Ohana (Lilo family)

By -NewRules-

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Louis and Liam are both enrolled into Wolverhamptons Boarding School and as both are now over 18, they have b... More



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By -NewRules-

3rd Person POV

"Zayn! Justin! Get up! We're having lunch with Ash and Mikey today!" Liam called to the two sleeping teenagers.

"Nooooooo." Zayn whined and buried his face deeper into Justin's chest.

"What time is it?" Justin asked, stretching his muscles with a sigh.

"It's too early, whatever time it is." Zayn whined and flopped back onto the pillow, lying on his stomach after Justin sat up.

"Awwww is wittle Zaynie tired because he stayed up past his bedtime last night?" Justin teased and was rewarded by being flipped off by Zayn, who didn't bother to take his head off the pillow.

"I hate to do this Zayn." Justin said as he smirked. "But you've left me no choice."

"Do wha- ah! Justin please stop!" Zayn shrieked as Justin proceeded to tickle Zayn.

"Hmmmm, I don't think so." Justin laughed and kept tickling Zayn.

Zayn kept squirming under Justin's grip and extremely high pitched shrieks were erupting from his mouth every so often.

"What the hell is going on in he- oh." Liam said as he barged into the bedroom and was confronted with a topless Justin on top of Zayn.

"Hi Dad." Zayn blushed with embarrassment.

"Get dressed we're leaving soon, and we will talk about this in the car." He said before exiting the bedroom.

"Justin!" Zayn whined. "That was so embarrassing! Dad thought we were, ya know... Doing it." He said and couldn't help giggle a little.

"It's fine sweetheart, we'll tell him we weren't and he'll obviously believe us. I mean, there's no reason not to, is there?" Justin said to which Zayn nodded. "We should get dressed."

"We should." Zayn said. "But I don't want to." He pouted and turned around on his stomach to burrow his body into the covers.

"Hurry up and get dressed you silly goose." Justin laughed as he slapped Zayn's ass before climbing down from the bed. "You might also want to change your underwear before someone else sees."

Zayn looked down and realised that he was in fact still wearing the same black lace panties from last night. He blushed furiously and cursed himself for being so tired the night before that he forgot to remove said item.

"I - uh yeah." He stuttered.

Justin went to change in the bathroom after he'd showered. He was already dressed by the time Zayn was entering the bathroom to shower himself.

"Justin!" Harry exclaimed running to the older boy, whom he had the tiniest crush on.

"Hey Hazza. How are you?" Justin said picking the small boy up and placing him on his hip.

"I'm good!" Harry grinned feeling ecstatic.

"Harry, I hope you're not bothering Justin." Louis said as he came into the living room and gave Niall, who was sitting watching TV, a pair of socks.

"M'not Papa." Harry insisted.

Just then Zayn appeared from his room, hair styled to perfection.

"Harry get off of Justin." Zayn sighed.

"No! He's mine." Harry grinned cheekily and wrapped his arms tightly around Justin.

"Harry, you heard Zee, get off of Justin." Liam said coming into the room. "I know you don't have to be told twice." He continued with a raised eyebrow.

Harry sighed and dropped to his feet only to have Louis make sure he had brushed his teeth.

"Why do I gotta leave Justin alone?" Harry pouted as Louis fixed his twisted top.

"Because you're a little boy and Justin is Zayn's boyfriend. You can have one too when you're older." Louis assured the young lad.

"Much older." Liam put in.

"But I want one nooooooow." Harry whined.

"Stop whining. We're not having this conversation right now." Liam sighed. "We do, however, need to have another conversation." He said shooting a glance at Zayn and Justin.

"Do you want to explain what I walked in on this morning or do I not want to know?" He asked.

"I was tickling Zayn to get him up. That's all it was." Justin said.


"Yeah, it's true. I wouldn't get up so he tickled me." He said.

"Well now that's all sorted, whatever that was, let's head to the mall. I think Ash and Mikey are there already." Louis said.

"I hate being late." Liam sighed.

"You didn't seem to have a problem with it in school." Louis sassed.

"Hey! I've grown up a bit now, I can't be late for a meeting for the company or it'll reflect badly on myself, my dad and the company." He explained.

"Let's just go or we'll be even later. God forbid." Louis joked.

They arrived at the mall ten minutes later Niall having to sit in Harry's car seat, which he was not happy about at all, so that Harry could sit on Zayn's lap so they could all fit in the car.

"Niall, I swear to god you kick the back of my seat one more time and I'll turn the car around and take you straight home." Liam warned and Niall just huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Lose the attitude, I'm not in the mood to deal with a grumpy Niall today. Lighten up and don't spoil the mood."

Niall never said anything to anyone the whole car ride, he just stared out of the window furiously until they arrived at the mall.

"Harry babe, make sure you're holding my hand at all times okay?" Louis asked the tiny boy.

"'Kay Papa." He said and put his small hand in Louis' larger one.

Louis and Liam walked with Harry, with Justin and Zayn walking a couple of steps behind and Niall secluding himself from the rest of the group as he was still angry with everyone.

"Hey Niall!" Luke was the first one to spot the family enter the restaurant.

Niall ignored his friend and Liam gave him a nudge and a look that said 'I'm warning you; be nice.'

"Hi." Niall said shortly and sat down while everyone else continued their greetings.

"Long time no see." Calum laughed as he brought Zayn into a hug.

"Yeah I know." Zayn laughed, his eyes crinkling.

"Did Justin stay at yours last night?" Cal asked in a hushed tone as everyone sat down at the table.

"Yeah, after the party we both went back to mine."

"And did you do anything?" He smirked.

"Calum!" Zayn gasped.

"What? I just want to know. I'm like the number one Zustin shipper, well maybe 2nd to Louis." He laughed.

