Rejection Broke Her

By OfficiallyAmused

4.6M 134K 15.1K

(COMPLETED) * "Look, Mavis, you're a beautiful girl with lots of potential and I'm so sorry about this bu... More

00; Full Description
01; Lost & Found
02; Panic in the Classroom
03; The Next Few Months
04; No Luck
05; An Alpha's Rejection
06; Realisation
07; Phone Call
08; Road Trip
09; The Royal Pack
10; A Cruel Empire
11; Another Missing Member
12; A Ball
13; The Alpha King
14; Rosie
15; Cowards
16; Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold
17; Bye Bye Rejection
18; Confrontation
19; The Returned Truth
20; New Plan
21; Tunnels
22; Olive and Ren
23; You Don't Have An Escape Plan?
24; Side Effects
25; Leave Me Alone
26; Roses are Red
27; Claribel Lupus
28; We're Losing
29; 'Ditching' Brett
30; Family Issues
31; Rekindle
32; Date...?
33; Date Without Fate
34; Stop
36; New Enemies
37; Brett's Warning
38; Mission
39; The Important Facts
40; The Calm
41; Before
42; The Storm
43; The End
Author's Note

35; Right or Wrong

54.3K 1.8K 128
By OfficiallyAmused

Boredem had undoubtable struck as I sat there playing with the candle in the corner of my room. On and off, it'd gone, like a light, only concerned with its job and nothing else.

The last six months had consisted of me staying in me room with occasional visits from Brett, Olive, Ren and my mother. My mother visited me everyday and as my power grew, I grew more fearful of it.

The flame had erupted inside of me and unless I am doing small spells, I sometimes lose control and something bad usually happened. That is why I am stuck in my room under a - somewhat - house arrest.

I didn't mind it. It allowed my thoughts to flow.

I wondered whether Rosie had gone to the fireplace and exposed this whole charade. I'd hoped so. I really wanted to see them as my brothers rather than royalty. I wanted to be relaxed and say what I really wanted to say.

But I always shook my head thinking that I'd never go back there, not at this rate, not when my powers cause destruction.

I actually hated the magic. It felt unnatural to me and cold, everytime I used it, I felt a pang in my chest as if I was losing a part of me. But my mother knows what she is doing, she's done this before and she's a fully trained witch herself.

If she believes that I can do it, I'm sure I can.

Besides, she wasn't the only one cheering me on. Olive and Ren often were amazed by the smart tricks that I am able to pull. They're all excited about this new found part of me which make me just as excited when they are here.

Then there is Brett. I love Brett - more than ever - yet he never liked the magic. He found its energy nerving and had warned me to make sure that I wasn't diving into something bigger than myself. I assured him I wasn't, afterall, my mother had told me that the magic she is teaching is prefectly normal.

Soon, you'll be the greatest witch to ever live.

That was her aspiration though. Mind was to fight for what I felt was right. I'd rather lose a battle and maintain what is right than tilt the balance that is formed in the world. One tilt could cause a chain reaction that no one should be prepared for.

A knock sounded on my door. Brett opened the door slowly, peeking his head in first to double check if I was there. I didn't mind them walking into my room when the door was left wide-open. It was like an invitation.

"How you holding up?" He asked me.

Brett truly cared for me, much more than I could ever give back to him. He held onto something that I lost in my heart. A childhood crush turned into a bleeding romance. I love Brett, as much as I'd hate to admit, and I'd gotten used to his flirts and quirks throughout the six months.

Brett and I were dating and usually found ourselves having a small picnic on my bed. He said all the right things and made me for special and after every night he'd say three little words, 'I'm leaving now'.

That was a joke. He always told me that he loved me and I'd never really said it back. Of course I was cryptic but that's as far as it went. I knew he was disappointed but he still persisted.

"I'm good." I spoke, throwing him a grape. He caught it in his mouth with ease. "How's Olive and Ren?" I asked, knowing I hadn't seen them in a few days.

"They're good. Did you know that Raymon is teaching them how to fight? It's comedic to watch." Brett cracked a smile. My heart bursts.

"Sounds like it. Hey Brett..." I started.

"Yeah." He responded. He tried to keep his voice leveled and composed which made me want to laugh. His professional nature always made me laugh.

"When do you think I'll be ready?"

"Ready for what?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"To run around on an adventure again, I hate being stuck in this room." I groaned, lying down on my bed.

"You and me both." He mumbled under his breath.

"Huh?" I uttered.

"Nothing." He spoke lowly. "Anyway, I was thinking that we could have another date..." He trailed.

"Right now?" I questioned.

"Not right now, actually in a few days." Brett spoke.

"Why then?" I laughed. "Why not tomorrow, it's not like I am going to be anywhere."

"Raymon wants to speak to you tomorrow, something about the whole situation with Sebatian and your brothers." Brett explains. "But I do think you'll be able to go onto another adventure." I squealed jumping up at him and tackling him into a hug.

He looked shocked for a moment before laughing and hugging me back. I blushed as I always did and held him in that hug for a few moments before releasing him.

"I've got to get going, I'll see you later?" He asked and I nodded. Before he left, he spoke again. "I love you." His cheeky grin was plastered on his face.

I laughed, throwing my head back. "I love you too Brett."

Almost instantly, I was staring into his blue orbes again. He was speechless and tried to get words out. I laughed again, planting a kiss on his lips.

"You better not be playing with my emotions." He started whilst wagging his finger at me.

"You better not break mine." I responded whilst staring at him dead in the eye. "I'll see you later?" I mimicked. "I love you." I attempted his cheeky grin and he laughed at me whilst leaving.

"See you later May."



Cute, little chapter for you guys.

I'll try update tomorrow or the day after! Some action is coming soon so don't worry!


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