The Roomie #Emison

By Ninabluesky

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(Main characters: Emily and Alison, Emison) So what happen when a womanizer as Emily Fields loses her girlfri... More

Chapter 1 - The Encounter
Chapter 2 - Home
CH 3 - Girls night
Chapter 4 - 1st Dates
Chapter 5 - 3 words 8 letters
Chapter 7 - The Fields
Chapter 8 - Revelations
Chapter 9 - Always & Forever
Chapter 10 - The Roomie

Chapter 6 - Birthday Girl

1.1K 26 0
By Ninabluesky


Note 1: Everything that is between double quotes " " it's dialogue.

Note 2: So this chapter will be mostly central on Alison, like it was told on chapter 1 & 2 Alison lost someone at young age and here we will know more about her past...

Chapter 6 – Birthday Girl

***Alison's dream: A memory of the past***

An 8 old little blonde was in a limo with a beautiful pink dress and a big smile on her face as she was gripping the hand of her mom.

Jessica DiLaurentis smiled. – "Darling... are you exciting about your birthday party?!"

The little Alison smiled. – "I'm happier to know that you and daddy could make it to be with me today on my birthday..."

Jessica rubbed her thumb on the cheek of her little girl with tenderness.

Jessica. – "Off Course darling, there is no way that I would not be present on the birthday of my beautiful baby..."

The little one smiled and hugged her mom very tight as it had been weeks since the last time that she saw her; Jessica had been with a full agenda because of all her business travels and all her charity work that she did on different associations. The little one was bounced her foot as she was exciting about her birthday; it wasn't the party what she had been waiting with anticipation, it was actually the opportunity to be with her parents; with work and their social life, the little one found herself more of the time alone with the service personal.

Jessica looked down to her watch and said to the driver. – "Michael you need to drive faster if we want to make it in time..."

The driver just nodded and speeded up the vehicle.

Alison looked up to her mom and said with a big smile. – "Te quiero ma!"

Jessica chucked. – "Where did you learn to speak Spanish?"

Alison giggled. – "Rosa is teaching me... It's not so hard..."

Jessica. – "Who is Rosa?!"

Alison. – "One of the maids in the house; she even taught me to cook some cookies for my cooking class... do you wanna taste them? I have some on my school pack..."

The little one took off her belt seat and walked towards her pack.

Jessica. – "Darling don't take off your belt seat... Come on and sit beside me..."

The little one didn't do as it was instructed by her mother; she kneeled on the floor of the limo as she was opening her pack, she looked into the pack and smiled when she found the Tupperware with the cookies; it was on the moment when the little one was opening the Tupperware and flipping her little body in direction of her mom in order to offer her a cookie when both felt a shake by an unexpected violent turn of the limo; Jessica didn't think it twice before taking off her belt seat when she heard the hiss of the tires over the concrete paving. Jessica launched her body over her little girl; Jessica hugged her tight and covert her with her body to protect Alison of what was going to come...

The little scared little Alison cried. – "Mom!"

Jessica said with a soft voice as she was hugging her child. – "Sshh... It will be ok..."

Those were the last words that Alison heard from her mom before the limo started to roll over several times; the cookies and the breaking glasses were flying all over the place as well as both of them, the limo tumbled over and over and the little blonde just closed her eyes and pressed her head against the chest of her mother, hearing the heartbeat of her mom was all she could focus on. They tumbled over and over and when everything stopped tumbling, the little one opened her eyes with shock when she couldn't hear the heartbeat of her mom any longer; her view was a little blurry by blood, she was in shock and feeling pain in her entire little body but what was more painful for her was to see her mom covert in blood and broken glasses.

The little Alison was shaking the body of Jessica and screamed. – "Mom! Mom! Moooommm!"

***End of Alison's dream***

Alison jumped and sat on bed, she was drenched in sweat, her hair plastered to her forehead as she was shaking with an accelerate breathing because of her dream that was actually a memory that had been tormenting her mind, especially when her birthday approached. She gripped the sheets and looked down with the eyes closed as she started to do breathe exercise in order to calm down. Her body shivered when she felt a hand rubbing her naked back. She turned her head and locked her look on the two brown eyes of her girlfriend.

Emily said with a soft voice. – "Sshh... it will be ok..."

Alison awkwardly laughed hearing those exactly words and a tear fell from her blue eyes. Emily slowly approached and hugged the blonde; Alison curled into Emily's warm naked body and leaned her head on Emily's chest. Alison breathing started to calm down when Alison focus on hearing the heartbeat of Emily.

Emily said as she was hugging her. – "I'm not good singing but do you want me to sing you a lullaby?"

Alison sighed. – "No Em.. it's ok... just let me hear your heartbeat and that would do..."

Emily nodded and continued rubbing Alison's back and hugging her tight.

In the morning, Alison acted as usual, she prepared for work and she was serving coffee on her thermos when Emily approached her, Alison noticed her...

Alison. – "Sorry to wake you up... you don't have class until the afternoon; you should sleep since I woke you up in the middle of the night..."

Emily. – "It's ok... don't worry about me... mmm... Ali... how are you... I mean... are you ok?"

Alison sighed. – "I couldn't sleep well but nothing that some coffee can't fix..." (She chucked)

Alison closed her coffee thermos and passed by Emily, she took her portfolio that was on the couch and she patted Pepe when he approached to her leg.