"No we didn't. We just went home and went to bed. To sleep." Zayn said putting emphasis on the sleeping part.

"Niall, Harry cut it out." Louis said to the two boys who kept arguing at the table.

"He keeps kicking me Papa." Harry whined.

"Enough. Both of you. I will not have you show us up in front of everyone." Liam said sternly. "Niall, if I have to talk to you one more time you'll be going over my knee when we go home."

Niall sat back and huffed and Harry's eyes glistened with tears.

"Awww baby. What's wrong?" Louis asked pulling Harry onto his lap.

"Daddy's mad at me and I didn't do nuffin wrong." Harry's sniffled.

"He's not mad at you baby, he just wanted you and Niall to behave."

"But I was behaving!" Harry insisted. "I just told Niall to stop kicking me."

Liam, who was listening to the conversation could not bare to see his little boy so distressed and motioned for Louis to pass the small child to him.

He sat Harry in his lap and turned him round so he could look at his face.

"I'm sorry baby, I just need you and Niall to stop arguing." He said as the younger boy continued to pout. "I know you didn't do anything bad but when Niall annoys you I need you tell Daddy or Papa okay?"

"Okay Daddy." Harry said and gave Liam a big hug before slipping off to his own seat again.

Niall scowled through the meal but couldn't annoy his little brother any more as Liam was keeping a watchful eye on him.

"I'm going to ask for the bill, I'll be back in a minute." Liam said and stood up from the able to find a waitress.

"You're such a tell-tail Harry. No wonder no one likes you." Niall spat, his mood getting the better of him.

"Nuh uh. I have friends." Harry said sticking his tongue out.

"Who? Kendall? She's your only friend and she doesn't even really like you. She doesn't like people who have crushes on the same gender."

Harry's eyes filled with tears but Niall continued.

"What was it she said about not having a mum again?"

Harry broke.

He burst out into sobs and stood up from the table throwing his fruit shoot across the table and started screaming a mantra of:

"I hate you. I hate you. I hate you."

Everyone was shocked at the sudden outburst but Louis quickly took control of the situation as other people in the restaurant started to stare as they wondered what all the fuss was about.

"Harry Payne, what on earth are you doing. What's wrong?" He asked going around the table to comfort the distraught boy.

Harry couldn't speak, he was still choking on his sobs, breathing rapidly.

"What's going on?" Liam asked as he returned to the table, that looked to be in absolute chaos. 

Niall sat in his seat watching the whole thing happen. He didn't mean to hurt Harry, he just wanted someone to be in the same bad mood as he was in.

"A-away." Harry panted, still crying.

"Away from where sweetie." Louis asked rocking the boy, trying to calm him down.

"F-from Ni-Niall." He shivered and Liam sent a harsh glare in Niall's direction.

"I think we're going to go." Ashton said placing money down on the table. "That should cover it, I'll let you deal with this." He said and patted Liam's back.

"Zayn, Justin, Niall get your jackets. We're leaving." Liam said shortly as he added money to the money that Ashton had left and gave the money to the waiter.

He apologised for the disturbance but the waiter assured him it really wasn't a problem. Harry was still sobbing heavily by the time they were leaving the restaurant so Liam decided to carry the poor boy to save him further embarrassment.

No one said anything on the way home. Louis sat in the back with Harry on his lap beside Zayn and Niall while Justin sat in the front.

The family dropped Justin off at his apartment and apologised that the meal got cut short. After Justin and Zayn said their goodbyes the family continued the journey home.

"Alright, I want to know what happened in the small space of two minutes that I was away from the able at the restaurant." Liam said sternly as the whole family sat in the living room.

"Harry baby, you gotta tell Daddy and Papa what caused you to start crying at the restaurant." Louis said soothingly to Harry.

"Ni-Niall was being m-mean to me."

"What do you mean baby?" Louis asked trying to get Harry to tell him more but Harry just shook his head and burrowed his face into Louis side.

"Niall, what did you say?" Liam sighed.

"I didn't mean to make him this upset! I just didn't want to see him so happy because I was upset. So I was joking saying that he didn't have any friends and then repeated what Kendall said." Niall looked down ashamed.

"What did you repeat?" Liam asked.

"I don't want to say."

"You're already in trouble, you don't want to be in anymore."

"I mentioned his mum." Niall said in shame.

"You what?!" Liam said exasperated, now finally understanding why Harry was so upset.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Niall started crying.

Liam sighed and moved to comfort Niall while Zayn snuck away to his room, tired of all the fighting and just wanting to talk to his boyfriend.

Liam dealt with Niall and told him about Harry's past and the reason Harry is so affected by the mentioning of his mum. In the end Niall was in tears, and raced into the living room to apologise to his little brother.

"I'm so sorry Hazza. I didn't mean to be nasty, please don't hate me." Niall said, wrapping his arms around his little brother.

"I don't hate you Ni Ni. It's okay, I love you." Harry said and hugged Niall back.

For the rest of the night Harry stayed glued to Louis and Niall and Liam cuddled. It was only when they went to consult everyone on a movie that they realised that Zayn had disappeared. Liam called him into the living room and the whole family spent the rest of the night watching The Jungle Book, Harry's choice.

Sure Niall and Harry argue sometimes but they also love each other immensely. Harry is lucky enough to have two big brothers and lots of family and friends who love him to the moon and back.

Hey guys!

I know this chapter is a bit late but I hope you liked it! I wanted to do a chapter in 3rd person and I think I liked it better than first person, but let me know what you think.

The Brit Awards are tonight and I'm so ready, they're literally starting right NOW!

If you have any prompts at all, for anyone, I'd love to hear them!

Love you guys!

Comment! Vote!

Thank youuuuuu



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