Chapter 4 - 1st Dates

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Note 1: Everything that is between double quotes " " it's dialogue.

Note 2: So last time, in a rush of emotions, Emily kissed Alison in the lips; this chapter will start immediately after that...

Note 3: For one part of the chapter, there is a music moment, I mean, like the music played as background when the scene happens...

Chapter 4 – 1st Dates

(At the apartment)

Emily cupped Alison's cheeks with her hands and she was kissing her with the eyes closed, the brunette just melted as she felt the soft lips of Alison against her own; suddenly she opened her eyes when she realized what she was doing.

Emily selft-talk in her mind. – "Oh Fuck! I'm kissing her, Oh God! What do I do? How I explain it?! ... Wait... she's not pushing me back... is that a good thing?! Damn Fields! Think! What fuck I'm gonna do?!"

Alison blushed but she continued frozen as a statue, her mind was still processing what was happening. After some minutes, Emily pushed away as the blonde continued to stay frozen without saying a word. They stood face to face in silence for some minutes looking into the eyes; Alison took a deep breath and broke the silence...

Alison. – "Emily..."

The blonde didn't end her sentence when Emily interrupted her...

Emily. – "I like you!"

Alison said with a confused look. – "What?!"

Emily self-talk in her mind. – "Crap! Did I say it loud! .... What should I say... mmm... how I fix this? Oh I've an idea let's say that I like her as a friend... yeah that will work and about the kiss... mmm... it was a friend kiss... straight girls made kissing practice with her girl friends right? Yeah let's play that..."

Alison. – "Emily..."

Emily was planning to go with her idea that she schemed on her mind but when she looked into the ocean blues eyes of Alison, she decided to follow her heart and not her mind...

Emily self-talk in her mind. – "Damn Fuck it!"

Alison. - "Emily..."

Emily took a deep breath and talked from the heart...

Emily. – "I like you! I like you too much! I didn't plan it, It just happened! Ali... I never thought I'd have to tell you how I feel but fuck it! I can't rewind and take it back so here I go... You make me smile, I don't know if you've noticed it but every time that I look at you, a big goofy smile appears in my lips... Every moment I spent with you shins... because the weather was good... because the weather was bad... because the weather was good enough... You've become my shining star on my cloudy life and I can't stop to think that there is a spark between us and until tonight I convinced myself that I could be happy just knowing you're in my world but now! Now! I realized that's not true... you mean so much to me Ali and maybe I'm losing my mind here but I want to ask... now that I've the courage to speak out... may be my only chance to ask this... so Ali... you and me... d-d-do you believe that could be ever going anywhere... more than roomies or friends?"

Emily swallowed hard and sweated in front of the frozen Alison.

Alison self-talk on her mind. – "What?! She's into me?! How is that possible? She's straight isn't?! Or maybe she's 'bisexual'... so if she's 'bi' if that's the case then..."

Emily gulped. – "Ali...?"

Alison ran to her room and Emily's tears started to fall as she thought that she had messed it all.

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