Emily slowly approached behind the blonde, Alison didn't notice it and she did a little jump when she turned in direction of the door as she saw the brunette behind her; she looked Emily into the eyes...

Alison asked. – "There is something you want to tell me Em...?"

Emily. – "I don't know... is there something you wanna tell me? You know that you can tell me anything right?"

Alison zoned out after hearing Emily's words.

Emily. – "Ali..."

Alison got out of her trance when Emily said her name; she shook her head and said. – "Don't worry Em... it was just a bad dream..." (She kissed Emily on the cheek and said) "I will be working late so please don't wait for me for dinner ok..."

Alison got out of the apartment and Emily just followed her with the eyes.

(In Alison's office)

As every year, on the time that her birthday approached, Alison charged her agenda with more work than usual and with anything that could catch her attention of remembering her 8th birthday.

That morning, she had a busy schedule; phone calls with international providers, some outside meeting to sign some new contracts; under the view of everybody, she looked fine as always, impeccable at work. At noon, she got back to her office after an outside meeting; she rested her body on the chair of her office and massaged her head as she was having a terrible migraine headache. She was massaging her head with her fingers with the eyes closed when her assistant came in...

Erza asked. – "Boss... are you ok...?"

Alison opened her eyes and looked at him when she replied. – "How many times Erza... just call me Alison..."

Erza. – "Right, right... sorry.... Alison, can I do something for you? You look tired, I can cancel the..."

Alison didn't let him finish his sentence and replied as she started to open her lap top. – "No need to cancel anything, just bring me an aspirin please and that would do... thank you Erza..."

Erza. – "Ok... I will bring it right away...."

Alison noticed that her assistant was still in front of her as he was overthinking something on his mind...

Alison asked. – "Is there something else...?"

Erza. – "Oh well... I just wanted to check with you about your express travel to NY, I already made the reservation of the flight to go on Wednesday night... but concerning the return... you ask me to reserve for the next day, Thursday... I was thinking that perhaps it will be better if I reserve your ticket of return at least on Friday, like that you might pass the entire Thursday with your family..."

Alison. – "No Erza, make the reservation for Thursday in the afternoon, I just need to be in NY in the morning..."

Erza. – "But Alison... your birthday is on Thursday, don't you wanna stay longer in NY and celebrate it with your family..."

Alison raised an eye brown as she was surprised that Erza knew about her birthday...

Erza. – "Sorry did I overstep or said something that I shouldn't?"

Alison. – "Not exactly... I'm just surprised that you know that my birthday is this Thursday... I don't remember to mention it..."

Erza chucked. – "Well, when I scanned your passport the other day, I saw your birthday date and I have a photographic memory so..."

Alison. – "Oh... I see..." (She zoned out for a moment but her migraine brought her back to reality) "So about the reservation, just leave it to Thursday and please bring me that aspirin... my head is killing me..."

Erza nodded and went to bring the aspirin to his boss and came back with it.

Erza. – "Here..."

Alison took it and said. – "Thanks..."

Erza. – "Ok then... I will do as you want and make the reservation of the flight for Thursday... do I reserve two tickets... for Emily and you... or are you traveling alone...?"

Alison was going to reply but her mind got distracted by a call, she recognized the number so she just waved her hands to her assistant asking him to leave her alone to take the call; Erza understood and do as requested...

*** On the phone***

Alison. – "Hello father..."

Kenneth. – "Hello Alison..."

(Awkward silence)

Alison. – "How have you been...?"

Kenneth. – "Very busy..."

Alison. – "I see... please take care of your health, you need to take care of your health at your age..."

Kenneth. – "You don't need to worry about me..."

Alison. – "I will always worry about you father..."

(Awkward silence)

Alison. – "Father... Did you receive the benchmark of the last semester...?"

Kenneth. – "Yes I did..."

Alison. – "And...?"

Kenneth. – "Alison, if you're expecting from me to give you any kind of recognition for the work that you were born to do that will not happen; you know, it's not that how we, the DiLaurentis works..."

Alison sighed. – "I know father... I'm not expecting any kind of acknowledgment from you or words of appreciation... I just want to point out that from all the offices, my Head Quarter on California is the one that broke the records with the turn over obtained... taking that into account... I would like you to approve my request to improve the medical insurance of my employees and the school support for them as I mentioned in my last report..."


Alison. – "Father..."

Kenneth. – "Are you coming for the anniversary of your mother's death...?"

Alison took a deep breath and replied. – "Yes... I will be there as always..."

Kenneth. – "Good... the mass in her remembrance will be done at 8am, contact my assistant for more details... after that we can discuss your request...."

Alison. – "Ok... but you need to know that I'm flying back to California, Thursday afternoon so please schedule me on your agenda before noon if it's possible..."

Kenneth. – "I see... you're not staying even the entire day here...."

Alison. – "Do you want me to...?"


Alison. – "Father..."

Kenneth. – "Make an appointment with my assistant before noon to talk about your request..."

Alison. – "Ok, I will do that... see you soon Father..."

Kenneth. – "Good bye Alison..."

*** End of the phone call***

(In the campus of the university)

Emily was walking, lost in her own thoughts when someone playfully punched her arm...

