go home now." Hansel said, leaning by the stairs with his arms folded against his chest as he looked at me. "I don't have a ride home." I answered, holding his gaze. He just shrugged his shoulder and said, "not my problem."

The nonchalance in his voice and the boredom of his actions were enough to spark anger inside me as I glared at him from my seat. He returned the glare equally, not backing down. "I said I had no ride home and you're still kicking me out!?"

"And I said it's not my problem! Who even told you to get drunk and come here anyway?!" I went silent at that, but still held his glare with my own. We were staring each other down, waiting 'til one gives in and looks away. But it didn't last long as Hansel's dad went down the stairs.

"What the hell is all the shouting!? Don't you know you're disturbing the neighborhood?" Hansel's dad's voice boomed, making his son and I flinch. Hansel was the first to recover as he resumed glaring at me and then said, "I was just telling that guy to go home because he's already bothered us enough, but he still won't go!"

"I would go if I have my car with me, sir, but I left it at home and I'm not sure where my brothers are and my phone's dead. The place where I was at was just a couple blocks away from here and it closed so I went here in hopes that Hansel will let me crash just for the night." I said half truth. There's no way I'll tell the truth to a cop!

The glare Hansel is giving me made chills ran down my spine due to the intensity of it. "Is that so?" Hansel's dad said and I nodded my head. "May, he has a valid enough reason, so why are you still kicking him out?" I internally raised a brow at the name Hansel's dad used.

May? Like Hansel May Moore?

Hansel groaned at the name and glared at his dad. "Why can't you just use my nickname?" Hansel groaned out, making his dad grin at him. "Coz your friends use it to call you. Plus it's common. And you know me, I'm way awesomer than them." His dad replied with a wink, making Hansel roll his eyes. "There's no word as 'awesomer', dad." Hansel retorted. Detective Moore just shrugged and said, "don't care."

I didn't expect this kind of turn of events. Still, it's amusing to watch!

I chuckled at their exchange, making the father and son look at me. "You guys are really close." I commented with a smile that made Hansel's cheeks turn red. His dad gave me a grin and then glanced at his son. "Oh, damn! Your cheeks are red, May!" His dad exclaimed and then laughed.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious, old man." Hansel grumbled, slapping his dad playfully. "Not a problem, young man. Anyways, it's already late and you both have school tomorrow so you gotta head upstairs and go to bed." His dad said, gesturing up the stairs behind him. "It's a Saturday tomorrow, dad." Hansel corrected with an eye roll.

"Is it? Well, whatever. Just do as I say. And that young man is gonna sleep with you. And no, not sleep with you as in having sex with you. You'll just sleep together. I do not want to hear my son's moans." Detective Moore shivered at what he last said playfully, receiving yet another whack from his son on the arm.

I laughed at how Hansel's face was like a ripe tomato by how red it is, making him glare heatedly at me. "You've embarrassed me quite enough, old man. Now go upstairs and into your room." Hansel demanded, making his dad salute at him like the cop that he is and said, "yes, mommy, sir!" before running up the stairs and while laughing.

I clutched my stomach as I doubled over from laughing so hard at their exchange. Damn. His dad is really awesome! I thought as a cop, he'd be super strict and intimidating like he is when I first met him, but seeing this side of him is actually quite surprising. "I hope you choke." I heard Hansel say that made me laugh harder.

"Are you done?" Hansel asked in obvious irritation after I had calmed down to just pants and chuckles in between. "Slightly," I replied playfully, making him roll his eyes. "Come on, let's go up and I'm already sleepy." Hansel just said and started ascending the stairs without waiting for my reply.

I followed him up the stairs and stopped when I saw him lean over a door, his cheeks planted on the surface as if listening to the other side and then he suddenly said, "yeah, laugh it off, you old man. I'm gonna get even with you!" I heard a laugh from the inside of the room before Hansel peeled himself off the door and with a huff, walked towards his room.