Emily. – "Hey! That hurts...!"

Sarah rolled her eyes and smirked. – "Don't be a baby..."

(Little laughs)

Sarah teased. – "So..."

Emily raised an eye brown. – "So...?"

Sarah. – "Come on... are you really not giving me any dirty detail about your blonde goddess..?"

Emily blushed and just shook her head.

Sarah teased. – "Come on... since St. Valentin you stopped to complaint about your sexual frustration so I suppose that she's giving you something... Am I right...?"

Emily blushed. – "I'm not telling you anything about my sexual life...?"

Sarah. – "Ha! I knew it! If you're telling me that you've a sexual life it's because you're having something..."

Emily chucked

Sarah teased. – "So the blonde... is she also shy under the sheets...?"

Emily playfully punched Sarah's arm and replied with a grin. – "I'm not telling you anything about her... ok!"

Sarah. – "Fine... but really how do you feel...?"

Emily blushed and smiled. – "I've never felt better in my life!"

Sarah teased. – "So she's that good on bed huh...?"

Emily bitted her lips and blushed. – "You've no idea..."

Sarah playfully pushed her and both girls continued walking by and talking...

(In Alison Office)

It was very late; Erza was turning off his computer when Emily approached...

Erza smiled. – "Hi, Emily, the boss is still working in her office..."

Emily. – "Hi Erza, I know... she told me that she would stay late..."

Erza looked down to the bags that Emily was on her hands...

Erza asked as he pointing out the bags. – "What is that...?"

Emily. – "I brought her diner... Chinese food from our favorite restaurant... I don't want her to skip dinner... sometimes she's really a workaholic and skip her meals and if she doesn't take care of herself well I will do it for her..."

Erza chucked. – "That is nice... I know what you mean... this week, she has charged her agenda with a lot of stuffs... just looking to her agenda makes me feel tired..."

(Little laughs)

Erza took his jacket and was leaving as he said his good-byes to Emily; he was walking away but he returned walking towards Emily...

Emily. – "Did you forget something...?"

Erza. – "Yes actually... I want to ask you if you can come here on Friday ... like 3pm?"

Emily. – "I think that I can... why?"

Erza chucked. – "Perfect! Well, like you know boss birthday is this Thursday and the employees, we're going to bring a cake for her on Friday so I think that it would be nice if you can be here..."

Emily stood frozen with big eyes as she didn't know that Alison's birthday was on Thursday...

Erza. – "Emily...?"

Emily got out of her trance and replied. – "Yeah... so see you on Friday then..."

Erza smiled. – "Good, and please not mention anything to her... It's kinda of surprise..."

Emily nodded. – "Yeah sure..."

Erza left and Emily zoned out for a moment...

Emily self-talk on her mind. – "What?! Her Birthday is this week?! This Thursday?! Why she didn't say anything...?! Why I didn't ask?! Damn it?!"

Alison was typing on her lap top, she started to feel another migraine again so she just took a moment to take a little break, she lied down on the chaise lounge that was on her office and her mind started to remember another moments of her past...


(Jessica's Funeral)

After the cemetery, a funeral service was done on the DiLaurentis house; a little pale blonde was sitting on the stairs with a lost look on her eyes; the little girl didn't notice it when another little blonde approached; she sat beside her and playfully pushed her in order to catch her attention but the little Alison didn't do anything; the other girl stood up and kneeled in front of Alison, she started to make goofy and funny faces and try any kind of trick in order to provoke any kind of reaction on the blonde, but nothing happen...

The other little blonde. – "Huh... hard audience..."

The other blonde tickled Alison; it was then when Alison got out of her trance and looked up to the other blonde...

Alison asked. – "What are you doing?"

The little blonde. – "Finally! I was starting to think that you were broken or something... are you not laughing?"

Alison. – "Laugh? Why?"

The little blonde. – "I'm ticking you!"

Alison. – "Yes I see..."

The little blonde raised an eye brown. – "You're weird... but I like it..."

Alison didn't say anything but her stomach started to make some noises...

The little blonde. – "You're hungry..." (She grabbed Alison's arm and forced her to stood up) "Come on... there is plenty of food on the salon... let's find something for that stomach of yours that is roaring like a lion..."

Alison laughed under the last comment of the other girl.

The little blonde smirked. – "So you can laugh after all... maybe you're not as broken as I thought..."

Both girls made their way between all the persons and the little blonde served two plates with different things for both girls; they ate on Alison's room.

The little blonde. – "Your room is nice..."

Alison was sitting on her bed and replied. – "Thank you..."

The little blonde was looking around and she noticed a calendar; she grabbed it as it caught her attention that a date was marked on it...

The little blonde. – "So it was your birthday..."

Alison closed her little fist and bitted her lips as she looked down; the little blonde noticed it and sat beside her and put the little fist of Alison on her lap and grabbed them tight until they relaxed.

The little blonde. – "So did you celebrate your birthday..?"

Alison shook her head without saying a word

The little blonde stood up and said. – "Wait here!"

Alison saw the girl ran away and after a while, the little blonde returned with a pancake on her hands she even turned on a match and nailed it in the pancake; he little blonde kneeled in front of Alison who was still sitting on the edge of her bed; Alison looked up to the little blonde and she smiled when the little blonde started to sing 'Happy Birthday'...