I'm not sure if he actually forgot about me for a bit or was just ignoring me, but I'll bet on the former though coz when he turned to face the door, probably to close it, he saw me and jumped, startled and stumbled a few steps before falling on the carpeted floor with a thud.

I stifled a laugh as I went and helped him up, guiding him towards the bed. "Are you okay?" I asked him as he groaned while rubbing his lower back. "Peachy," he replied, his voice oozing with sarcasm as I watched him glare at the floor.

Silence engulfed us for a few minutes as I stared at the dark wall of his room before I felt him move, so I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, thankful that there's a bit of light illuminating from the moon outside, as Hansel crawled towards the headboard and then laid on his back under the cover.

I stood up and moved towards the side of the bed before sitting back down on the edge and took off my jacket, shirt, shoes and socks and then took off my belt and pulled my pants off, leaving only my boxers. I settled myself on the bed with my back on the headboard and we resumed the earlier silence as no one moved or spoke.

I laid down beside Hansel with me facing his back. After a few minutes of me staring at his clothed back, Hansel faced my way and put three pillows between us. "For comfort," he replied to my unspoken question before facing the other way again.

I moved on my back and stared the dark ceiling as I waited for sleep to conquer me. I'm not even sure why I decided to come her when Charlie's house is just down this street. Even in my drunken state, I still know what I'm doing and I internally groaned when I remembered how I called Hansel's phone and then didn't talk when he answered and how I disturbed a peacefully sleeping neighborhood with my shouting.

Yet here I am, lying down on the bed beside my 'enemy' as Hansel would put it. I just sighed. I thought back to the day when Charlie and I got together. It was about six months ago. Was I wrong to start a relationship with her? Did I decide too irrationally that time? I really don't know.

"Jeremy!" I heard a female voice call my name, making me turn to look at the person who was calling me. It was Charlie. "Hey, Charlie. What's up?" I greeted her when she was in front of me. I immediately noticed the nervousness in her feature, making me frown.

"What's wrong?" I asked her when she hadn't replied to my former question. Charlie sat beside me on the bleachers, leaving a good distance between us. "Jeremy?" Charlie called after a few minutes of silence. I glanced sideways at her, but she was looking ahead.

"I like you." My eyes widened at the sudden confession that Charlie had made. She was looking at me straight in the eyes. I composed myself as I watched as her lips began to tremble and she was fiddling with her fingers.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked, averting my gaze towards the empty football field, looking but not seeing as my mind wandered off. "I, uh, uhm, err..." She stuttered nervously. I was slightly taken aback by her action. Charlie Smith isn't one to stutter, which is why I was a bit amused by the suddenness of it.

"You want to start a relationship with me?" I finished for her and the pink that tinted her lips was enough confirmation of what she wanted to say, but she nodded nonetheless. "You know that it'll complicate things, right?" I'm not sure why I asked that, but I did and she nodded once again.

"I know. But it's the least I could do for Darren." She said, making me turn to face her, but she was looking ahead. "What do you mean?" I asked with a frown of confusion. What's Darren got to do with her confession? Charlie heaved a sigh but still didn't look at me.

"Darren and I made a deal, you see. Before he even got involved in that incident. I wanted to keep my feelings for you a secret, but Darren thought so otherwise. He wanted me to confess to you. And now here I am, fulfilling my promise to my best friend. Confessing my four years worth of feelings." She explained and I saw as a stray tear escaped her eye.

I was flattered that a beautiful girl like Charlie likes me and for how many years now without me knowing, but there's this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that wanted to reject her feelings because there was someone whom I needed to wait. But because I wasn't the type of guy to hurt a girl, I shut the feeling away.

"I accept your feelings." I announced, making Charlie snap her head towards me. I was amused and surprised that she hadn't had a whiplash with how abrupt her action was. "What do you mean?" She asked, though the look in her eyes told me she had hoped that she heard me right.

"I said, I will be your boyfriend." I repeated, making it clear for her. The pink that had tinted her cheeks made her even more lovely in the sunny afternoon as I smiled at her. But the joy that twinkled inside her blue eyes disappeared and it was replaced by an expression that I saw often on my own face when I was young.