The little blonde. – "Come on, blow it out and make a wish..."

Alison. – "I don't know what to wish..."

The little blonde. – "Come on, there must be something that you want..."

Alison pouted with watery-eyes. – "I want my mom back..."

The little blonde sighed. – "You can't wish that... you need to wish for something that can become truth!"

Alison looked down and a tear appeared in her face as she pouted.

The little blonde grabbed Alison's chin and forced her to look at her...

The little blonde. – "Ok so let's wish this: that from now on, we will always do something on your birthday together! No matter what! What do you think...? It's that ok for you as a wish...?"

Alison nodded and both girls blew the match; the little blonde separated the pancake into two halves and she said as she gave one halve to Alison...

The little blonde smiled. – "Don't be sad, you've me now... I'm Samara by the way... and you?"

Alison laughed as she saw food between the teeth of Samara.

Alison. – "I'm Alison..."

Both little blondes giggled and continued eating the pancake together.

***End of the Flashback***

Alison was so lost in her memories that she didn't notice when Emily got in...

Alison mumbled with the eyes closed and an arm over her eyes. – "Liar..."

Alison just noticed Emily presence when she felt Emily's fingers on her cheek cleaning the tear of her face: Alison opened her eyes and made a little jump...

Emily. – "Sorry, did I scare you?"

Alison chucked. – "You surprised me.. wha...?"

Emily. – "I brought you dinner... "

Alison chucked. – "Thanks Em... but I don't have hungry..."

(Alison' stomach made some noises)

Emily smirked. – "Yeah right... your stomach snitch on you as it's roaring like a lion..."

Alison laughed when she heard again that comparison... Alison sighed and stood up; she put a soft kiss on Emily's lips and both girls smiled with the kiss

Alison. – "So what did you bring me?"

Emily smiled and she got out the food of the bags, they sat on the chaise lounge and they started to eat with the chopsticks.

Alison. – "So how was school today...?"

Emily. – "Fine, thanks... and how was your day... you look tired and... mmm... there was a tear on your face...?"

Alison sighed. – "Pfff... this week will be a little hard for me... but don't worry it will pass... it's just in this period of the year that I'm not in my best moment..."

Emily. – "Oh... any particular reason...?"

Alison took a deep breath and stared Emily's brown eyes in silence without replying to Emily's question.

Emily raised an eye brown. – "Is there something that I can do for you?"

Alison bitted her lips, she put away the food of their hands and pushed Emily against the chaise lounge; Emily saw lust in Alison's eyes and she bitted her lips.

Emily teased. – "So what do you've in mind Ali...?"

Alison smirked. – "That I'm very hungry... but hungry for you..."

Emily approached their heads for a kiss; it was a soft passionate kiss that made both girls dizzy.

Emily teased. – "Well... if you're so hungry... you can eat me here, right now..."

Alison bitted her lips and she leaned for another kiss, the blonde got on top of Emily and she made sweet love to Emily on the office.

After making love; both girls were cuddling on the chaise lounge, Emily rubbed her nose on Alison's cheek and put soft kisses on it and Alison smiled...

Emily cupped Alison's cheek with her hands and said as she looked her into the eyes. – "I love you..."

Alison smiled. – "I love you too..."

Alison caressed Emily's face with tenderness and she just felt better as she saw the warm brown eyes of her beloved...

Emily. – "Ali... What is bordering you...?"

Alison sighed. – "I'm flying to NY between the week; it's an express travel, no more than a day..."

Emily. – "Oh..."

Alison put a soft kiss on Emily's lips and then she stood up and started to dress up. - "I will be back on Thursday night..."

Emily. – "Oh ok... is that what has been bordering you... the travel?"

Alison hugged Emily's face with her hands and said with a soft voice. – "I don't want to talk about it... can we just go home...?"

Emily nodded and dressed up

Emily asked. – "So Ali... changing the subject... let's say hypothetically speaking that someone ask you hypothetically what would be your dream party... I mean hypothetically speaking...?"

Alison chucked. – "Mmm... I don't know... I've never been a party girl... "

Emily chucked. – "But I don't know, let's picture this... hypothetically speaking you know... that someone ask you an advice to plan a party... so hypothetically speaking, what would you advice to this person in order to have the best party?"

Alison chucked. – "I don't know... mmm... a sleepover with friends... I think that would be nice... I saw it in the movies, it looks fun..."

Emily. – "You saw it in movies?! Did you never have a sleepover?!"

Alison blushed. – "Well..." (Sighs) "My mom died when I was little..."

Emily rubbed Alison's back and said. – "Oh Ali... I'm sorry..."

Alison smiled. – "It's ok Em... so after my mom died I started to have panic attacks... my Dad saw that even with therapy I continued having them so he decided that the best for me was to study at home; he contracted the best teachers and almost all my education was done in my home, my Dad restricted my social life to a minimum necessary, he said that it was for my own good..." (Sighs) "Then high school came, I asked my Dad to let me study in a school, he agreed after a while... I thought that it will be fun... I was really enthusiast for the idea of interacting with girls and boys of my own age but..."

Emily. – "But...?"

Alison. – "But for some reason since my 1st day, I became the target of Mona Vanderwaal, the Queen Bee of the school, she made my life a living hell and it got worse when I realized that I liked girls and everybody found out about my preferences ... to be honest I never fit in there so I just focused on my studies and in have the best grades in order to finish high school as soon as possible..."

Emily. – "Wow I'm sorry that you didn't have a great time in high school..."

Alison chucked. – "Thanks Em... You know... I have never told this to anyone but when I had 14, I made a list of what I wanted to do once I had my 1st party with friends... it's silly I know but imagining and making that bouquet list help me to overcome my days at that time..."

Emily. – "Do you still have that list...?"

Alison took out her wallet and gave an old folding paper. – "Here..."

Emily chucked. – "You keep it in your wallet...?"

Alison blushed. – "What can I say... I'm sentimental for that kind of stuffs..." (Little smiles)

Emily chucked. – "Can I keep this... you know just to read it... I'm curious to know what was thinking your young version of you at the age of 14..."

Alison chucked. – "Sure..."

Both girls continued talking and then they went to their home.

On Wednesday, Alison was leaving the office sooner on the afternoon as she was flying that night to NY.

Alison. – "Erza so I'm leaving now, if you need anything call me ok... do you have my fly tickets?"

Erza approached with the tickets. – "Here, and don't worry Alison, we will survive a day without you..."

Alison chucked. – "Yes I know that you're efficient without me... you're really a good worker Erza, let's one day talk about your possible evolutions on the company..."

Erza chucked. – "Thank you Alison, but I'm happy being your assistant; I learn a lot..."

Alison. – "I'm glad that you like working with me but I do believe that you've more potential Erza... you can become a manager without doubt..."

Erza chucked. – "Thanks but to be honest, have a big post on a company it's not my aspirations on life..."

Alison. – "Really?!"

Erza nodded and said with a shy voice. – "My real dream is to be a writer, I hope one day be able to publish a novel..."

Alison chucked. – "I didn't know that... have you written something?"

Erza chucked. – "I almost finished my 1st manuscript..."

Alison chucked. – "That's good, maybe one day you could let me read it..."

Erza nodded and smiled. – "Off course, I will give you a copy of it as soon as I finished it..."

Alison. – "Ok, let's do that then..."

The blonde left.

(In the apartment)

Emily. – "So you're not doing a big don't forget your brush..."

Alison took the brush and gave her a little kiss on the lips. – "Thanks you're the best... and no I will be there barely a day..."

The blonde hugged Emily's waist and leaned for a kiss; Emily smiled and hugged Alison's neck with her arms...

Emily. – "Come back home soon and safe..."

Alison smiled and kissed her again. – "Don't worry, nothing is gonna keep me from coming back to you ok..." (Kiss)

Alison left the apartment and said as she closed the door. – "Love you..."

Emily waved her hands and said. – "Love you too... call me when you arrive ok..."

Alison nodded and left. As soon as she left, Emily sent a sms to her friends.

(In NY)

As soon as she arrived; she sent a sms to Emily saying to her that she arrived to NY; her brother Jason picks her up at the airport.

Jason hugged her. – "Happy birthday Ali..."

Alison smiled. – "Thanks..."

Jason. – "So you didn't bring her huh...?"

Alison sighed. – "I haven't told her about mom or even about my birthday..."

Jason. – "Ali..."

Alison. – "I know that it's wrong but you know that it's hard to me to completely open up with people since..."

Jason. – "Since the 'Samara thing'... right?"

Alison gulped. – "Yeah..."

Jason. – "Well, take your time Ali... And when you're ready to show her your past, I will be here for you ok..."

Alison smiled and hugged him. – "Thanks..."

Jason. – "You look happy... that's good..."

Alison chucked and she continued talking with her big brother as they were walking on the airport.

At the mass, there were only the DiLaurentis and Drake families on church, Alison saw over the corner of her eyes, her cousin Cece; both girls gazed each other with cold shoulder as they have never been in the best terms. After the mass, they went to put some flowers on Jessica's grave, Alison politely said her hellos to her aunt Mary and her cousin Cece; everybody could notice that they did it more to keep the appearances that to really feel any kind of affection for each other.

Alison had her meeting with her father on his office... Kenneth was analyzing some documents that Alison brought for him; he rubbed his chin and started to talk without looking her into the eyes...

Kenneth. – "So I heard from your brother that you're seeing someone in California..."

Alison. – "Yes... her name is Emily... actually we live together... I would like you to meet her, I..."

Kenneth. – "I don't need to know details of your shameful life... just be careful on the way you act in public... you're a DiLaurentis, you have the duty to keep our name intact of any shameful scandalous..."

Alison. – "I've a very decent life father so don't worry; the DiLaurentis name will not appear in any scandalous news..."

Kenneth continued looking to the documents and then he closed the file and gave it to Alison. He stood in silence looking to Alison.

Alison. – "So do I have your approval...?"

Kenneth. – "If I say no what would you do?"

Alison. – "Well I would definitely found new investments in order to make it happen..."

Kenneth thought in his mind. – "Just like your mother..."

Kenneth sighed. – "I support your request, you can proceed..."

Alison smiled. – "Thank you; you will see how happy you will make the employees with this..."

Kenneth. – "I'm supporting this because the income that you're creating less the marge for doing it... that's all..."

Alison. – "I know... but even then on behalf of my employees and me... thank you..."