"You don't have to accept my feelings just because you pity me, Jeremy. I can handle a rejection. In fact, I was prepared for a rejection from the start." That actually tugged at my heart as tears now flow freely down on Charlie's cheeks. She was prepared for rejection.

A rejection from me.

"I'm not doing this just because I pity you, Charlie. I'm doing this because I want to." I said, holding her hand in mine as the other wiped away her tears. "I may not have feelings for you now, but we'll see. We can work this out." I added and smiled at her.

Charlie leaned in and hugged me, her head resting on my chest as my hands encircled on her, rubbing at her back in a comforting manner. "Jeremy?" Charlie called, her voice muffled by my clothes. I hummed in response and she pulled away from the embrace.

"If you still don't have feelings for me even after we're together for a long time, even if it hurts, I want you to break up with me." I frowned at what she said. "What the hell, Charlie? We aren't even starting the relationship yet and you're talking about breaking up!?" I exclaimed in annoyance. I can't believe she just said that when I had just accepted her feelings.

Can't she see that I want her to be happy?!

Charlie shook her head. "I want you to be happy, Jeremy. And if it means you leaving me, then I will let go of you and my feelings for you wholeheartedly. Just promise me that you will, okay?" She said, taking my hand in hers, but I snatched it away as I glared at her. "No. I said we'll work it out, right? So, we'll work it out! Help me fall in love with you!" I said in exasperation.

"Of course, I will! But even I know that there's someone nearby who deserves to be with you than me."

"Who's more deserving to be with me!?" I asked, feeling myself getting angry with the way this conversation was going.

"I can't... I can't say who it is. I just know that there is." Charlie said, not admitting who it is that she thought deserved me more than her.

It was absurd, because I know for a fact that when you like someone, you do whatever you can to have that person. Yet here is Charlie, admitting that she had liked me for years, but without us even starting, she had already given up. "Then why are we still starting this relationship? I think we're better off as just friends, Charlie." I asked in a cold voice as I looked at her.

"I know, Jeremy. But I just wanted to experience what it's like to be in a relationship with my first love." Charlie said with a small smile glazing her lips. I looked at her skeptically before grabbing her wrist and pulled her to me, crashing my lips to hers that made her gasp.

I moved my mouth and so did hers and our lips danced together before we pulled away and I hugged her to me. "I will be the best boyfriend to you, Charlie." I whispered.


I was awakened by the light of the morning as it radiated through the open window, making me drape an arm on my eyes to shield it. I felt heaviness in my chest area, making me look down to see what caused it. My eyes widened at seeing Hansel lying on my bare chest with my arm wrapped around his waist in an intimate manner.

I slightly relaxed myself as I watched him sleep peacefully on top of me. I never thought that I'd get to have a guy sleeping on top of me. I knew I was straight, but seeing as Hansel is the one who lays on top of me kinda felt good. Perfect even. It's as if he was made to be there, to be with me.

To be mine.

The thought made my lips curve upwards, but I had caught myself before it did. It's frightening how I become possessive when it comes to him, especially when he talks to other people besides us, when I could even care less towards my brothers. And they're my twins!

I carefully took my hand off of Hansel's waist and moved it to caress his auburn dyed hair slowly, afraid that he'd wake at the sudden movement. We were like that for a couple of minutes with me still caressing his hair. I watched how his button nose scrunched up cutely, probably in confusion because his hand that was clenched on my chest, now moved around, making me suck in a deep breath as his hand made contact with my nipple.

And then, Hansel's eyes snapped open and jolted upright, making me yelp when his hand pressed against my chest hard. "What are you doing in my room!? Why are you on my bed!? Why am I sleeping on your b-bare chest? Why the hell are you naked!?" He asked in one breather as he looked at me with wide eyes. He was unconsciously straddling me, sitting right on top of my...

"W-w-what is poking me??"

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