The blonde stood up and she stretched her hand to her father to say good bye.

Kenneth looked her into the eyes and said. – "Are you leaving already...?"

Alison. – "Do you want to discuss anything else?"

Kenneth took a moment to think and looked down to the documents on his desk.

Kenneth. – "Ok then, you can leave..."

Alison stood up in front of him with her arm stretched; her Dad continued looking down to his documents.

Alison. – "It's not polite to leave someone hanging..."

Kenneth sighed without looking at her. – "Your flight it's this afternoon, you should leave now in order to arrive in time... there is traffic at this hour..."

Alison said with a little of pain in her voice. – "Today is my birthday... can you at least shake my hand...?"

Kenneth continued looking down to his documents; he just closed his fists when Alison said that last sentence.

Kenneth replied with a cold tone of voice. – "Today is the anniversary of the death of my lovely wife, that's all I know..."

Alison took a deep breath and took down her hand; she left the office without saying a word. The blonde left and as soon as she did it, Kenneth opened a drawer of his desk and took a deep breath as he was grabbing something into his hands. His assistant entered into his office.

The assistant. – "Sir, the Cooks annulated the meeting of today for familiar reasons, they didn't say more..."


The assistant. – "Sir...?"

Kenneth. – "Ok... here..." (He gave her a gift) "Remove this from my sight..."

The assistant took the gift and said. – "Another year that you don't dare to give her a gift..."

Kenneth gazed at his assistant with a lethal look.

The assistant sighed. – "I will put it with the others, like each year..."

Kenneth. – "I'm not asking you to keep them..."

The assistant. – "I know... but deep down I hope that one day you will be able to give her all the presents that you have bought for her all these years..."

Kenneth didn't reply, he just waved his hands indicating to his assistant to leave him alone.

Before leaving to the airport, Alison had lunch with her brother Jason; he gave her a gift, Alison smiled as she opened it...

Jason. – "It's 1st edition... I know that it's your favorite book... I hope you like it..."

Alison smiled. – 'I love it Jason, thank you!"

They had a nice lunch, then Jason left her in the airport, before going to her gate for the plane, Jason hugged her little sister one more time.

Jason. – "I love you Ali..."

Alison smiled. – "Love you too bro..." (She kissed him in the cheek) "Come visit me on California, it will make me very happy to present you Emily..."

Jason chucked. – "Ok... I promise that I will make time to visit you... but you better present me cute chicks too..."

Alison chucked and left.

(Back to California, in the apartment at night)

Alison was opening the door of her apartment, it was very dark; she got in and when she turned on the lights she did a little jump of surprise...

The girls said as they were throwing confetti and streamers. – "Surprise! Happy birthday Alison!"

Alison chucked. – "W-w-whha...?"

Hanna didn't let her finish her sentence as she ran towards her and hugged her very tight

Hanna said as she hugged her. – "Happy birthday bestie! I know that you miss me but don't worry, Hanna is here to make sure that you have the best birthday party ever!"

Alison chucked and she laughed when Emily pushed Hanna away.

Hanna. – "Hey!"

Emily glanced to Hanna and then she focused on Alison; both girls smiled looking into the eyes.

Emily kissed her and hugged her. – "Happy birthday Ali..."

Alison smiled. – "Happy in did..."

They stood staring each other with love until other two brunettes approached...

Spencer cleared her throat. – " are you presenting us Em or what...?"

Emily rolled her eyes and presented Spencer and Aria to Alison, the blonde shook the hands of the other girls.

Spencer. – "Nice to finally know you in person..."

Alison smiled. – "Thanks, happy to know you too..."

Alison rolled her eyes around the apartment, her smile got bigger as she saw all the birthday decorations on the apartment, she chucked as she saw Pepe wearing a birthday hat. Alison did a little jump of surprise when Hanna hugged her again from behind...

Emily. – "Hanna stop gluing yourself to my girlfriend!"

Hanna smirked. – "She might be your girlfriend but I'm her bestie so suck it Fields!"

Alison just laughed

Spencer patted Alison's back and said to her. – "Oh poor you... you will definitely win your place on heaven if you are able to deal with Hanna..."

Hanna. – "Hey!"

Alison laughed

Spencer grabbed Hanna from the collar of her jacket and separates her from Alison.

Spencer. – "Come with us and help us to prepare the margaritas..."

Hanna smiled hearing the word of 'margaritas' and she followed the other two girls to the kitchen.

Emily approached to Alison with a shy posture as she was hiding a gift behind her back...

Emily chucked. – "So what do you think...? Did you like the surprise...?"

Alison smiled. – "I'm definitely surprised... how did you know that today is my birthday...?"

Emily chucked. – "Well I have my sources... "

Alison chucked

Emily. – "Mmm... here..."

The brunette gave her a gift and Alison opened it with a big smile

Emily. – "If you don't lik..."

Alison hugged Emily and smiled. – "I love it mermaid, thank you so much!"

The blonde covert Emily's face with kisses and the brunette just smiled with a goofy face. Alison sat on the couch and Emily sat beside her; Alison opened her musical box and smiled as she saw a little dancer dancing around a tiny Eiffel tower.

Alison smiled. – "It's beautiful Em.. thank you..."

Emily smiled. – "Glad that you like it but that's not your only gift..."

Alison. – "It's not?"

Emily. – "Nop..." (She took out of her pocket the list of Alison) "My other gift for you it's that tonight we will do everything that it's in this list... you will have the party and sleepover that you always dreamed..."

Alison chucked. – "Really Em... you forced your friends to be here for me?"

Emily. – "I didn't force anyone, Hanna invited herself as soon as she found out that today was your birthday and Spencer as well as Aria really wanted to know you... besides, my friends are your friends now..."

Alison smiled and kissed the brunette. – "Thank you Em... I love you.."

Emily smiled. – "I love you too..."

The girls approached with margaritas and snacks, Hanna sat beside Alison...

Hanna. – "Let's this party starts!"


Alison was having the time of her life; they did everything from her list: manicure, karaoke and everybody laughed when Hanna sang, when Alison sang, Emily felt her heart melting hearing the angelical voice of her blonde; then they played some games; twister...

Spencer. – "Ok Hanna you need to move your right hand on red and your left foot on yellow..."

Hanna moved as instructed and her face leaned on Alison's breast; Emily noticed it and Emily showed a little of jealousy on her look.

Hanna teased. – "Hey Em, now I get it why are you a worthless big-breast loving pervert! They are very soft..."

Alison blushed and Emily moved her foot and made Hanna to fall...

Hanna. – "Hey that's cheating...!"

Emily rolled her eyes and said with jealousy. – "I don't care!"

Aria teased. – "Aww... it's someone jealous?!"

Emily pouted and Alison chucked as she found it adorable. The blonde crawled towards Emily and grabbed her chin with her hands as she leaned for a kiss in the lips...

Alison. – "Don't be jealous Em... the only lips that I want to kiss are yours..."

Emily blushed and smiled, they kissed and everybody threw them popcorns.

They continued with the games, they played cards, then they played the bottle game with kisses but just one round as when the bottle pointed out Aria to kiss Alison, Emily couldn't handle it and she put her hand between their lips; everybody laughed seeing how protective was Emily towards Alison.

Hanna laughed. – "Really Em, jealous of Aria...?"

Emily rolled her eyes. – "Let's play another thing..."

Hanna. – "Fine... let's play 'truth or dare' ... do you know the rules Ali...?"

Alison nodded. – "I think that I do... you're supposed to choose between answer a question with the truth or do a challenge... right?"

Hanna nodded with proud as she playfully hit Spencer's arm. – "I told you that my bestie was smart..."

Spencer rolled her eyes and said. – "Ok, let's start..." (She turned the bottle and it pointed out towards Alison) "So Alison... truth or dare....?"

Alison. – "Truth..."

Hanna. – "What is your magical number?"

Emily. – "Hanna!"

Alison. – "Magical number?"

Aria. – "She means, with how many girls / boys have you been..."

Alison blushed. – "Oh.. 2... just girls, no boys..."

The girls. – "Two?!"

Alison nodded

Emily. – "Including me?!"

Alison blushed and nodded

Emily. – "Really?! Just two?! How is that possible?! I mean have you seen you!"

Alison blushed. – "What it's wrong with two?"

Emily. – "Well it seems like a really, really small number..."

Alison. – "Right and...?"

Spencer murmured to Hanna and Aria. – "Do you think that we should leave them talk this alone...?"

Hanna replied grabbing the popcorn bowl in her arms. – "Are you kidding! This looks fun..."

Spencer murmured. – "Hanna!"

Aria took a popcorn from Hanna's lap and said. – "Sshhh! Let me listen..."

Spencer just rolled her eyes as she saw her two friends very attentive to Emily and Alison...

Emily. – "Well... don't you've a lot of wild oats to saw or is that what you're doing with me..?" (She started to panicking) "OMG! Am I an oat?!"

Alison chucked and hugged Emily to calm her down; once the brunette was calmer...

Alison. – "You're not an oat Em... I'm not an 'oat' girl... I've only slept with women I've been in love with..."

Aria. – "Aww... that is romantic!"

Alison blushed. – "I love you Em..."

Emily blushed. – "I love you too..."

They hugged and all the girls said "Aww..."

Alison. – "So Em... now I'm curious... what is your number...?"

All the girls swallowed hard and Hanna said. – "Oh craps!"

Emily became sweaty and breathing fast, she waved her hands all over the place in any sense as she said with a shaky voice. – "My number... well.. uff... I mean... if you consider how many people we actually are in this world... it's a very small percentage..."

Hanna laughed. – "Yeah right..."

Spencer and Aria hit Hanna's head and the blonde said "Hey!"; Alison chucked and as she saw how nervous Emily was with the question, she decided to drop it...

Alison. – "It's not that big deal Em... I was just curious... you don't need to tell me..."

Emily sighed. – "Really... thanks..."

Hanna. – "Ok then... your turn Spence... truth or dare?"

Spencer. – "Dare..."

Hanna smirked. – "I dare you to demonstrate us that you're smarter than my bestie!"

Everybody chucked hearing the challenge; the girls took some history, geographic, maths quiz that they found online and for the surprise of Spencer, Alison beat her in all...

Hanna said with proud. – "Ha! I told you Hastings! Do I've the best bestie in the world or what!"

Alison blushed and chucked, Spencer ego was hurt and continue testing Alison with question all the night as they played...

Alison murmured to Emily. – "I think that I made mad your friend..."

Emily chucked. – "Don't worry, it's just that she's a bad loser, she never had an academic rival as you..."

Alison blushed and leaned her head on Emily's shoulder and Emily kissed her front-head. They continued playing...

Aria. – "Truth or dare Emily?"

Emily. – "Truth"

Aria. – "When was your 1st time with Alison?"

Emily and Alison blushed

Emily blushed. – "Why do you wanna know...?"

Spencer. – "Just answer the question... you choose truth..."

Emily sighed. – "Fine... St. Valentin..."

Aria stood up and yelled with the arms up. – "Yes! I win!" (She stretched her hand over Hanna and Spencer) "Now you two pay!"

Emily. – "What is this....?! OMG! Did you make a bet on us having sex?!"

Hanna. – "Geez Em! You made me lose twenty bucks! I really thought that you would make a move on Alison sooner..."

Alison blushed and laughed as Emily glanced to her friends with the arms crossed.

Hanna smirked. – "Come on Em, don't look at us like that... we all know that you're like a cat on heat..."

Emily blushed. – "Hanna!"

Alison rubbed Emily's back and said. – "There is nothing to be ashamed Em... I really love how passionate you're..."

Emily giggled and blushed; they continued playing for a while: they finished seeing a movie and everybody fell sleep on the floor of the living room; Emily and Hanna curled on Alison's body and Spencer took a photo of them before sleeping. In the middle of the night, Alison woke up and went to the bathroom, after the bathroom, she went out for a moment in their balcony to admire the starts, someone else woke up...

Emily. – "So did you have a great time...?"

Alison chucked. – "I think that this is the best birthday that I had... thank you Em..."

Emily hugged her and kissed her in the lips; both girls were hugging and seeing each other into the eyes...

Alison self-talk on her mind. – "She's a wonderful girl! So go ahead Alison! Open up! Let her in! She's not a player! She's not playing with you like..." (Sighs of frustration) "Come on Alison! Don't be a coward! You're madly in love with this girl! She's not gonna hurt us! Come on...!"

Emily. – "Ali... what are you thinking...?"

Alison took a deep breath and said. – "Em, there is a reason why I didn't mention you about my birthday before..."

Emily noticed that the blonde was having problems to speak out and said with a soft voice. – "You don't have to say anything that you don't want to..."

Alison. – "I want to... I want you to know me better..." (Deep breath) "Em... it has been a while since I really don't see my birthday as a date to celebrate... I..." (Deep breath) "On my 8th birthday, I got in a car crash with my mom; she died on that accident, I saw her died and I couldn't do anything, the memory of her death it was what I dreamed the other night..." (Sighs) "I guess that I didn't say anything sooner because talking about my birthday reminds me my mom's death and I don't like to talk about it..."

Emily rubbed Alison's back. – "I'm sorry Ali..."

Alison sighed. – "It's ok Em... sorry for not telling you this sooner, it's just... it's painful..."

Emily continued hugging her and then Alison chucked as she felt the warm hug of Emily.

Alison. – "I went to NY because each year my Dad organized a mass on her name..."

Emily. – "I thought that you went to celebrate your birthday with your family..."

Alison. – "I wish... but quoting my Dad words..." (She imitated the voice of her Dad) "'That's not how we, the DiLaurentis works...'"

Both girls giggled hearing the attempt of imitation of the blonde.

Alison. – "I've spoken about you with my brother Jason... I would love to present you with him one day..."

Emily blushed. – "I would love it too..."

They continued hugging and looking to the starts...

(In Alison's office)

At Friday, Alison took off the day and she invited the girls for lunch, they went to a nice restaurant close to the beach, they walked on the beach and then Emily insisted that they needed to pass by the office; Alison didn't understand why Emily wanted to pass by the office until they arrived, she smiled and felt overwhelmed when she saw all her employees waiting for her with a birthday cake. Everybody sang to her 'Happy Birthday' and a tear of happiness appeared on Alison's face. Alison said thanks to everybody and announced that her initiative for their medical care and scholarship program for support the education of the kids of the employees have been approved; Alison took the time to greet everyone...

Aria. – "It looks like she's a nice boss..."

Erza. – "Yes she's... everybody loves her here... she cares a lot about us..."

Aria looked surprised by the man that started to talk with her...

Erza. – "Oh sorry... I just heard you speaking and I talk..."

Aria. – "It's ok..."

Erza stretched her hand and said with a smile. – "Hi, I'm Erza..."

Aria chucked and shook his hand. – "Nice to meet you Erza... I'm Aria..."

Both smiled and continued talking...

(In the apartment)

After a nice moment in the office, the girls showed the city to Spencer and Aria, as it was their 1st time in California, at night, they went to a club and they had a great time; the girls were thinking to leave on Saturday but Alison invited them to stay for the week-end and when she mentioned the vineyard of the family, everybody accepted the invitation. They left the club earlier in order to wake up earlier in the morning and go to the vineyard to pass the week-end there. There were all excited by the week-end and it was when they were opening the door to leave when an unexpected visit showed up in the door...

Emily. – "Mom?!"

Pam. – "Emmy! Surprise!"

Next CH7 – The Fields

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